63 banks on the verge of collapse

There are 4,049 commercial banks and 565 savings and loan associations in the U.S. insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) with US$23.4 trillion in assets.

63 you say? My, oh my.

Stop your stupid trivialisation of a very serious matter .
Never use a single statistic outside of its full context and in isolation from the full report .
Americans should get there money out of banks while they still can.
Their. Not "there.

If democrats win, they will start freezing the accounts of Trump supporters.
Why haven't they already, genius?

Where do you idiots come up with this stuff? Is there (not their) some secret podcast available only to retards we normal people don't know about?

  • High interest rates continue to put pressure on the US banking system.
  • The FDIC said the US banking system has 63 "problem banks" and is sitting on $517 billion in unrealized losses.
  • Upward pressure on mortgage rates has significantly hurt the banking sector.
High interest rates putting pressure on these banks. That's the FED and Bidenomics for ya. This puts pressure on mortgage rates as people aren't buying at 7-8% rates. But everything is fine right demwits?
Remember when Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic and several other banks got caught naked when the tide went out and they went under?

Remember how the Trumptards were cumming on their own faces that the banking sector was going to implode soon?


The fucktards keep cheering for America to fail.

Pretty sick fucks, aren't they. Notice that is not a question.
Remember when Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic and several other banks got caught naked when the tide went out and they went under?

Remember how the Trumptards were cumming on their own faces that the banking sector was going to implode soon?


The fucktards keep cheering for America to fail.

Pretty sick fucks, aren't they. Notice that is not a question.
It was Bill Clinton who set up the financial meltdown.

He forced banks to issue "no money down" mortgages to people who couldn't afford them.

Those "no money down" mortgages are now making a comeback, thanks to Joe Blowme.

Leftards fuck up everything they touch
It was Bill Clinton who set up the financial meltdown.

He forced banks to issue "no money down" mortgages to people who couldn't afford them.

Those "no money down" mortgages are now making a comeback, thanks to Joe Blowme.

Leftards fuck up everything they touch
The myth that negroes were to blame for the 2008 meltdown was invented by a racist retard two weeks after Lehman's meltdown.

It has been thoroughly debunked.

You tards didn't notice that banks ALL OVER THE PLANET collapsed. So explain to me how the negroes of Iceland caused the collapse of Landsbanki.

Bear Stearns was not subject to the CRA.

Lehman Brothers was not subject to the CRA.

Merrill Lynch was not subject to the CRA.

Goldman Sachs was not subject to the CRA.

Countrywide was not subject to the CRA.

AIG was not subject to the CRA.

Kaupthing was not subject to the CRA.

Landsbanki was not subject to the CRA.

Glitnir was not subject to the CRA.

The Bank of Ireland was not subject to the CRA.

Allied Irish Banks were not subject to the CRA.

Anglo Irish Bank was not subject to the CRA.

Spain's banks were not subject to the CRA.

Germany's banks were not subject to the CRA.

Britain's banks were not subject to the CRA.

Greece's banks were not subject to the CRA.

What's more, you had to be willfully blind not to notice all those white middle class houses which foreclosed in your town.

The middle class and the wealthy can borrow more money than the poor, moron. And so they were the primary targets of mortgage brokers. And they were all offered HELOCs at the same time they were applying for a mortgage.

The idiots didn't just buy houses on borrowed money, they bought boats and motorcycles and Disney vacations.

So, yeah. I picture clueless blind people like you observing all the white middle class people in your town foreclosing and saying to yourselves, "I had no idea Biff was a negro!"

How else could you have closed the loop on your idiotic CRA meme while observing all those white people defaulting?

Because that what assholes like you do. You blame the negroes for EVERYTHING.

The CRA meme was invented by an ignorant pundit two weeks after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. And some dumbshit congressman drank that piss and asked Dick Fuld what part the CRA had to do with Lehman's collapse.

Fuld responded, "De minimus".

Because the CRA did not apply to Lehman. In fact, Lehman created their own mortgage broker feeder chain to keep their CDO machine thrumming.
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Now...where were we?

Oh yeah.

Reports from 4,568 commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) report aggregate net income of $64.2 billion in first quarter 2024, an increase of $28.4 billion (79.5 percent) from the prior quarter.


From the FDIC:
The number of banks on the FDIC’s “Problem Bank List” increased from 52 to 63. Total assets held by problem banks rose $15.8 billion to $82.1 billion. Problem banks represent 1.4 percent of total banks, which is within the normal range for non-crisis periods of 1 to 2 percent of all banks.

The myth that negroes were to blame for the 2008 meltdown was invented by a racist retard two weeks after Lehman's meltdown.
Who said anything about negros, you lying sack of shit?

Leftards would lie about their own mothers to get a vote.

I hope they're paying you for your bullshit, otherwise you're a despicable human being.

Negros my foot. Go away.
Who said anything about negros, you lying sack of shit?

Leftards would lie about their own mothers to get a vote.

I hope they're paying you for your bullshit, otherwise you're a despicable human being.

Negros my foot. Go away.
That's what the CRA meme was about, asshole. Don't pretend it wasn't.
The government did not force the banks to put middle class people into exotic mortgages. The banks and broker dealers did that all on their own in a bid to cobble together as many CDOs to sell to their investors as they could.

They also pushed as many HELOCs across their loan desks to their borrowers as they could.

During the collapse, as I went to the bank to get a certified earnest money check for a distressed housing auction I was going to, the loan officer pushed the check to me with one hand and a HELOC application with her other hand.

I was stunned.

I told her that was EXACTLY why the banks were collapsing and she just wasn't getting it. Then I shoved the HELOC application back at her.
Shut up, you damn liar, before I tear you a new asshole in public.
You've already exposed your ignorance, kid. Don't triple down. Don't be stupid.

You have nothing to back up your lies.
Remember when Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic and several other banks got caught naked when the tide went out and they went under?

Remember how the Trumptards were cumming on their own faces that the banking sector was going to implode soon?


The fucktards keep cheering for America to fail.

Pretty sick fucks, aren't they. Notice that is not a question.
I don't see any repubs cheering about your failures as they hurt all of us

You all sit there though and claim all is well

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