Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video
U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister’s top aide said the congressman will send a letter to House Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday morning requesting an FBI investigation concerning the leak of a video from a security camera in McAllister’s Monroe District Office.

The video, which was publicly posted Monday, showed the married congressman sharing a passionate embrace and kiss with former staffer Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, who also is married. Peacock has since resigned.

“It’s a serious breach,” said Adam Terry, McAllister’s chief of staff.

Ain't that the shit? She loses her job, the guy keeps his.

Did Bill Clinton keep his job while the women that accused him got ridiculed by the left? Yeap. Then again you all admit you do not care.

Why are women in the Obama white house paid less than the men?

Oh never mind.....

Today did not disappoint. Liberals, again reveal their double standards and show us they stand for nothing.
U.S. Rep. Vance McAllister’s top aide said the congressman will send a letter to House Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday morning requesting an FBI investigation concerning the leak of a video from a security camera in McAllister’s Monroe District Office.

The video, which was publicly posted Monday, showed the married congressman sharing a passionate embrace and kiss with former staffer Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, who also is married. Peacock has since resigned.

“It’s a serious breach,” said Adam Terry, McAllister’s chief of staff.

Ain't that the shit? She loses her job, the guy keeps his.

Did Bill Clinton keep his job while the women that accused him got ridiculed by the left? Yeap. Then again you all admit you do not care.

Why are women in the Obama white house paid less than the men?

Oh never mind.....

Today did not disappoint. Liberals, again reveal their double standards and show us they stand for nothing.

She didn't have a job, she was an intern. Nice try tho.
OMG the world is coming to an end. A man kissed a woman and that somehow equates to doing the bone dance with Mr. Splinter. Good thing that the left has someone else's morality to borrow so they can show some righteous indignation.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Clinton was impeached.

Did you miss that?

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you miss that he lost his license to practice law?

Did you miss he left office 22 million dollars in debt?

I guess so.
Ain't that the shit? She loses her job, the guy keeps his.

Did Bill Clinton keep his job while the women that accused him got ridiculed by the left? Yeap. Then again you all admit you do not care.

Why are women in the Obama white house paid less than the men?

Oh never mind.....

Today did not disappoint. Liberals, again reveal their double standards and show us they stand for nothing.

She didn't have a job, she was an intern. Nice try tho.
That wasn't a job? So it was....???
OMG the world is coming to an end. A man kissed a woman and that somehow equates to doing the bone dance with Mr. Splinter. Good thing that the left has someone else's morality to borrow so they can show some righteous indignation.

I guess a better comparison would be comparing this congressman to another congressman on the Democratic side.

Like say, Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Who didn't physically cheat on his wife, nor was promoting "family values".

Yet his OWN PARTY called on him to quit. And he resigned.

Ain't that the shit? She loses her job, the guy keeps his.

Did Bill Clinton keep his job while the women that accused him got ridiculed by the left? Yeap. Then again you all admit you do not care.

Why are women in the Obama white house paid less than the men?

Oh never mind.....

Today did not disappoint. Liberals, again reveal their double standards and show us they stand for nothing.

She didn't have a job, she was an intern. Nice try tho.

I did not say anything about the fat Jewish intern he poked with a cigar in the oval office. No, that is disgraceful enough. No, I was commenting on Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey who filed official complaints.

The liberals in this country unmercifully attacked both of them for their accusations. NOW never came to their defense. I am wondering why.

Then you have sallow claiming he was impeached. Was he removed from his job? He lost his license to practice law that he had long stopped practicing? That was real harsh. Either way, you and dorks like sallow did not think Clinton deserved any of those things. In fact, they relentlessly and unmercifully attacked Kenneth Star. As though he was making things up when he charged Clinton for lying under oath.

The morons on the left to this day think he was charged for disgracing the white house and oval office when he shoved cigars in and out of a fat Jewish girls ass. No, that is not what he was charged with.

Then again, the left to this day think Palin claimed she said she could see Russia from her house in Alaska. She never said that. Of course, she said you can see Russia from parts of Alaska. That is true.

Oh, never mind. Why even consider the facts. Unless you want to me list the stuff Clinton did to women over the years that he should have gone to jail for. Want me to?

If you are not careful I will bring up the morons in the North East who voted in Ted Kennedy all of those years. Again, showing and revealing what liberals stand for. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

People do not get fooled by their frenzied rallies. They do those for the parties, drugs, and sex. They do it for outward appearances only. They do not care. Or else we would still see rallies for Gitmo still being open, the endless drone attacks etc etc. We do not see them.

They sure as shit did not hold it against their commie in chief when he claimed marriage should be between a man and a woman in 2008. Now, they rally in a frenzy when anyone even suggests that. Especially if that person is a whitey righty.

They stand for absolutely nothing.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Clinton was impeached.

Did you miss that?

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you miss that he lost his license to practice law?

Did you miss he left office 22 million dollars in debt?

I guess so.

And none of that happened because he had sex with that woman......Monica Lewinsky.
OMG the world is coming to an end. A man kissed a woman and that somehow equates to doing the bone dance with Mr. Splinter. Good thing that the left has someone else's morality to borrow so they can show some righteous indignation.

I guess a better comparison would be comparing this congressman to another congressman on the Democratic side.

Like say, Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Who didn't physically cheat on his wife, nor was promoting "family values".

Yet his OWN PARTY called on him to quit. And he resigned.


Here is what happen to Wiener:

In an interview with The New York Times Magazine published online on April 10, 2013, Weiner said he would like to "ask people to give me a second chance"[63] and was considering a run for mayor. He added that, "it's now or maybe never for me."[63] In an interview on April 11, Rep. Keith Ellison endorsed Weiner, saying that he would love to see him become mayor of New York.[64] Weiner announced his intent to seek candidacy on a YouTube video on May 21, 2013.[65]

Weiner's platform for candidacy is summarized in "Keys to the City: 64 Ideas to Keep New York City the Capital of the Middle Class."[66] This twenty-page tenet, published June 2013, outlines refinements and overhauls to New York City's approach to Education, Hunger, Transportation, Small Business, City vs State politics, Health Care, Safety and Crime Prevention, Reform and Transparency, Housing, Environment, Job Creation and Job Retention, Tax Reform.

On July 23, 2013, following allegations that Weiner (using the alias "Carlos Danger") had continued sexting after his resignation from Congress, he acknowledged that he had continued to send explicit messages to at least three women in 2012. One recipient of his messages stated that Weiner described himself to her as “an argumentative, perpetually horny middle-aged man”.[67] Following this admission, there were calls for Weiner to drop out of the mayoral race; however, Weiner held a press conference with his wife, Huma Abedin, in which he announced that he would continue his campaign.[68][69][70][71] At the press conference, Weiner said, "I said that other texts and photos were likely to come out and today they have... I want to again say that I am very sorry to anyone who was on the receiving end of these messages and the disruption this has caused.”[68]

On July 27, 2013, Danny Kedem, Weiner's campaign chief, announced his resignation.[72] On September 10, 2013 Weiner lost the mayoral primary with less than 5% of the vote.[73] When asked by reporters what he would do next, Weiner gave them the middle finger.[74]

Unrepentant as are all democrats.

Do you agree that a person can push for safe driving and yet drive unsafely? Does his actions mean we should all drive unsafely? No it means we all set goals for ourselves and for most we seem never to be able to live up to those goals.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Clinton was impeached.

Did you miss that?

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you miss that he lost his license to practice law?

Did you miss he left office 22 million dollars in debt?

I guess so.

And none of that happened because he had sex with that woman......Monica Lewinsky.


But you know who didn't get impeached..for being a traitor? I mean a real live fucking treasonous asshole?

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]
Clinton was impeached.

Did you miss that?

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you miss that he lost his license to practice law?

Did you miss he left office 22 million dollars in debt?

I guess so.

And none of that happened because he had sex with that woman......Monica Lewinsky.


But you know who didn't get impeached..for being a traitor? I mean a real live fucking treasonous asshole?

Yes, Obama.

OMG the world is coming to an end. A man kissed a woman and that somehow equates to doing the bone dance with Mr. Splinter. Good thing that the left has someone else's morality to borrow so they can show some righteous indignation.

I guess a better comparison would be comparing this congressman to another congressman on the Democratic side.

Like say, Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Who didn't physically cheat on his wife, nor was promoting "family values".

Yet his OWN PARTY called on him to quit. And he resigned.


Here is what happen to Wiener:

In an interview with The New York Times Magazine published online on April 10, 2013, Weiner said he would like to "ask people to give me a second chance"[63] and was considering a run for mayor. He added that, "it's now or maybe never for me."[63] In an interview on April 11, Rep. Keith Ellison endorsed Weiner, saying that he would love to see him become mayor of New York.[64] Weiner announced his intent to seek candidacy on a YouTube video on May 21, 2013.[65]

Weiner's platform for candidacy is summarized in "Keys to the City: 64 Ideas to Keep New York City the Capital of the Middle Class."[66] This twenty-page tenet, published June 2013, outlines refinements and overhauls to New York City's approach to Education, Hunger, Transportation, Small Business, City vs State politics, Health Care, Safety and Crime Prevention, Reform and Transparency, Housing, Environment, Job Creation and Job Retention, Tax Reform.

On July 23, 2013, following allegations that Weiner (using the alias "Carlos Danger") had continued sexting after his resignation from Congress, he acknowledged that he had continued to send explicit messages to at least three women in 2012. One recipient of his messages stated that Weiner described himself to her as “an argumentative, perpetually horny middle-aged man”.[67] Following this admission, there were calls for Weiner to drop out of the mayoral race; however, Weiner held a press conference with his wife, Huma Abedin, in which he announced that he would continue his campaign.[68][69][70][71] At the press conference, Weiner said, "I said that other texts and photos were likely to come out and today they have... I want to again say that I am very sorry to anyone who was on the receiving end of these messages and the disruption this has caused.”[68]

On July 27, 2013, Danny Kedem, Weiner's campaign chief, announced his resignation.[72] On September 10, 2013 Weiner lost the mayoral primary with less than 5% of the vote.[73] When asked by reporters what he would do next, Weiner gave them the middle finger.[74]

Unrepentant as are all democrats.

Do you agree that a person can push for safe driving and yet drive unsafely? Does his actions mean we should all drive unsafely? No it means we all set goals for ourselves and for most we seem never to be able to live up to those goals.


Weiner is not in Congress.

That was the result of his non-affair.

And didn't you guys just elect Mark Sandford to something?

As an FYI - Weiner lost his bid for Mayor.


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