Marilyn Mosby seeks to block release of Freddie Gray autopsy!

What a dumbass statement.
What the hell do you think this thread is about?

Oh this thread is obviously about waiting for all the evidence :rolleyes:

She wont release the evidence you fuckwit.

Which part of the word "all" confuses you? The "a" or the two "L's"?

What part of her refusing to release the autopsy results do you not understand?
She obviously has something to hide.

Oh I see, you suffer from not being able to see the word "all".

So you're saying she can pick and choose what evidence she releases to the defense?
I bet your opinion would change if it was a ghetto thug rather than a cop.
Oh this thread is obviously about waiting for all the evidence :rolleyes:

She wont release the evidence you fuckwit.

Which part of the word "all" confuses you? The "a" or the two "L's"?

What part of her refusing to release the autopsy results do you not understand?
She obviously has something to hide.

Oh I see, you suffer from not being able to see the word "all".

So you're saying she can pick and choose what evidence she releases to the defense?
I bet your opinion would change if it was a ghetto thug rather than a cop.

Does pick and choose mean "all"?
She wont release the evidence you fuckwit.

Which part of the word "all" confuses you? The "a" or the two "L's"?

What part of her refusing to release the autopsy results do you not understand?
She obviously has something to hide.

Oh I see, you suffer from not being able to see the word "all".

So you're saying she can pick and choose what evidence she releases to the defense?
I bet your opinion would change if it was a ghetto thug rather than a cop.

Does pick and choose mean "all"?

WTF? Now you're just going down the stupid path.
The cops being acquitted will give the thugs a new reason to loot and then get more Unca Sugar money thrown at the people will never see. If somebody can name a single successful US city run by blacks, link me to it.
Which part of the word "all" confuses you? The "a" or the two "L's"?

What part of her refusing to release the autopsy results do you not understand?
She obviously has something to hide.

Oh I see, you suffer from not being able to see the word "all".

So you're saying she can pick and choose what evidence she releases to the defense?
I bet your opinion would change if it was a ghetto thug rather than a cop.

Does pick and choose mean "all"?

WTF? Now you're just going down the stupid path.

Still confused what waiting for all the evidence means then? Dont answer....
She has to release all the evidence. She may try to stop any release to the public and stop the defense from releasing the evidence but she cannot stop the defense from getting it.
Mosby may just being playing her hand like an expert. Wait until there is a jury who hears only the evidence and not the spin usually accompanying the facts. She may be depending on that dramatic exposure of the autopsy displaying the fact that Freddie may have had additional injuries that could not have been self inflicted. She just may be the smart one here. No one really knows until the trial and that is how it should be.
Mosby may just being playing her hand like an expert. Wait until there is a jury who hears only the evidence and not the spin usually accompanying the facts. She may be depending on that dramatic exposure of the autopsy displaying the fact that Freddie may have had additional injuries that could not have been self inflicted. She just may be the smart one here. No one really knows until the trial and that is how it should be.

Nothing "smart" about playing with cops lives.....they don't last long in prison. They should never have been charged in the first place. When you resist arrest you're going to the ground HARD....if you just had spinal surgery then don't resist...or better yet stop being a criminal. The cops have shown the people of Baltimore what life is like without them....the thin blue line is getting thinner and thinner.
Mosby may just being playing her hand like an expert. Wait until there is a jury who hears only the evidence and not the spin usually accompanying the facts. She may be depending on that dramatic exposure of the autopsy displaying the fact that Freddie may have had additional injuries that could not have been self inflicted. She just may be the smart one here. No one really knows until the trial and that is how it should be.

Nothing "smart" about playing with cops lives.....they don't last long in prison. They should never have been charged in the first place. When you resist arrest you're going to the ground HARD....if you just had spinal surgery then don't resist...or better yet stop being a criminal. The cops have shown the people of Baltimore what life is like without them....the thin blue line is getting thinner and thinner.

I'm pointing out what she is doing may not be illegal or even unethical. Just tactical.

I personally think the cops are in trouble ef for nothing else, the lack of securement with the seat belt.

I do feel, however, that cops are justified for not hurrying to police calls when they could be mugged or killed. Let the inner cities learn what it is like not to generally support the Police Department. But if the cops were found to be negligent in the Gray case, they should also suffer the consequences.

The police need those body cams to support their cases that they are good cops following protocal and get the black community off their backs.

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