Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Tucker she's introducing articles of impeachment against Biden on Monday because he [checks notes] sells oil to China

THEN, WHY is the US trading with them?
Because America sold it's soul long ago to the idea of globalism at all cost, and that is why the U.S. can't seem to back out no matter how bad things seem to be getting. We have wedged ourselves way to deep in the lopsided trade with the Chinese nation, and China has become -just as well- highly depended on us to keep it all going. Any challenges to the sensitive nature of us being so dependent is immediately met with fierce reactions by China or our own in an attempt to keep it all going.

Trump found out the hard way about it all. That's why he's being attacked here relentlessly by his opponents that oppose going back to a self-reliant independent free country, because in such freedom comes independent thought, and then rebellion. China and the globalist can't have that now can they ?
No lies, sorry I keep advancing and moving forward while you tRumptard bitches do nothing but piss and moan because your Fat Orange Shit Giblet God/King got smoked November 3rd 2020!
^^^ and this thing votes.

It’s unbelievable how the leftists have convinced the Democrats that they are the superior Aryans, and Trump voters are the subhuman Jews.
We sell oil out of the reserve all the time. Now we at least have solid evidence of just how stupid and ignorant MTG is. What the fuck is a peach tree dish? Does she mean petri dish? What a fucking retard.
Sure...why not. It would be fun, right? Fits right in with the grievance politics of the MAGAt-GOP. I mean, having policies and actually running the country is TOOOOOO HAAAAARD!

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
I agree Biden should be impeached.

But Marjorie Taylor Greene is a stupid bitch who should be impeached as well.
Because America sold it's soul long ago to the idea of globalism at all cost, and that is why the U.S. can't seem to back out no matter how bad things seem to be getting. We have wedged ourselves way to deep in the lopsided trade with the Chinese nation, and China has become -just as well- highly depended on us to keep it all going. Any challenges to the sensitive nature of us being so dependent is immediately met with fierce reactions by China or our own in an attempt to keep it all going.

Trump found out the hard way about it all. That's why he's being attacked here relentlessly by his opponents that oppose going back to a self-reliant independent free country,
Sure, Trump gave tax breaks to companies and this is how they repaid him.

Despite an agreement with President-elect Donald Trump to keep 1,000 manufacturing jobs in the U.S., Carrier Corporation says it will still relocate hundreds of jobs to Mexico.

Indiana taxpayers will end up helping defray the cost of the Carrier deal. In return for agreeing to keep 800 jobs in Indianapolis and invest $16 million in its Indiana factories, United Technologies will receive $7 million in tax credits over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana, of which Vice President-elect Mike Pence is governor.

In September 2017, House Speaker Paul Ryan traveled to a Harley-Davidson plant in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, to tout the Republican tax bill, which President Trump would sign later that year. “Tax reform can put American manufacturers and American companies like Harley-Davidson on a much better footing to compete in the global economy and keep jobs here in America,” Ryan told workers and company leaders.

It wasn’t just Ryan who made promises to Harley-Davidson. Trump in February 2017 met with Harley-Davidson executives and union representatives at the White House. He thanked the company for building in America and predicted its operations would grow.

Harley-Davidson is laying off 800 workers at a Kansas City, Missouri, factory by the fall of 2019.

Four months after Ryan's appearance at the Harley-Davidson factory in his home state, 800 workers in Kansas City, Missouri, were told they'd be out of jobs when their plant closes in 2019 and operations shift to York, Pennsylvania, resulting in a net loss of 350 jobs.

Only days after the Kansas City layoff news, Harley-Davidson announced a dividend hike and stock buyback plan worth about $696 million.

Harley-Davidson is expanding overseas, with plans to begin operations at a plant in Thailand later this year.

because in such freedom comes independent thought, and then rebellion.
More like brainwashing.

Then rebellion.


China and the globalist can't have that now can they ?
Trump and his MAGA cult have it bad, that..................... and projection.

Nope, it is you TDS folks that are the problem. Brainwashed since grade-school. As I have stated several times, I don’t care for Trump, the man, but his policies were spot on for the most part. I don’t hate Biden, the man, but his policies are for anti-Americans or the brain-dead.
Nope, it is you TDS folks that are the problem. Brainwashed since grade-school. As I have stated several times, I don’t care for Trump, the man, but his policies were spot on for the most part.
Yeah, Harley and Carrier agree too.
I don’t hate Biden, the man, but his policies are for anti-Americans or the brain-dead.


Biden never went to bat for Chinese companies.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Trump did.

Too many jobs in China LOST?

"Merica first?
What about her daddy?

July 19 2022
Republicans in Congress are demanding investigations into the Biden administration's recent release of oil to a China.

Documents show that, like the current administration, the Trump administration also sold to the highest competitive, non-sanctioned bidders, including Chinese companies, as is required by law.

Data collected by the Department of Energy shows the Trump administration sold a million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserves to PetroChina in Trump's first year in office.


Then WTF are we in trade deals with them for?

February 16 2022
The final tally is in, and the numbers are grim: Donald Trump's huge trade deal with China — the deal he trumpeted as a "transformative" victory for the U.S. — turned out to be a massive bust.

Trump called the deal a "historical" agreement — and even bragged that China would buy not $200 billion in new goods and services but $300 billion.

Trump launched his trade war under the influence of Peter Navarro, an intensely anti-Chinese economist on the White House staff. He consistently proclaimed that the tariffs would cost China billions, but that notion was ridiculed by trade experts, who were virtually unanimous in concluding that they’ve been paid entirely by Americans.

The only people dumber than Trump..........................his cult.
"What about"? Really?

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