"Mark my word…": Goldwater's Prophecy.

The fact nonetheless remains that the social right and political Christian fundamentalism are the bane of the American Nation.

You mkean the culture that was mostly dominate for the better part of 200 years?

Why would it be the bane of our nation,because you say so?

Because the political and social history of the last 40 years demonstrates that to be true.

With the advent of the social right and political Christian fundamentalism, and their pursuit of a political agenda predicated on subjective religious doctrine and dogma, it became increasingly difficult to realize responsible governance through consensus and cooperation, where intransigent, arrogant, and extreme social conservatives refused to participate in the political process in good faith and seek out compromise.

And that is very much the case to this day.
Would you like to explain the religious aspect of Hazel's post? He doesn't attach any kind of faith-based meaning or call Goldwater a prophet in a Christian sense. Those are your interpretations.

Looks like the Tea Party has gotten inside your head and rearranged the (limited) furniture.

hazlnut is a worshipper of Big Government. Using Goldwater outside of Goldwater's full context to advance hazlnut's own theology is disingenuous, at best.

I'm a fan of smart, pragmatic Government.

Government only as big as it needs to be to function.

The Federal Government is way too big.

But the problem is modern mobility, transportation and commerce moving with ease over county lines, then state lines.

Chicago guns can't protect Chicago if the gun smuggler can drive 20 minutes into Indiana and stock up at a flea market or gun show.

Bad education leads to poverty which leads to crime. Piss poor education in certain states will eventually effect negatively their neighbors over the long run.

I think poor people have too many babies. How do you think a true liberal would respond to that?

Each year, technology eliminates more and more jobs. Why in the hell would our Government not sponsor abortions for the poor and underprivileged??

You seriously expect us to believe you only want a government big enough to function when you have overwhelmingly advocating our health care system over to them without any thought whatsoever as to the effects that has on people?

You're either totally disingenuous or haven't bothered to think out the logical consequences of your positions.

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