Married GOP Rep. Caught Kissing Staffer In Surveillance Video

Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

THAT is the best you and your hypocrital friends can come up with?? As usual, you miss the point of the fallout from this by a country mile!!! Dummies!!
I don't trust people that have to let me know how religious they are, or what a great spouse or parent they are. Especially politicians. When it turns out not to be true it blows up in their faces.

Will Republicans ever learn??
That's not actually what I said. I was making fun of conservatives that say gays marrying will destroy the institution of marriage.

Gay couples should be able to attain marriage licenses because there is no logical reason to deny it. It has nothing to do with family values Republicans cheating on their spouses.
One issue doesn't negates the other, infidelity is harmful to the institution of marriage, obviously as are attempts to redefine marriage. Homosexuals even admit they want to eliminate the institution through redefining the word. Language is a very important part of the left's war on society, and part of the way they win is through taking control of the language to their ends.

There are several reasons to deny it. One of which is, the promotion of through the legal realm of a genetic dead end lifestyle threatens the continuation of our civilization. Promoting a culture of death, a discontinuation of one's genetic line through deviant acts, goes against the survival of the greater society into the future.

We don't need to be promoting weak, degenerate and effeminate lifestyles. We have already seen a rise in homosexuality among younger generations through it's promotion in our cultural realms, the same will occur when we promote it in the legal realm.
Special Report: 3.4% of U.S. Adults Identify as LGBT

The goal of the state should be to promote procreation. The most stable avenue for procreation nd child rearing is through the nuclear family, which consists of a man and woman(only men and women together can procreate)

It's one thing to allow homosexuals to live with one another and do what they wish in the privacy of their homes. But encouraging the behavior and codifying it into law as equal in standing to the traditional nuclear family is absurd.

The goal of the state should be to promote procreation? The ability to procreate has absolutely nothing to do with marriage. Plenty of older couples who can't procreate get married. What does procreation have to do with those unions? You can take that nonsense and pound sand with it.

Marriage is primarily about procreation. Sure it is a cultural institution that unites families(and husband and spouse), socially and economically. But it also helps solidify the bonds in a society buy producing the next generation, not just that, but giving that new generation and stable and positive social environment that teaches them to carry on the society in a proper manner to future generations.

Marriage outside of procreating or adopting children serves no function to the greater society, and shouldn't be encouraged in the same fashion as as the union of man and wife in building a traditional nuclear family.

As far as older divorcees getting remarried goes, we need to look at the societal ills that produce divorces, and look to reshape laws that have helped in engineering the rise in divorce rates over the last 40 years.

I don't really have a problem with an older man and woman getting married, because they still represent the core of a nuclear family, and could potentially adopt or unify their families for the better. But it isn't of equivalent value to a man and woman who marry and build a family. Homosexual unions codified into law serve no purpose to the continuance and foundation of society. They only undermine it.
I don't trust people that have to let me know how religious they are, or what a great spouse or parent they are. Especially politicians. When it turns out not to be true it blows up in their faces.

Will Republicans ever learn??

You prefer out and out scumbags.
That's why you're a Democrat.
I don't trust people that have to let me know how religious they are, or what a great spouse or parent they are. Especially politicians. When it turns out not to be true it blows up in their faces.

Will Republicans ever learn??

And another hypocritical, double talking, moronic liberal reveals their utter stupidity.
Nope. Not the same.

Clinton did not yammer on and on about "family values" and what a good christian he is.

Yet another family values, christian GOP screwing around - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Clinton did not say -

“There’s no doubt I’ve fallen short and I’m asking for forgiveness,” the statement read. “I’m asking for forgiveness from God, my wife, my kids, my staff, and my constituents who elected me to serve. Trust is something I know has to be earned whether your a husband, a father, or a congressman. I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I’ve disappointed.”

True, Clinton lied through his fucking teeth, under oath - which you defend to this day.

"I don't really have a problem with an older man and woman getting married,..."

My wife and I are so relieved.....
So only conservatives should be ridiculed for cheating on their spouses? You just revealed how utterly devoid of any kind of morals liberalism is.

democrats are sociopaths.

The only value any of them have is "serve the party."
Rightwingers used to claim that what Bill Clinton did was wrong.

Now they use it as their model to justify their support for Republicans who do the same thing.

while demanding democrats like Anthony weiner resign from congress.

but there's no hypocrisy there or anything......

Sure. Like you giving Bill Clinton his pass to do what he wants while demanding Republicans resign. Neither side has any footing on this issue. Time to face the facts.
Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

THAT is the best you and your hypocritical friends can come up with?? As usual, you miss the point of the fallout from this by a country mile!!! Dummies!!

I just noticed something. You rail on us for not having any values, yet vote for people who have none themselves. It must be an interesting quandary for you. You big dummy.
Nope. Not the same.

Clinton did not yammer on and on about "family values" and what a good christian he is.

Yet another family values, christian GOP screwing around - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Clinton did not say -

“There’s no doubt I’ve fallen short and I’m asking for forgiveness,” the statement read. “I’m asking for forgiveness from God, my wife, my kids, my staff, and my constituents who elected me to serve. Trust is something I know has to be earned whether your a husband, a father, or a congressman. I promise to do everything I can to earn back the trust of everyone I’ve disappointed.”

True, Clinton lied through his fucking teeth, under oath - which you defend to this day.


Clinton was caught shoving cigars up the ass of a fat Jewish intern in the oval office, and every liberal blamed Kenneth Star for pursuing Clinton for lying under oath.


Liberals not only did not give one shit that their lord Clinton did it, they respect him for disrespecting the office.

Every day liberals do not disappoint. They show new and clever ways to illustrate their pathetic hypocrisy.

THAT is the best you and your hypocritical friends can come up with?? As usual, you miss the point of the fallout from this by a country mile!!! Dummies!!

I just noticed something. You rail on us for not having any values, yet vote for people who have none themselves. It must be an interesting quandary for you. You big dummy.

So says the biggest hypocrite on the board.
I don't trust people that have to let me know how religious they are, or what a great spouse or parent they are. Especially politicians. When it turns out not to be true it blows up in their faces.

Will Republicans ever learn??


When these jokers start telling us what good christians they are, that's when you wanna watch your wallet and your back. They'll lie, cheat, steal, ask your forgiveness and then tell you again all about their "family values".

Its one thing to cheat on your wife and kids but don't tell me about what a good family values christian you are and that I should be like you.
California Democratic State Senator Leland Yee who just happens to be a gun control advocate has been charged with conspiring to traffic in firearms and public corruption so what does this tell us there are phonies, hypocrites, and assholes in both parties hardly anything new.,d.b2I
Yes, and both Boxer and Feinstein called for him to step down.
Will the GOP ask McAllister to do the same?

I don't know but the last I checked kissing a woman other than your wife was a sin not a crime conspiring to traffic in firearms and public corruption is and a pretty big one some politicians survive affairs some don't I can think of none off the top of my head who survived being charged with felonies.
THAT is the best you and your hypocritical friends can come up with?? As usual, you miss the point of the fallout from this by a country mile!!! Dummies!!

I just noticed something. You rail on us for not having any values, yet vote for people who have none themselves. It must be an interesting quandary for you. You big dummy.

So says the biggest hypocrite on the board.

TK jusat doesn't "get it" or he's too partisan to admit the truth. He's prolly just too naive/impressionable as he already told us he was too young to vote last time. Democrats don't go running around like ?Repubs claiming the mantle of family values. Larry Craig (R) anyone ;)

Did the guy make a press conference yet? lol
If they're gonna preach to the rest of us, if they're gonna put themselves up on pedestals of perfection, their own actions should be above reproach.

And when they inevitably get caught, just please spare us the disgusting, tearful and phony "I have sinned" speech.
Rachel Maddow just reported about another big sexual scandal bruhahaha in Wisconsin.

Another prominent Republican.

More to come soon.
If they're gonna preach to the rest of us, if they're gonna put themselves up on pedestals of perfection, their own actions should be above reproach.

And when they inevitably get caught, just please spare us the disgusting, tearful and phony "I have sinned" speech.
Rachel Maddow just reported about another big sexual scandal bruhahaha in Wisconsin.

Another prominent Republican.

More to come soon.

Yeah I heard. The former secretary of the Pigsknuckle County GOP told a dirty joke at a bar. Scandal!
I just noticed something. You rail on us for not having any values, yet vote for people who have none themselves. It must be an interesting quandary for you. You big dummy.

So says the biggest hypocrite on the board.

TK jusat doesn't "get it" or he's too partisan to admit the truth. He's prolly just too naive/impressionable as he already told us he was too young to vote last time. Democrats don't go running around like ?Repubs claiming the mantle of family values. Larry Craig (R) anyone ;)

Did the guy make a press conference yet? lol
Will he force his wife to appear at a press conference?

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