Married Couples Eating Out

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I was married once for several years. My divorce was 17 years ago. While I love my ex and our family, I got to say that divorce was fucking great for our situation. I reached the conclusion that marriage is not for me. I am much, much happier being single, and I remain so today.

What perplexes me is when you are out at a restaurant and a married couple is seated next to you, middle aged and clearly married. Many times they will sit there across from one another and say maybe 3-4 words during the entire time they are having dinner. I have seen this many times, as I eat out a lot (🤪). I don’t remember doing this. If me and my wife were not happy we would not go out. But when things were fine it seems like we were constantly engaged in conversation wherever we were. Granted, we were married for only 10 years, so maybe we never got to the phase of being totally bored with each other.

I see it other times too, in other places. If you are going to be emotionally numb or neutral toward your partner, why be married? My ex and I were great friends. We always talked and enjoyed each other’s company when times were good. But if you are not getting any enjoyment from one another and there are no complications to delay divorce (e.g., kids, wealth division), they why stay? I don’t get it.

My ex and I did not fight over anything in the divorce and cooperated/remained civil for the kids. We still talk today, have conversations about this and that, and remain friendly. There was no money problems or anything like that. It was mutual. We probably should still be together. But I made a bad decision she could not reconcile with.

I am puzzled about why people stay married if they do not appear to enjoy each other’s company. I know there’s love and loyalty and blah blah. But sitting together for over an hour at dinner and not talking about ANYTHING?!? Jesus Christ! I would not do that, unless the lady was filthy rich.
I was married once for several years. My divorce was 17 years ago. While I love my ex and our family, I got to say that divorce was fucking great for our situation. I reached the conclusion that marriage is not for me. I am much, much happier being single, and I remain so today.

What perplexes me is when you are out at a restaurant and a married couple is seated next to you, middle aged and clearly married. Many times they will sit there across from one another and say maybe 3-4 words during the entire time they are having dinner. I have seen this many times, as I eat out a lot (🤪). I don’t remember doing this. If me and my wife were not happy we would not go out. But when things were fine it seems like we were constantly engaged in conversation wherever we were. Granted, we were married for only 10 years, so maybe we never got to the phase of being totally bored with each other.

I see it other times too, in other places. If you are going to be emotionally numb or neutral toward your partner, why be married? My ex and I were great friends. We always talked and enjoyed each other’s company when times were good. But if you are not getting any enjoyment from one another and there are no complications to delay divorce (e.g., kids, wealth division), they why stay? I don’t get it.

My ex and I did not fight over anything in the divorce and cooperated/remained civil for the kids. We still talk today, have conversations about this and that, and remain friendly. There was no money problems or anything like that. It was mutual. We probably should still be together. But I made a bad decision she could not reconcile with.

I am puzzled about why people stay married if they do not appear to enjoy each other’s company. I know there’s love and loyalty and blah blah. But sitting together for over an hour at dinner and not talking about ANYTHING?!? Jesus Christ! I would not do that, unless the lady was filthy rich.
My wife always does most of the talking.
I've been very happily married for thirty-three years. My wife and I eat out often. Sometimes we chatter like birds. Yes, she also does most of the talking. Sometimes, though, we've been running around doing errands or are coming home from work. We work at the same school district and get to drive there and back together. I like that, because she can get all of her talking in before we get home, or wherever.

By the time we get to a restaurant, we may be talked out, or tired out.
Marriage is a wonderful thing!!
Assuming you like the person you're married to. Like Seymour Flops the Wife and I have been married for 33 years...and we never had a fight....okay thats a lie.
You have to make sure your Wife is a friend and not just somewhere to dump a load because eventually the sex isnt that important.
We talk all the time but we're both comfortable just sitting in silence and maybe reading a book.
The Wife and I are the only couple from our younger days that are still together other than one other couple.
In the end if you dont have the same goals in life your marriage is likely to fail.
I was married once for several years. My divorce was 17 years ago. While I love my ex and our family, I got to say that divorce was fucking great for our situation. I reached the conclusion that marriage is not for me. I am much, much happier being single, and I remain so today.

What perplexes me is when you are out at a restaurant and a married couple is seated next to you, middle aged and clearly married. Many times they will sit there across from one another and say maybe 3-4 words during the entire time they are having dinner. I have seen this many times, as I eat out a lot (🤪). I don’t remember doing this. If me and my wife were not happy we would not go out. But when things were fine it seems like we were constantly engaged in conversation wherever we were. Granted, we were married for only 10 years, so maybe we never got to the phase of being totally bored with each other.

I see it other times too, in other places. If you are going to be emotionally numb or neutral toward your partner, why be married? My ex and I were great friends. We always talked and enjoyed each other’s company when times were good. But if you are not getting any enjoyment from one another and there are no complications to delay divorce (e.g., kids, wealth division), they why stay? I don’t get it.

My ex and I did not fight over anything in the divorce and cooperated/remained civil for the kids. We still talk today, have conversations about this and that, and remain friendly. There was no money problems or anything like that. It was mutual. We probably should still be together. But I made a bad decision she could not reconcile with.

I am puzzled about why people stay married if they do not appear to enjoy each other’s company. I know there’s love and loyalty and blah blah. But sitting together for over an hour at dinner and not talking about ANYTHING?!? Jesus Christ! I would not do that, unless the lady was filthy rich.
Lack of communication at the dining table doesn’t mean what you think. Do you think a married couple is only happy when they are talking to each other? I can’t talk that much to my darling wife and she can’t either. It doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy each other’s company.
Lack of communication at the dining table doesn’t mean what you think. Do you think a married couple is only happy when they are talking to each other? I can’t talk that much to my darling wife and she can’t either. It doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy each other’s company.
There’s an exception to every rule.
been married 41 or 42 yrs ...i would have to do math to be exact so lets just go with either or..the murdaugh murder trial is we do have long periods of silence..he is the quiet one...i am mouthy...he is not going to tell the waiter his order is wrong...i like comfortable silence
Yeah, but you are old. 🙄
When you have been married for a long time you really don't have much to say to each other at dinner.
Yes but that’s not applicable.

Married couples are together a lot. As such, there often are times when there is little to discuss. We are comfortable not talking. You’re dating a woman and feel you must converse the whole time.
Geez … I don’t know. You may be right. Marriage ain’t my bag.

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