mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

True, however I was referring to the first part of the 1st Amendment...

So, what law did did Congress pass that established a religion, or prohibited the free exercise thereof?

Some judges rulings recently could lead one to believe that religious freedoms rights have been suspended.

Judge Spencer said the view that Phillips’ First Amendment rights are primary “fails to take into account the cost to society and the hurt caused to persons who are denied service simply because of who they are.”

A New Mexico judge ruled that a Christian wedding photographer must surrender her religious beliefs as the price of good citizenship.

Judge: ?Gay rights? trump 1st Amendment

Public Accommodation laws have been found Constitutional.
This started when a dating site OK Cupid (?) boycotted firefox users from its website because of Eich's opinon

Eich also invented Javascript

did they boycott Javascript?
On Thursday, Mozilla announced on its website that Eich would be stepping down after a $1,000 contribution that he made in support of California’s anti-gay marriage Proposition 8 ballot initiative in 2008 generated outrage.

Did someone repeal the First Amendment?

The Freak Brigade seems to think so.
On Thursday, Mozilla announced on its website that Eich would be stepping down after a $1,000 contribution that he made in support of California’s anti-gay marriage Proposition 8 ballot initiative in 2008 generated outrage.

Did someone repeal the First Amendment?

The Freak Brigade seems to think so.
His money spoke clearly, and now he's out of a job. That happens sometimes.
That's just your opinion, which you are free to give.

getting fired as the ceo of mozilla is a reality not an opinion
Facing social repercussions for expressing a stupid opinion is also a reality.

This is called "capitalism". Mozilla weighed the price of the CEO's salary vs the drop in ad revenue caused by the CEO saying something fucking stupid, and the company decided that the CEO was a liability to the company's profits and revenue so he was asked to leave.

Now he can go work for FOX News and explain to everyone how evil totalitarian homosexuals made him lose his job.

I think your opinion on this issue is also stupid, however i am not calling for you to be jailed for it.
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller

An opinion other than the militant homo stance is apparently enough to ruin your career. There will be no other opinion tolerated by the militant homo brigade.

If you aren't willing to shut up and let the fags define life in this country you better look out.

Seems to me that self-righteous Christians have been defining life in this country for gay people for a very long time. Now that they are fighting back, you are upset about it. That's priceless. You do realize that if they had equal rights, they wouldn't have to have gay pride parades and they wouldn't have to be fighting for those rights in the media and everywhere else, right? People like you had the same attitudes toward Blacks in the 50's and 60's when they were marching in the streets demanding that they be treated as normal human beings also. If you do not believe that gays should have the right to marry, you can believe that, and you can attend a church of your choice that refuses to recognize gay marriage, but do not believe for one second that allows the government to use the same discrimination against gays as your church does. This is why there is a separation of church and state.
So, what law did did Congress pass that established a religion, or prohibited the free exercise thereof?

Some judges rulings recently could lead one to believe that religious freedoms rights have been suspended.

A New Mexico judge ruled that a Christian wedding photographer must surrender her religious beliefs as the price of good citizenship.
Judge: ?Gay rights? trump 1st Amendment

Public Accommodation laws have been found Constitutional.

Not all of them
I'm going to say something I never though I would: Hooray for Andrew Sullivan.

He is a voice of reason and ethics on this issue. I highly recommend reading in full at all three links below, but first, an excerpt, in which he rightly identifies the McCarthyism to which Eich has been subjected.

As I said last night, of course Mozilla has the right to purge a CEO because of his incorrect political views. Of course Eich was not stripped of his First Amendment rights. I’d fight till my last breath for Mozilla to retain that right. What I’m concerned with is the substantive reason for purging him. When people’s lives and careers are subject to litmus tests, and fired if they do not publicly renounce what may well be their sincere conviction, we have crossed a line. This is McCarthyism applied by civil actors. This is the definition of intolerance. If a socially conservative private entity fired someone because they discovered he had donated against Prop 8, how would you feel? It’s staggering to me that a minority long persecuted for holding unpopular views can now turn around and persecute others for the exact same reason. If we cannot live and work alongside people with whom we deeply disagree, we are finished as a liberal society.

The Hounding Of A Heretic « The Dish

The Hounding Of A Heretic, Ctd « The Dish

Dissents Of The Day « The Dish
Well, they've fired people for being gay for a long time, matter of fact, here's one example out of many........................

gay teacher at a Pennsylvania Catholic school said he was fired after he applied for a marriage license to wed his long-time partner.

Michael Griffin worked at the Holy Ghost Preparatory School for 12 years teaching French and Italian. He said that although administrators, including the principal, knew he was gay, he never had any major conflict with the Catholic administrators until Friday.

Griffin said he was fired on Friday after he had emailed administrators to tell them he was going to file for a marriage license and would be slightly late to work.

Gay Catholic School Teacher Fired for Getting Married - ABC News

And 29 states, you CAN be fired for being gay.........................

States Where You Can Be Fired For Being Gay - Business Insider
It is quite comical when the defenders of bigots scream about the rights of someone(like the head of a company.CEO) to spew hatred upon on group of individuals.
But if a worker or union member tries to defend themselves in a legal manner, the same group that defends the bigot, screams at the top of their lungs that it is the companies right to fire them.

I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller
Well, they've fired people for being gay for a long time, matter of fact, here's one example out of many........................

gay teacher at a Pennsylvania Catholic school said he was fired after he applied for a marriage license to wed his long-time partner.

Michael Griffin worked at the Holy Ghost Preparatory School for 12 years teaching French and Italian. He said that although administrators, including the principal, knew he was gay, he never had any major conflict with the Catholic administrators until Friday.

Griffin said he was fired on Friday after he had emailed administrators to tell them he was going to file for a marriage license and would be slightly late to work.

Gay Catholic School Teacher Fired for Getting Married - ABC News

And 29 states, you CAN be fired for being gay.........................

States Where You Can Be Fired For Being Gay - Business Insider

Oh, so the proper response to Bigotry is More Bigotry.

Thanks for clearing that up.
And even the usually whackadoodle SFGATE poll shows that people recognize the McCarthyism:


It id good that one of the superstars in the tech world can't have an opinion that is contrary to yours?

By the way, when are you going to demand the resignation of that asshole gay hating politician who said, "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage?"

No, it's good he quit. Smart as some people like him claim to be, when you're in a position such as he is sometimes it's best to not make a donation to a group that opposes the dream of a good number of his company's employees and contrary to the company philosophy. One that, coincidentally, also resulted in the resignation of three Mozilla board members and other companies dependent upon the web to block access to their websites through the Mozilla browser.

The people have spoken.

As far as that "asshole gay hating politician" is concerned, I don't think he ever hated gays and he changed his mind after much reflection. Additionally, I'm not a "one issue" voter, so even if he was opposed to gay marriage at the time he ran for president, I would have still supported him based upon his other positions.

It id good that one of the superstars in the tech world can't have an opinion that is contrary to yours?

By the way, when are you going to demand the resignation of that asshole gay hating politician who said, "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage?"

No, it's good he quit. Smart as some people like him claim to be, when you're in a position such as he is sometimes it's best to not make a donation to a group that opposes the dream of a good number of his company's employees and contrary to the company philosophy. One that, coincidentally, also resulted in the resignation of three Mozilla board members and other companies dependent upon the web to block access to their websites through the Mozilla browser.

The people have spoken.

As far as that "asshole gay hating politician" is concerned, I don't think he ever hated gays and he changed his mind after much reflection. Additionally, I'm not a "one issue" voter, so even if he was opposed to gay marriage at the time he ran for president, I would have still supported him based upon his other positions.

damn, have to agree with howey here
I opposed gay marriage
I belong to a religion that opposes gay marriage
so what....ya going to ban me

Mozilla CEO out over opposition to gay marriage | The Daily Caller

If being against gay marriage is considered "bad PR", and the business wants to avoid "bad PR", is it all that shocking that the two would part ways?

This is just an example of a business behaving rationally. It's all driven by whatever the public opinion is.

If a bartender who worked in Wrigleyville publicly came out as being a "huge sox fan" and donated money to that organization, and business was hurt because of it, would you get mad if he was forced to find a new job too?
That's just your opinion, which you are free to give.

getting fired as the ceo of mozilla is a reality not an opinion
Facing social repercussions for expressing a stupid opinion is also a reality.

This is called "capitalism". Mozilla weighed the price of the CEO's salary vs the drop in ad revenue caused by the CEO saying something fucking stupid, and the company decided that the CEO was a liability to the company's profits and revenue so he was asked to leave.

Now he can go work for FOX News and explain to everyone how evil totalitarian homosexuals made him lose his job.

That's all fine but there is a price the company will pay for doing what they did. I let them know this and uninstalled their software from my computers. I will encourage everyone I know to do the same, as I told them, this street runs both ways.
I wonder what the reaction from the tolerant left would be if he had been forced out for making a $1000.00 dollar donation to a abortion rights group six years ago? Actually I don't wonder that at all I'm 99% certain what it would be.
I wonder what the reaction from the tolerant left would be if he had been forced out for making a $1000.00 dollar donation to a abortion rights group six years ago? Actually I don't wonder that at all I'm 99% certain what it would be.

Depends if he worked for a Christian company with a strong pro life stance.

We can do hypotheticals all day long...........................

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