Marine discharged after getting caught on camera harassing black woman at Trump rally

It was described as a racially charged incident.

Like I said. I was viewing it my tablet. I'll get a better understanding when I view it on my computer.

Others we're shouting and referring to the girl as a ******.

When he posted the incident on his account he made the reference to the Marines.

He was in the middle of the incident and the Marine Corp view was he was involved and made mention of the Corp.

Enough to initiate the investigation and relieve him of his obligation for active participation.

I hope donald trump feels proud for having played such a big role in taking a wrecking ball to that poor kids future.
If Trump just hadn't run for president, this would never have happened.
I've seen many like him in my time.

I'm sure he got caught up in the moment.

He should have left the Corp out of it and kept it off of Facebook.

We have a way of ridding those like him from our ranks.
that's what got him kicked out. he used poor judgment putting that on facebook. otherwise he would have just been another angry face in the crowd but he posted it proudly when he should have been ashamed of his actions.
It was described as a racially charged incident.

Like I said. I was viewing it my tablet. I'll get a better understanding when I view it on my computer.

Others we're shouting and referring to the girl as a ******.

When he posted the incident on his account he made the reference to the Marines.

He was in the middle of the incident and the Marine Corp view was he was involved and made mention of the Corp.

Enough to initiate the investigation and relieve him of his obligation for active participation.

I hope donald trump feels proud for having played such a big role in taking a wrecking ball to that poor kids future.
If Trump just hadn't run for president, this would never have happened.
I've seen many like him in my time.

I'm sure he got caught up in the moment.

He should have left the Corp out of it and kept it off of Facebook.

We have a way of ridding those like him from our ranks.
that's what got him kicked out. he used poor judgment putting that on facebook. otherwise he would have just been another angry face in the crowd but he posted it proudly when he should have been ashamed of his actions.

I would have no problem with a review.

If he does show that he ashamed and has no intention of repeating this "discrepancy" in the future.

If he wants to be a Marine, he better start acting like one.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.

A negro?

The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.

Yeah...... They are the ones setting back relations..... Sure.........
Do you think Al Sharpton, one of Obama's buddies, hasn't had a negative impact on race relations?
If you don't think so you'd be in a very small minority.
I encourage you to 'Google' 'Obama sets back race relations.
Even people in the black community are saying so.

It was described as a racially charged incident.

Like I said. I was viewing it my tablet. I'll get a better understanding when I view it on my computer.

Others we're shouting and referring to the girl as a ******.

When he posted the incident on his account he made the reference to the Marines.

He was in the middle of the incident and the Marine Corp view was he was involved and made mention of the Corp.

Enough to initiate the investigation and relieve him of his obligation for active participation.

I hope donald trump feels proud for having played such a big role in taking a wrecking ball to that poor kids future.
He brought it on himself.

Trump was not holding his hand.

He should have shown restraint.

It is expected.

I want to agree with you but in this case, not so much because unless this kid had a history of perpetrating violence on women and than running home to brag about it on facebook, he never would have been accepted as a recruit
I know exactly how the UCMJ works and this man would have to be court martialed, to be discharged. He can't be summarily cashiered from the service.

Was he court martialed?
Apparently he didn't need to be court martialed since he was in some kind of delayed entry program and got kicked out of the program, he was never in the Marines.

If he wasn't sworn in, maybe. However, I would like to know under what regulation he was discharged.
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.

Surely your not surprised?
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.

The only regulation concerning service members participating in political activities States that the serviceman can't do it on duty, nor in uniform.
He's not a Marine yet. He was kicked out of the delayed entry program. You can start that while a senior in high school. I had a friend who did that.
The DEP is a legally binding agreement between the recruit and the USMC.
Once signed both parties are legally bound to adhere to the USMC recruiting protocols.
There is no way the recruit could have been summarily discharged without a full legal court martial hearing.
The recruit does have a solid gold lawsuit which the USMC will have to settle.

That's nonsense.
Marine Corps, Delayed Entry Program |
Please note the part where it says the DEP once signed is a "legally binding contract". BTW asshole. That means the agreement is "legally binding" for both parties.
He's not a Marine yet. He was kicked out of the delayed entry program. You can start that while a senior in high school. I had a friend who did that.
The DEP is a legally binding agreement between the recruit and the USMC.
Once signed both parties are legally bound to adhere to the USMC recruiting protocols.
There is no way the recruit could have been summarily discharged without a full legal court martial hearing.
The recruit does have a solid gold lawsuit which the USMC will have to settle.

That's nonsense.
Marine Corps, Delayed Entry Program |
Please note the part where it says the DEP once signed is a "legally binding contract". BTW asshole. That means the agreement is "legally binding" for both parties.

So you're insisting that it's ok for that young man to physically assault a female, repeatedly, in public, while on national tv no less, and even go so far as to boast that what he did was golden and should be rewarded with millions of dollars ? And paid for by the government no less.
Wise up asshole. NOWHERE have I "insisted" fuck all with regard to how the young man behaved.
All I said is if he was summarily kicked out of the DEP without due process he has a case. Note the words 'due process'.
If during the 'due process' he is found guilty of anything throw the fucking book at him!

There's it is. He was denied his right to die process.

I would love to find out with whom this all got started.
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.

Show us the regulation he violated.
I know exactly how the UCMJ works and this man would have to be court martialed, to be discharged. He can't be summarily cashiered from the service.

Was he court martialed?

He's not a Marine yet. He was kicked out of the delayed entry program. You can start that while a senior in high school. I had a friend who did that.
The DEP is a legally binding agreement between the recruit and the USMC.
Once signed both parties are legally bound to adhere to the USMC recruiting protocols.
There is no way the recruit could have been summarily discharged without a full legal court martial hearing.
The recruit does have a solid gold lawsuit which the USMC will have to settle.
except he was and i'm willing to bet those that made the decision are a lot better informed on what they can and cannot do than you are.

the little bastard got kicked out. deal with it

Or, maybe those who made the decision hope he won't push the issue.

Let's don't be so naive to insist that someone in the chain of command made a bad decision.
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.

Show us the regulation he violated.
I thought it would be found in DoDD 5500.7.

I was scanning the PDF, but it's a lot of pages.
Sounds to me like this Marine--wouldbe Marine--has a nice little lawsuit, since he wasn't on duty and out of uniform and no charges were filed.

Actually, he doesn't really, because in order to be able to go to a political rally, you need to check with your PAO (Public Affairs Officer) to see what you can and can't do at the rally (the rules are pretty specific on those), which I'm guessing he probably didn't because DEP (Delayed Entry Program) personnel generally don't know anything other than what their recruiter tells them, since they are not fully in the military yet.

And yes, people who are in DEP are subject to the UCMJ, and are expected to act accordingly.

As far as kicking him out? DEP is a bit different than being active duty, because you haven't formally sworn in yet, so if you do something that could be considered embarrassing by the military, they can void your DEP enlistment and refuse to allow you to go to boot camp.

And don't need to appear before a courts martial to be discharged. You can be discharged for any number of reasons while in boot camp (failure to acclimate, not in good enough shape, or some other reason), and it is considered an ELS (Entry Level Separation), and they simply send you home.

In the cases of personnel who have been to Captains mast several times and show that they aren't good military people? The Captain can recommend that you are discharged and send it up to Washington for approval, or, sometimes Washington will send out a Project Upgrade message and you have one week to figure out who you want to kick out and if the meet the requirements of Project Upgrade, they are gone.

Worked in personnel for 20 years in the Navy, as well as worked at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) for the last 2 1/2 years I was in.
Sounds to me like this Marine--wouldbe Marine--has a nice little lawsuit, since he wasn't on duty and out of uniform and no charges were filed.

Actually, he doesn't really, because in order to be able to go to a political rally, you need to check with your PAO (Public Affairs Officer) to see what you can and can't do at the rally (the rules are pretty specific on those), which I'm guessing he probably didn't because DEP (Delayed Entry Program) personnel generally don't know anything other than what their recruiter tells them, since they are not fully in the military yet.

And yes, people who are in DEP are subject to the UCMJ, and are expected to act accordingly.

As far as kicking him out? DEP is a bit different than being active duty, because you haven't formally sworn in yet, so if you do something that could be considered embarrassing by the military, they can void your DEP enlistment and refuse to allow you to go to boot camp.

And don't need to appear before a courts martial to be discharged. You can be discharged for any number of reasons while in boot camp (failure to acclimate, not in good enough shape, or some other reason), and it is considered an ELS (Entry Level Separation), and they simply send you home.

In the cases of personnel who have been to Captains mast several times and show that they aren't good military people? The Captain can recommend that you are discharged and send it up to Washington for approval, or, sometimes Washington will send out a Project Upgrade message and you have one week to figure out who you want to kick out and if the meet the requirements of Project Upgrade, they are gone.

Worked in personnel for 20 years in the Navy, as well as worked at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) for the last 2 1/2 years I was in.
Thank you for the clarification.

I've been researching on and off today.
And.............fwiw...............when you sign up in the DEP program, you do an informal swearing in, but when you show up on the morning you ship off to boot camp, THEN is when you do your "official" swearing in to active duty.

DEP personnel actually have 2 swearing ins, one for DEP and one for active duty.
So remember that video that surfaced a few days ago of that black chick getting shoved around at the Trump rally in Louisville? Well, one of her attackers was apparently enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and has now been kicked out for embarrassing them.

Trump supporters..............

An aspiring marine has been kicked out of the Corp's for harassing a black woman at a Donald Trump rally.

Joseph Pryor, who had enlisted in the Marine's delayed entry program, was filmed shouting at University of Louisville student Kayisha Nwanguma at the political event at Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1.

Shocking footage of the event shows the young, black protester being violently pushed around and screamed at to 'get out' by angry rally-goers.

Marine discharged after caught attacking black woman at Trump rally
Took a big guy to do what he did. Good thing they caught him early or he would have been raping women in other countries like some of the older GI's told me happened a lot when they were in Vietnam.

Kinda like the Liberal bitches that assaulted Ann Coulter?

Que the double standard...

Score one for the transgender peanut gallery. Oh Yeah!
I didn't see the video but how was it racist? Did he call her racist names or something?
He was shouting and yelling at her with others who were there. I didn't hear him explicitly use any racial slurs, (viewed it on you tube on my tablet).

The USMC, as do the other services, have policies concerning recruits and active service members engaging and participating in political activities while representating a branch of the military. Especially in uniform.

The fact that it was a racially charged incident was enough to deny him enlistment.
I thought he wasn't in uniform yet? And it was racist because she was black? That doesn't compute. There seems to be an assumption if one is black and the other is white it's a racial matter.
Thanks to Obama that is exactly what it's come down to.
It is literally impossible to have an intelligent debate if there's a negro involved in the issue.
The LIB MSM and Obama have been playing the race card for 7+ years. They have set race relations back decades.
They must be very proud of themselves.
Yes...Obama made them act badly. Blame Obama. :lmao:

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