Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video

So says the biggest hypocrite on the board.

TK jusat doesn't "get it" or he's too partisan to admit the truth. He's prolly just too naive/impressionable as he already told us he was too young to vote last time. Democrats don't go running around like ?Repubs claiming the mantle of family values. Larry Craig (R) anyone ;)

Did the guy make a press conference yet? lol
Will he force his wife to appear at a press conference?

Like Vitter (R) did? Prolly :D Would be funny if she refused
I blame it on all of those gay couples destroying the sanctity of marriage.

Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video
On Monday, The Ouachita Citizen published a surveillance video allegedly showing McAllister and Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, McAllister’s district scheduler, at the Republican's congressional office in Monroe, Louisiana. The two people in the video can be seen embracing and kissing for almost half a minute.

He is fairly new to politics, having assumed office in November 2013 after an upset win in a runoff race against Republican Neil Riser to succeed former GOP Rep. Rodney Alexander. McAllister's win came after he touted his conservative values and 16-year-marriage.

That's the best you guys got? That's supposed to hurt?

Alinsky's Rules For Radicals

RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)

But you'll vote for a rapist for president twice in a row, a traitor once, and a ManBearPig.

Know why? Because dimocraps are the scum of the earth and have no 'book of rules'. You have no standards. You don't claim to have any morals because.... You don't.

Not to mention the lying scumbag piece of shit we have infresting the office of prresident right now.

I despise dimocraps. I really do.

Incoherent much?
So, what happens when the party that screams from the rooftops that they're the ones supporting family values finds one of their own fucking up multiple times?

Do they retrain the bad boy on proper family values conduct? No.

Do they make him apologize and make restitution? No.

No, what they do is point out every bt of bad behavior they can dig up about the other side.

Party fail. Personal responsibility fail.
wonder if Vigilante knows what "deflection" means :eusa_whistle: This thread is about the GOP'er down South who was kissing a married woman in a hotel RECENTLY.

Glad to help :)
Virgil and his deflection spam :thup: Care to address the OP or to continue deflecting?
The guy is a hypocrite, a liar and a betrayer. I don't buy his apology for a minute, as it wasn't followed immediately by his resignation. If he ran on the sanctity of marriage and family values, he led his constituents to believe those were priorities. Now, when he has a lot of amends to make, he appears to be more concerned with his job than his wife and family. If he believed his campaign platform, he'd be focused on repairing that damage.

If he shows up on my ballot, I won't be voting for him ... and I'm conservative. I would (and have) vote for an honest, sincere liberal (unless they are honestly, sincerely nuts) over a liar mouthing conservative speak. We should hold all of our politicians accountable or we will continue getting scum who tell us what we want to hear while doing the opposite.
Virgil and his deflection spam :thup: Care to address the OP or to continue deflecting?

He's a bad man for making out with his FRIEND, but where was your sorry ass with all these REAL SCANDALS by your liberal elite? Simply playing by the liberal book of debating! You can't handle the truth!
If they're gonna preach to the rest of us, if they're gonna put themselves up on pedestals of perfection, their own actions should be above reproach.

And when they inevitably get caught, just please spare us the disgusting, tearful and phony "I have sinned" speech.
Rachel Maddow just reported about another big sexual scandal bruhahaha in Wisconsin.

Another prominent Republican.

More to come soon.
Yes, that trashy sob, Bill Kramer [R], forced himself on a woman. From his photo, I guess it's the only way he can have contact with a woman.
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I blame it on all of those gay couples destroying the sanctity of marriage.

Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video
On Monday, The Ouachita Citizen published a surveillance video allegedly showing McAllister and Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, McAllister’s district scheduler, at the Republican's congressional office in Monroe, Louisiana. The two people in the video can be seen embracing and kissing for almost half a minute.

He is fairly new to politics, having assumed office in November 2013 after an upset win in a runoff race against Republican Neil Riser to succeed former GOP Rep. Rodney Alexander. McAllister's win came after he touted his conservative values and 16-year-marriage.

We'll nothing new here, is there? :eusa_boohoo:
U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister’s top aide said the congressman will send a letter to House Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday morning requesting an FBI investigation concerning the leak of a video from a security camera in McAllister’s Monroe District Office.

The video, which was publicly posted Monday, showed the married congressman sharing a passionate embrace and kiss with former staffer Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, who also is married. Peacock has since resigned.

“It’s a serious breach,” said Adam Terry, McAllister’s chief of staff.
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And while the public bickers over which political party has a monopoly on "morality", (which is a joke in itself) the Congressman has children who will undoubtedly suffer ridicule from other children, and the staffer is headed for divorce court. Those are the real tragedies in this embarrassing situation.
U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister’s top aide said the congressman will send a letter to House Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday morning requesting an FBI investigation concerning the leak of a video from a security camera in McAllister’s Monroe District Office.

The video, which was publicly posted Monday, showed the married congressman sharing a passionate embrace and kiss with former staffer Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, who also is married. Peacock has since resigned.

“It’s a serious breach,” said Adam Terry, McAllister’s chief of staff.

Ain't that the shit? She loses her job, the guy keeps his.

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