Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video

And none of that happened because he had sex with that woman......Monica Lewinsky.


But you know who didn't get impeached..for being a traitor? I mean a real live fucking treasonous asshole?

Yes, Obama.


Obama killed Osama Bin Laden and Mommar Gaddafi.

Reagan made deals with the Iranians, the Contras (Who raped, mutilated and killed American nuns) and killed 250 Marines in Lebanon.

Nice to know that you think a man who made deals with Iranian terrorists, Nun rapers (which broke the law by the way) and killed 250 marines shouldn't have been impeached.

Seriously? Do you think making deals with Iranian terrorists, nun rapers and killing 250 marines is patriotic? :cuckoo:

But you know who didn't get impeached..for being a traitor? I mean a real live fucking treasonous asshole?

Yes, Obama.


Obama killed Osama Bin Laden and Mommar Gaddafi.

Reagan made deals with the Iranians, the Contras (Who raped, mutilated and killed American nuns) and killed 250 Marines in Lebanon.

Nice to know that you think a man who made deals with Iranian terrorists, Nun rapers (which broke the law by the way) and killed 250 marines shouldn't have been impeached.

Seriously? Do you think making deals with Iranian terrorists, nun rapers and killing 250 marines is patriotic? :cuckoo:

WOW I see the far left is rewriting history again.

No surprise there but then again the far left shows they support the illegal war in Libya.
The Slick dissemination is sort of cute, but the bite isn't that the guy screwed around. As Trent Lott said if that's the issue there won't be many in Wash left standing. Rather, it's the guy pushed a "moral agenda" and is a hypocrite. If anyone didn't know Slick was nailing every woman he could catch, they weren't paying attention.
Clinton was impeached.

Did you miss that?

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did you miss that he lost his license to practice law?

Did you miss he left office 22 million dollars in debt?

I guess so.

And none of that happened because he had sex with that woman......Monica Lewinsky.


But you know who didn't get impeached..for being a traitor? I mean a real live fucking treasonous asshole?

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

maybe you should go back and read or listen to the impeachment hearings. link us to the part where it was about sex with a woman
The Slick dissemination is sort of cute, but the bite isn't that the guy screwed around. As Trent Lott said if that's the issue there won't be many in Wash left standing. Rather, it's the guy pushed a "moral agenda" and is a hypocrite. If anyone didn't know Slick was nailing every woman he could catch, they weren't paying attention.

In other words, bad behavior by party members is great, and you support it - party above all.

But bad behavior by an infidel is intolerable!
I don't think you read my post or any of my previous posts. I am CONSERVATIVE and mostly vote for the conservative candidate. I am for the smallest federal government possible and for states handling their own business. When "one of mine" turns out to be a lying hypocrite; however, I've no problem calling him a lyer who just mouths what he thinks I want to hear. How is that "partisan hack?"

The guy is a hypocrite, a liar and a betrayer. I don't buy his apology for a minute,

And that's not just because you're a partisan hack, it's because...

Oh wait, it is just because you're a partisan hack.

Carry on.....
If they're gonna preach to the rest of us, if they're gonna put themselves up on pedestals of perfection, their own actions should be above reproach.

And when they inevitably get caught, just please spare us the disgusting, tearful and phony "I have sinned" speech.
Rachel Maddow just reported about another big sexual scandal bruhahaha in Wisconsin.

Another prominent Republican.

More to come soon.

Yeah I heard. The former secretary of the Pigsknuckle County GOP told a dirty joke at a bar. Scandal!
No Jaggoff, the RW perp sexually assaulted MULTIPLE women.

He's facing the judge next week.

The best part, this is all WITHIN the Wisconsin Republican Party.

The dude was warned by another Republican female that she wouldn't tarnish the name of the Republicans by exposing it if he stopped and never did again. Well, she found out about another recent SEXUAL ASSAULT on another female. So she kept her word and went straight to the police.

Like I said, more to come soon.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.
The instant one has to use an event that happened some 20 years ago to DEFEND an event today, one knows that one has lost the argument.
Rachel Maddow just reported about another big sexual scandal bruhahaha in Wisconsin.

Another prominent Republican.

More to come soon.

Yeah I heard. The former secretary of the Pigsknuckle County GOP told a dirty joke at a bar. Scandal!
No Jaggoff, the RW perp sexually assaulted MULTIPLE women.

He's facing the judge next week.

The best part, this is all WITHIN the Wisconsin Republican Party.

The dude was warned by another Republican female that she wouldn't tarnish the name of the Republicans by exposing it if he stopped and never did again. Well, she found out about another recent SEXUAL ASSAULT on another female. So she kept her word and went straight to the police.

Like I said, more to come soon.

can't wait :eusa_drool: These Repub hypocrites/philanderers need to be outed.
McAllister made the institution of marriage an issue. He's the one who invited the Duck Dynasty bigot to the State of the Union address, and he campaigned as a devout Christian.

His mistress is married, too.

It is raging hypocrites like McAllister who are destroying the institution of marriage, not gays.
More than that [MENTION=34052]g5000[/MENTION], it's destroying the Christian name. This is why I DESPISE these RWers so.

At least he didnt pull a train with a waitress on a table in DC with Chris Dodd, like Kennedy did.

It's a little hard to take the faux rage from the left seriously. They've covered up and excused their reps, even their criminal behavior. Like Gary Condit.

That's all you have? More tu quoque fallacies?

You bozos can't even bring yourselves to condemn the hypocritical bastard. That's very telling, and indicative of the lows to which the Right has sunk these days.

In the past, a guy like that would have been immediately ejected, not defended with bogus logical fallacies by lame apologists.
Saying that the Republican Party has lost its way is putting it mildly.
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I blame it on all of those gay couples destroying the sanctity of marriage.

Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video
On Monday, The Ouachita Citizen published a surveillance video allegedly showing McAllister and Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, McAllister’s district scheduler, at the Republican's congressional office in Monroe, Louisiana. The two people in the video can be seen embracing and kissing for almost half a minute.

He is fairly new to politics, having assumed office in November 2013 after an upset win in a runoff race against Republican Neil Riser to succeed former GOP Rep. Rodney Alexander. McAllister's win came after he touted his conservative values and 16-year-marriage.

If you ever find yourself wondering what people mean when they talk about the destruction of the Republican brand, remember this topic. Remember your reflex was to roll out a parade of tu quoque fallacies instead of condemning the trash you should be taking to the curb.
They should, but they won't.

The Republican mantra today is "Heil CON$$!!!"

In other word, no one goes against the RW borg.

The borg is right, the borg is always right.
McAllister made the institution of marriage an issue. He's the one who invited the Duck Dynasty bigot to the State of the Union address, and he campaigned as a devout Christian.

His mistress is married, too.

It is raging hypocrites like McAllister who are destroying the institution of marriage, not gays.

Since marriage is the joining of a man and a woman, how can infidelity of a man destroy the institution of marriage? It's still by definition a marriage. It is so-called gay marriage that makes a mockery of marriage and destroys its meaning. Some guy referring to his partner as his "husband" is absurd. Same for a lesbian to refer to her "wife".
You are the EXACT problem that Christianity is facing today. Destroying the Christian name with your hyper political partisanship BS.

You. Are. Scum.

*spits on the floor*
If you ever find yourself wondering what people mean when they talk about the destruction of the Republican brand, remember this topic. Remember your reflex was to roll out a parade of tu quoque fallacies instead of condemning the trash you should be taking to the curb.
They should, but they won't.

The Republican mantra today is "Heil CON$$!!!"

In other word, no one goes against the RW borg.

The borg is right, the borg is always right.


They've become so fringe that resistance is futile. There were what? 20+ Repubs willing to go along w/ King (R) to avert the shutdown but they didn't dare because the rw hive mind would have retaliated.
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