"Mark my word…": Goldwater's Prophecy.

A Republican labeled an extremist in the 1960s would be labeled a RINO today. That amazes me to a point.

Even today, Goldwater would never be mistaken for a RINO.

Reagan might be, but never Goldwater.
Goldwater, a guy met several times when I was young and the president of our state's college republicans, said to us at least twice that the John Birch Society and Cleon Skousen's group were of the devil.

Todays Tea Party is just a rebranding of the John Birch Society
To some extent, Goldwater was correct.

But don't forget this is the same guy who said, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!"

The problem with Social-Cons and Tea Brains -- their paranoid minds have them thinking that their liberty is being threatened just because a black President wants to improve our health care system and make everyone responsible for paying what they can.

Remember how "extreme" the anti-war folks were portrayed back in 2003? They were "un-Patriotic."

Extremism is something best looked at over time. Washington was an extremist as was Lincoln.
Well, since you clearly find him to be a prophet, you should probably support him in his advocacy for limited government.

Would you like to explain the religious aspect of Hazel's post? He doesn't attach any kind of faith-based meaning or call Goldwater a prophet in a Christian sense. Those are your interpretations.

Looks like the Tea Party has gotten inside your head and rearranged the (limited) furniture.

hazlnut is a worshipper of Big Government. Using Goldwater outside of Goldwater's full context to advance hazlnut's own theology is disingenuous, at best.

I'm a fan of smart, pragmatic Government.

Government only as big as it needs to be to function.

The Federal Government is way too big.

But the problem is modern mobility, transportation and commerce moving with ease over county lines, then state lines.

Chicago guns can't protect Chicago if the gun smuggler can drive 20 minutes into Indiana and stock up at a flea market or gun show.

Bad education leads to poverty which leads to crime. Piss poor education in certain states will eventually effect negatively their neighbors over the long run.

I think poor people have too many babies. How do you think a true liberal would respond to that?

Each year, technology eliminates more and more jobs. Why in the hell would our Government not sponsor abortions for the poor and underprivileged??
To some extent, Goldwater was correct.

But don't forget this is the same guy who said, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!"

The problem with Social-Cons and Tea Brains -- their paranoid minds have them thinking that their liberty is being threatened just because a black President wants to improve our health care system and make everyone responsible for paying what they can.

I see what you did there. "A black President". Now, folks, THAT is how you play the race card!

As for Obama and the Democrats, they have decided to make everyone more dependent on government. You are too stupid to make your own health care decisions, so the government is going to do it for you. That's the message.

Remember how "extreme" the anti-war folks were portrayed back in 2003? They were "un-Patriotic."

And they still are. The anti-war movement was orchestrated by International ANSWER. A front for the Stalinist WWP.

Extremism is something best looked at over time. Washington was an extremist as was Lincoln.

How ironic. Washington and Lincoln were extremists because they believed in LIBERTY.

Jesus, you are one seriously stupid dumbass.
Goldwater, a guy met several times when I was young and the president of our state's college republicans, said to us at least twice that the John Birch Society and Cleon Skousen's group were of the devil.
Yes, Goldwater was considered too Conservative in 1964.
How things have changed.
To some extent, Goldwater was correct.

But don't forget this is the same guy who said, "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!"

The problem with Social-Cons and Tea Brains -- their paranoid minds have them thinking that their liberty is being threatened just because a black President wants to improve our health care system and make everyone responsible for paying what they can.

I see what you did there. "A black President". Now, folks, THAT is how you play the race card!

No race card.

Just referencing the undertones at EVERY Tea Bagger rally.

As for Obama and the Democrats, they have decided to make everyone more dependent on government. You are too stupid to make your own health care decisions, so the government is going to do it for you. That's the message.

You must be very ignorant to believe that.

As the ACA functions mostly through private carriers.

Do you not watch the news or read… ever?

Remember how "extreme" the anti-war folks were portrayed back in 2003? They were "un-Patriotic."

And they still are. The anti-war movement was orchestrated by International ANSWER. A front for the Stalinist WWP.

I see now.

I'm dealing with a paranoid conspiracy nut.


The anti-war "movement" in 2003 was the Catholic Church. And other local organizations who didn't believe the administration was just in going to war.

Again, you must not read much.
Extremism is something best looked at over time. Washington was an extremist as was Lincoln.

How ironic. Washington and Lincoln were extremists because they believed in LIBERTY.

Jesus, you are one seriously stupid dumbass.

You really missed the point.

I guess comprehension is not your thing.

Washington and Lincoln were seen as extremists in their defense of liberty.

I was referencing your quote. How did you not understand that?
The problem with Social-Cons and Tea Brains -- their paranoid minds have them thinking that their liberty is being threatened just because a black President wants to improve our health care system and make everyone responsible for paying what they can.

I see what you did there. "A black President". Now, folks, THAT is how you play the race card!

No race card.

Just referencing the undertones at EVERY Tea Bagger rally.

Every Tea Party rally, eh? You've attended them all?

Sorry. You played the race card and were busted for it.

You must be very ignorant to believe that.

As the ACA functions mostly through private carriers.

Do you not watch the news or read… ever?

Do you not know the private carriers all have to go through a government gateway and must sell government-approved policies and can only make government-approved profits? Did you not read the ACA...ever?
The fact nonetheless remains that the social right and political Christian fundamentalism are the bane of the American Nation.

You mkean the culture that was mostly dominate for the better part of 200 years?

Why would it be the bane of our nation,because you say so?

Of course not.

It became the bane of Americanism because it would not give up white male exceptionalism.

The beginning of the end for that and the religio-cultural imperatives supported were challenged in the 1950s, and those imperatives have been eroding ever since.

We can't and won't go back to that world now. It's all gone.
Neither of which have anything to do with religion, and in particular, Christianity. Two groups whose modus operandi are about international struggles against economic systems. He may as well have gone ahead and thrown the LaRouche Network and the Bohemian Club into the mix for good measure, too. :badgrin:

The point that he made is that crazy right (or crazy left)p organizations are bad. Throw in religion, they are worse.

He was right (pun intended) but not crazy right like are social conservative religionists.

Okay. Cool. Yeah, let's run with that. We need to go ahead and, with regard to the private sector, throw the Wiccans and Buddhists and Hindus and Taoists and others in PETA into the mix; and in the public sector, the Wiccans and Buddhists and Hindus and Taoists and others in the EPA into the mix as well, then. Fair game. :badgrin:

GW was talking about far right social con weirdos like you, Shart.

He said nothing about, "Wiccans and Buddhists and Hindus and Taoists" and he was always worried about and hated the idea of far right evangelical exceptionalism trying to force its morality of America.
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A Republican labeled an extremist in the 1960s would be labeled a RINO today. That amazes me to a point.

Even today, Goldwater would never be mistaken for a RINO.

Reagan might be, but never Goldwater.

I disagree.
He championed civil rights and equality for women, gays and blacks.
He was more-so an enemy of the Religious Right.
He endorsed a female democrat for the House in 1992.
He told the GOP to back off their Bill Clinton witch hunt.
He was 100% for exploring compromise, he corrected said the nothing can get done without compromise.
However, he never stopped believing in small government.

Conservatism, to me, means you don't have babies you can't feed and provide for.

Conservatism, to me, means the scientific method: 4 decades of data collecting and peer-view = consensus.

Conservatism means conservation.

Conservatism means separation of politics and religion, as religious beliefs are liberal by nature -- as they require faith in a higher (unseen) power.

Conservatism, to me, money out of politics - 60 days from campaign to election.

Conservatism, to me, Usury is a criminal act.

You raise a hand against a federal officer with warrant from a federal judge - you are put down.

Conservatism means pragmatic gun regs that make the seller of a weapon responsible and liable.

Why of course.....we NEED to allow a far left kook to define who and what we are.

You look more stupid with every post kid.
I remember well that Campaign, the Goldwater motto was "In your heart you know he's right," and the liberals countered with, "In your guts you know he's nuts."
It still brings a smile to me face.
Well, since you clearly find him to be a prophet, you should probably support him in his advocacy for limited government.


hazlnut conveniently blinded himself to this aspect of Goldwater.

Goldwater, though I disagree with much of what it is WRITTEN that he believed, was a man of principle, who could also change his mind. To be admired in this day. My elders spoke ill of him when I was very young, changed their views as he did his.
"He (Goldwater) got himself into political hot water, however, with his opposition to legislation that would eventually turn into the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Goldwater was a passionate Constitutionalist, who had supported the NAACP and had backed previous versions of civil rights legislation, but he opposed the 1964 bill because he believed it violated states’ rights to self-govern. His opposition earned him political support from southern Democrats, but he was detested as a “racist” by many blacks ."


Conservatism, to me, means you don't have babies you can't feed and provide for.

Conservatism, to me, means the scientific method: 4 decades of data collecting and peer-view = consensus.

Conservatism means conservation.

Conservatism means separation of politics and religion, as religious beliefs are liberal by nature -- as they require faith in a higher (unseen) power.

Conservatism, to me, money out of politics - 60 days from campaign to election.

Conservatism, to me, Usury is a criminal act.

You raise a hand against a federal officer with warrant from a federal judge - you are put down.

Conservatism means pragmatic gun regs that make the seller of a weapon responsible and liable.
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Conservatism means opposition to whatever democrats happen to want, if overlap is found it is quickly disavowed as RINOism. Obama has even joked that he should use reverse psychology on them. Goldwater at least had some principals, these modern "conservatives" trust nothing except fear and loathing and simply do not respond to optimism at all even from people they should trust. I understand the impulse to feel that the world is going down inflames but I do not understand the active efforts to make sure it does go down in flames just to be proven right.
If Goldwater had defeated Johnson in 64 one would assume the size, breadth, and intrusion of government on our daily lives certainly would not be that as it is today, furthermore there would never had been the rise of the tea party movement to offset the progressive movement.
If Goldwater had defeated Johnson in 64 one would assume the size, breadth, and intrusion of government on our daily lives certainly would not be that as it is today, furthermore there would never had been the rise of the tea party movement to offset the progressive movement.

I do not feel the election of anyone would have prevented the incredible knee-jerk reaction to civil rights for minorities that occurred and that has morphed from southern desegregationists to today's tea party.

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