Mark Steyn on isis and the world's lack of help...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I love Mark Steyn...he is quite the word smith...

You Want Nazis? :: SteynOnline

Fortunately, progressive opinion in the west hates Jews more than it loves Christians or Yazidi or Shia or Kurds, so ISIS can get on with killing everyone they want to kill. George Packer reports in The New Yorker:

Karim couldn't help expressing bitterness about this. "I don't see any attention from the rest of the world," he said. "In one day, they killed more than two thousand Yazidi in Sinjar, and the whole world says, 'Save Gaza, save Gaza.' "

Indeed. But you have to pick your causes. To put pressure on Netanyahu, you fly in John Kerry to bore him to death. To put pressure on ISIS would require a commitment the west is not willing to make. So Christians will vanish from the region, and the Yazidi will vanish from the world.

So how did helping out the Americans work out for Karim?

Karim had time to do just one thing: burn all the documents that connected him to America—photos of him posing with Army officers, a CD from the medical charity—in case he was stopped on the road by militants or his house was searched. He watched the record of his experience during the period of the Americans in Iraq turn to ash, and felt nothing except the urge to get to safety.

Perhaps it's just as well we're so bad at "winning hearts and minds". We won Karim's heart and mind - and then ran over it in the stampede for the exits. A few weeks ago I quoted Prince Sirik Matak, the former Cambodian Prime Minister, shortly before his murder by the Khmer Rouge:

Mark it well that, if I shall die here on the spot and in my country that I love, it is too bad because we are all born and must die one day. I have only committed the mistake of believing in you, the Americans.
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After the disastrous policies of Bush and the GOP, it will be decades before the world trusts this country again. XXXXX
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After the disastrous policies of Bush and the GOP, it will be decades before the world trusts this country again. Republicans truly fucked the world. They tried to do it again when they shut down government. And they tried to do it again with the fiscal cliff. They only need to succeed once.

We'll succeed all right, in November.
Thanks to our autistic President and that gaggle of inept Democrats in Congress. :slap:
Real genocide and ethnic cleansing happening in the Mid East -- and we are talking partisan politics?
Read the OP --- tell me you dont care --- and then tell me which of two inept incompetent parties you're shilling for.

Real genocide and ethnic cleansing happening in the Mid East -- and we are talking partisan politics?
Read the OP --- tell me you dont care --- and then tell me which of two inept incompetent parties you're shilling for.


ISIS continues spreading violence as ?children are being beheaded? | Ben Swann Truth In Media

In a video interview with CNN’s Jonathan Mann, Chaldean-American leader Mark Arabo has described the current situation for none Muslim civilians in the Islamic State as a “Christian genocide.”

During the video, Arabo described how thousands of Christians in Iraq are fleeing to neighboring countries as violence is continued to be spread by ISIS. Specifically, Arabo told Mann, “children are being beheaded, mothers are being raped and killed, and fathers are being hung.”

“There’s actually a park in Mosul where they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick,” Arabo said. ”They are doing the most horrendous, the most heart-breaking crimes that you can think of.”


There is no limit to politics for ideologues like RDean. To him and his ilk EVERYTHING is politics and doing what is right is merely a tricky cover for political gain.
Real genocide and ethnic cleansing happening in the Mid East -- and we are talking partisan politics?
Read the OP --- tell me you dont care --- and then tell me which of two inept incompetent parties you're shilling for.


ISIS continues spreading violence as ?children are being beheaded? | Ben Swann Truth In Media

In a video interview with CNN’s Jonathan Mann, Chaldean-American leader Mark Arabo has described the current situation for none Muslim civilians in the Islamic State as a “Christian genocide.”

During the video, Arabo described how thousands of Christians in Iraq are fleeing to neighboring countries as violence is continued to be spread by ISIS. Specifically, Arabo told Mann, “children are being beheaded, mothers are being raped and killed, and fathers are being hung.”

“There’s actually a park in Mosul where they actually beheaded children and put their heads on a stick,” Arabo said. ”They are doing the most horrendous, the most heart-breaking crimes that you can think of.”


There is no limit to politics for ideologues like RDean. To him and his ilk EVERYTHING is politics and doing what is right is merely a tricky cover for political gain.

And H takes the lousy bait. Obama needs to ramp up action, Congress needs to be in special session, cut the vacation this year. BOTH PARTIES.
Of course what is happening over there is terrible.

But at the end of the day, most of us don't know any Yazidis (a strange religious faction that worships the Islamic Satan, Iblis) and frankly, we would not want our son or daughter coming home in a bag to save them for a couple more years.
I love the pundits that call for war if their leader is in power and become passive fiscal conservatives if they have no leader in power...

I also love when a nation or group of people tell the US military to leave and never come back and then get pissy when we don't and they get slaughtered..

Humans, bitch if you do and bitch if you don't...
Of course what is happening over there is terrible.

But at the end of the day, most of us don't know any Yazidis (a strange religious faction that worships the Islamic Satan, Iblis) and frankly, we would not want our son or daughter coming home in a bag to save them for a couple more years.

Not strange, an ancient culture, and it was AOK to bring back (hidden) body bags to take out The Man Who Thretatened Poppy? ISIS is both genuine, and a present danger.
I love the pundits that call for war if their leader is in power and become passive fiscal conservatives if they have no leader in power...

I also love when a nation or group of people tell the US military to leave and never come back and then get pissy when we don't and they get slaughtered..

Humans, bitch if you do and bitch if you don't...

If Obama would use conventional air and missile attacks, ISIL would be blown back into the 13th century where they belong.

These monsters deserve death and nothing more.
I love the pundits that call for war if their leader is in power and become passive fiscal conservatives if they have no leader in power...

I also love when a nation or group of people tell the US military to leave and never come back and then get pissy when we don't and they get slaughtered..

Humans, bitch if you do and bitch if you don't...

If Obama would use conventional air and missile attacks, ISIL would be blown back into the 13th century where they belong.

These monsters deserve death and nothing more.

"Bomb them back to the Stone Age" did come to mind.
Of course what is happening over there is terrible.

But at the end of the day, most of us don't know any Yazidis (a strange religious faction that worships the Islamic Satan, Iblis) and frankly, we would not want our son or daughter coming home in a bag to save them for a couple more years.

So explain to us why we should give a damn about those Palestinian vermin.
The liberal mentality used to be described as a belief that the alligator will eat him last. Now it's watching the house across the street burn down thinking that an ember won't possibly reach your roof.

ISIS will eventually get so big and so powerful that stopping it will cost untold numbers of lives and entire civilizations.

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