Mark Levin: Biden is largely responsible for arming Iran, Hamas

Mark Levin: Biden is largely responsible for arming Iran, Hamas

FOX News host Mark Levin sounds off on President Biden's middle east policies on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'

OP COMMENT: The antisemitism of democrats and the Left is a documented fact. And it was Obama who failed to help the fledgling freedom revolution that started in the streets of Iran. If he had helped, that region might be peaceful now. But Barack Hussein loves his Muslim radicals. Trump was taking down the Iranian economy. Biden stopped that.

Levin, like the OP, is an idiot.
Mark Levin: Biden is largely responsible for arming Iran, Hamas

FOX News host Mark Levin sounds off on President Biden's middle east policies on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'

OP COMMENT: The antisemitism of democrats and the Left is a documented fact. And it was Obama who failed to help the fledgling freedom revolution that started in the streets of Iran. If he had helped, that region might be peaceful now. But Barack Hussein loves his Muslim radicals. Trump was taking down the Iranian economy. Biden stopped that.

I heard today that Biden is considering sanctions on Iran. What a great idea. I wonder why no one ever thought of that before? Well, at least we know that the 6 billion we recently sent them will only be used for humanitarian reasons.
Well, until you show me some evidence of that I will think you are just being negative.

They money is in Qatar's hands. Let us see what the next move is going to be.

Yes, I would like it to be returned to the US as punishment for Iran's moves.

Exactly WHO is going to remove the current government of Iran, if not its people?
The evidence is all about you every single day.

Who is going to remove the Iranian regime? I'm thinking of Israel. They know what the Iranians have been doing and are motivated and able to do it.

Will they? Yet to be determined.
I heard today that Biden is considering sanctions on Iran. What a great idea. I wonder why no one ever thought of that before? Well, at least we know that the 6 billion we recently sent them will only be used for humanitarian reasons.
No proof at all the Iranians have access or can have access to the money. Trump is at fault for not solving the Iranian mess, leaving it to fester for a Democratic administration.
No proof at all the Iranians have access or can have access to the money. Trump is at fault for not solving the Iranian mess, leaving it to fester for a Democratic administration.
Geee, they get six billion dollars one day then a week or two later an attack happens on Israel. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that getting the money for "humanitarian" reasons, freed up other money to be used to attack Israel. Why are democrats so stupid?
[ Not a penny of those 6 Billion went to Hamas via Iran. Try another make believe story. And the US may just decide to freeze these 6 Billion after this Iranian stunt against Israel ]

Under the arrangement, Tehran will be granted access to the roughly $6 billion in Iranian oil revenues that were blocked in South Korean banks because of U.S. sanctions. But U.S. officials say Qatar’s central bank will oversee the funds and Iran will be permitted to use the money only for humanitarian purposes in accordance with U.S. sanctions.

In response to Raisi’s remarks, a senior Biden administration official said the released funds would first be transferred to Qatar. The Treasury Department would then track all transactions closely to ensure the money is used exclusively for humanitarian purposes.

“It’s going to be held in a bank in Qatar and each transaction will be monitored by U.S. Treasury — transaction by transaction," the official said. "It’s for humanitarian aid only.”

The State Department said the U.S. could freeze the released funds again if Iran tried to spend the money in violation of U.S. sanctions.

“The money can only be used for humanitarian purposes, and we will remain vigilant in watching the spending of those funds and have the ability to freeze them again if we need to,” State Department spokesperson Matt Miller told reporters.

are you so dense you don’t comphrehend $6B in will free up $6B already existing for whatever? pathetic.
The Bidens fully understand how money laundering works. They knew exactly what they were doing. Most of their supporters are capable of keep up with 2+ step logic, which is why they get away with such stuff.
I can't say what the Bidens know or don't know however bad it looks in the press. But I know how money laundering works and I agree that there is such cognitive dissonance, reading dysfunction, inability to get the point, incapability of understanding concepts--this might be actual cluelessness or deliberate--that having an intelligent discussion with the vast majority of the left is impossible.

We're seeing it by at least a couple of members on this thread who can't grasp how $6b given to Iran can and most likely has been or will be used for terrorism by Hamas or others despite whatever restrictions are put on it or what agreement Iran makes with Biden.
I've listened to the great one since he was calling into Hannity years ago. Shut the fuck up.
Yet in one sentence you proved you do not listen to levin, try your lies with the morons. You could be the intellect of the morons.
I can't say what the Bidens know or don't know however bad it looks in the press. But I know how money laundering works and I agree that there is such cognitive dissonance, reading dysfunction, inability to get the point, incapability of understanding concepts--this might be actual cluelessness or deliberate--that having an intelligent discussion with the vast majority of the left is impossible.

We're seeing it by at least a couple of members on this thread who can't grasp how $6b given to Iran can and most likely has been or will be used for terrorism by Hamas or others despite whatever restrictions are put on it or what agreement Iran makes with Biden.
Substitute "MAGA" for "the left" above and add social incivility, and you will have hit the nail.

Trump could have cleaned up Afghanistan and Iran and did not.
Mark Levin: Biden is largely responsible for arming Iran, Hamas

FOX News host Mark Levin sounds off on President Biden's middle east policies on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'

OP COMMENT: The antisemitism of democrats and the Left is a documented fact. And it was Obama who failed to help the fledgling freedom revolution that started in the streets of Iran. If he had helped, that region might be peaceful now. But Barack Hussein loves his Muslim radicals. Trump was taking down the Iranian economy. Biden stopped that.

What a stupid lie. Bibi did that, not Biden.

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