Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video

his staffer was prolly a rw'er as well. Anyone hear different? The irony is delicious- two married people in the party of family values, cheating on their spouses :rofl:

first of all, neither party is the 'party of family values'
second, people in all walks of life have affairs, all races, all ethnicities, all income levels
third, to claim that only republicans do this shit is just ignorant partisan bullshit

the guy in OP will probably be voted out, but guess what dems----he will be replaced with another republican. :D
Who cares...??

The point is that you people should hold your own scumbags' feet to the fire, instead of defending them to the hilt.
his staffer was prolly a rw'er as well. Anyone hear different? The irony is delicious- two married people in the party of family values, cheating on their spouses :rofl:

first of all, neither party is the 'party of family values'
second, people in all walks of life have affairs, all races, all ethnicities, all income levels
third, to claim that only republicans do this shit is just ignorant partisan bullshit

the guy in OP will probably be voted out, but guess what dems----he will be replaced with another republican. :D

good backpedal but not good enough :eusa_hand: EVERYONE knows that the GObP claims to be the party of family values. :eusa_pray: :lol:

NO, the GOP is the party that has values, unlike the dems who have no values, morals, ethics, and ignore the rule of law.

Did Lerner have values? only the value to protect herself and her bosses from prosecution for illegal acts. Why didn't see tell the whitehouse the IRS targeting was illegal? she had to know it was. Was she afraid of being fired, becoming a Vince Foster, or just being destroyed by the dems and their minions in the media?
his staffer was prolly a rw'er as well. Anyone hear different? The irony is delicious- two married people in the party of family values, cheating on their spouses :rofl:

first of all, neither party is the 'party of family values'
second, people in all walks of life have affairs, all races, all ethnicities, all income levels
third, to claim that only republicans do this shit is just ignorant partisan bullshit

the guy in OP will probably be voted out, but guess what dems----he will be replaced with another republican. :D
Who cares...??

The point is that you people should hold your own scumbags' feet to the fire, instead of defending them to the hilt.

He will lose his job, just like Weiner--------------but not bubba Clinton. why didn't you people hold that scumbag's feet to the fire? or how about teddy the swimmer Kennedy, feet to the fire???????? hmmmmmmmmm?

like all dems, you are a hypocrite.
Does anyone remember ...:

Democrat Anthony Weiner (no pun intended)
Eliot Spitzer
David Wu
Kwame Kilpatrick
John Edwards
Bill Clinton (I did not "do" that woman))
David Paterson
Antonio Villaraigosa
Marc Dann
Paul Morrison
Gary Condit
Tim Mahoney
Roosevelt Dobbins
Neil Goldschmidt
Jim McGreevey
Bob Wise
Paul Patten
Mel Reynolds
Brock Adams
Chuck Robb
Barney Frank
Gary Hart
Gerry Studds
Fred Richmond
John Andrew Young
Allan Howe
Wayne Hays
Gavin Newsom
Sam Adams

For more info: Democrat Sex Scandals | List of Democrats Involved in Sex Scandals

And these are just the ones who got caught.
This piece of RW scum, V. McAllister isn't as bad as that toe-tapping old fart sweetboi.

I don't think The People of Wisconsin will let him slide...if you know what I mean, but we'll see!
Former Richland commissioner released from prison ? Say what?. | Tell it like it is?

Swartz was from my corner of Ohio, in Mansfield, and yes, he was a Republican.

You can check the election records from Richland County.

So, the data presented here is accurate.

And a cached article from the Mansfield Journal:

ZoomInfo Cached Page

Really, Uncensored, weak sauce: were the people who collected these facts lying, the Republicans would have been on this long, long ago. Nice try.

That's not the point, this is an obscure nobody. There are many sex offenders, want to bet that the majority are Republicans? What pornographer and moral backbone of the DNC Larry Flint did, was pour over convictions and cherry pick the 1 or 2% that might be connected to Republicans.

Nothing like you leftists using the creator and publisher of Hustler, busted a dozen times for using under age girls, the most exploitative of all pornography rags, to claim the moral high ground.

Flint's a Leftie?

first of all, neither party is the 'party of family values'
second, people in all walks of life have affairs, all races, all ethnicities, all income levels
third, to claim that only republicans do this shit is just ignorant partisan bullshit

the guy in OP will probably be voted out, but guess what dems----he will be replaced with another republican. :D

good backpedal but not good enough :eusa_hand: EVERYONE knows that the GObP claims to be the party of family values. :eusa_pray: :lol:

NO, the GOP is the party that has values, unlike the dems who have no values, morals, ethics, and ignore the rule of law.

Did Lerner have values? only the value to protect herself and her bosses from prosecution for illegal acts. Why didn't see tell the whitehouse the IRS targeting was illegal? she had to know it was. Was she afraid of being fired, becoming a Vince Foster, or just being destroyed by the dems and their minions in the media?

The part that I find amusing is that the guy was too dumb to avoid the surveillance camera in his own office. This guy does not strike me as being overly bright.
I kind of miss what's his name...the republican senator that was fishing for gay sex in the Minnesota airport. It doesn't get much better than that! I also read that Sanford is running again after having lied about hiking the Appalachian Trail when he was actually with his mistress.. Today's politicians just don't have any style. LBJ never lied to anybody. He just screwed any woman who came across his path.
The part that I find amusing is that the guy was too dumb to avoid the surveillance camera in his own office. This guy does not strike me as being overly bright.
You're right, the fella doesn't have his priorities straight at all.

He was the same palooka that invited the Duck Dynasty buffoon to the State of the Union earlier this year.

Rep. McAllister invites Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty to watch State of the Union speech from House gallery |

Just like the show, this RW Congressman is all substance.

I wager he'll be out on his A$$ soon enough.

Another Tea-Partyer bites the dust.

When President Bill Clinton was busted for having oral sex with an intern in the Oval Office, liberals and the mainstream media were mostly okay with it. Remember the comments like these, printed in the San Francisco Chronicle in 1998?
“We all know the President has done a great job.”
“Call off the vultures.”
“I don’t care if the president is sleeping with a cow!”
“Whether the president had an affair or affairs, whether while president or prior to his becoming president, is of concern only to him and to his family.”
“Before we become obsessed with the legal aspects of the case, we should examine the politics of it, starting with the principles, agendas, motives and supporters of Mr. Starr and the Misses Lewinsky, Tripp and Goldberg. What a gang!”
“Should Clinton be removed from office? No, definitely not!”
“Under his leadership the United States has become strong economically and respectable all over the world.”
“No, President Clinton should not be removed from office. He is entitled to his own personal life and it is not interfering with his job.”
“Who cares about who Clinton is or was sleeping with? I am interested in letting Clinton do the job he was hired to do.”
To this day, Bill Clinton is worshiped by the left, and most Americans either forgot or never knew the details of his impeachment hearings, the rape allegations, and the admitted affairs. The Lewinsky debacle is common knowledge, but still Clinton is acceptable to liberals, because “he’s our guy.”
Flint's a Leftie?


Water isn't wet?

Damn, the things you little Goebbels come up with..

{Later in the interview, Flynt called the fact that women get paid 25% less for doing the same jobs as men. “the biggest travesty that we have in this country,” a problem he also blamed on the GOP. “The reason why women don’t have equal pay, it’s Republicans, it’s not the Democrats.” He said it’s also Republicans who are trying to block immigration reform and “control women’s reproductive cycles.” }

Larry Flynt: ?I?ve Never Met A Republican That Wasn?t Mean-Spirited And Racist? | Mediaite

You're quite the fraud, Statist - but not convincing. You're almost like a pornographer who lambasts Republicans for poor treatment of women.....

democrat motto "Republicans treat women terribly - we democrats just publish scratch and sniff photos or their pussies."

Honestly Statist, the reeking hypocrisy of you leftists is beyond belief.
Flint's a Leftie?


Water isn't wet?

Damn, the things you little Goebbels come up with..

{Later in the interview, Flynt called the fact that women get paid 25% less for doing the same jobs as men. “the biggest travesty that we have in this country,” a problem he also blamed on the GOP. “The reason why women don’t have equal pay, it’s Republicans, it’s not the Democrats.” He said it’s also Republicans who are trying to block immigration reform and “control women’s reproductive cycles.” }

Larry Flynt: ?I?ve Never Met A Republican That Wasn?t Mean-Spirited And Racist? | Mediaite

You're quite the fraud, Statist - but not convincing. You're almost like a pornographer who lambasts Republicans for poor treatment of women.....

democrat motto "Republicans treat women terribly - we democrats just publish scratch and sniff photos or their pussies."

Honestly Statist, the reeking hypocrisy of you leftists is beyond belief.

Oh, you poor thing. All that umbrage within you. So, based on two statements, you decide that Larry Flynt's a leftie, eh?

Of course, he is, but that is really weak sauce.
Last edited:
Oh, you poor thing. All that umbrage within you. So, based on two statements, you decide that Larry Flynt's a leftie, eh?

Are you fucking stupid, or do you just think everyone else is?

Yeah, Flynt who compiled the sleazy list on here, who attacked Republicans to draw fire away from Clinton, is a leftist.

And George Soros supports democrats.

Seriously, up your game.
his staffer was prolly a rw'er as well. Anyone hear different? The irony is delicious- two married people in the party of family values, cheating on their spouses :rofl:

first of all, neither party is the 'party of family values'
second, people in all walks of life have affairs, all races, all ethnicities, all income levels
third, to claim that only republicans do this shit is just ignorant partisan bullshit

the guy in OP will probably be voted out, but guess what dems----he will be replaced with another republican. :D

good backpedal but not good enough :eusa_hand: EVERYONE knows that the GObP claims to be the party of family values. :eusa_pray: :lol:

So that makes the democrat party with no values??
At least one party has what I have .."values"!
When President Bill Clinton was busted for having oral sex with an intern in the Oval Office, liberals and the mainstream media were mostly okay with it. Remember the comments like these, printed in the San Francisco Chronicle in 1998?
“We all know the President has done a great job.”
“Call off the vultures.”
“I don’t care if the president is sleeping with a cow!”
“Whether the president had an affair or affairs, whether while president or prior to his becoming president, is of concern only to him and to his family.”
“Before we become obsessed with the legal aspects of the case, we should examine the politics of it, starting with the principles, agendas, motives and supporters of Mr. Starr and the Misses Lewinsky, Tripp and Goldberg. What a gang!”
“Should Clinton be removed from office? No, definitely not!”
“Under his leadership the United States has become strong economically and respectable all over the world.”
“No, President Clinton should not be removed from office. He is entitled to his own personal life and it is not interfering with his job.”
“Who cares about who Clinton is or was sleeping with? I am interested in letting Clinton do the job he was hired to do.”
To this day, Bill Clinton is worshiped by the left, and most Americans either forgot or never knew the details of his impeachment hearings, the rape allegations, and the admitted affairs. The Lewinsky debacle is common knowledge, but still Clinton is acceptable to liberals, because “he’s our guy.”

Most people forget that Monica Lewinsky was merely the "tip" of the iceberg. There were some 8 or 10 OTHER women that Clinton was said to have raped, assaulted and threatened with death if they spoke about it.

It was widely rumored around DC that Bill had Vince Foster killed (and made it look like suicide - which it was NOT) because Foster and Hillary had a fling going.

And the left? Couldn't care less. Same as with that bitch Hillary - the Left will lay palm frawns down for her triumphant ride into DC. THE LEFT DOES NOT CARE.
When President Bill Clinton was busted for having oral sex with an intern in the Oval Office, liberals and the mainstream media were mostly okay with it. Remember the comments like these, printed in the San Francisco Chronicle in 1998?
“We all know the President has done a great job.”
“Call off the vultures.”
“I don’t care if the president is sleeping with a cow!”
“Whether the president had an affair or affairs, whether while president or prior to his becoming president, is of concern only to him and to his family.”
“Before we become obsessed with the legal aspects of the case, we should examine the politics of it, starting with the principles, agendas, motives and supporters of Mr. Starr and the Misses Lewinsky, Tripp and Goldberg. What a gang!”
“Should Clinton be removed from office? No, definitely not!”
“Under his leadership the United States has become strong economically and respectable all over the world.”
“No, President Clinton should not be removed from office. He is entitled to his own personal life and it is not interfering with his job.”
“Who cares about who Clinton is or was sleeping with? I am interested in letting Clinton do the job he was hired to do.”
To this day, Bill Clinton is worshiped by the left, and most Americans either forgot or never knew the details of his impeachment hearings, the rape allegations, and the admitted affairs. The Lewinsky debacle is common knowledge, but still Clinton is acceptable to liberals, because “he’s our guy.”

Most people forget that Monica Lewinsky was merely the "tip" of the iceberg. There were some 8 or 10 OTHER women that Clinton was said to have raped, assaulted and threatened with death if they spoke about it.

It was widely rumored around DC that Bill had Vince Foster killed (and made it look like suicide - which it was NOT) because Foster and Hillary had a fling going.

And the left? Couldn't care less. Same as with that bitch Hillary - the Left will lay palm frawns down for her triumphant ride into DC. THE LEFT DOES NOT CARE.

"Said" is not the same as proven. It's called "the law".
I blame it on all of those gay couples destroying the sanctity of marriage.

Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video
On Monday, The Ouachita Citizen published a surveillance video allegedly showing McAllister and Melissa Anne Hixon Peacock, McAllister’s district scheduler, at the Republican's congressional office in Monroe, Louisiana. The two people in the video can be seen embracing and kissing for almost half a minute.

He is fairly new to politics, having assumed office in November 2013 after an upset win in a runoff race against Republican Neil Riser to succeed former GOP Rep. Rodney Alexander. McAllister's win came after he touted his conservative values and 16-year-marriage.

If he corn holed Barney you fags would think it cute.

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