Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker she's introducing articles of impeachment against Biden on Monday because he [checks notes] sells oil to China

Eh….a consensual affair. What Clinton did was a sexual assault. The Dems nailed Cohen for something unrelated.
Jones chose to settle. The dems didn't nail Cohen and trump was conspirator #1 or whatever they call a participant in a crime.
If Republicans get the House and Senate they can and should impeach him for anything and everything. Oh, and remove him.

Why not?
Sure...why not. It would be fun, right? Fits right in with the grievance politics of the MAGAt-GOP. I mean, having policies and actually running the country is TOOOOOO HAAAAARD!
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He doesn’t have to be the mastermind. He just has to have gained from Hunter’s bribes.
What bribes.
The Gateway Pundit and other RW rags fill your tiny brains with LIES.
There are NO bribes.
Democrats tried to say Trump was at once an evil genius
No trump hater has EVER describedtrump using the word 'genius'. NEVER.
in Fact, the only person using that word is trump himself.

"I'm a stable genius."

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Jones chose to settle. The dems didn't nail Cohen and trump was conspirator #1 or whatever they call a participant in a crime.
Blah, blah, blah. We’ve had the double standards of Dems for years, going after anyone in Trump’s sphere out of an irrational and unjustified hatred of Trump while suppressing anything corrupt having to do with Dems. When we take the House, then we will start to uncover the REAL criminals.
What about her daddy?

July 19 2022
Republicans in Congress are demanding investigations into the Biden administration's recent release of oil to a China.

Documents show that, like the current administration, the Trump administration also sold to the highest competitive, non-sanctioned bidders, including Chinese companies, as is required by law.

Data collected by the Department of Energy shows the Trump administration sold a million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserves to PetroChina in Trump's first year in office.


Then WTF are we in trade deals with them for?

February 16 2022
The final tally is in, and the numbers are grim: Donald Trump's huge trade deal with China — the deal he trumpeted as a "transformative" victory for the U.S. — turned out to be a massive bust.

Trump called the deal a "historical" agreement — and even bragged that China would buy not $200 billion in new goods and services but $300 billion.

Trump launched his trade war under the influence of Peter Navarro, an intensely anti-Chinese economist on the White House staff. He consistently proclaimed that the tariffs would cost China billions, but that notion was ridiculed by trade experts, who were virtually unanimous in concluding that they’ve been paid entirely by Americans.

The only people dumber than Trump..........................his cult.
Obama was smart...he is the only person in america who knew there are 57 states
So Marjorie Taylor Greene is just another fucking moron who doesn't understand how the reserve works. I'm not surprised.
So, since you are so fucking smart, why don't you explain where she is wrong regarding how the reserve works?

I don't think it is an impeachable offense, but then again, DEMS impeached Trump for two offenses that were not impeachable.
Trump paid so she would be quiet during the election, which is illegal.

So any receipts or anything of money we can splash on a Screen? Mansions or anything? I want to be entertained!

Oh, bullshit! Please cite the law he broke! Why didn't the Dems impeach him for that too? Oh, is it because it only exists in your tiny little pair of brain cells?
Article I § 2 of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power to impeach (make formal charges against) and Article I § 3 gives the Senate the sole power to try impeachments. Article II § 4 of the Constitution provides as follows:

"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
Was there some purpose in that posting, Mr. MOTO?
This is going to be fun. I look forward to the hearings explaining how Biden is both a criminal mastermind, and a dottering incoherent senile old man.
Brandon WAS a criminal mastermind in the past. Now he is a doddering, incoherent, senile old man.

Learn to spell and use punctuation.
Oh, bullshit! Please cite the law he broke! Why didn't the Dems impeach him for that too? Oh, is it because it only exists in your tiny little pair of brain cells?
Well, some real believers in God might say he broke one of the 10 Commandments.
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Are you OK with trump committing Adultery?

Or will you claim trump NEVER did commit Adultery?

Are you OK with trump committing Adultery?

Or will you claim trump NEVER did commit Adultery?
I was OK with Clinton committing adultery. Too bad he had to sully the Oval Office though.
So, since you are so fucking smart, why don't you explain where she is wrong regarding how the reserve works?

I don't think it is an impeachable offense, but then again, DEMS impeached Trump for two offenses that were not impeachable.

Once the petroleum is released from the SPR, the domestic companies that buy it are free to sell to whoever they wish.

...In the face of such criticism, administration officials continued to insist that they can’t control what private companies do, and the oil that went overseas appears to be a small fraction of the total released from the national reserve thus far. Some conservatives conceded the point – at least in part. “Once oil is released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, current U.S. law allows for companies that are registered to purchase it to then sell it on the market, including to adversaries like China,” said Heritage Foundation energy analyst Jack Spencer...

Now you know why she is wrong.

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