mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

People have their First Amendment right to demand his resignation and to protest against him. He also has his First Amendment right to speak his mind. What's the problem?

The problem is what it says about our society when mobs form to prevent others from exercising their rights and having differing political opinions.

It's always "mobs" when it's the other side, and "patriotic Americans" when they're on your side.

It's like you guys don't even remember 10 years ago, when Conservatives were all about forcing companies to fire people they didn't approve of.

Dixie Chicks, anyone? How about Pepsi and Ludacris?

I don't believe you'll find any posts from me advocating forming mobs to keep moonbats from spewing their nonsense.
Seems what I heard on talk show was wrong, the state actually released the list to the NY Times, donations greater than 100 bucks on a prop must be disclosed to the state.

From the link:

The Prop 8 donor list now functions essentially as a blacklist, and Eich isn’t its first or only victim. Remember, people who gave to Prop 8 have been harassed and had their property vandalized;

How did people find out that Mozilla?s CEO donated to support Prop 8? « Hot Air

Personally I think Eich should now sue the state of CA for a billion bucks or so, no one can claim he wasn't harmed by the states actions.

Eich was a cofounder of Mozilla and was the primary developer of Java script, I think the fags should refuse to use anything using Java, as they say, in for a penny, in for a pound.

Especially since the Supreme Court has said that releasing donor names when there is even a minimal risk of retaliation is unconstitutional.


There is none.
It is quite comical when the defenders of bigots scream about the rights of someone(like the head of a company.CEO) to spew hatred upon on group of individuals.
But if a worker or union member tries to defend themselves in a legal manner, the same group that defends the bigot, screams at the top of their lungs that it is the companies right to fire them.

I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller
Where did he 'spew' hatred?

He didn't. He donated to a perfectly legal political campaign.

And then he went to work where the benefits programs he oversees include coverage for same sex partners. In addition to that, not one gay employee has accused him of discrimination.

What a horrible man!
People have their First Amendment right to demand his resignation and to protest against him. He also has his First Amendment right to speak his mind. What's the problem?

The problem is what it says about our society when mobs form to prevent others from exercising their rights and having differing political opinions.

In my opinion, it says that we have a free society. There's no law prohibiting people who support a particular person or issue, from organizing their own "mobs" to support the person the other "mobs" are protesting against. That's Our basic First Amendment rights.

In my opinion, your opinion is hypocritical McCarthyism.

I suggest you read Andrew Sullivan's blogs posts on this topic.
The problem is what it says about our society when mobs form to prevent others from exercising their rights and having differing political opinions.

In my opinion, it says that we have a free society. There's no law prohibiting people who support a particular person or issue, from organizing their own "mobs" to support the person the other "mobs" are protesting against. That's Our basic First Amendment rights.

In my opinion, your opinion is hypocritical McCarthyism.

I suggest you read Andrew Sullivan's blogs posts on this topic.

LOL, everyone has a right to their own opinion, even if it's wrong. :)

I would love to see how you try to back up your statement with regard to me and "McCarthyism". :lol:

Do you think that defending people's Constitutional rights is "McCarthyism"?
Oh how awful for a CEO to donate to a cause he believes in.
Good! He deserves it! Being CEO he is the highest ranking representative of the company.

He had the same views your dear leader had in 2008, I don't see your hypocritical ass calling for maobamas head and he is the highest rep of the fucking country.
What a hateful anti-Gay Christian:

Oh how awful for a CEO to donate to a cause he believes in.

I guess that some people think it's awful and some people think it's great, I certainly don't agree with his stance, but I am using Firefox right now and don't intend on using another browser. If he didn't resign, I would still use Firefox.
And here he goes again:

In my opinion, it says that we have a free society. There's no law prohibiting people who support a particular person or issue, from organizing their own "mobs" to support the person the other "mobs" are protesting against. That's Our basic First Amendment rights.

In my opinion, your opinion is hypocritical McCarthyism.

I suggest you read Andrew Sullivan's blogs posts on this topic.

LOL, everyone has a right to their own opinion, even if it's wrong. :)

I would love to see how you try to back up your statement with regard to me and "McCarthyism". :lol:

Do you think that defending people's Constitutional rights is "McCarthyism"?

Bod is what we consider the bottom of the barrel of the politics world.
Lost his job over a political contribution to a pro-Straight legislative campaign?

Best served in the land of fruits and nuts - the Democratic People's Socialist Republic of Kalipornia...
And again! This evil anti-gay Christian clearly says he DOESN'T BELIEVE IN GAY MARRIAGE!

There's quite a backlash being organized and building. This may go the way of Cracker Barrel.
I've been using Firefox for years, but am going to seek an alternative.

I wish you guys all the luck in the world in your counter-boycott against the corporate board of Mozilla's freedom of speech and association.
Riddle me this: why wasn't there a big back lash and boycott of Obama in 2008 when he said he was against Gay Marriage.


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