mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

It should be all 50 unless the company is employee owned. Then it should be up to them. That said, who has been fired for being gay?

I would like to afford companies much more freedoms than they have today, and lower tax rates and such, however I'm perfectly comfortable with there being a law that you can't fire people over sex, age, race, or sexual orientation.

I don't see how this can be a bad thing.
If there's ever a Constitutional right to a job then I would agree. I think a privaely owned company should hire/fire whomever they wish. No successful company does that though, well, maybe age. Some old timers do get pushed out for cheaper younger blood. I haven't heard it was illegal but i'm sure they could use creative excuses.
It should be all 50 unless the company is employee owned. Then it should be up to them. That said, who has been fired for being gay?

I would like to afford companies much more freedoms than they have today, and lower tax rates and such, however I'm perfectly comfortable with there being a law that you can't fire people over sex, age, race, or sexual orientation.

I don't see how this can be a bad thing.

It can be a bad thing because it sets a precedent that society's popular opinion can dictate what you are and aren't allowed to do with your own property.

If you can't see the potential misuse for giving the government the power to decide based on popular party morals what you can and can't do with your own property, you are -way- too trusting.
Does this mean that laws against perjury, murder and theft should be repealed since they are derived from the Bible?
They are far older than that my friend. They were put in the Bible and ascribed to God but they were created here long before He was.

So were laws against gay marriage and homosexual behavior.

There's an easier way to argue Government controlling sexual behavior though: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Government has no constitutional authority to regulate sexual behavior; nor have such powers been delegated to the States through their constitutions either. Only local governments have the authority to regulate homosexual behavior.

Only in the world that only exists in your mind.
They are far older than that my friend. They were put in the Bible and ascribed to God but they were created here long before He was.

So were laws against gay marriage and homosexual behavior.

There's an easier way to argue Government controlling sexual behavior though: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Government has no constitutional authority to regulate sexual behavior; nor have such powers been delegated to the States through their constitutions either. Only local governments have the authority to regulate homosexual behavior.

Only in the world that only exists in your mind.

And the Constitution.......
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller

I've been a firefox user since it was called firebird and proclaimed itself to be the spiritual successor to netscape. While many new browsers have come and gone over the years, I've stuck with firefox for its nice plug-in architecture.

Since the whole Brendan Eich debacle, I feel I can't in good conscience do so any more. I've downloaded and installed Pale Moon, a optimized build from the mozilla source code for 32 and 64 bit windows. Installed my hefty load of plug-ins and gave it a spin. It works like a charm. After more than 10 years, I finally just wiped firefox off my hard drive.

If you are a windows and firefox user, download Pale Moon. It's even faster then ff and you stick it to the socio-fascists.
Download the Pale Moon browser
Well Tyrone Weaver, if your religion is against gay marriage.....don't marry an individual of the same sex. As astonishing as it may seem, this nation is comprised of a myriad of religious and non-religious beliefs and your religion cannot dictate to those of different religious and non-religious practices.
So, get over it.
Anyone who has donated to planned parenthood should be forced to resign. Or any gay rights organization. Just hound them until they are driven out.
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller
No, we're just going to ban your stupid religion from being able to dictate our nation's laws.

We did this a couple of years ago. You didn't hear?
Bill of Rights Transcript Text

He donated really does not matter what religion he is.

Are you really that stupid ?
Mozilla's Brendan Eich: Persecutor Or Persecuted? - Forbes

On the other side, the sharpest critic of Eich’s ouster is Andrew Sullivan, the popular writer of the Daily Dish blog who is openly gay and an early supporter of gay marriage. “The whole episode disgusts me – as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society,” he wrote. “If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else – then count me out.” On Twitter, many agreed with Sullivan. “The mob got their man,” wrote Matt Galligan, CEO of news startup Circa. “While I disagree with his beliefs @BrendanEich gave us JavaScript and helped build Mozilla & Netscape. Just $1,000 to Prop 8 now his legacy.” The news even prompted Michael Barbaro, a reporter at The New York Times, where news writers are supposed to keep their personal opinions to themselves, to tweet, “This is giant news, and makes me wonder, is opposition to gay marriage now a boardroom crime?”


Hat's off to the guy in the quote.

To the rest of you who can't stand any opinion but your own....turn a barstool upside down and have a seat.
It's time for conservatives to fire gays and gay sympathizers. Or just do a background check and not hire them in the first place.

If you haven't seen it, you need to see Dallas Buyer's Club.

I think both sides need to cease fire here.
I don't have anything against gays at all. If someone is subject to termination for donating to a political cause then certainly someone could be fired for being gay.

When two lesbians demanded that I paint their wedding portrait I threw them out saying "you don't get to tell me what to do." That's my beef with gays. If someone doesn't want to go to their wedding or put their name on a product that's the end of it. Gays shouldn't be able to dictate that the business person change their behavior to something gays prefer.

I won that case because in the end those two lesbians didn't get to tell me what to do and I was absolutely within my rights to tell them to get the fuck out of my shop
It's time for conservatives to fire gays and gay sympathizers. Or just do a background check and not hire them in the first place.

If you haven't seen it, you need to see Dallas Buyer's Club.

I think both sides need to cease fire here.
I don't have anything against gays at all. If someone is subject to termination for donating to a political cause then certainly someone could be fired for being gay.

When two lesbians demanded that I paint their wedding portrait I threw them out saying "you don't get to tell me what to do." That's my beef with gays. If someone doesn't want to go to their wedding or put their name on a product that's the end of it. Gays shouldn't be able to dictate that the business person change their behavior to something gays prefer.

I won that case because in the end those two lesbians didn't get to tell me what to do and I was absolutely within my rights to tell them to get the fuck out of my shop

The thing is, today, you wouldn't have that "right".

Any more than you'd have a right to tell two black people, "We don't serve your kind here!"

Obviously, you guys are trying to cling to the last few bits of bigotry you think you can get away with instead of merely learning to deal.
Well Tyrone Weaver, if your religion is against gay marriage.....don't marry an individual of the same sex. As astonishing as it may seem, this nation is comprised of a myriad of religious and non-religious beliefs and your religion cannot dictate to those of different religious and non-religious practices.
So, get over it.

The guy was hired recently and fired for a donation six years ago! Who needs to get over it? Obama was against gay marriage, should the gays run him out?

I am over it, I didn't care that he made a donation six years ago, and I'm over Firefox as my search engine, the are off my computer.
Well Tyrone Weaver, if your religion is against gay marriage.....don't marry an individual of the same sex. As astonishing as it may seem, this nation is comprised of a myriad of religious and non-religious beliefs and your religion cannot dictate to those of different religious and non-religious practices.
So, get over it.

The guy was hired recently and fired for a donation six years ago! Who needs to get over it? Obama was against gay marriage, should the gays run him out?

I am over it, I didn't care that he made a donation six years ago, and I'm over Firefox as my search engine, the are off my computer.

So if a CEO of a company had made a donation to a white supremacist group six years ago and was unapologetic about it, that would be okay?
Anyone who has donated to planned parenthood should be forced to resign. Or any gay rights organization. Just hound them until they are driven out.

If you haven't seen it, you need to see Dallas Buyer's Club.

I think both sides need to cease fire here.
I don't have anything against gays at all. If someone is subject to termination for donating to a political cause then certainly someone could be fired for being gay.

When two lesbians demanded that I paint their wedding portrait I threw them out saying "you don't get to tell me what to do." That's my beef with gays. If someone doesn't want to go to their wedding or put their name on a product that's the end of it. Gays shouldn't be able to dictate that the business person change their behavior to something gays prefer.

I won that case because in the end those two lesbians didn't get to tell me what to do and I was absolutely within my rights to tell them to get the fuck out of my shop

The thing is, today, you wouldn't have that "right".

Any more than you'd have a right to tell two black people, "We don't serve your kind here!"

Obviously, you guys are trying to cling to the last few bits of bigotry you think you can get away with instead of merely learning to deal.

Another Socio-Facist Faggot trying to frame the Gay Agenda as a Civil Rights issue.

There's a Big Difference between Ethnicity and Sexual Dysphoria. Gays are sexual degenrates - Blacks are a race of people . They are not the same thing - you can't refuse service to a Black man because he's Black - it's wrong morally, ethically and legally .

You can refuse service to a pervert, iso long as it's not an essential service such as medical care and so forth.
Well Tyrone Weaver, if your religion is against gay marriage.....don't marry an individual of the same sex. As astonishing as it may seem, this nation is comprised of a myriad of religious and non-religious beliefs and your religion cannot dictate to those of different religious and non-religious practices.
So, get over it.

The guy was hired recently and fired for a donation six years ago! Who needs to get over it? Obama was against gay marriage, should the gays run him out?

I am over it, I didn't care that he made a donation six years ago, and I'm over Firefox as my search engine, the are off my computer.

So if a CEO of a company had made a donation to a white supremacist group six years ago and was unapologetic about it, that would be okay?

Another Socio-Facist Degenerate trying to frame the Gay Agenda as a Civil Rights issue.

There's a Big Difference between Mental and Sexual Dysphoria. Gays are sexual degenrates - White Supremacists are mental degenerates . They are very closely related - you can't refuse service to a Black man because he's Black - it's wrong morally, ethically and legally . You CAN refuse service , or refuse to contribute to or condone the lifestyle or ideology of sexual and mental degenerates.

Got it !
The guy was hired recently and fired for a donation six years ago! Who needs to get over it? Obama was against gay marriage, should the gays run him out?

I am over it, I didn't care that he made a donation six years ago, and I'm over Firefox as my search engine, the are off my computer.

So if a CEO of a company had made a donation to a white supremacist group six years ago and was unapologetic about it, that would be okay?

Another Socio-Facist Degenerate trying to frame the Gay Agenda as a Civil Rights issue.

There's a Big Difference between Mental and Sexual Dysphoria. Gays are sexual degenrates - White Supremacists are mental degenerates . They are very closely related - you can't refuse service to a Black man because he's Black - it's wrong morally, ethically and legally . You CAN refuse service , or refuse to contribute to or condone the lifestyle or ideology of sexual and mental degenerates.

Got it !

So it wouldn't be okay if a CEO donated to a white supremacist group. Got it.
So if a CEO of a company had made a donation to a white supremacist group six years ago and was unapologetic about it, that would be okay?

Another Socio-Facist Degenerate trying to frame the Gay Agenda as a Civil Rights issue.

There's a Big Difference between Mental and Sexual Dysphoria. Gays are sexual degenrates - White Supremacists are mental degenerates . They are very closely related - you can't refuse service to a Black man because he's Black - it's wrong morally, ethically and legally . You CAN refuse service , or refuse to contribute to or condone the lifestyle or ideology of sexual and mental degenerates.

Got it !

So it wouldn't be okay if a CEO donated to a white supremacist group. Got it.

So you're not only Queer , you're a white Supremacist -- Got it

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