Mark Kelly's 'AR-15 Stunt' Provokes Giffords Photo Leak (photo of Gabby holding AR-15

The thing is...there is no single answer that will end all gun violence.

The NRA has taken a position that you can't ban all guns and if you try to nibble at the problem by attacking a little bit here...a little bit there....they mock you and say "That doesn't work"

We had a horrific problem with auto deaths in this country. We still do, but we have made significant progress in reducing traffic deaths. It wasn't done with a single law or by banning all automobiles. It was done by getting drunk drivers off the roads and making cars and roads safer

We need the same approach with guns

and there you go glossing over a little thing called rights. then again, you are a liberal

You have your rights to have a gun just like you have rights to own a car.

Doesn't mean there are no rules and restrictions

oh yea, i forgot cars were the 18th amendment :cuckoo:

once again, you are wrong again sport. i can buy what ever type of car i want, no restrictions. no limits to my options. heck, i can even buy a car that will do 150 mph even though my local speed limits are all under 50. i just have to use it within the parameters of the established laws. and that should be the extent of gun laws. you can buy what ever you want, you just have to use them within the laws. i'm fine with not killing anyone.
More people die in car-crashes every year than are killed by guns.
Why don't you pole-smoking Libberhoids grow a set and save some lives by baning cars.


We have no need to ban cars

We have reduced traffic fatalities through building safer cars and roads and by banning unsafe drivers. We also require insurance on cars to place the liability for those deaths on the owners

We need to do the same for guns

actually you better check on those insurance laws, you sem to be a bit misinformed. and once again, we have no restrictions on the type of car you can buy.
and there you go glossing over a little thing called rights. then again, you are a liberal

You have your rights to have a gun just like you have rights to own a car.

Doesn't mean there are no rules and restrictions

oh yea, i forgot cars were the 18th amendment :cuckoo:

once again, you are wrong again sport. i can buy what ever type of car i want, no restrictions. no limits to my options. heck, i can even buy a car that will do 150 mph even though my local speed limits are all under 50. i just have to use it within the parameters of the established laws. and that should be the extent of gun laws. you can buy what ever you want, you just have to use them within the laws. i'm fine with not killing anyone.


There are thousands of restrictions on cars. Before you can put a car on the road it must be safe, meet polution standards and meet both federal and state regulations.
More people die in car-crashes every year than are killed by guns.
Why don't you pole-smoking Libberhoids grow a set and save some lives by baning cars.


We have no need to ban cars

We have reduced traffic fatalities through building safer cars and roads and by banning unsafe drivers. We also require insurance on cars to place the liability for those deaths on the owners

We need to do the same for guns

actually you better check on those insurance laws, you sem to be a bit misinformed. and once again, we have no restrictions on the type of car you can buy.

Prove me wrong
You have your rights to have a gun just like you have rights to own a car.

Doesn't mean there are no rules and restrictions

oh yea, i forgot cars were the 18th amendment :cuckoo:

once again, you are wrong again sport. i can buy what ever type of car i want, no restrictions. no limits to my options. heck, i can even buy a car that will do 150 mph even though my local speed limits are all under 50. i just have to use it within the parameters of the established laws. and that should be the extent of gun laws. you can buy what ever you want, you just have to use them within the laws. i'm fine with not killing anyone.


There are thousands of restrictions on cars. Before you can put a car on the road it must be safe, meet polution standards and meet both federal and state regulations.

so all guns manufactured meet established safety standards too. another useless point on your part.
We have no need to ban cars

We have reduced traffic fatalities through building safer cars and roads and by banning unsafe drivers. We also require insurance on cars to place the liability for those deaths on the owners

We need to do the same for guns

actually you better check on those insurance laws, you sem to be a bit misinformed. and once again, we have no restrictions on the type of car you can buy.

Prove me wrong

ever own a car in new hampshire? or wisconsin? how about we adopt liberal californias laws and only require you are liable for damages if you cause any. so that cool with guns to. if you murder someone, you are responsible. leave the innocent population alone. do a little research before you keep flapping your gums wildly.
when one has to turn to emotion, its generally a sign that the argument along lines of critical thinking and logic have broken down, in short, there isn't one.

Feinstein went bonkers telling Cruz how long she had been on the committee, threw in the broken bodies at sandy Hook etc. but couldn't really answer his question.

The last assault ban didn't render any data sets that found any significant reduction in gun violence or on violent crime rates. Its not a conspiracy, the fact is Assault weapons are very rarely used in violent crimes and are not the preferred choice of criminals, period.

Making an emotional case to do "something, anything" that will have little to zero effect is a bankrupt argument, its a dishonest political and emotional salve.

Brietbart is having you on again.

She's always been pro-2nd amendment and has always owned guns. I agree with her and her husband completely but that doesn't mean I need to own a 100 round drum and an assault rifle.

I agree, you don't. You aren't intelligent enough to be trusted with such.
Only her face and her hand are in color. The rest of the photo is in black and white. Can you spell "Photoshop"?

You see no other color in that photo? Seriously? Do you own an old CRT monitor or ever seen an eye doctor?
We have no need to ban cars

We have reduced traffic fatalities through building safer cars and roads and by banning unsafe drivers. We also require insurance on cars to place the liability for those deaths on the owners

We need to do the same for guns

actually you better check on those insurance laws, you sem to be a bit misinformed. and once again, we have no restrictions on the type of car you can buy.

Prove me wrong

Your argument, your burden of proof.
Brietbart is having you on again.

She's always been pro-2nd amendment and has always owned guns. I agree with her and her husband completely but that doesn't mean I need to own a 100 round drum and an assault rifle.

Need to? No. Have a right to... yes. See how that works... personal responsibility.

Yabut, Rs are against any and all "personal responsibility" and/or personal liberty.

In fact, that's pretty much their entire platform.
Brietbart is having you on again.

She's always been pro-2nd amendment and has always owned guns. I agree with her and her husband completely but that doesn't mean I need to own a 100 round drum and an assault rifle.

good, don't own one. but that doesn't give you people the RIGHT to tell others what THEY NEED
Where do the Giffords get off telling others what the hell THEY NEED?

they are two faced hyprocites... it's don't do as I do, do I say
Where do the Giffords get off telling others what the hell THEY NEED?

they are two faced hyprocites... it's don't do as I do, do I say

As Americans who have had their lives demolished by gun violence they hav every right to lobby for changes in our laws
Where do the Giffords get off telling others what the hell THEY NEED?

they are two faced hyprocites... it's don't do as I do, do I say

As Americans who have had their lives demolished by gun violence they hav every right to lobby for changes in our laws

then she should be petitioning for a reduction in handgun sales and, the states and doj using the laws already extent to enforce and punish those that transgress....

well the fed soon as they locate the coupla thousand ASSAULT weapons they let loose in Mexico:rolleyes:
Where do the Giffords get off telling others what the hell THEY NEED?

they are two faced hyprocites... it's don't do as I do, do I say

As Americans who have had their lives demolished by gun violence they hav every right to lobby for changes in our laws

then she should be petitioning for a reduction in handgun sales and, the states and doj using the laws already extent to enforce and punish those that transgress....

well the fed soon as they locate the coupla thousand ASSAULT weapons they let loose in Mexico:rolleyes:

They are recommending changes they think have a chance of passing and will not seriously impact legal gun owners

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