Mark Cuban proudly proclaims he hires based on race in his defense of DEI... That's very illegal, here come the lawsuits

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
He made the initial claim but then admitted the opposite immediately..

Cuban said he had "never hired anyone based exclusively on race, gender, or religion," before qualifying that "race and gender" can sometimes be factored in if it meant putting his business "in the best position to succeed."

1. the first portion of that statement is false based on the second part.
2. Cuban is very racist because he holds the DEI viewpoint that a person's skin color dictates what they must think.

I hope he's sued for his blatant racism... a lot. But it's noteworthy to see how common it is for leftists to be secretly proud of their racism, Cuban just had the guts to admit it in public.

Meanwhile, given all of the claims of sexual harassment against Cuban, I wonder if he's gone full DEI to try to avoid being targeted by the woke movement? Is he simply bending the knee to Emperor Palpatine?
A fool and his money are soon parted.

The NHL has a diversity program due to too few minorities in hockey. Will the NBA do the same?\

Meritocracies are best.
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A fool and his money and soon parted.

The NHL has a diversity program due to too few minorities in hockey. Will the NBA do the same?\

Meritocracies are best.
For all the racial noise the NBA makes, it's awfully not represented by the population of the country.

Using lib logic there are too many black players and too little diversity in the NBA
I've always said my un-diverse team of 5 tall black male players would crush a diverse team of trans/white/asian/latino/female/queer players.
Anyone who hires based on Affirmatve Acrion is engaged in preferential hiring premised on race. For to hire a person based on one race is exactly the same as not hiring another person based on that other person’s race.
Anyone who hires based on Affirmatve Acrion is engaged in preferential hiring premised on race. For to hire a person based on one race is exactly the same as not hiring another person based on that other person’s race.

No, there is a huge difference.
What you are forgetting is that if 10% of the population is Black, and you reserve 10% of the jobs for Blacks, the whites are still getting 90% of the jobs and are not harmed.
Not hiring based Blacks based on racial affirmative action would likely mean no jobs for them at all.
While with affirmative actions, whites still are taking 90% of the jobs and are not harmed at all.
No, there is a huge difference.
What you are forgetting is that if 10% of the population is Black, and you reserve 10% of the jobs for Blacks, the whites are still getting 90% of the jobs and are not harmed.
Not hiring based Blacks based on racial affirmative action would likely mean no jobs for them at all.
While with affirmative actions, whites still are taking 90% of the jobs and are not harmed at all.
Nope. If you hire anyone based on race, then you are refusing to hire someone else based on the fact of a different race —for that position.

It’s racism.
For all the racial noise the NBA makes, it's awfully not represented by the population of the country.

Yes it is. You probably a only count the players then whine about discrimination.. But in this scenario, the players are labor.. Management and office personnel is another story.
A fool and his money are soon parted.

The NHL has a diversity program due to too few minorities in hockey. Will the NBA do the same?\

Meritocracies are best.
How about a diversity program for the NFL and NBA, due to too few whites & Asians ?
Anyone who hires based on Affirmatve Acrion is engaged in preferential hiring premised on race. For to hire a person based on one race is exactly the same as not hiring another person based on that other person’s race.
Ans all in violation of the 1964 US Civil Rights Act.
No, there is a huge difference.
What you are forgetting is that if 10% of the population is Black, and you reserve 10% of the jobs for Blacks, the whites are still getting 90% of the jobs and are not harmed.
Not hiring based Blacks based on racial affirmative action would likely mean no jobs for them at all.
While with affirmative actions, whites still are taking 90% of the jobs and are not harmed at all.
FALSE! Reality is not with you. Take a walk through any VA hospital in America. Each with thousands of employees, they are 99% non-white.
It's time right wing whites stopped lying about not hirng based on race.
It IS BASED ON RACE. just walk through your local VA Hospital (99% black/hispanic)

Jabil Circuit - 90% Vietnamese
WalMart - 90% Mexican
Yes it is. You probably a only count the players then whine about discrimination.. But in this scenario, the players are labor.. Management and office personnel is another story.
Of course I’m only counting the players, because that’s the job that supposedly needs to be racially managed (per your racist ideology). Millions of men dream of playing in the NBA. These are the most coveted jobs, and 70+ % are black. Can you explain the “systemic racism” in the NBA?
Anyone who hires based on Affirmatve Acrion is engaged in preferential hiring premised on race. For to hire a person based on one race is exactly the same as not hiring another person based on that other person’s race.


If you say "I will hire X amount of blacks" that means you also won't hire X amount of non blacks. Which is the very definition of racist hiring policies which is supposed to be against the law according to the federal government.

But then again the current administration of the federal government also proudly did the same thing on national television and no one said a thing.

Seems like laws against hiring based on race, sexuality and sex is only against the law for hiring white people.

The only hiring practice should be "hire the best person for the job based on intelligence, ambition, merit, skill and experience".

If you say "I will hire X amount of blacks" that means you also won't hire X amount of non blacks. Which is the very definition of racist hiring policies which is supposed to be against the law according to the federal government.
More shocking, our president loudly and proudly nominated a SCOTUS judge this way.

He eliminated 94% of the populace from consideration because of their race and sex. She will always be tainted as a DEI hire and not assumed to have attained the position based on her qualifications and merit. It’s terrible what Biden did to her.

Never forget that blazing racism, and remember, he proudly declared it. They are proud of it!
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