mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

When you donate to a political campaign, you have to list your employer.

So all political donations are at least in part "under the companies name".

That's what it means when you see claims that "Company X donated to Candidate Y" - it means that employees of company X donated to Candidate Y. Companies themselves can't make political donations, only individuals.
I've made political donations and never listed the company I work for. It's not the companies business, it's not the governments business and it's not any other persons business what political organizations I donate to.

If you made that contribution directly to a candidate's 527, they would have been forced to return it without your employers name. The single most annoying campaign job I've ever done was trying to track down donors and get missing information from them.

One of the things the company I work for does, is that it encourages participation in the community, charity, both monetary and time. It's even part of our annual performance appraisal to have positive community involvement in some manner. The team I work on decided that they wanted to do a time donation to The Salvation Army. I personally have some disagreements with some past behavior of The Salvation Army, so I am the only member of the team that is not participating in that event. I won't get "encouraged" to resign my job because of my opinions about that organization and my refusal to be involved with them and the "team activity".

And you're not the public face of a multi-billion dollar publicly traded company, so it's pretty unlikely that they would care.
All I know is that I've never listed my employer when making a political contribution and the money has never been refused.

Actually, I do work for a multi-billion dollar publicly traded company and when we do our charity work we make sure the charity knows it is in association with our company, which makes me(us) the public face of the company at that point in time.
for you gays and leftists who support the firing of this guy.

you support it because the company has the right to fire someone for expressing his views. Is that right?

Using that logic a company should have the right to fire a gay person for expressing his or her views.

Either you support freedom of speech and freedom of thought or you don't-----which is it?

They can in 29 states.
It should be whoever it was in the newspaper who made his private political donation public that should get fired.
It violated this guys right to privacy and his right to free speech.
They passed a law making political contributions above some amount (I forget) a matter of public record. I don't think it was a law at the time but I do think it was passed for reasons like this.
It should be whoever it was in the newspaper who made his private political donation public that should get fired.
It violated this guys right to privacy and his right to free speech.
Some little wanker reporter, lookin' to bolster his career, and sell copy?

The blood-price is the fellow's livelihood, and he and his family paid the price for this unwarranted hammering on someone for acting in accordance with their mainstream social and moral (and religious?) perspective, simply because it would be better-received in that part of the country than in others, and served an adversarial agenda, and would titillate, and sell more ad-space...

Legal, but ethically and morally questionable, at best; morally ethically and morally reprehensible at worst.
A business controls what is done in its name and how its employees affect its image.
So, if a business felt that a pro-homosexual marriage employee had a negative affect on it's image would you be comfortable with said company firing said employee?
Or is this a one way street?

By the way, the CEO didn't make that donation under the companies name, he did it under his own name.

Sure. If the contract says such donations of any sort need to be cleared first with corporate, that corporate's right.

MSNBC suspended Keith and Joe for doing the same thing, and Keith eventually got fired.
You are grasping at straws now. I've signed a few employment contracts in my life and never had a single one that specified anything about politics (or religion, or family, or sexual orientation or anything else that is off limits for employers to inquire about).
I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!

I don't call ever increasing division and hatred an advancement.

I'm neither against or for same-sex marriage. Once you let the government into your lives by having you both sign a marriage certificate you give away some of your freedoms.

I think Gays should have to live with the same pain and suffering that marriage can cause straight couples. They should have to go through bench trials and lawsuits like everyone else. The days of the free lunch is over. If they can live together in peace then I say let them. Anyone who's against that is an asshole.

Wow, guy, that really sounds like sour grapes. After years of your side fighting tooth and nail against giving gays basic rights, now that you are losing the room, you are all like 'Well, marriage sucks and government is running your life!"

I don't have a side in this.

My position is if they want to redefine marriage let them deal with the consequences. But if they attack anyone over their beliefs they're no different than the presumptive bigots they hate. They become the bigots.
The donation was made in 2008. Eich was appointed CEO last month. In what time warp was the donation made in the company's name, or while Eich was CEO?
The people haven't spoken, that's an outright lie. It's dishonest and horrible what they did to this guy. He gave a grand to support traditional marriage while Obama was running with the same principle. This isn't about public opinion being recognized, it's about a hateful militant group of intolerant tyrants that are sending a clear signal that they will destroy you if you don't agree fully with everything they do.

I think a lot of people are getting sick of these assholes and expect a backlash. People need to grow a set and fight tyranny wherever it rears it's ugly head.

It merely illustrates that once a group gets too much power over others they always abuse it.

Or they just understand how to use it. This was bringing economic power to bear. We won't spend with you if you don't act right.

You see, the Conservative Coalition has really always been about the business, not the morality.

You are never going to see the people who really run things in the GOP lose money on a "moral" principle.

Using political clout in an abusive manner is just another form of evil.

Btw, the people that really run things are playing you like a puppet. All they needed was to give you a focus for your malicious personality and you'll back them up regardless.
It's not a cop-out, it's the simple truth.

boed asked why there hadn't been a big backlash against Obama - and I answered it.

If Obama was a first time candidate this year, there would have been backlash.

I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!

I don't call ever increasing division and hatred an advancement.

I'm neither against or for same-sex marriage. Once you let the government into your lives by having you both sign a marriage certificate you give away some of your freedoms.

I think Gays should have to live with the same pain and suffering that marriage can cause straight couples. They should have to go through bench trials and lawsuits like everyone else. The days of the free lunch is over. If they can live together in peace then I say let them. Anyone who's against that is an asshole.

I don't understand why anybody, homosexual or heterosexual, would want the government involved in their marriage/civil union/partnership/family, or whatever else people want to call it. As long as they aren't harming somebody else, it's not the governments damn business.
The donation was made in 2008. Eich was appointed CEO last month. In what time warp was the donation made in the company's name, or while Eich was CEO?

Just another Paula Dean.

These people are EVILE!!!!!!
Wow, guy, that really sounds like sour grapes. After years of your side fighting tooth and nail against giving gays basic rights, now that you are losing the room, you are all like 'Well, marriage sucks and government is running your life!"

are you fucking stupid or brainless ? do not reply, that will only confirm my suspicions.

qweers have had "basic rights" just like all us Conservatives and other NORMAL citizens.., it is "SPECIAL RIGHTS" that you homos, qweers, and libercRATS want and your homo muslime presidunce will give you what you so desire. . :

GUy, you misunderstand my intent.

The only reason I want to see the gays win is because I hate religious people with a fucking passion and any oppurtunity to stick a thumb in their santimonious eye is a good thing.

And sorry, giving them the same right to marry the person they love is just common sense.

Stupid would be forcing people into relationships they have no interest in to conform with societal or religious rules that are kind of silly.

You are a bigot and intolerant of others opinions, I understand.
After many years with Firefox I uninstalled it from my computer today. I was thinking about doing it anyway because it's so slow but firing a man for exercising his freedom of speech and choice was a bit over the top. That was all it took to convince me it was time to move on.

I tried Opera this morning and it was faster than hell. However, it had a tendency to lock up when I would click on certain links. It had to "think" too long before opening the link. Sooooo ... I'm back to IE which now has spell check (it's about time).

Anyway, I'm glad the ex-CEO of Firefox stood for something. He's probably better off not working for such a close-minded company.
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Anyway, I'm glad the ex-CEO of Firefox stood for something. He's probably better off not working for such a close-minded company.

Until he changed his mind? HE had already "apologized" for his position of five years earlier.

Of course, he got fired anyway.

Mozilla management should all consider resigning just for being such pussies.
The donation was made in 2008. Eich was appointed CEO last month. In what time warp was the donation made in the company's name, or while Eich was CEO?
Oh, really?

I haven't done any reading yet on the subject myself, and this is new information, to my tiny little brain.

So, let me get this straight (dumbass bad pun intended)...

The guy made a donation to pro-Straight political campaigning in 2008...

The guy gets appointed CEO in early 2014...

The donation becomes public knowledge, and, to avoid pissing off the Gay Lobby and its fellow travelers and sympathizers, the weasels at Mozilla fire the guy for something entirely legal and ethical that he did 6 years ago...

If this were a criminal case, we would be looking at a violation of the principle of ex post facto...

And even though it doesn't carry any weight in the law courts, there is still a 'smell' or 'taint' of ex post facto about the whole thing, isn't there?

Given Mozilla's nonprofit and academic roots, they're fairly well insulated from the after-shocks of such a move, and they knew that they were insulated from much harm as a result of such a move, when they made it..

A tragedy, for the fellow, and a shame upon the decision-makers who ousted him, but, what can one expect from that region of the state - the Land of Fruits and Nuts?

It's my hope for this fellow, that he consults with high-powered attorneys who specialize in Employment and Civil Rights Law, that they determine he has a case, that he presses the case in the law courts, and that he wins the case, complete with enough Compensation and Damages to sink a battleship, and that the State and the Feds are forced to undertake censure and sanctions against the organization and its officers and those who made the decision to terminate on this basis.

To the hilt...
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Anyway, I'm glad the ex-CEO of Firefox stood for something. He's probably better off not working for such a close-minded company.

Until he changed his mind? HE had already "apologized" for his position of five years earlier.

Of course, he got fired anyway.

Mozilla management should all consider resigning just for being such pussies.

Well ... I did use past tense. LOL. It's always sad when an otherwise good man caves in to political correctness. Nevertheless, Firefox loses my insignificant support due to their overly vocal support of sexual deviancy.

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