mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

It id good that one of the superstars in the tech world can't have an opinion that is contrary to yours?

By the way, when are you going to demand the resignation of that asshole gay hating politician who said, "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage?"

No, it's good he quit. Smart as some people like him claim to be, when you're in a position such as he is sometimes it's best to not make a donation to a group that opposes the dream of a good number of his company's employees and contrary to the company philosophy. One that, coincidentally, also resulted in the resignation of three Mozilla board members and other companies dependent upon the web to block access to their websites through the Mozilla browser.

The people have spoken.

As far as that "asshole gay hating politician" is concerned, I don't think he ever hated gays and he changed his mind after much reflection. Additionally, I'm not a "one issue" voter, so even if he was opposed to gay marriage at the time he ran for president, I would have still supported him based upon his other positions.

You must be a fucking genius.


What you actually are is a bigoted scumbag, the very thing you claim to fucking hate. Unless you boycott yourself, you are a lying hypocrite.
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller

If being against gay marriage is considered "bad PR", and the business wants to avoid "bad PR", is it all that shocking that the two would part ways?

This is just an example of a business behaving rationally. It's all driven by whatever the public opinion is.

If a bartender who worked in Wrigleyville publicly came out as being a "huge sox fan" and donated money to that organization, and business was hurt because of it, would you get mad if he was forced to find a new job too?

Sounds a lot more like McCarthyism to me, but I can actually think, all you have shown an ability to do so far is spout something you heard somewhere.
I wonder what the reaction from the tolerant left would be if he had been forced out for making a $1000.00 dollar donation to a abortion rights group six years ago? Actually I don't wonder that at all I'm 99% certain what it would be.

Depends if he worked for a Christian company with a strong pro life stance.

We can do hypotheticals all day long...........................

Why would that matter? I for one don't want to see people forced out for their jobs because other's don't share their views on name the issue it's more than a little disturbing other's seem to be OK with it maybe I'm old fashioned but I believe if you lose your good it should because you were doing something illegal or were doing a lousy job not because others don't like your views.
Let's have everyone sign a pledge to support the Democrat Party Platform as a condition of keeping their jobs!
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller

An opinion other than the militant homo stance is apparently enough to ruin your career. There will be no other opinion tolerated by the militant homo brigade.

If you aren't willing to shut up and let the fags define life in this country you better look out.

So this is a case of a private corporation firing someone or forcing them to resign because of their views. If you don't like it, maybe you and others can exercise your First Amendment rights and protest as well as boycott Firefox. What's the big deal?
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller

An opinion other than the militant homo stance is apparently enough to ruin your career. There will be no other opinion tolerated by the militant homo brigade.

If you aren't willing to shut up and let the fags define life in this country you better look out.

So this is a case of a private corporation firing someone or forcing them to resign because of their views. If you don't like it, maybe you and others can exercise your First Amendment rights and protest as well as boycott Firefox. What's the big deal?

So you're okay with conservative corporations firing employees who donate to liberal causes? Thanks for clearing that up.
Let's say that I don't give a shit about the fact that some folks thing "marriage" can only be properly defined as a heterosexual union while others insist that it should embrace homosexual unions as well.

Let's say that what they believe in that regard is their business and they have the right to express such views.

Let's say we have a Constitution that says we have a right to freedom of speech.

And even if the fucking company firing the CEO is not government action, it is still a fucking repression of free speech based on a PC view of the "debate."

The current corporate administration of Mozilla should all resign. Fucking morons.
Let's say that I don't give a shit about the fact that some folks thing "marriage" can only be properly defined as a heterosexual union while others insist that it should embrace homosexual unions as well.

Let's say that what they believe in that regard is their business and they have the right to express such views.

Let's say we have a Constitution that says we have a right to freedom of speech.

And even if the fucking company firing the CEO is not government action, it is still a fucking repression of free speech based on a PC view of the "debate."

The current corporate administration of Mozilla should all resign. Fucking morons.


It's important to note that even though the Mozilla CEO believes in "traditional marriage", Mozilla provides full benefits to same sex couples. Nor has the CEO been accused of discriminating against gay employees.

He's been convicted of a thought crime by Neo-McCarthyites.
A business controls what is done in its name and how its employees affect its image.

So, if a business felt that a pro-homosexual marriage employee had a negative affect on it's image would you be comfortable with said company firing said employee?
Or is this a one way street?

By the way, the CEO didn't make that donation under the companies name, he did it under his own name.
A business controls what is done in its name and how its employees affect its image.
So, if a business felt that a pro-homosexual marriage employee had a negative affect on it's image would you be comfortable with said company firing said employee?
Or is this a one way street?

By the way, the CEO didn't make that donation under the companies name, he did it under his own name.

When you donate to a political campaign, you have to list your employer.

So all political donations are at least in part "under the companies name".

That's what it means when you see claims that "Company X donated to Candidate Y" - it means that employees of company X donated to Candidate Y. Companies themselves can't make political donations, only individuals.
The baker has the freedom of religion, but the store that she runs does not.

Don't open your doors for public business and then tell the public that you don't want to do business with them.

Why would you want to spend your money with someone who despises you? If someone was forced to make my cake and they didn't like me, I wouldn't eat ONE bite of that cake, who knows what they could have done to it.

When we go to a restaurant, I try to treat the waitstaff nicer than they treat me because they are in control of my food. If I feel any type of attitude, most times I won't order anything. Now I do agree that Public accommodations such as gas stations, rest areas, hotels, motels, etc., should be compelled to serve everyone. If the bakers or photographers don't want to provide a service to homosexuals, etc., the people can simply find a photographer or baker who doesn't give a damn and wants to make money.

It id good that one of the superstars in the tech world can't have an opinion that is contrary to yours?

By the way, when are you going to demand the resignation of that asshole gay hating politician who said, "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage?"

People have their First Amendment right to demand his resignation and to protest against him. He also has his First Amendment right to speak his mind. What's the problem?

It id good that one of the superstars in the tech world can't have an opinion that is contrary to yours?

By the way, when are you going to demand the resignation of that asshole gay hating politician who said, "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage?"

People have their First Amendment right to demand his resignation and to protest against him. He also has his First Amendment right to speak his mind. What's the problem?

The problem is what it says about our society when mobs form to prevent others from exercising their rights and having differing political opinions.
A business controls what is done in its name and how its employees affect its image.
So, if a business felt that a pro-homosexual marriage employee had a negative affect on it's image would you be comfortable with said company firing said employee?
Or is this a one way street?

By the way, the CEO didn't make that donation under the companies name, he did it under his own name.

When you donate to a political campaign, you have to list your employer.

So all political donations are at least in part "under the companies name".

That's what it means when you see claims that "Company X donated to Candidate Y" - it means that employees of company X donated to Candidate Y. Companies themselves can't make political donations, only individuals.

Actually at the time Prop 8 was being debated organizations on either side were not required to disclose donors. The fags sued and a judge forced disclosure, but he protected donors to neo-Nazi, or communist groups from the same disclosure. Seems that would be a 14th Amendment violation by the court but the fags got the list.

It id good that one of the superstars in the tech world can't have an opinion that is contrary to yours?

By the way, when are you going to demand the resignation of that asshole gay hating politician who said, "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage?"

People have their First Amendment right to demand his resignation and to protest against him. He also has his First Amendment right to speak his mind. What's the problem?

And he has the Constitutional right to be out of a job!
It id good that one of the superstars in the tech world can't have an opinion that is contrary to yours?

By the way, when are you going to demand the resignation of that asshole gay hating politician who said, "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage?"

People have their First Amendment right to demand his resignation and to protest against him. He also has his First Amendment right to speak his mind. What's the problem?

The problem is what it says about our society when mobs form to prevent others from exercising their rights and having differing political opinions.

It's always "mobs" when it's the other side, and "patriotic Americans" when they're on your side.

It's like you guys don't even remember 10 years ago, when Conservatives were all about forcing companies to fire people they didn't approve of.

Dixie Chicks, anyone? How about Pepsi and Ludacris?
So, if a business felt that a pro-homosexual marriage employee had a negative affect on it's image would you be comfortable with said company firing said employee?
Or is this a one way street?

By the way, the CEO didn't make that donation under the companies name, he did it under his own name.

When you donate to a political campaign, you have to list your employer.

So all political donations are at least in part "under the companies name".

That's what it means when you see claims that "Company X donated to Candidate Y" - it means that employees of company X donated to Candidate Y. Companies themselves can't make political donations, only individuals.

Actually at the time Prop 8 was being debated organizations on either side were not required to disclose donors. The fags sued and a judge forced disclosure, but he protected donors to neo-Nazi, or communist groups from the same disclosure. Seems that would be a 14th Amendment violation by the court but the fags got the list.


The disclosure rules come from what sort of organization the donations went to, not the issue they were working on.
A business controls what is done in its name and how its employees affect its image.
So, if a business felt that a pro-homosexual marriage employee had a negative affect on it's image would you be comfortable with said company firing said employee?
Or is this a one way street?

By the way, the CEO didn't make that donation under the companies name, he did it under his own name.

When you donate to a political campaign, you have to list your employer.

So all political donations are at least in part "under the companies name".

That's what it means when you see claims that "Company X donated to Candidate Y" - it means that employees of company X donated to Candidate Y. Companies themselves can't make political donations, only individuals.
I've made political donations and never listed the company I work for. It's not the companies business, it's not the governments business and it's not any other persons business what political organizations I donate to.

One of the things the company I work for does, is that it encourages participation in the community, charity, both monetary and time. It's even part of our annual performance appraisal to have positive community involvement in some manner. The team I work on decided that they wanted to do a time donation to The Salvation Army. I personally have some disagreements with some past behavior of The Salvation Army, so I am the only member of the team that is not participating in that event. I won't get "encouraged" to resign my job because of my opinions about that organization and my refusal to be involved with them and the "team activity".

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