mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!

I don't call ever increasing division and hatred an advancement.

I'm neither against or for same-sex marriage. Once you let the government into your lives by having you both sign a marriage certificate you give away some of your freedoms.

I think Gays should have to live with the same pain and suffering that marriage can cause straight couples. They should have to go through bench trials and lawsuits like everyone else. The days of the free lunch is over. If they can live together in peace then I say let them. Anyone who's against that is an asshole.

Wow, guy, that really sounds like sour grapes. After years of your side fighting tooth and nail against giving gays basic rights, now that you are losing the room, you are all like 'Well, marriage sucks and government is running your life!"

are you fucking stupid or brainless ? do not reply, that will only confirm my suspicions.

qweers have had "basic rights" just like all us Conservatives and other NORMAL citizens.., it is "SPECIAL RIGHTS" that you homos, qweers, and libercRATS want and your homo muslime presidunce will give you what you so desire. . :suck: ... :suck: ... :suck: ... :suck: ... :up:
If conservative companies started firing employees who donated to Planned Parenthood liberals would not feel the same way. They have approved donations.

Companies don't need a reason to fire employees in most states. Thanks to At Willl employment, Right to Work and union busting, you don't have any rights at work.

This was a case where an executive of a company took a political stand, and the company had to decide whether they wanted that to be the face of hteir company. Especially with a large part of their customer base not wanting to do business if they did.

It was a bigger deal than if Joe in Purchasing gave $100.00 to planned parenthood.
If conservative companies started firing employees who donated to Planned Parenthood liberals would not feel the same way. They have approved donations.
Exactly. Liberalism and hypocrisy are two sides of the same coin. And this wasn't even a company do it, it was an individual making a private (then) donation with his own money. Forcing leftist views on us that legislation could not was probably the real reason the law to reveal campaign donations was passed.
I don't call ever increasing division and hatred an advancement.

I'm neither against or for same-sex marriage. Once you let the government into your lives by having you both sign a marriage certificate you give away some of your freedoms.

I think Gays should have to live with the same pain and suffering that marriage can cause straight couples. They should have to go through bench trials and lawsuits like everyone else. The days of the free lunch is over. If they can live together in peace then I say let them. Anyone who's against that is an asshole.

Wow, guy, that really sounds like sour grapes. After years of your side fighting tooth and nail against giving gays basic rights, now that you are losing the room, you are all like 'Well, marriage sucks and government is running your life!"

are you fucking stupid or brainless ? do not reply, that will only confirm my suspicions.

qweers have had "basic rights" just like all us Conservatives and other NORMAL citizens.., it is "SPECIAL RIGHTS" that you homos, qweers, and libercRATS want and your homo muslime presidunce will give you what you so desire. . :

GUy, you misunderstand my intent.

The only reason I want to see the gays win is because I hate religious people with a fucking passion and any oppurtunity to stick a thumb in their santimonious eye is a good thing.

And sorry, giving them the same right to marry the person they love is just common sense.

Stupid would be forcing people into relationships they have no interest in to conform with societal or religious rules that are kind of silly.
If conservative companies started firing employees who donated to Planned Parenthood liberals would not feel the same way. They have approved donations.

Companies don't need a reason to fire employees in most states. Thanks to At Willl employment, Right to Work and union busting, you don't have any rights at work.

This was a case where an executive of a company took a political stand, and the company had to decide whether they wanted that to be the face of hteir company. Especially with a large part of their customer base not wanting to do business if they did.

It was a bigger deal than if Joe in Purchasing gave $100.00 to planned parenthood.

It becomes an issue of which is the larger part of the customer base. A&E found that out, Cracker Barrel found it out, Chick Fil A found that out. Let's see if Firefox gets the message.
Wow, guy, that really sounds like sour grapes. After years of your side fighting tooth and nail against giving gays basic rights, now that you are losing the room, you are all like 'Well, marriage sucks and government is running your life!"

are you fucking stupid or brainless ? do not reply, that will only confirm my suspicions.

qweers have had "basic rights" just like all us Conservatives and other NORMAL citizens.., it is "SPECIAL RIGHTS" that you homos, qweers, and libercRATS want and your homo muslime presidunce will give you what you so desire. . :

GUy, you misunderstand my intent.

The only reason I want to see the gays win is because I hate religious people with a fucking passion and any oppurtunity to stick a thumb in their santimonious eye is a good thing.

And sorry, giving them the same right to marry the person they love is just common sense.

Stupid would be forcing people into relationships they have no interest in to conform with societal or religious rules that are kind of silly.

I hate religious people with a fucking passion

i am quite certain all you atheist, liberqweers FEEEEL the same about us Christians, personally i believe all those of you with the same FEEEEEELINGS are going to live in an eternity of/in HELL !!
If conservative companies started firing employees who donated to Planned Parenthood liberals would not feel the same way. They have approved donations.

Companies don't need a reason to fire employees in most states. Thanks to At Willl employment, Right to Work and union busting, you don't have any rights at work.

This was a case where an executive of a company took a political stand, and the company had to decide whether they wanted that to be the face of hteir company. Especially with a large part of their customer base not wanting to do business if they did.

It was a bigger deal than if Joe in Purchasing gave $100.00 to planned parenthood.

It becomes an issue of which is the larger part of the customer base. A&E found that out, Cracker Barrel found it out, Chick Fil A found that out. Let's see if Firefox gets the message.
I don't think it will play out that way, in this case.

Mostly because there are no local brick-and-mortar stores to patronize (or not patronize), and no TV channel to turn off, as measured by Nielsen ratings, etc.

Mozilla has roots as a nonprofit foundation, with its deepest roots in insular academia, dedicated to Open Source software.

I don't use their browser, myself, and it's my understanding - right or wrong - that they hit their high-water mark on browser market share some years ago, and have been rapidly sliding backwards ever since.

Organizing an effective set of countermeasures against Mozilla would be a little more difficult than some of the other examples that we've all witnessed and enjoyed in recent times.

I don't think Mozilla is touch-able in the same way those others are - and their insular academic roots would probably cause them to laugh-off any popular protest anyway.

I wish there was a way to bitch-slap those panty-waists at Mozilla over this.

I'm just not so sure there such a way exists, in this instance.
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This guy got fired for his personal opinion.
Our President should then be fired for having the same view in 2008 as this guy did, if you are going with this ideology.
This is the same type of ideology as Communists and Socialist countries have, which is you have no rights to any opposing political views and are punished for it.

The point is, both our President and the CEO of Mozilla has their 1st amendment right of opinions and neither one should get fired from their jobs.
Now if he was firing gays or paying them less wages or any of this type of things as the CEO of Mozilla, then he should get fired.
Not for personal political opposing points of view.
If conservative companies started firing employees who donated to Planned Parenthood liberals would not feel the same way. They have approved donations.

Companies don't need a reason to fire employees in most states. Thanks to At Willl employment, Right to Work and union busting, you don't have any rights at work.

This was a case where an executive of a company took a political stand, and the company had to decide whether they wanted that to be the face of hteir company. Especially with a large part of their customer base not wanting to do business if they did.

It was a bigger deal than if Joe in Purchasing gave $100.00 to planned parenthood.

It becomes an issue of which is the larger part of the customer base. A&E found that out, Cracker Barrel found it out, Chick Fil A found that out. Let's see if Firefox gets the message.

I no longer use Firefox.
Because times have changed, and with it public opinion.

Great fucking cop out

It's not a cop-out, it's the simple truth.

boed asked why there hadn't been a big backlash against Obama - and I answered it.

If Obama was a first time candidate this year, there would have been backlash.

The reason there wasn't a backlash is that the left is a bunch of racist hypocrites. You gave him a pass for being Anti Gay Marriage because he's black.
Great fucking cop out

It's not a cop-out, it's the simple truth.

boed asked why there hadn't been a big backlash against Obama - and I answered it.

If Obama was a first time candidate this year, there would have been backlash.

The reason there wasn't a backlash is that the left is a bunch of racist hypocrites. You gave him a pass for being Anti Gay Marriage because he's black.
The Leftists always have an answer, don't they?

Doubly-true for what's left of the Orgasmic ObamaBots Brigade.

But it doesn't disguise the fact that the guy was anti- Gay Marriage at the time.

One of the collateral reasons why I decided against my better judgment to vote for Obama in 2008 rather than McSame.

My vote was a mistake - one that I repeated, in the contest against Mittens, although it pained me greatly to do it.

Still... the Leftists cannot hide the fact that their Fearless Leader was against Gay Marriage - as a matter of personal conviction up to that point in time, rather than as a matter of political expediency and vote-whoring.

Which... according to the logic that the Gay Lobby applies nowadays to its adversaries... renders Fearless Leader... as recently as 2008... as un-American, and as a Bigot, and a Homophobe, and a Fascist, and a this, and a that, and...

Bad, evil, wicked, neo-Nazi, neo-Con, the anti-Christ, religious freak, and yadda, yadda, yadda... yap, yap, yap... blah, blah, blah...

Did I get that right?
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It should be whoever it was in the newspaper who made his private political donation public that should get fired.
It violated this guys right to privacy and his right to free speech.
He contributes $1000 in 2008 and it bites him in 2014. In 2008, Obama was against gay marriage. Funny how it works with the intolerance.

Mozilla is free to fire him, the dating service was free to ban Mozilla from their site.

I am free to boycott Mozilla for their stand.
He contributes $1000 in 2008 and it bites him in 2014. In 2008, Obama was against gay marriage. Funny how it works with the intolerance.

Mozilla is free to fire him, the dating service was free to ban Mozilla from their site.

I am free to boycott Mozilla for their stand.
Knock yourself out...
It's not a cop-out, it's the simple truth.

boed asked why there hadn't been a big backlash against Obama - and I answered it.

If Obama was a first time candidate this year, there would have been backlash.

I love this meme...that "the gheys" should resent President Obama because he didn't come out in full support of marriage equality in 2008. The gheys have seen more civil rights advancements for them under this President, the one we're supposed to be pissed at, than ALL the other Presidents combined. Puhleese!

I don't call ever increasing division and hatred an advancement.

I'm neither against or for same-sex marriage. Once you let the government into your lives by having you both sign a marriage certificate you give away some of your freedoms.

I think Gays should have to live with the same pain and suffering that marriage can cause straight couples. They should have to go through bench trials and lawsuits like everyone else. The days of the free lunch is over. If they can live together in peace then I say let them. Anyone who's against that is an asshole.
Please what freedoms do you loose when you get married?
Besides the one where the wife is always right.

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