mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

Because times have changed, and with it public opinion.

Great fucking cop out

It's not a cop-out, it's the simple truth.

boed asked why there hadn't been a big backlash against Obama - and I answered it.

If Obama was a first time candidate this year, there would have been backlash.

I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!
Great fucking cop out

It's not a cop-out, it's the simple truth.

boed asked why there hadn't been a big backlash against Obama - and I answered it.

If Obama was a first time candidate this year, there would have been backlash.

I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!

I don't call ever increasing division and hatred an advancement.

I'm neither against or for same-sex marriage. Once you let the government into your lives by having you both sign a marriage certificate you give away some of your freedoms.

I think Gays should have to live with the same pain and suffering that marriage can cause straight couples. They should have to go through bench trials and lawsuits like everyone else. The days of the free lunch is over. If they can live together in peace then I say let them. Anyone who's against that is an asshole.
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The people haven't spoken, that's an outright lie. It's dishonest and horrible what they did to this guy. He gave a grand to support traditional marriage while Obama was running with the same principle. This isn't about public opinion being recognized, it's about a hateful militant group of intolerant tyrants that are sending a clear signal that they will destroy you if you don't agree fully with everything they do.

I think a lot of people are getting sick of these assholes and expect a backlash. People need to grow a set and fight tyranny wherever it rears it's ugly head.
I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!
That "meme" echos throughout the hollow chambers of your empty noggin. That isn't the point. It's just more gay propaganda.
The people haven't spoken, that's an outright lie. It's dishonest and horrible what they did to this guy. He gave a grand to support traditional marriage while Obama was running with the same principle. This isn't about public opinion being recognized, it's about a hateful militant group of intolerant tyrants that are sending a clear signal that they will destroy you if you don't agree fully with everything they do.

I think a lot of people are getting sick of these assholes and expect a backlash. People need to grow a set and fight tyranny wherever it rears it's ugly head.

It merely illustrates that once a group gets too much power over others they always abuse it.
It's not a cop-out, it's the simple truth.

boed asked why there hadn't been a big backlash against Obama - and I answered it.

If Obama was a first time candidate this year, there would have been backlash.

I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!

I don't call ever increasing division and hatred an advancement.

I'm neither against or for same-sex marriage. Once you let the government into your lives by having you both sign a marriage certificate you give away some of your freedoms.

I think Gays should have to live with the same pain and suffering that marriage can cause straight couples. They should have to go through bench trials and lawsuits like everyone else. The days of the free lunch is over. If they can live together in peace then I say let them. Anyone who's against that is an asshole.

Wow, guy, that really sounds like sour grapes. After years of your side fighting tooth and nail against giving gays basic rights, now that you are losing the room, you are all like 'Well, marriage sucks and government is running your life!"
The people haven't spoken, that's an outright lie. It's dishonest and horrible what they did to this guy. He gave a grand to support traditional marriage while Obama was running with the same principle. This isn't about public opinion being recognized, it's about a hateful militant group of intolerant tyrants that are sending a clear signal that they will destroy you if you don't agree fully with everything they do.

I think a lot of people are getting sick of these assholes and expect a backlash. People need to grow a set and fight tyranny wherever it rears it's ugly head.

Well, not really the same thing. Obama didn't campaign on his oppossition to gay marriage, the Prop Hate folks did. And they did it by telling some outlandish lies comparing gays to pedophiles and other stuff that was patently untrue, which is why the courts threw Prop Hate out.

Public Opinion has shifted on this issue, mostly because the haters really weren't arguing logic, they were arguing emotion... "I think it's icky and my imaginary friend in the sky doesn't like it!"
The people haven't spoken, that's an outright lie. It's dishonest and horrible what they did to this guy. He gave a grand to support traditional marriage while Obama was running with the same principle. This isn't about public opinion being recognized, it's about a hateful militant group of intolerant tyrants that are sending a clear signal that they will destroy you if you don't agree fully with everything they do.

I think a lot of people are getting sick of these assholes and expect a backlash. People need to grow a set and fight tyranny wherever it rears it's ugly head.

It merely illustrates that once a group gets too much power over others they always abuse it.

Or they just understand how to use it. This was bringing economic power to bear. We won't spend with you if you don't act right.

You see, the Conservative Coalition has really always been about the business, not the morality.

You are never going to see the people who really run things in the GOP lose money on a "moral" principle.
for you gays and leftists who support the firing of this guy.

you support it because the company has the right to fire someone for expressing his views. Is that right?

Using that logic a company should have the right to fire a gay person for expressing his or her views.

Either you support freedom of speech and freedom of thought or you don't-----which is it?
The people haven't spoken, that's an outright lie. It's dishonest and horrible what they did to this guy. He gave a grand to support traditional marriage while Obama was running with the same principle. This isn't about public opinion being recognized, it's about a hateful militant group of intolerant tyrants that are sending a clear signal that they will destroy you if you don't agree fully with everything they do.

I think a lot of people are getting sick of these assholes and expect a backlash. People need to grow a set and fight tyranny wherever it rears it's ugly head.

It merely illustrates that once a group gets too much power over others they always abuse it.

Or they just understand how to use it. This was bringing economic power to bear. We won't spend with you if you don't act right.

You see, the Conservative Coalition has really always been about the business, not the morality.

You are never going to see the people who really run things in the GOP lose money on a "moral" principle.

horseshit-------pure unadulterasted steaming horseshit
I was just reading oh man..

Posted at 9:00 am by Glenn Reynolds

JAMES TARANTO: Justice Thomas Was Right: Citizens United And The Defenestration of Brendan Eich.

Brendan Eich was struck by OkCupid’s arrow, but that doesn’t mean he’s in love.

As the Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross noted the other day, OkCupid, a dating website, urged its users to boycott Mozilla’s Firefox browser on the ground that “Mozilla’s new CEO, Brendan Eich, is an opponent of equal rights for gay couples.” Eich’s offense was to donate $1,000 in 2008 to the campaign of California’s Proposition 8, a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage that has since been nullified by federal courts. There has been no claim that Eich, an executive of Mozilla Corp. since its founding in 2005, discriminated against gay employees.

Ross had some fun with the hypocrisy of two of OkCupid’s co-founders, Sam Yagan and Christian Rudder. He searched the federal campaign-contribution database and found that Yagan gave to two candidates who opposed same-sex marriage: $500 to then-Rep. Chris Cannon of Utah, a Republican, in 2004; and $500 to then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Rudder donated $1,000 to Obama’s re-election effort, but that contribution came in September 2012, a few months after the president reversed his position. . . .

Eich’s support for Proposition 8 became public knowledge because of a California law requiring disclosure of personal information–name, address, occupation and employer’s name–of anybody who gives $100 or more to a campaign for or against a ballot initiative. The secretary of state’s office is required to post this information online, and, as’s “AllahPundit” notes, the Los Angeles Times made it available on its site as an easily searchable database.

So I guess it’s fair for people on the right to go after donors to lefty causes? Without mercy.

from and more at
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These militant homosexuals are IN OUR FACE and becoming a threat to us and our freedoms

people need to wake up
for you gays and leftists who support the firing of this guy.

you support it because the company has the right to fire someone for expressing his views. Is that right?

Using that logic a company should have the right to fire a gay person for expressing his or her views.

Either you support freedom of speech and freedom of thought or you don't-----which is it?

First of all, most of us work in "At Will" employment states. So employers don't have to give the wage slaves a reason.

Back in 2000, the company I worked for fired a woman because she showed up at the holiday party with her partner, and her partner wore a man's suit so that NO ONE WOULD MISS THE POINT. (They were having issues in their relationship.)

Officially, the reason they gave was that they were "reorganizing" her department, even though she had been with the company for 14 years at that point.

So I find it amusing when the homophobes are whining when the shoe is on the other foot.
It merely illustrates that once a group gets too much power over others they always abuse it.

Or they just understand how to use it. This was bringing economic power to bear. We won't spend with you if you don't act right.

You see, the Conservative Coalition has really always been about the business, not the morality.

You are never going to see the people who really run things in the GOP lose money on a "moral" principle.

horseshit-------pure unadulterasted steaming horseshit

Awwww, Did I hit a nerve, Deadfish?

You religious nuts have been played for dupes by the 1%ers for decades.

You keep voting for these guys who screw you economically in the hope they support laws to impose your morality on the rest of us.

But at the end of the day, they are just playing you. I realized that on my last job when my douchebag boss said that if Huckabee got the GOP nomination, he'd vote for Hillary.

That's how little the 1%ers actually think about you religious nuts.
If conservative companies started firing employees who donated to Planned Parenthood liberals would not feel the same way. They have approved donations.
These militant homosexuals are IN OUR FACE and becoming a threat to us and our freedoms

people need to wake up

Staph, how is gay folks standing up for themselves a threat to your freedom.

Executives get fired all the time for making racist and misogynistic comments.

Deal with it. Mozilla made a business decision. And business always trumps morality with these guys.

Don't be afraid, it's only business
The alien prophet sighed
The vulture and the magpie took
The cash box from its hook
The monkey in the corner wrote
The figures in his book
Crazed the checkout lady's fingers
Flash across the till
And the captain posts
The menu of the day
And in banks across the world
Christians Moslems Hindus Jews
And people of every
Race creed colour tint or hue
Get down on their knees and pray

The racoon and the groundhog
Neatly make up bags of change
But the monkey in the corner
Well he's slowly drifting out of range

-Roger Waters, What God Wants, Pt. 3

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