Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video

yeah... okay...

but he did wag his finger at us 'n say "I did not have sex with that woman:...

'n shamefully lied his ass off before the American public...

'n btw, in the process, informed pre-teens about what blowjobs are...

thanks Bill for your service to our country... (eyeroll)...

ummm..... the Repub perp couldn't deny it, it was filmed. :thup:



Do you mind keeping the pictures from your personal collection to yourself?
Bobby Stumbo
Mark Foley
Tom Randall
Armando Tebano
John Collins
Mark Seidensticker
Philip Giordano
Tom Adams
John Gosek
David Swartz

Ronald C. Kline
David Wu
Kwame Kilpatrick
Neil Goldschmidt
Joseph Waggonner Jr
Robert Dicheine
Eric massa
Tim Mahoney
Gary Condit
Wade Sanders

Holy shit, you're really getting desperate ... let's take a closer look at these ... some are valid, but others have nothing to do with homosexual infidelity or sex crimes against children or even Democrats.

Ronald C. Kline - REPUBLICAN :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Kwame Kilpatrick - a wild party with strippers (female and of legal age)

Joseph Waggonner Jr - solicitation (female and of legal age)

Tim Mahoney - attempted to pay off a former mistress (female and of legal age)

Gary Condit - had an affair (female and of legal age)

Here are ten more Republicans -- all caught cheating with a person of the same sex or caught in a sex crime against children. And all Republican. :lmao:

Edison Misla Aldarondo
John R. Curtain
Howard Scott Heldreth
Dennis L. Rader
Nicholas Morency
Tom Shortridge
Strom Thurmond
Mike Hintz
Peter Dibble
Carey Lee Cramer

Charles Robb
Jim Bates
Gary Hart
Robert Leggett
Walter Jenkins
David Walsh
Bob Filner
Richard Steinberg
J. James Marzilli
Joe Parmley

I don't bother checking yours, I have other threads that are more interesting to play with! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

But, how about we simply go for CRIME? Or you afraid of that one? :eusa_clap:

BTW, was this woman he was kissing under age? Or you just like going off topic when it suits you?
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Ronald C. Kline
David Wu
Kwame Kilpatrick
Neil Goldschmidt
Joseph Waggonner Jr
Robert Dicheine
Eric massa
Tim Mahoney
Gary Condit
Wade Sanders

Holy shit, you're really getting desperate ... let's take a closer look at these ... some are valid, but others have nothing to do with homosexual infidelity or sex crimes against children or even Democrats.

Ronald C. Kline - REPUBLICAN :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Kwame Kilpatrick - a wild party with strippers (female and of legal age)

Joseph Waggonner Jr - solicitation (female and of legal age)

Tim Mahoney - attempted to pay off a former mistress (female and of legal age)

Gary Condit - had an affair (female and of legal age)

Here are ten more Republicans -- all caught cheating with a person of the same sex or caught in a sex crime against children. And all Republican. :lmao:

Edison Misla Aldarondo
John R. Curtain
Howard Scott Heldreth
Dennis L. Rader
Nicholas Morency
Tom Shortridge
Strom Thurmond
Mike Hintz
Peter Dibble
Carey Lee Cramer

Charles Robb
Jim Bates
Gary Hart
Robert Leggett
Walter Jenkins
David Walsh
Bob Filner
Richard Steinberg
J. James Marzilli
Joe Parmley

I don't bother checking yours, I have other threads that are more interesting to play with! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

But, how about we simply go for CRIME? Or you afraid of that one? :eusa_clap:

I have no concerns with you checking out the ones I listed. Half of yours (at least your last set) didn't even have anything to do with gay infidelity or sex crimes against children. Hell, one of them was even a Republican! :lmao:

And we can switch to other crimes once we've exhausted this list. I'm only about 1/3 through mine. Now that you're posting Republicans as though they're Democrats, it seems you're running thin on names. No wonder you want to switch topics. :lmao:
Holy shit, you're really getting desperate ... let's take a closer look at these ... some are valid, but others have nothing to do with homosexual infidelity or sex crimes against children or even Democrats.

Ronald C. Kline - REPUBLICAN :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Kwame Kilpatrick - a wild party with strippers (female and of legal age)

Joseph Waggonner Jr - solicitation (female and of legal age)

Tim Mahoney - attempted to pay off a former mistress (female and of legal age)

Gary Condit - had an affair (female and of legal age)

Here are ten more Republicans -- all caught cheating with a person of the same sex or caught in a sex crime against children. And all Republican. :lmao:

Edison Misla Aldarondo
John R. Curtain
Howard Scott Heldreth
Dennis L. Rader
Nicholas Morency
Tom Shortridge
Strom Thurmond
Mike Hintz
Peter Dibble
Carey Lee Cramer

Charles Robb
Jim Bates
Gary Hart
Robert Leggett
Walter Jenkins
David Walsh
Bob Filner
Richard Steinberg
J. James Marzilli
Joe Parmley

I don't bother checking yours, I have other threads that are more interesting to play with! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

But, how about we simply go for CRIME? Or you afraid of that one? :eusa_clap:

I have no concerns with you checking out the ones I listed. Half of yours (at least your last set) didn't even have anything to do with gay infidelity or sex crimes against children. Hell, one of them was even a Republican! :lmao:

And we can switch to other crimes once we've exhausted this list. I'm only about 1/3 through mine. Now that you're posting Republicans as though they're Democrats, it seems you're running thin on names. No wonder you want to switch topics. :lmao:

I freely admit there have been more Republicans involved in under age sex crimes, but that has nothing to do with the OP topic, does it!
Charles Robb
Jim Bates
Gary Hart
Robert Leggett
Walter Jenkins
David Walsh
Bob Filner
Richard Steinberg
J. James Marzilli
Joe Parmley

I don't bother checking yours, I have other threads that are more interesting to play with! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

But, how about we simply go for CRIME? Or you afraid of that one? :eusa_clap:

I have no concerns with you checking out the ones I listed. Half of yours (at least your last set) didn't even have anything to do with gay infidelity or sex crimes against children. Hell, one of them was even a Republican! :lmao:

And we can switch to other crimes once we've exhausted this list. I'm only about 1/3 through mine. Now that you're posting Republicans as though they're Democrats, it seems you're running thin on names. No wonder you want to switch topics. :lmao:

I freely admit there have been more Republicans involved in sex crimes, but that has nothing to do with the OP topic, does it!

It has to do with where I took the topic, which you were stupid enough to challenge. The thread topic is about a married GOPer who got caught kissing a staffer. I was giving him kudos for it at least being with a person of the opposite sex and of legal age since there have been sooooo many GOPers who were caught cheating on their spouse with someone of the same sex or with having sex with minors or with being caught with child pornography. That's not to say that there has never been a Democrat caught doing the same, but the proclivity leans way to the right. You thought you could keep up with me. You failed miserably. That's why your list included a Republican sex offender as well as others who didn't have gay sex or sex with minors. And that's why you're eager now to switch to different crimes.

Thanks! You helped proved my point better than I did.
I have no concerns with you checking out the ones I listed. Half of yours (at least your last set) didn't even have anything to do with gay infidelity or sex crimes against children. Hell, one of them was even a Republican! :lmao:

And we can switch to other crimes once we've exhausted this list. I'm only about 1/3 through mine. Now that you're posting Republicans as though they're Democrats, it seems you're running thin on names. No wonder you want to switch topics. :lmao:

I freely admit there have been more Republicans involved in sex crimes, but that has nothing to do with the OP topic, does it!

It has to do with where I took the topic, which you were stupid enough to challenge. The thread topic is about a married GOPer who got caught kissing a staffer. I was giving him kudos for it at least being with a person of the opposite sex and of legal age since there have been sooooo many GOPers who were caught cheating on their spouse with someone of the same sex or with having sex with minors or with being caught with child pornography. That's not to say that there has never been a Democrat caught doing the same, but the proclivity leans way to the right. You thought you could keep up with me. You failed miserably. That's why your list included a Republican sex offender as well as others who didn't have gay sex or sex with minors. And that's why you're eager now to switch to different crimes.

Thanks! You helped proved my point better than I did.

OK, shall we now start with REAL crime? :D
These kinds of threads always seem to devolve into a contest to determine which political party has the most perverts.

The weird thing is that the Democrats don't care if they win or lose, they just seem to enjoy the game....

He'll pay for this. I expect the media to stalk all Repubs until election day and report even the slightest infraction.

The guy probably is religious and has convictions, but since he's human he can't be perfect.

If you cheat on the spouse once, maybe. If you cheat on the spouse by sexually attacking other women, then you're not religious nor do you have convictions.

There is a difference between believing we should be good and being perfect all the time.

The right constantly brings up even NON-trangressions by democrats, whether the democrat professes to be a christian or not. Two way street, honey.

People, especially men, are weak when it comes to the opposite sex and things can happen.

You know, it's starting to get annoying. Every time the righties get into trouble they play the weak victim. Remember the poor, frightened entrepreneurs having to go overseas because of the mean old middle class workers wanting fair treatment? Now the man can claim innocence - "It's all her fault for being pretty!!!!"

Most affairs are with people they work with and see every day.

No one claims to be immune from sin, yet the left acts as if all religious people are hypocrites because they fail sometimes and give in to temptation. It just means they are human, they know what they are doing is wrong and most will suffer from the guilt even if they don't get caught. He knows it's wrong and will continue to know just how wrong it is.

If it were a once in a while thing, maybe. But extramarital cheating, as well as sexually harrassing and sexually attacking women while publicly professing to be pure and demanding all others be pure as well is nothing but hipocrisy. He knows it's wrong and he doesn't give a good goddamn.

He should be castrated as an example.

Decent people slip up. Is the left amazed that the right is human or just doing their job to spy on people and make sure the public knows before the election?

He was reported for attacking a woman. No spying involved.

Of course, when a Dem does it, it's no big deal. That's because they hold themselves to much lower standards. It is shocking when adults make decisions the way teenagers would.

As usual, you're posting your worthless opinion as fact. It's a big deal whenever anyone does it. It's a HUGE deal when someone claims to be a holier-than-thou christian and does it.

Weren't the Clintons church goers? I recall the chat about family values. Funny that didn't come up after the whole Monica thing, but Dems don't expect much from other Dems. You'd think only Republicans care about family values and decency, so the left sees it as a much bigger story than when a Dem screws around.

The Clintons didn't try to force everyone into a fundamentalist religious lifestyle. Slick Willy lied about Monica (and sure enough Rand Paul calls Monica a "little girl" and makes her out to be a victim...) The republican party has proven that it has no values, has no respect for the judeo-christian dogma it tries to force on America, it has no respect for nonwhite nonmales, and its only god reigns not in heaven, but in a bank vault.
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Bobby Stumbo
Mark Foley
Tom Randall
Armando Tebano
John Collins
Mark Seidensticker
Philip Giordano
Tom Adams
John Gosek
David Swartz

Ronald C. Kline
David Wu
Kwame Kilpatrick
Neil Goldschmidt
Joseph Waggonner Jr
Robert Dicheine
Eric massa
Tim Mahoney
Gary Condit
Wade Sanders

Holy shit, you're really getting desperate ... let's take a closer look at these ... some are valid, but others have nothing to do with homosexual infidelity or sex crimes against children or even Democrats.

Ronald C. Kline - REPUBLICAN :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Kwame Kilpatrick - a wild party with strippers (female and of legal age)

Joseph Waggonner Jr - solicitation (female and of legal age)

Tim Mahoney - attempted to pay off a former mistress (female and of legal age)

Gary Condit - had an affair (female and of legal age)

Here are ten more Republicans -- all caught cheating with a person of the same sex or caught in a sex crime against children. And all Republican. :lmao:

Edison Misla Aldarondo
John R. Curtain
Howard Scott Heldreth
Dennis L. Rader
Nicholas Morency
Tom Shortridge
Strom Thurmond
Mike Hintz
Peter Dibble
Carey Lee Cramer


As usual, your names are a list of nobodies. I'll bet George Soros paid a small fortune to have someone compile your enemies list.
Yes, I believe Gov. Jim McGreevy would agree with that!:badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Hey, you found a gay Democrat! Yay for you.

Here's ten Republicans for ya, either gay or child molesters or caught with child pornography...

Alan David Berlin
Aaron Bruns
Jeffrey Claude Bartleson
Royce Fessenden
George Christian Ortloff
Robert R. Groezinger
Robert A. McKee
Eric Feltner
Matthew Joseph Elliott
John Bryan *

* = killed himself before being actually charged with raping his own underage daughters.

And there's lots more names on this list if you really want to go toe-to-toe.....


No one is responsible for your own ignorance but you. And in this case, ignorance is not an insult. It means you just don't know yet. Google, Bing, newspaper articles, case reports, news casts, they can all be found to support these facts. Go find em!!!
These kinds of threads always seem to devolve into a contest to determine which political party has the most perverts.

The weird thing is that the Democrats don't care if they win or lose, they just seem to enjoy the game....


Oh, I dunno.

I accept that there are going to be perverts in both parties and when they are found out, they should be thrown out. It's real simple to me.

The DIFFERENCE is that the GOP has been the party that claims to have the moral high ground and at the same time very erroneously claims that the DEMS have no moral ground at all, so when one of theirs pops a young woman in the back of a car or orally services a young guy to completion and then other GOPers look away as if nothing happens, the rest of the world laughs it's ass off at GOP idiots who don't even have enough sense to admit that one of theirs really, really fucked up.

I was one of the first to go totally ballistic on Anthony Weiner when it happened, and I'm a Democrat.

Oh, and FOX loves to lie with it's Chyrons, too. Remember when Mark Foley got caught for bending over those White House pages (male, teenage) or giving them handjobs? Why, sure you do. Mark Foley is a REPUBLICAN. So, how did Fox depict him?



And when Mark Sanford lied out his ass about "hiking the Appalachian Trail" when in reality he was pumping his South American mistress full of his born-again Christian love? Remember that? I do. Well, here is how FOX news represented him when it all came out:


Of course, South Carolinan Republicans punished him real bad by electing him as a Representative to congress in 2013. Family values!!!

Or David Vitter, you know, the one who likes to wear diapers and also fucked the same DC madam as Democrat Elliot Spitzer (bipartisan work!!!). Well, when he was massaging her inner-values with his one salute soldier, how did Fox treat it? Let's see:


He admitted to the affair, but FOX didn't want to report. Remember, Vitter is the same dude who called for Bill Clinton to resign because of an extra-marital affair. And he got re-elected to the Senate, because by G-d, this is how Republicans punish adulterers!! Elliot Spitzer (D) resigned, btw.

Or, Robert Arango, a Republican from Puerto Rico who got busted for trying to hook up with hot men to pop him - he was sending photos of his anus so that guys could decide whether to bang him or not. And when caught, he lied like a rug and said he took the photos of his anus to "document weight loss". OF HIS ANUS!!! Oh, and did I tell you he was married and had kids when it happened? Well, he got caught and resigned, but what photo did the right choose to publish of him? Here:


Yepp, that's Arango, posing with former Pres. Clinton while Bill was visiting Puerto Rico during the DEM primaries of 2008. They Rightie press wanted to make him look like he was a DEM, but he's a Republican, through and through. And he is the one to sponsored anti-gay legislation in the Puerto Rican House.

The long and short of it is that there are a lot of horny toads in Washington and G-d only knows what they all do in the late hours of the night. And actually, it's none of our damned business. Only, Republicans tend to be rewarded for their "Christian Values" by getting re-elected, while Democrats tend to get thrown out of office. If David Vitter was really, really, really a born-again Christian, he would have accepted the logical punishment for his transgressions and he would have resigned. You do know what the Bible says about adultery, right?

That being said, I am still having a hard time getting all umbraged up over the OP. The video caught him kissing her in a hotel room. Interesting that he turned the lights off before kissing her. He probably just fucked her brains out in the bedroom, they probably just got dressed and then they left. A story that has happened thousands of times. But since she is on his payroll, there might be some investigations coming at him. Wait and see.

OH, and the big one is yet to come. Every mid-term, there is usually one really juicy sex scandal, usually about the guy no one would ever suspect. I'm pretty sure we will all have fun with that one!
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These kinds of threads always seem to devolve into a contest to determine which political party has the most perverts.

The weird thing is that the Democrats don't care if they win or lose, they just seem to enjoy the game....


Oh, I dunno.

I accept that there are going to be perverts in both parties and when they are found out, they should be thrown out. It's real simple to me.

The DIFFERENCE is that the GOP has been the party that claims to have the moral high ground and at the same time very erroneously claims that the DEMS have no moral ground at all, so when one of theirs pops a 13 year old girl in the back of a car or sucks a 16 year old boy to completion and then other GOPers look away as if nothing happens, the rest of the world laughs it's ass off at GOP idiots who don't even have enough sense to admit that one of theirs really, really fucked up.

I was one of the first to go totally ballistic on Anthony Weiner when it happened, and I'm a Democrat.

Oh, and FOX loves to lie with it's Chyrons, too. Remember when Mark Foley got caught for bending over those White House pages (male, teenage) or giving them handjobs? Why, sure you do. Mark Foley is a REPUBLICAN. So, how did Fox depict him?



And when Mark Sanford lied out his ass about "hiking the Appalachian Trail" when in reality he was pumping his South American mistress full of his born-again Christian love? Remember that? I do. Well, here is how FOX news represented him when it all came out:


Of course, South Carolinan Republicans punished him real bad by electing him as a Representative to congress in 2013. Family values!!!

Or David Vitter, you know, the one who likes to wear diapers and also fucked the same DC madam as Democrat Elliot Spitzer (bipartisan work!!!). Well, when he was massaging her inner-values with his one salute soldier, how did Fox treat it? Let's see:


He admitted to the affair, but FOX didn't want to report. Remember, Vitter is the same dude who called for Bill Clinton to resign because of an extra-marital affair. And he got re-elected to the Senate, because by G-d, this is how Republicans punish adulterers!! Elliot Spitzer (D) resigned, btw.

Or, Robert Arango, a Republican from Puerto Rico who got busted for trying to hook up with hot men to pop him - he was sending photos of his anus so that guys could decide whether to bang him or not. And when caught, he lied like a rug and said he took the photos of his anus to "document weight loss". OF HIS ANUS!!! Oh, and did I tell you he was married and had kids when it happened? Well, he got caught and resigned, but what photo did the right choose to publish of him? Here:


Yepp, that's Arango, posing with former Pres. Clinton while Bill was visiting Puerto Rico during the DEM primaries of 2008. They Rightie press wanted to make him look like he was a DEM, but he's a Republican, through and through. And he is the one to sponsored anti-gay legislation in the Puerto Rican House.

The long and short of it is that there are a lot of horny toads in Washington and G-d only knows what they all do in the late hours of the night. And actually, it's none of our damned business. Only, Republicans tend to be rewarded for their "Christian Values" by getting re-elected, while Democrats tend to get thrown out of office. If David Vitter was really, really, really a born-again Christian, he would have accepted the logical punishment for his transgressions and he would have resigned. You do know what the Bible says about adultery, right?

That being said, I am still having a hard time getting all umbraged up over the OP. The video caught him kissing her in a hotel room. Interesting that he turned the lights off before kissing her. He probably just fucked her brains out in the bedroom, they probably just got dressed and then they left. A story that has happened thousands of times. But since she is on his payroll, there might be some investigations coming at him. Wait and see.

OH, and the big one is yet to come. Every mid-term, there is usually one really juicy sex scandal, usually about the guy no one would ever suspect. I'm pretty sure we will all have fun with that one!

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Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Clinton can do no wrong. He could have assassinated Netanyahu and gotten away with it.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Clinton can do no wrong. He could have assassinated Netanyahu and gotten away with it.

Yes, when you deliver 3% unemployment and massive peace and prosperity, people tend to like that sort of thing.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Clinton can do no wrong. He could have assassinated Netanyahu and gotten away with it.

And your evidence for that statement is....
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

Clinton can do no wrong. He could have assassinated Netanyahu and gotten away with it.

Really? The same Bill Clinton who was IMPEACHED?
I freely admit there have been more Republicans involved in sex crimes, but that has nothing to do with the OP topic, does it!

It has to do with where I took the topic, which you were stupid enough to challenge. The thread topic is about a married GOPer who got caught kissing a staffer. I was giving him kudos for it at least being with a person of the opposite sex and of legal age since there have been sooooo many GOPers who were caught cheating on their spouse with someone of the same sex or with having sex with minors or with being caught with child pornography. That's not to say that there has never been a Democrat caught doing the same, but the proclivity leans way to the right. You thought you could keep up with me. You failed miserably. That's why your list included a Republican sex offender as well as others who didn't have gay sex or sex with minors. And that's why you're eager now to switch to different crimes.

Thanks! You helped proved my point better than I did.

OK, shall we now start with REAL crime? :D

Now that we both agree the GOP is [primarily] the party of disturbingly sick sex offenders, sure. I don't see the point in doing so, but I'm confident that there are at least as many Republicans as there are Democrats.

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