Marine discharged after getting caught on camera harassing black woman at Trump rally

I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.
No it was racist due to the racial slurs used against the young lady.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
Conduct unbecoming. I have no problem with how the Corp handled this one.
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.
The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.
The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.
Its not Black peoples fault you lose your intelligence when we are around. You need to go see a specialist to help you with your white inferiority complex so you wont have that issue in the future.
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.
The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.

This has been a policy since I joined at 18.

One of the first things told to us in Basic... Discrimination, of any kind, will not be tolerated.

Especially racial discrimination.

We were informed that we were one color...Green.

The 2nd thing was to not disgrace your uniform.

I would not want this recruit in my squad nor my flight.
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.
The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.

This has been a policy since I joined at 18.

One of the first things told to us in Basic... Discrimination, of any kind, will not be tolerated.

Especially racial discrimination.

We were informed that we were one color...Green.

The 2nd thing was to not disgrace your uniform.

I would not want this recruit in my squad nor my flight.
You still haven't said what was racist about it. Was there racism or are you just assuming so?
He's not a Marine yet. He was kicked out of the delayed entry program. You can start that while a senior in high school. I had a friend who did that.
The DEP is a legally binding agreement between the recruit and the USMC.
Once signed both parties are legally bound to adhere to the USMC recruiting protocols.
There is no way the recruit could have been summarily discharged without a full legal court martial hearing.
The recruit does have a solid gold lawsuit which the USMC will have to settle.

That's nonsense.
Marine Corps, Delayed Entry Program |
Please note the part where it says the DEP once signed is a "legally binding contract". BTW asshole. That means the agreement is "legally binding" for both parties.
He's not a Marine yet. He was kicked out of the delayed entry program. You can start that while a senior in high school. I had a friend who did that.
The DEP is a legally binding agreement between the recruit and the USMC.
Once signed both parties are legally bound to adhere to the USMC recruiting protocols.
There is no way the recruit could have been summarily discharged without a full legal court martial hearing.
The recruit does have a solid gold lawsuit which the USMC will have to settle.

That's nonsense.
Marine Corps, Delayed Entry Program |
Please note the part where it says the DEP once signed is a "legally binding contract". BTW asshole. That means the agreement is "legally binding" for both parties.

So you're insisting that it's ok for that young man to physically assault a female, repeatedly, in public, while on national tv no less, and even go so far as to boast that what he did was golden and should be rewarded with millions of dollars ? And paid for by the government no less.
Wise up asshole. NOWHERE have I "insisted" fuck all with regard to how the young man behaved.
All I said is if he was summarily kicked out of the DEP without due process he has a case. Note the words 'due process'.
If during the 'due process' he is found guilty of anything throw the fucking book at him!

Well, than why are you so mad at me for arguing a minor legal point point ? The answer is that you're giving this minor point more weight in the hope that this kids thuggish behavior is swept under the rug.
It was described as a racially charged incident.

Like I said. I was viewing it my tablet. I'll get a better understanding when I view it on my computer.

Others we're shouting and referring to the girl as a ******.

When he posted the incident on his account he made the reference to the Marines.

He was in the middle of the incident and the Marine Corp view was he was involved and made mention of the Corp.

Enough to initiate the investigation and relieve him of his obligation for active participation.
Was she there to cause trouble like Rosa Parks on that bus? Seems to me if the girl was there to disrupt, she left herself open to pushback. Literally. Participate in civil disobedience? This is what you get.

BTW. Who names their kid Kayisha?

Who names their kid Willard?
The DEP is a legally binding agreement between the recruit and the USMC.
Once signed both parties are legally bound to adhere to the USMC recruiting protocols.
There is no way the recruit could have been summarily discharged without a full legal court martial hearing.
The recruit does have a solid gold lawsuit which the USMC will have to settle.

Yes, I'm sure you know so much more about this than the Marines do. :laugh2:
It was described as a racially charged incident.

Like I said. I was viewing it my tablet. I'll get a better understanding when I view it on my computer.

Others we're shouting and referring to the girl as a ******.

When he posted the incident on his account he made the reference to the Marines.

He was in the middle of the incident and the Marine Corp view was he was involved and made mention of the Corp.

Enough to initiate the investigation and relieve him of his obligation for active participation.

I hope donald trump feels proud for having played such a big role in taking a wrecking ball to that poor kids future.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.

A negro?

The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.

Yeah...... They are the ones setting back relations..... Sure.........
The DEP is a legally binding agreement between the recruit and the USMC.
Once signed both parties are legally bound to adhere to the USMC recruiting protocols.
There is no way the recruit could have been summarily discharged without a full legal court martial hearing.
The recruit does have a solid gold lawsuit which the USMC will have to settle.

Yes, I'm sure you know so much more about this than the Marines do. :laugh2:
The operative word being protocols.

He appears to not have kept his part of the bargain.

I would think he could request a hearing.

When he involved himself in the incident and brought the USMC into it he was rejected.

Recruits are also rejected out of basic for as much.

He had not sworn the oath and it appears he does not have to be court martialed.
It was described as a racially charged incident.

Like I said. I was viewing it my tablet. I'll get a better understanding when I view it on my computer.

Others we're shouting and referring to the girl as a ******.

When he posted the incident on his account he made the reference to the Marines.

He was in the middle of the incident and the Marine Corp view was he was involved and made mention of the Corp.

Enough to initiate the investigation and relieve him of his obligation for active participation.

I hope donald trump feels proud for having played such a big role in taking a wrecking ball to that poor kids future.
He brought it on himself.

Trump was not holding his hand.

He should have shown restraint.

It is expected.
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.
The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.

This has been a policy since I joined at 18.

One of the first things told to us in Basic... Discrimination, of any kind, will not be tolerated.

Especially racial discrimination.

We were informed that we were one color...Green.

The 2nd thing was to not disgrace your uniform.

I would not want this recruit in my squad nor my flight.
You still haven't said what was racist about it. Was there racism or are you just assuming so?
there were reports of racial slurs
I know exactly how the UCMJ works and this man would have to be court martialed, to be discharged. He can't be summarily cashiered from the service.

Was he court martialed?
Apparently he didn't need to be court martialed since he was in some kind of delayed entry program and got kicked out of the program, he was never in the Marines.
It was described as a racially charged incident.

Like I said. I was viewing it my tablet. I'll get a better understanding when I view it on my computer.

Others we're shouting and referring to the girl as a ******.

When he posted the incident on his account he made the reference to the Marines.

He was in the middle of the incident and the Marine Corp view was he was involved and made mention of the Corp.

Enough to initiate the investigation and relieve him of his obligation for active participation.

I hope donald trump feels proud for having played such a big role in taking a wrecking ball to that poor kids future.
If Trump just hadn't run for president, this would never have happened.
It was described as a racially charged incident.

Like I said. I was viewing it my tablet. I'll get a better understanding when I view it on my computer.

Others we're shouting and referring to the girl as a ******.

When he posted the incident on his account he made the reference to the Marines.

He was in the middle of the incident and the Marine Corp view was he was involved and made mention of the Corp.

Enough to initiate the investigation and relieve him of his obligation for active participation.

I hope donald trump feels proud for having played such a big role in taking a wrecking ball to that poor kids future.
If Trump just hadn't run for president, this would never have happened.
I've seen many like him in my time.

I'm sure he got caught up in the moment.

He should have left the Corp out of it and kept it off of Facebook.

We have a way of ridding those like him from our ranks.

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