Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker she's introducing articles of impeachment against Biden on Monday because he [checks notes] sells oil to China

At the very least put the show on. And get some more dirt on Biden. Just on what has been proven the last few years Joe should not have run. But he is insulated and protected by the elites, national police force apparatus and the media.

There's no excuse for such ignorance.
This is going to be fun. I look forward to the hearings explaining how Biden is both a criminal mastermind, and a dottering incoherent senile old man.
Oh that can be done the same way Democrats tried to say Trump was at once an evil genius and, at the same time, a brainless buffoon. Politics works both ways.
Under normal circumstances we could assume that the loonier loonybirds like MTG would be shut down within the party long before any stupid shit saw the light of day.

These aren't normal circumstances. So this embarrassing circus is far from over.

How about selling off 100 million barrels from the Strategic Oil Reserve during a non emergency?

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Cool. Do we have any bank transfers or anything? It would be cool to see a cancelled check like when Trump gave his hooker girlfriend all that money to keep quiet.
You'll not see any of that connected to Biden, his brother told Bobulinski that Joe had 'plausible deniability' and was given the code name 'The big guy' in the dispersement of illegal, laundered money. This is what criminal rackets do. The 'big guy' is always isolated from the criminal actions of the cartel.
Yet oil prices were the lowest in decades. Can you figure out why?

It was 2018 and production doubled during the Obama years. In fact, rig count was higher than it had been in 44 years so Trump was in good shape.

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What about her daddy?

July 19 2022
Republicans in Congress are demanding investigations into the Biden administration's recent release of oil to a China.

Documents show that, like the current administration, the Trump administration also sold to the highest competitive, non-sanctioned bidders, including Chinese companies, as is required by law.

Data collected by the Department of Energy shows the Trump administration sold a million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserves to PetroChina in Trump's first year in office.


Then WTF are we in trade deals with them for?

February 16 2022
The final tally is in, and the numbers are grim: Donald Trump's huge trade deal with China — the deal he trumpeted as a "transformative" victory for the U.S. — turned out to be a massive bust.

Trump called the deal a "historical" agreement — and even bragged that China would buy not $200 billion in new goods and services but $300 billion.

Trump launched his trade war under the influence of Peter Navarro, an intensely anti-Chinese economist on the White House staff. He consistently proclaimed that the tariffs would cost China billions, but that notion was ridiculed by trade experts, who were virtually unanimous in concluding that they’ve been paid entirely by Americans.

The only people dumber than Trump..........................his cult.
You know it's good to get a gauge on what any administration has done as far as trade goes including the current one, so I don't have a problem with figuring out how many government officials has sold us down the river without a paddle.

China is our enemy in various ways, but not totally of course..... The Chinese common citizen's aren't our enemies. Trade isn't our shouldn't be our enemy with China, but the practices of labor in China goes against our ethic's and values that we as citizen's hold dear in this country. The Covid release, and our involvement in that situation is a national security event from HELL.

Heads need to roll.

Selling our oil reserves to China is a very reckless thing after our super strained relations with the Chinese communist government over some super serious issue's like Taiwan, China/Russia relations, and the COVID release.

Are we that damned stupid that we don't see the paper tiger for what it is, and what it's ambition's are, and how we've sold our soul's to acquire wealth that is concentrated at levels that are isolated, and are as ignorant anymore about sovereignty and about stability, that they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater ??

Any administration could be scrutinized if it was Business as usual in ignoring the growing threat that is coming due to our lack in patriotism that should have given us a flag everytime we dealt with a foreign government in many ways, and then disregarded the long term consequences all for short term gains. Biden I believe is a national security threat, and I will always believe this

Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker she's introducing articles of impeachment against Biden on Monday​

I hope she introduces TEN articles of impeachment. BTW, where is our dear Mitch at?

See the source image
You know it's good to get a gauge on what any administration has done as far as trade goes including the current one, so I don't have a problem with figuring out how many government officials has sold us down the river without a paddle.

China is our enemy in various ways, but not totally of course..... The Chinese common citizen's aren't our enemies. Trade isn't our shouldn't be our enemy with China, but the practices of labor in China goes against our ethic's and values that we as citizen's hold dear in this country. The Covid release, and our involvement in that situation is a national security event from HELL.

Heads need to roll.

Selling our oil reserves to China is a very reckless thing after our super strained relations with the Chinese communist government over some super serious issue's like Taiwan, China/Russia relations, and the COVID release.

Are we that damned stupid that we don't see the paper tiger for what it is, and what it's ambition's are, and how we've sold our soul's to acquire wealth that is concentrated at levels that are isolated, and are as ignorant anymore about sovereignty and about stability, that they are throwing the baby out with the bathwater ??

Any administration could be scrutinized if it was Business as usual in ignoring the growing threat that is coming due to our lack in patriotism that should have given us a flag everytime we dealt with a foreign government in many ways, and then disregarded the long term consequences all for short term gains. Biden I believe is a national security threat, and I will always believe this
Cool. Do we have any bank transfers or anything? It would be cool to see a cancelled check like when Trump gave his hooker girlfriend all that money to keep quiet.
They weren’t that obvIous about it. But Hunter complained about having to give so much of his bribe money to Joe, and paid for a lot of Joe’s expenses.

Also, Trump paying hush money to the hooker is perfectly legal, and a lot different than Joe profiting from his son’s bribes from foreign enemies. (It is also nowhere near as bad as when Clinton paid Paula Jones a settlement to drop her rape case.)
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Intentionally welcoming in illegal aliens in order to weaken the country is treasonous, as is profiting from his son’s bribes from the Communist Party, as is donating $85 billion in military equipment to the Taliban.
None of that is happening. There was no giving 85 million in military equipment to the taliban by Biden.
They weren’t that obvIous about it. But Hunter complained about having to give so much of his bribe money to Joe, and paid for a lot of Joe’s expenses.

Also, Trump paying hush money to the hooker is perfectly legal, and a lot different than Joe profiting from his son’s bribes from foreign enemies. (It is also nowhere near as bad as when Clinton paid Paula Jones a settlement to drop her rape case.)
What you say about Biden is untrue and it's illegal in most states to do ANY business with a prostitute.
You'll not see any of that connected to Biden, his brother told Bobulinski that Joe had 'plausible deniability' and was given the code name 'The big guy' in the dispersement of illegal, laundered money. This is what criminal rackets do. The 'big guy' is always isolated from the criminal actions of the cartel.
None of that is true.
What you say about Biden is untrue and it's illegal in most states to do ANY business with a prostitute.
First, she was a stripper….and it’s not illegal to have a consensual affair with her, or pay her to keep her mouth shut.

Now what Clinton did to an unwilling Paula Jones, THAT was illegal.
First, she was a stripper….and it’s not illegal to have a consensual affair with her, or pay her to keep her mouth shut.

Now what Clinton did to an unwilling Paula Jones, THAT was illegal.
What trump did was illegal. That's why Cohen went to prison. Jones chose to settle.
What trump did was illegal. That's why Cohen went to prison. Jones chose to settle.
Eh….a consensual affair. What Clinton did was a sexual assault. The Dems nailed Cohen for something unrelated.
This is going to be fun. I look forward to the hearings explaining how Biden is both a criminal mastermind, and a dottering incoherent senile old man.
Yeah, we need to see that.

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