Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video

Just because the right preaches family values, values that you on the left shit on because it would mean having to be responsible for your actions, doesn't mean they are perfect and they don't fall short.
How should Vance McAllister take responsibility for his actions?
This is awesome. The topic is being FLOODED with completely irrelevant diversions and smoke. All in defense of a hypocrite! Wow.

Thanks for really hammering home my point about how far the GOP has fallen, kids. You are proving the GOP is incapable of being the better party and is just as scummy as the Democrats. You are actually going out of your way to prove it.

You can't bring yourselves to condemn the piece of shit, and defend him instead. You can't bring yourselves to show the Democrats how its done and take this hypocritical asshole to the woodshed.

Nope. You gotta defend him instead, and say he is JUST LIKE a Democrat. Do you HEAR YOURSELVES?

This topic is a confession by the faux Right that they no longer care about character. They will take whatever piece of shit they can get, as long as he pretends to be an upstanding person.

I guess good Republican candidates are so thin on the ground they have to settle for hypocritical assholes now. All the good ones have left. It's a snowball effect. More and more peole are becoming sickened by the GOP, and all that is left are liars, hypocrites, and psychopaths.

Lip service. It's all lip service to principles now. This is a confession by the faux Right they are only interested in power now, not character or principles or the well-being of our country.

Bookmark this topic to remind yourselves of your sickness, kids.

A Congressman says welfare people should have to take a piss test. He is then caught doing coke.

A Congressman thumps the Bible to get elected. He is then found to be an adulterer.

Instead of taking these pieces of trash to task, the faux Right rushes to defend them with a flood of tu quoque fallacies. "Clinton did it, too!"

Telling. Very telling.

I guess in the deranged minds of the faux Right, it is okay to make the laws of our land if you are stoned out of your gourd. I guess if you can't keep a sacred vow you made to God you can be counted on to keep your oath of office. In other words, it is now okay to be indistinguishable from a Democrat.

Sample Wedding Vows

I, _____, take you, ______, to be my wedded wife. With deepest joy I receive you into my life that together we may be one. As is Christ to His body, the church, so I will be to you a loving and faithful husband. Always will I perform my headship over you even as Christ does over me, knowing that His Lordship is one of the holiest desires for my life. I promise you my deepest love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care. I promise I will live first unto God rather than others or even you. I promise that I will lead our lives into a life of faith and hope in Christ Jesus. Ever honoring God's guidance by His spirit through the Word, And so throughout life, no matter what may lie ahead of us, I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful husband.

McAllister broke a solemn vow to God and his wife. So how can we expect him to honor this oath: "I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States."

We can't.

When you defend him by saying, "At least he didn't do (fill in the blank)" or "Clinton did it, too", you are defending ADULTERY and a breaking of a vow to God!

As defenders of a hypocritical purported Christian and an adulterer, you completely obliterate your own integrity on any issues of the sacredness of the institution of marriage or religion.

At least one human caught being a hypocrite.

And now a boatload of other hypocrites have come charging to his defense.

Once again, the point is missed. THE GOP SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO BETTER THAN THIS GUY.

When the hell will the idiots ever figure this out?

Now you are on record as being obedient to Democrats. Nice!

You are a fool.

The Republican party has become a zombie, no longer the party with superior ideas and superior ideals to attract fresh blood.

"Clinton did it, so we can do it." What a great gutless moral wasteland we now live in.

Yet not one of you has condemned McAllister for being a hypocritical adulterer. Even now, you cannot bring yourselves to do it. You'd rather go down as hypocrites yourselves than do so.

McAllister portrayed himself as a bible thumping Christian and loving husband and father in his ads to get elected.

You cannot escape his hypocrisy staring you in the face, and the attempts to shield him by dragging out a raft of tu quoque fallacies just proves you don't give a shit about principles, only power and face.

You are not able to be the better man. You cannot show how it is done. You cannot bring yourself to be principled and give McAllister the shellacking he deserves.

The Republican brand is completely worthless these days.

If the other guys act like snakes, we should act like snakes instead of being better people than the snakes. Actually acting like the moral leaders we claim to be is to be no more. If we acted upright, and led, this country would be so much better off, but fuck that shit! We will follow the Democrats' lead instead.

That's Rabbi's reasoning right there. And that is why McAllister is going to run for re-election, because the faxu Right is completely disconnected from morality. Completely. And they did it voluntarily. For power. The corruption of power over principles.

What an achievement!
I disagree with your portrayal of Democrats as moral-less people, but the rest is spot on.

Unfortunately, it's going to be like hitting your head against a brick wall. Nothing will change except hurting yourself.
The Republican party has become a zombie, no longer the party with superior ideas and superior ideals to attract fresh blood.

"Clinton did it, so we can do it." What a great gutless moral wasteland we now live in.

A well known dem lefty started the thread, these well known dem lefties said it was ok for them (dems) to do it because Republicans do it and that only republicans preach morals.

It's like you missed the whole fucking first page and went on a Republican hating rant for no reason.

I'm not here to defend Republicans but the entire purpose of claiming Clinton and other Dems do this very same thing is because now, today they want to make sex scandals an issue because a Republican is caught doing it.

The OP is a troll, and you're busy taking his side because your so busy trying to sound smart that you get lost in your own diarrhea.

Yet not one of you has condemned McAllister for being a hypocritical adulterer. Even now, you cannot bring yourselves to do it. You'd rather go down as hypocrites yourselves than do so.

McAllister portrayed himself as a bible thumping Christian and loving husband and father in his ads to get elected.

You cannot escape his hypocrisy staring you in the face, and the attempts to shield him by dragging out a raft of tu quoque fallacies just proves you don't give a shit about principles, only power and face.

You are not able to be the better man. You cannot show how it is done. You cannot bring yourself to be principled and give McAllister the shellacking he deserves.

The Republican brand is completely worthless these days.

^ that
So republicans should promote degeneracy because some people fall short of the moral mark?

Man has fallen morally, we are imperfect. Your problem is, you want us to race to the bottom, embrace that imperfection, instead of striving for a higher moral plane. By your logic, man should have no moral code, after all, he will violate that code at some point in his life.

So some people are hypocritical, so what? Is that a knew revelation to you about humanity? You need to get out more.
So Republicans, to a man, should defend this scumbag to the hilt?
I disagree with your portrayal of Democrats as moral-less people, but the rest is spot on.

Unfortunately, it's going to be like hitting your head against a brick wall. Nothing will change except hurting yourself.

democrats are sociopaths.

The party eschews ethics and actively suppresses any sort of values. Honesty is derided as foolish, integrity is openly mocked. The democratic party promotes loyalty to the party as the ONLY concern of any democrat.

It is the party of sociopaths - absolute and irrefutable fact.
democrats are sociopaths.

The party eschews ethics and actively suppresses any sort of values. Honesty is derided as foolish, integrity is openly mocked. The democratic party promotes loyalty to the party as the ONLY concern of any democrat.

It is the party of sociopaths - absolute and irrefutable fact.
Based on what you just posted.

What's your thoughts on GOP Rep. Vance McAllister then?
So republicans should promote degeneracy because some people fall short of the moral mark?

Man has fallen morally, we are imperfect. Your problem is, you want us to race to the bottom, embrace that imperfection, instead of striving for a higher moral plane. By your logic, man should have no moral code, after all, he will violate that code at some point in his life.

So some people are hypocritical, so what? Is that a knew revelation to you about humanity? You need to get out more.
So Republicans, to a man, should defend this scumbag to the hilt?

Scumbag, that's harsh. Are you his wife, or are you trying to score browning points to be next in line to lick her feet or something? Being a white knight isn't attractive, guy.

Also, none of the shitlibs here aren't attacking him for his infidelity, but rather for his position on marriage. Shows you how fucked up they are.
Yes, Obama.


Obama killed Osama Bin Laden and Mommar Gaddafi.

Reagan made deals with the Iranians, the Contras (Who raped, mutilated and killed American nuns) and killed 250 Marines in Lebanon.

Nice to know that you think a man who made deals with Iranian terrorists, Nun rapers (which broke the law by the way) and killed 250 marines shouldn't have been impeached.

Seriously? Do you think making deals with Iranian terrorists, nun rapers and killing 250 marines is patriotic? :cuckoo:

WOW I see the far left is rewriting history again.

No surprise there but then again the far left shows they support the illegal war in Libya.

Point out what was "rewriting history".

Oh..I posted a video too.

Of the man..LYING.
This issue of whether or not this guy is cheating on his wife is between him and his wife.

The issue of how the indoctrinated sheep will make excuses for him is a political curiosity.
This issue of whether or not this guy is cheating on his wife is between him and his wife.

The issue of how the indoctrinated sheep will make excuses for him is a political curiosity.

I think its more about the hypocrisy when you run on faith family and no gay marriage because its a sin.

Opinion: Congressman a kissing hypocrite -

I frankly couldn't care less whether he's having sex with 100 men of differing races and religions or whether he has fantasies involving chickens, so long as he doesn't do anything with anyone not a consenting "human' adult. I am sick of these RW fundy xtian hypocrites.
So republicans should promote degeneracy because some people fall short of the moral mark?

Man has fallen morally, we are imperfect. Your problem is, you want us to race to the bottom, embrace that imperfection, instead of striving for a higher moral plane. By your logic, man should have no moral code, after all, he will violate that code at some point in his life.

So some people are hypocritical, so what? Is that a knew revelation to you about humanity? You need to get out more.
So Republicans, to a man, should defend this scumbag to the hilt?

Scumbag, that's harsh. Are you his wife, or are you trying to score browning points to be next in line to lick her feet or something? Being a white knight isn't attractive, guy.

Also, none of the shitlibs here aren't attacking him for his infidelity, but rather for his position on marriage. Shows you how fucked up they are.
Two long sentences and not ONE of them answered the question.

You're good....or something.
can't wait :eusa_drool: These Repub hypocrites/philanderers need to be outed.


Those not in the party must be perfect, or face the inquisition, da Comrade?

Those in the party must never be held accountable for anything, even and especially if they run on specific things which they've broken. Zieg HEIL!!!
And none of that happened because he had sex with that woman......Monica Lewinsky.


But you know who didn't get impeached..for being a traitor? I mean a real live fucking treasonous asshole?

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

maybe you should go back and read or listen to the impeachment hearings. link us to the part where it was about sex with a woman

@Spoonman is correct on this one - the hearings were about Bill Clinton lying under oath. Now, he used some juristic shadow jabs to get around it, but it was not about the sex itself.

Had I been Bill Clinton, I would have said the following:

My fellow Americans, I have been accused of having sex with another woman in the White House. Although this kind of stuff is no one's damned business other than my own, I will tell you, it is true. I DID have sex with that woman, and it was fucking glorious. She wins the White House Oral Seal of Approval. Now that the world knows that I have had sex with someone other than my own wife, it's time to get back to business. Thank you, and G-d bless America.



Now, some on the Right may have been pissed that they weren't gettin as much on the side as Bill Clinton, but had he just come out and said it, would have only had a scandal and not this circus. He was already re-elected, had no future campaign to think about. Pffftt... who cares.
Based on what you just posted.

What's your thoughts on GOP Rep. Vance McAllister then?

He's an idiot, and you're a hypocrite.

democrats always act like Republicans are the only ones in history to engage in infidelity.

McAllister will lose his seat in November, and probably his wife shortly after that.
This issue of whether or not this guy is cheating on his wife is between him and his wife.

The issue of how the indoctrinated sheep will make excuses for him is a political curiosity.

I think its more about the hypocrisy when you run on faith family and no gay marriage because its a sin.

Opinion: Congressman a kissing hypocrite -

I frankly couldn't care less whether he's having sex with 100 men of differing races and religions or whether he has fantasies involving chickens, so long as he doesn't do anything with anyone not a consenting "human' adult. I am sick of these RW fundy xtian hypocrites.

Those are good points - but when you get down to it - that's between him and his constituents.
@Spoonman is correct on this one - the hearings were about Bill Clinton lying under oath. Now, he used some juristic shadow jabs to get around it, but it was not about the sex itself.

Had I been Bill Clinton, I would have said the following:

My fellow Americans, I have been accused of having sex with another woman in the White House. Although this kind of stuff is no one's damned business other than my own, I will tell you, it is true. I DID have sex with that woman, and it was fucking glorious. She wins the White House Oral Seal of Approval. Now that the world knows that I have had sex with someone other than my own wife, it's time to get back to business. Thank you, and G-d bless America.



Now, some on the Right may have been pissed that they weren't gettin as much on the side as Bill Clinton, but had he just come out and said it, would have only had a scandal and not this circus. He was already re-elected, had no future campaign to think about. Pffftt... who cares.

No batshit, you wouldn't have.

Clinton lied because he sought to obscure a pattern of behavior. Starr was investigating a whole slew of allegations of misconduct, ranging from sex with subordinates - which according to California law is rape, even if consensual, to forcible rape allegations. Had Clinton admitted that he was fucking his subordinates, it would open all sorts of avenues of investigation.

See, before Clinton, there was this silly notion of sexual harassment, that a boss fucking the help was a criminal act. Now of course we know that only a REPUBLICAN can engage in harassment, a democrat is subject to completely different laws, but at that time, there was a concern that we might all be held to the same law.
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This issue of whether or not this guy is cheating on his wife is between him and his wife.

The issue of how the indoctrinated sheep will make excuses for him is a political curiosity.

I think its more about the hypocrisy when you run on faith family and no gay marriage because its a sin.

Opinion: Congressman a kissing hypocrite -

I frankly couldn't care less whether he's having sex with 100 men of differing races and religions or whether he has fantasies involving chickens, so long as he doesn't do anything with anyone not a consenting "human' adult. I am sick of these RW fundy xtian hypocrites.

Those are good points - but when you get down to it - that's between him and his constituents.

True, and I'll guess it'll have no adverse effect on him

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