"Marry a Muslim or you die!"

This was a smart modern girl. Good for her, she took the case to the British law system. If she had taken this to a shaira "court" nothing would have happened to the brother. Most likely they would have agreed with what the borther did to his sister.

Actually, she didn't necessarily 'take the case to the British' legal system. She, in all likelihood, called the police, the police investigated and passed the file to the Crown Prosecution Service. She did not testify. Therefore, the case proceeded without the victim, as is standard in the British system, for DV cases. She could not have taken the case to a Sharia Court in the UK. This is a criminal prosecution. It is dealt with by the CPS... no other court has jurisdiction.

In calling the police she put all of this into the British legal system.

From what i understand, (i may be wrong) there would have been pressure on her not to call the "police" and to put the complaint in from of the shaira "courts" Thus keeping it all away from normal "law" and out of the "British legal system"

The likelihood is that she called 999 for an ambulance.... that's the NHS... the NHS are legally obligated to report such incidents to the police. Hence, she may not have called the police herself. It really makes no difference, once the police find out, they are duty bound to investigate and proceed and they pass the file to the CPS who decide if and who to prosecute. Simple.
Actually, she didn't necessarily 'take the case to the British' legal system. She, in all likelihood, called the police, the police investigated and passed the file to the Crown Prosecution Service. She did not testify. Therefore, the case proceeded without the victim, as is standard in the British system, for DV cases. She could not have taken the case to a Sharia Court in the UK. This is a criminal prosecution. It is dealt with by the CPS... no other court has jurisdiction.

In calling the police she put all of this into the British legal system.

From what i understand, (i may be wrong) there would have been pressure on her not to call the "police" and to put the complaint in from of the shaira "courts" Thus keeping it all away from normal "law" and out of the "British legal system"

The likelihood is that she called 999 for an ambulance.... that's the NHS... the NHS are legally obligated to report such incidents to the police. Hence, she may not have called the police herself. It really makes no difference, once the police find out, they are duty bound to investigate and proceed and they pass the file to the CPS who decide if and who to prosecute. Simple.

Yes i know all of that. ;)

What i was saying is that she was a smart girl. If that is calling 999/911 or the police directly, either way she involved others. I feel that a good deal of all of this kind of thing never gets reported at all.
For the time being.

The British system has allowed Halakha (Jewish civil law) as an option for the Jewish community with absolutely no problem. There is no reason why Sharia will be any different. It's civil. Not criminal. It does not supersede the law of the land. It works within it. I do wish people would understand basic facts and not get all hysterical about it.
There is no effort in the west to defend western culture liberty or free speech and multi multiculturalism and in the end Islam is incubated at every level of society .
$800 barely qualifies as chicken feed in an assault case. Beating the woman for 3 hours shows deliberate sadism.

I agree. But that was just the father. The brother - who actually carried out the assault, got a prison sentence - not long enough in my opinion, but that's the Brit sentencing system... it's appallingly light.... As Bootneck pointed out... that's the do gooder liberal attitude.
There is no effort in the west to defend western culture liberty or free speech and multi multiculturalism and in the end Islam is incubated at every level of society .

At the risk of repeating myself (which is clearly required for the idiots).... this case had jack shit to do with Islam. Their religion was of no consequence... it was cultural, not religious.
There is no effort in the west to defend western culture liberty or free speech and multi multiculturalism and in the end Islam is incubated at every level of society .

At the risk of repeating myself (which is clearly required for the idiots).... this case had jack shit to do with Islam. Their religion was of no consequence... it was cultural, not religious.

Agreed. A culture that sucks if you are a woman.
There is no effort in the west to defend western culture liberty or free speech and multi multiculturalism and in the end Islam is incubated at every level of society .

At the risk of repeating myself (which is clearly required for the idiots).... this case had jack shit to do with Islam. Their religion was of no consequence... it was cultural, not religious.

Now I'm an idiot because I have a different opinion then you?
There is no effort in the west to defend western culture liberty or free speech and multi multiculturalism and in the end Islam is incubated at every level of society .

At the risk of repeating myself (which is clearly required for the idiots).... this case had jack shit to do with Islam. Their religion was of no consequence... it was cultural, not religious.

Now I'm an idiot because I have a different opinion then you?

It's not about having an opinion. It's about having an opinion that is not based on fact. I have outlined the facts - which one of the board's Brits has confirmed.... and still you refuse to accept them. Not accepting facts as facts is not the sign of a reasonably intelligent person.
There is no effort in the west to defend western culture liberty or free speech and multi multiculturalism and in the end Islam is incubated at every level of society .

At the risk of repeating myself (which is clearly required for the idiots).... this case had jack shit to do with Islam. Their religion was of no consequence... it was cultural, not religious.

Agreed. A culture that sucks if you are a woman.

But, as Boot rightly said... the evidence suggests it is based on their country of origin, not their faith.
At the risk of repeating myself (which is clearly required for the idiots).... this case had jack shit to do with Islam. Their religion was of no consequence... it was cultural, not religious.

Now I'm an idiot because I have a different opinion then you?

It's not about having an opinion. It's about having an opinion that is not based on fact. I have outlined the facts - which one of the board's Brits has confirmed.... and still you refuse to accept them. Not accepting facts as facts is not the sign of a reasonably intelligent person.

Well it is your opinion that none of this had anything to do with Islam , You claim it is cultural.
I have a different opinion.
It is an opinion based of the facts.

Muslim women marrying non-Muslim men in the hope that they may become Muslim
What is the ruling on a Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim man, especially when she hopes that he will become Muslim after marriage? Many Muslim women claim that they cannot find suitable Muslim men, and that they are faced with the threat of having to commit sin or live in extremely straitened circumstances.

Praise be to Allaah.

It is forbidden for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men, according to the Qur’aan, the Sunnah and the consensus of the scholars (ijmaa’) (see question # 689) . If such a marriage takes place, it is invalid, it does not have any impact upon inheritances according to sharee’ah, and any children born from this union are illegitimate. Hoping that the husband may become Muslim does not alter this ruling in the slightest.

Islam Question and Answer - Muslim women marrying non-Muslim men in the hope that they may become Muslim

Were it not for Islam the events would never have transpired.
Now I'm an idiot because I have a different opinion then you?

It's not about having an opinion. It's about having an opinion that is not based on fact. I have outlined the facts - which one of the board's Brits has confirmed.... and still you refuse to accept them. Not accepting facts as facts is not the sign of a reasonably intelligent person.

Well it is your opinion that none of this had anything to do with Islam , You claim it is cultural.
I have a different opinion.
It is an opinion based of the facts.

Muslim women marrying non-Muslim men in the hope that they may become Muslim
What is the ruling on a Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim man, especially when she hopes that he will become Muslim after marriage? Many Muslim women claim that they cannot find suitable Muslim men, and that they are faced with the threat of having to commit sin or live in extremely straitened circumstances.

Praise be to Allaah.

It is forbidden for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men, according to the Qur’aan, the Sunnah and the consensus of the scholars (ijmaa’) (see question # 689) . If such a marriage takes place, it is invalid, it does not have any impact upon inheritances according to sharee’ah, and any children born from this union are illegitimate. Hoping that the husband may become Muslim does not alter this ruling in the slightest.

Islam Question and Answer - Muslim women marrying non-Muslim men in the hope that they may become Muslim

Were it not for Islam the events would never have transpired.

If you look at UK research into 'honor killings', the research correlates to certain countries rather than certain religions. In this case, it happened to be Muslims, but it is not because of Islam, it is because of the traditional cultural in Bangladesh.

This happens in other faiths, such as Hindus, in those countries too. Therefore, the evidence points to it being cultural from the country, and not their religion.
That is your opinion.

Do Not Marry Idol Worshipers
[2:221] Do not marry idolatresses unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an idolatress, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to idolatrous men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an idolater, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed.
That is your opinion.

Do Not Marry Idol Worshipers
[2:221] Do not marry idolatresses unless they believe; a believing woman is better than an idolatress, even if you like her. Nor shall you give your daughters in marriage to idolatrous men, unless they believe. A believing man is better than an idolater, even if you like him. These invite to Hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness, as He wills. He clarifies His revelations for the people, that they may take heed.

It is informed opinion. Informed by FACTS. There is an 'honor killing' issue in the UK. This issue has been researched by a variety of agencies. Each has concluded that it is cultural - ie it happens within certain cultures - not faith based. That evidences shows links between 'honor killings' and certain countries. Not certain faiths. Therefore, the evidence suggests that it the religion is not the determining factor, it is the country.
Honour crimes have their legacy rooted in tribalism - not religion. Honour that is situated in female sexual purity is a feature of - or a legacy of - tribalism. The closer a culture is to its tribal origins, the more dominant is the honour code in its diverse forms.

'Tradition, not religion'

None of the world's major religions condone honour-related crimes.

But perpetrators have sometimes tried to justify their actions on religious grounds.

"Honour crime happens across the board in the Asian community," says Ram Gidoomal of the South Asian Development Partnership.

"People try to blame Muslims, Hindus or Sikhs but it tends to happen in families where there are the strongest ties and expectations. It's a very strong cultural issue."

Leaders of the world's faiths have also strongly denounced a connection between religion and honour killings.

BBC - Ethics - Honour crimes
Whats going to happen when white folks aren't around to stop this behaviour?
Its just coincidence that honor killings occur more often in Muslim countries. Just a coincidence. I'll check the stats later, but I'm almost certain that this "cultural phenomenon" will include a disproportionate number of a certain religion. But those inconvenient "facts" of course will be dismissed.

And even if this dad was a Hindu, the "fact" is that battered victims are often too afraid to testify. And that is the danger of Sharia. DV is often handled in family courts. That's what they want for the U.S.
Honour crimes have their legacy rooted in tribalism - not religion. Honour that is situated in female sexual purity is a feature of - or a legacy of - tribalism. The closer a culture is to its tribal origins, the more dominant is the honour code in its diverse forms.

'Tradition, not religion'

None of the world's major religions condone honour-related crimes.

But perpetrators have sometimes tried to justify their actions on religious grounds.

"Honour crime happens across the board in the Asian community," says Ram Gidoomal of the South Asian Development Partnership.

"People try to blame Muslims, Hindus or Sikhs but it tends to happen in families where there are the strongest ties and expectations. It's a very strong cultural issue."

Leaders of the world's faiths have also strongly denounced a connection between religion and honour killings.

BBC - Ethics - Honour crimes
How can they be stopped from inbreeding? For inbreeding (not counting the human debilitating effects of consanguinity) stems from tribalism and tribalism is cultural and births such a practice.

Cultural Inbreeding predates Islam. Mohammad spoke against inbreeding but the Muslims have decided to continue with this method of keeping finances and strict family law in the hands of the powerful tribal cleric leaders "who interpret Sharia."

Not religious until Sharia steps in, so there is an attachment, but it is secondary. The chicken of culture is before the egg of Islam.

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