mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

Maybe this ex CEO can take his talents to a more hospitable country, like Russia. It offered Ed Snowden freedom, they can offer this guy freedom too.

Our freedoms are slipping away.....

People have been leaving for economic freedom for quite a while now. The numbers increasing every year.

BBC News - Why are Americans giving up their citizenship?

People may have to give up their citizenship for religious freedom too. America will just slip into the utopia liberals wish for. It will become an Idiocracy.
And he has the Constitutional right to be out of a job!

What do you mean?

I mean exactly what I said.

My career was in the higher levels of the health insurance industry. I am from the South, and we definitely use a different vocabulary than they do in central California. Once, I had a job interview in Santa Rosa for an Asst. VP level job. In the interview, I was asked how many people had reported to me in the past. Thinking out loud, I said, "Oh, I think that indirectly, I had about 15 guys and 25 gals reporting to me."

My recruiter told me that I did not get the job because in Central California, one does not refer to "women" as "gals".

So, I was out of a job, merely for uttering the word, "gals" in an interview. But I had a pair, quickly got over it, and found another job in Reno.

Nobody ever said that free speech does not have consequences. It's just not against the law to speak your mind. It is also not against the law for an employer to tell you to take a walk for not knowing when to keep your mouth shut.
The whole issue sailed over your head apparently. No one said any rights were violated.
It's time for conservatives to fire gays and gay sympathizers. Or just do a background check and not hire them in the first place.
Maybe this ex CEO can take his talents to a more hospitable country, like Russia. It offered Ed Snowden freedom, they can offer this guy freedom too.

Our freedoms are slipping away.....
Tyranny rules the moment...for NOW.
I suspect that that begins to change on January 20, 2017...

Perhaps sooner, if the Pubs keep the House, and re-take the Senate, this November; once a new Congress is sworn-in, January 2015, and they move to begin isolating the Figurehead for the Lib-Progs...
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller

No one is going to ‘ban’ you, the notion is ignorant idiocy; you and your religion are at liberty to exhibit your ignorance and hate as you see fit.

You and your religion are not, however, at liberty to seek to codify that ignorance and hate.

Otherwise, your thread title is a lie, typical of most on the right, as Brendan Eich resigned, he wasn’t ‘fired.’

Moreover, private companies are allowed to create and maintain a corporate image and philosophy they believe best represents their interests, in this case an image not hostile to gay Americans, where Eich’s resignation was consistent with that philosophy.

And if a corporate entity wishes to be hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans as part of its corporate image, such as Chick-fil-A, they are also allowed to do so.

The proverbial bottom line is that all of this is occurring in the context of private society, having nothing to do with government, its regulatory authority, or 'violations' of ‘free speech’; Eich’s resignation does not constitute ‘intolerance,’ nor is it a manifestation of the myth of ‘political correctness,’ it is part of normal, appropriate, and desired pubic discourse.
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller

No one is going to ‘ban’ you, the notion is ignorant idiocy; you and your religion are at liberty to exhibit your ignorance and hate as you see fit.

You and your religion are not, however, at liberty to seek to codify that ignorance and hate. Otherwise, your thread title is a lie, typical of most on the right, as Brendan Eich resigned, he wasn’t ‘fired.’

Moreover, private companies are allowed to create and maintain a corporate image and philosophy they believe best represents their interests, in this case an image not hostile to gay Americans, where Eich’s resignation was consistent with that philosophy.

And if a corporate entity wishes to be hostile to the civil rights of gay Americans as part of its corporate image, such as Chick-fil-A, they are also allowed to do so.

The proverbial bottom line is that all of this is occurring in the context of private society, having nothing to do with government, its regulatory authority, or 'violations' of ‘free speech’; Eich’s resignation does not constitute ‘intolerance,’ nor is it a manifestation of the myth of ‘political correctness,’ it is part of normal, appropriate, and desired pubic discourse.

when you accuse anyone who disagrees with you as ignorant and hateful-------YOU ARE THE BIGOT, YOU ARE THE INTOLERANT ONE.

You assholes are trying to invoke thought control. Orwell and Rand had you dipshits figured out years ago, what they wrote about is what you fools are trying to invoke.

Sorry, but its not going to happen. America is about freedom, not slavery.
Our freedoms are slipping away.....
Tyranny rules the moment...for NOW.
I suspect that that begins to change on January 20, 2017...

Perhaps sooner, if the Pubs keep the House, and re-take the Senate, this November; once a new Congress is sworn-in, January 2015, and they move to begin isolating the Figurehead for the Lib-Progs...

I'm hearing that the democrat senators up for reelection are going to use this statement in political ADs as a reason to vote for them: "if you don't vote for me and the Republicans take over the house and the senate theyre going to impeach President Obama."
Tyranny rules the moment...for NOW.
I suspect that that begins to change on January 20, 2017...

Perhaps sooner, if the Pubs keep the House, and re-take the Senate, this November; once a new Congress is sworn-in, January 2015, and they move to begin isolating the Figurehead for the Lib-Progs...

I'm hearing that the democrat senators up for reelection are going to use this statement in political ADs as a reason to vote for them: "if you don't vote for me and the Republicans take over the house and the senate theyre going to impeach President Obama."

that should get a lot of votes for republicans. 60+% of americans think obama has been a failure.

great slogan, dems. please use it.
The CEO violated his contract. All CEO's have morals clauses.

Dumb ass he made his contribution more than 6 years ago, just became CEO and the company was aware of that contribution when the named him to that position. So who violated the contract? Do you need a hint, because you damned sure don't have a clue.

I'll stand by my post. Brendan Eich was a bad choice, and ALL CEO's have moral clauses.

And considering the facts I just provided, he violated his, HOW?
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What do you mean?

I mean exactly what I said.

My career was in the higher levels of the health insurance industry. I am from the South, and we definitely use a different vocabulary than they do in central California. Once, I had a job interview in Santa Rosa for an Asst. VP level job. In the interview, I was asked how many people had reported to me in the past. Thinking out loud, I said, "Oh, I think that indirectly, I had about 15 guys and 25 gals reporting to me."

My recruiter told me that I did not get the job because in Central California, one does not refer to "women" as "gals".

So, I was out of a job, merely for uttering the word, "gals" in an interview. But I had a pair, quickly got over it, and found another job in Reno.

Nobody ever said that free speech does not have consequences. It's just not against the law to speak your mind. It is also not against the law for an employer to tell you to take a walk for not knowing when to keep your mouth shut.
The whole issue sailed over your head apparently. No one said any rights were violated.

Not over my head. I just don't sit here and read pages of junk that don't interest me. Since you do, and tell me that none of the preceding posts have anything to do with the violation of anyone's rights, it would seem to me that there is no issue here at all.
Great fucking cop out

It's not a cop-out, it's the simple truth.

boed asked why there hadn't been a big backlash against Obama - and I answered it.

If Obama was a first time candidate this year, there would have been backlash.

I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!

So you had some crystal ball that told you all that in 2008? I call that bullshit.
The people haven't spoken, that's an outright lie. It's dishonest and horrible what they did to this guy. He gave a grand to support traditional marriage while Obama was running with the same principle. This isn't about public opinion being recognized, it's about a hateful militant group of intolerant tyrants that are sending a clear signal that they will destroy you if you don't agree fully with everything they do.

I think a lot of people are getting sick of these assholes and expect a backlash. People need to grow a set and fight tyranny wherever it rears it's ugly head.

Well, not really the same thing. Obama didn't campaign on his oppossition to gay marriage, the Prop Hate folks did. And they did it by telling some outlandish lies comparing gays to pedophiles and other stuff that was patently untrue, which is why the courts threw Prop Hate out.

Public Opinion has shifted on this issue, mostly because the haters really weren't arguing logic, they were arguing emotion... "I think it's icky and my imaginary friend in the sky doesn't like it!"

And you know for a fact this guy donated to one of the groups that supposedly did that? I haven't seen anything that identified the group he donated to, but should it really matter considering the majority of Californians agreed with him and passed prop 8.
There is nothing to stop conservatives from firing those who disagree with company policies. Nor is there anything that would prevent conservatives from showing Firefox just how they feel. If any executive has made a donation to planned parenthood their job should be on the line.
After many years with Firefox I uninstalled it from my computer today. I was thinking about doing it anyway because it's so slow but firing a man for exercising his freedom of speech and choice was a bit over the top. That was all it took to convince me it was time to move on.

I tried Opera this morning and it was faster than hell. However, it had a tendency to lock up when I would click on certain links. It had to "think" too long before opening the link. Sooooo ... I'm back to IE which now has spell check (it's about time).

Anyway, I'm glad the ex-CEO of Firefox stood for something. He's probably better off not working for such a close-minded company.

Don't just uninstall it, go to the Mozilla web site and tell them why you are doing it. I did that yesterday.
And he has the Constitutional right to be out of a job!

What do you mean?

I mean exactly what I said.

My career was in the higher levels of the health insurance industry. I am from the South, and we definitely use a different vocabulary than they do in central California. Once, I had a job interview in Santa Rosa for an Asst. VP level job. In the interview, I was asked how many people had reported to me in the past. Thinking out loud, I said, "Oh, I think that indirectly, I had about 15 guys and 25 gals reporting to me."

My recruiter told me that I did not get the job because in Central California, one does not refer to "women" as "gals".

So, I was out of a job, merely for uttering the word, "gals" in an interview. But I had a pair, quickly got over it, and found another job in Reno.

Nobody ever said that free speech does not have consequences. It's just not against the law to speak your mind. It is also not against the law for an employer to tell you to take a walk for not knowing when to keep your mouth shut.


Speaking one’s mind is not ‘against the law,’ private citizens are at liberty to say whatever they wish, just as private citizens are at liberty to respond to speech perceived to be offensive as they see fit, including private sector employers.

No rights are being ‘violated,’ no free speech is being ‘suppressed.’
I suspect that that begins to change on January 20, 2017...

Perhaps sooner, if the Pubs keep the House, and re-take the Senate, this November; once a new Congress is sworn-in, January 2015, and they move to begin isolating the Figurehead for the Lib-Progs...

I'm hearing that the democrat senators up for reelection are going to use this statement in political ADs as a reason to vote for them: "if you don't vote for me and the Republicans take over the house and the senate theyre going to impeach President Obama."

that should get a lot of votes for republicans. 60+% of americans think obama has been a failure.

great slogan, dems. please use it.
If I see that in my own local Congressional race in 2014, I'm going to automatically vote for the Republican candidate.

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