mark of the beast. Mozilla CEO fired over gay marriage stance

Wow, guy, that really sounds like sour grapes. After years of your side fighting tooth and nail against giving gays basic rights, now that you are losing the room, you are all like 'Well, marriage sucks and government is running your life!"

are you fucking stupid or brainless ? do not reply, that will only confirm my suspicions.

qweers have had "basic rights" just like all us Conservatives and other NORMAL citizens.., it is "SPECIAL RIGHTS" that you homos, qweers, and libercRATS want and your homo muslime presidunce will give you what you so desire. . :

GUy, you misunderstand my intent.

The only reason I want to see the gays win is because I hate religious people with a fucking passion and any oppurtunity to stick a thumb in their santimonious eye is a good thing.

And sorry, giving them the same right to marry the person they love is just common sense.

Stupid would be forcing people into relationships they have no interest in to conform with societal or religious rules that are kind of silly.
Nice argument for tyranny.
I think the death penalty would solve the Queer problem.

I am no fan of Godwin's law, generally speaking, but when I read a post like natstew's quoted post, I AM reminded of Adolf.
He had camps all throughout Germany and Europe to deal with that 'problem', didn't he?

So I've read.

And that kind of hatred of "others" wasn't limited to just sexual orientation, either.
for you gays and leftists who support the firing of this guy.

you support it because the company has the right to fire someone for expressing his views. Is that right?

Using that logic a company should have the right to fire a gay person for expressing his or her views.

Either you support freedom of speech and freedom of thought or you don't-----which is it?

First of all, most of us work in "At Will" employment states. So employers don't have to give the wage slaves a reason.

Back in 2000, the company I worked for fired a woman because she showed up at the holiday party with her partner, and her partner wore a man's suit so that NO ONE WOULD MISS THE POINT. (They were having issues in their relationship.)

Officially, the reason they gave was that they were "reorganizing" her department, even though she had been with the company for 14 years at that point.

So I find it amusing when the homophobes are whining when the shoe is on the other foot.

I have no problem with the guy being fired, or the woman you mentioned being fired. its a two way street. we are either free or we are slaves.
* * * *
Anyway, I'm glad the ex-CEO of Firefox stood for something. He's probably better off not working for such a close-minded company.
Until he changed his mind? HE had already "apologized" for his position of five years earlier.
Of course, he got fired anyway.
Mozilla management should all consider resigning just for being such pussies.
Well ... I did use past tense. LOL. It's always sad when an otherwise good man caves in to political correctness. Nevertheless, Firefox loses my insignificant support due to their overly vocal support of sexual deviancy.

It was OkCupid that were being hypocrites because they refused to let in firefox browsers but probably used Eich's Javascript. To be consistent they should have eliminated Javascript from their site. Javascript should be banned anyway...its worthless.
* * * *

Anyway, I'm glad the ex-CEO of Firefox stood for something. He's probably better off not working for such a close-minded company.

Until he changed his mind? HE had already "apologized" for his position of five years earlier.

Of course, he got fired anyway.

Mozilla management should all consider resigning just for being such pussies.

Well ... I did use past tense. LOL. It's always sad when an otherwise good man caves in to political correctness. Nevertheless, Firefox loses my insignificant support due to their overly vocal support of sexual deviancy.

so you oppose any business that supports raping women with unnecessary, nonconsensual, internal sonograms?

If conservative companies started firing employees who donated to Planned Parenthood liberals would not feel the same way. They have approved donations.

Companies don't need a reason to fire employees in most states. Thanks to At Willl employment, Right to Work and union busting, you don't have any rights at work.

This was a case where an executive of a company took a political stand, and the company had to decide whether they wanted that to be the face of hteir company. Especially with a large part of their customer base not wanting to do business if they did.

It was a bigger deal than if Joe in Purchasing gave $100.00 to planned parenthood.

It becomes an issue of which is the larger part of the customer base. A&E found that out, Cracker Barrel found it out, Chick Fil A found that out. Let's see if Firefox gets the message.
Chick-Fil-A now has sales and profit that exceed KFC. They are the worlds largest chicken fast food chain in both sales and profit even though they have about half the number of restaurants that KFC has and they are closed on Sunday, and their executive level organization opposes homosexual marriage. Maybe Mozilla should pay attention to Chick-Fil-A.
Wow, guy, that really sounds like sour grapes. After years of your side fighting tooth and nail against giving gays basic rights, now that you are losing the room, you are all like 'Well, marriage sucks and government is running your life!"

are you fucking stupid or brainless ? do not reply, that will only confirm my suspicions.

qweers have had "basic rights" just like all us Conservatives and other NORMAL citizens.., it is "SPECIAL RIGHTS" that you homos, qweers, and libercRATS want and your homo muslime presidunce will give you what you so desire. . :

GUy, you misunderstand my intent.

The only reason I want to see the gays win is because I hate religious people with a fucking passion and any oppurtunity to stick a thumb in their santimonious eye is a good thing.

And sorry, giving them the same right to marry the person they love is just common sense.

Stupid would be forcing people into relationships they have no interest in to conform with societal or religious rules that are kind of silly.

Like Muslims....
Maybe this ex CEO can take his talents to a more hospitable country, like Russia. It offered Ed Snowden freedom, they can offer this guy freedom too.
Mozilla (Firefox) is either a good/usable product or it isn't.

The views of some CEO on a political hot button issue are kind of beside the point in my use of their product.

He personally opposes (for religious reasons) the notion of "gay marriage." Big whoop. I'm not required to agree with him.

He endorses the notion of "gay marriage?" Again, big whoop. I'm neither required to agree with him or disagree with him to use his company's product.

He takes BOTH positions? ??

Same analysis, although, frankly, that's even funnier.
People have their First Amendment right to demand his resignation and to protest against him. He also has his First Amendment right to speak his mind. What's the problem?

And he has the Constitutional right to be out of a job!

What do you mean?

I mean exactly what I said.

My career was in the higher levels of the health insurance industry. I am from the South, and we definitely use a different vocabulary than they do in central California. Once, I had a job interview in Santa Rosa for an Asst. VP level job. In the interview, I was asked how many people had reported to me in the past. Thinking out loud, I said, "Oh, I think that indirectly, I had about 15 guys and 25 gals reporting to me."

My recruiter told me that I did not get the job because in Central California, one does not refer to "women" as "gals".

So, I was out of a job, merely for uttering the word, "gals" in an interview. But I had a pair, quickly got over it, and found another job in Reno.

Nobody ever said that free speech does not have consequences. It's just not against the law to speak your mind. It is also not against the law for an employer to tell you to take a walk for not knowing when to keep your mouth shut.
He resigned. He wasn't fired. Now he'll just have to suffer the misery of being an unemployed multi-millionaire.
Until he changed his mind? HE had already "apologized" for his position of five years earlier.
Of course, he got fired anyway.
Mozilla management should all consider resigning just for being such pussies.
Well ... I did use past tense. LOL. It's always sad when an otherwise good man caves in to political correctness. Nevertheless, Firefox loses my insignificant support due to their overly vocal support of sexual deviancy.

It was OkCupid that were being hypocrites because they refused to let in firefox browsers but probably used Eich's Javascript. To be consistent they should have eliminated Javascript from their site. Javascript should be banned anyway...its worthless.

Worthless? Do YOU realize how many Public Safety communications systems USE IT within their private radio networks? DO YOU realize what YOU just stated?

Try again...:eusa_hand:
He's going to get something else, make more money, and gays will howl to the moon like the lunatics they are.
He resigned. He wasn't fired. Now he'll just have to suffer the misery of being an unemployed multi-millionaire.

Wrong. His "resignation" was a firing. You know it. We all know it. He HAD been their Chief Technology Officer. He recently accepted a position as CEO, only to "resign" about a month later?


He got shit-canned and even you know it.
Despite its opposition to Eich’s political donations, one of OkCupid’s co-founders has given money to political candidates who expressed opposition to gay marriage.

Sam Yagan, who is currently CEO of the Match Group, which controls OkCupid, donated $500 to Barack Obama in 2007 and 2008 back when he still opposed gay marriage.

Despite its opposition to Eich’s political donations, one of OkCupid’s co-founders has given money to political candidates who expressed opposition to gay marriage.

Sam Yagan, who is currently CEO of the Match Group, which controls OkCupid, donated $500 to Barack Obama in 2007 and 2008 back when he still opposed gay marriage.

Boggles the mind, doesn't it...? ONLY simple ones. ANYONE could see this a mile away. ;) MORE Coercion at the hands of Obama and his minions. Gotta be wonderful being a 'Community Organizer'...shit disturber.

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