Martial Law Imminent USA 2009!

he was however a member of the CFR which to his amusement he concealed to get elected..isn't that just a chuckle...

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Greetings to All:

The USA is being prepared to enter Martial Law on several fronts and your time to be warned is running out. ...



Good to see the paranoid conspiracist element is alive and well.


he was however a member of the CFR which to his amusement he concealed to get elected..isn't that just a chuckle...
It was a humorous moment. Of course he didn't go around making an issue out of being a member of something, the purpose of which is so broadly misunderstood. Jimmy Carter was also a member. The CFR was little more than an organization for politicians on the make. Nuts.
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he was however a member of the CFR which to his amusement he concealed to get elected..isn't that just a chuckle...
It was a humorous moment. Of course he didn't go around making an issue out of being a member of something, the purpose of which is so broadly misunderstood. Jimmy Carter was also a member. The CFR was little more than an organization for politicians on the make. Nuts.

you know nothing of thr cfr ...clearly....but yet you pretend
So when is this martial law supposed to occur?

And if the conspiracists are certain it will happen, would they like to make a wager on it?

the so called conspiracies see the writing on the wall...but obviously no privy to the details may not occur due to the efforts and awareness of individuals that draw attention to these issues..but the fact the government is seriously making these preparations is a fact
What the hell, i wake up this morning and find the country just as left it when I went to bed......
Where is my martial law, it was supposed to be imminent.....

Well, in fairness, they didn't say today, they said in 2009.
Greetings to All:

The USA is being prepared to enter Martial Law on several fronts and your time to be warned is running out. ...



Good to see the paranoid conspiracist element is alive and well.



it is not is protecting precious liberty's

Well, I have to admire your motives, even if your methods are all screwed up.
gee... maybe if I just stop reading the books.. essays and statements of the controlling elite and their stated agendas and ignore the implementation I could live in ignorant bliss as well....hmmmm...tempting

[ame=]YouTube - INFLATION NATION - MARTIAL LAW part 3[/ame]
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Ok here is the deal, imminent means SOON. So lets give it 3 months. If July passes and we have no Martial law will Terral, Eots and the rest admit they are paranoid for no good reason?

Well of course they won't, they will claim they stopped it or that it is just around the NEXT corner. They are like the crazy guy on the street corner with the cardboard sign that reads " The End of the World is at hand". No matter how many YEARS pass with no end of the World, he still stands there with his sign insisting we are all gonna die tomorrow.

I mean think about it, these guys actually believe that the US Government managed to get THOUSANDS of people from all walks of life to help them in a plot to attack the US and NO ONE has talked yet after 8 YEARS. They insist the US Government fabricated at least 2 of the downed Aircraft or made them vanish into thin air. That the over 100 passengers and crew on the 2 planes are either murdered before boarding the planes, never existed or landed safely and are living in hiding amongst us. Just depends on what day of the week it is and which question you just ask them.
QUOTE=RetiredGySgt;1152786]Ok here is the deal, imminent means SOON. So lets give it 3 months. If July passes and we have no Martial law will Terral, Eots and the rest admit they are paranoid for no good reason?

well means ..soon..likely to occur...and of course with this is the built in implication of warning or danger attached to the word...and warning of a danger...usually implies something that can be averted...there is nothing paranoid about the constitution
and guarding against tyranny

Well of course they won't, they will claim they stopped it or that it is just around the NEXT corner. They are like the crazy guy on the street corner with the cardboard sign that reads " The End of the World is at hand". No matter how many YEARS pass with no end of the World, he still stands there with his sign insisting we are all gonna die tomorrow.

no those people are called christians...and don't even get me started on those Mormons
gezz talk about loons..dum da dum da dum...

I mean think about it, these guys actually believe that the US Government managed to get THOUSANDS of people from all walks of life to help them in a plot to attack the US and NO ONE has talked yet after 8 YEARS.

no thats your belief..we have a more sophisticated the many high ranking military Intel and CIA agents do that have come forth to state without reservation that 911 was done with the complicity of elements within the us government..and many more to say the official story is untrue..a cover-up..they realize as do we that far less people are required than your amateur estimation..and how information suppression..and compartmentalization work and that secretes can indeed be kept...

They insist the US Government fabricated at least 2 of the downed Aircraft or made them vanish into thin air.

I don't know who your quoting here ?...made them vanish ?

That the over 100 passengers and crew on the 2 planes are either murdered before boarding the planes, never existed or landed safely and are living in hiding amongst us. Just depends on what day of the week it is and which question you just ask them.

I would refer you to operation northwoods..the fact is the official version is untrue
and there is a cover-up..and elements of the government where involved in 9/11
and are withholding all relevant evidence and witnesses as classified..

This website provides responsible criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report by senior military, intelligence and government officials

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
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Hi Retired:

Ok here is the deal, imminent means SOON. So lets give it 3 months. If July passes and we have no Martial law will Terral, Eots and the rest admit they are paranoid for no good reason?

Hold your horses! If you go back to the Opening Post and review the information for the very first link (this video), the Title is:

Dailymotion - Martial Law Imminent USA 2009, a video from Auzarmes. Martial, Law, USA, NWO


My Opening Post 'warning' to these readers is based upon the "" hypothesis that Martial Law is indeed "IMMINENT" for the "USA 2009." The evidentiary support that follows in the OP was provided to support the thesis that Martial Law is IMMINENT in "2009," which means we have to the end of the year for 'their' hypothesis to be proven either right or wrong.

I continue to gather evidence to support or counter the OP hypothesis, which seems to indicate that Martial Law 'is' coming for the USA in 2009. However, the Martial Law timeframe can be stepped up or moved back by the same inside-job bad guys who pulled off the 9/11 attacks; according to the 'conquest or consent' (Paul Warburg) scenarios working through the current Economic Implosion of the U.S. Economy (link and link and link). The timing of the pre-Martial Law 9/11-like attacks can vary according to many different variables included in my "Inside-Job Terrorist Attack" Model, but the bad guys are stepping things up under Senor Obama and early fall seems to be the optimal time for taking their covert operation 'hot.'

That means you have a certain amount of 'time' to prepare for Martial Law, because once the plume appears over a twin cities (western USA) location (like Oakland = 74.9 percent probability), then your time for making preparations will be over. Operation "Long Reach" (Pentagon to San Francisco) will see a National Command and Control Center set up in San Francisco and Operation "Short Reach" will see identical Command and Control centers set up in every major metropolitan area in Senor Obama's Fascist State of CanAmeriMexico. The time is 'now' to make your "Contingency Plans" for when the crap hits the fan.


Short 5-Minute Video

But hey, if you want to deal with the coming threat like this, then go right ahead and go back to sleep. There will be only 'believers' on the other side of the coming horror for the USA, because the herd is definitely about to be thinned out . . .


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Que the Twilight zone Music and the Outer limits opening scene.

Already tap dancing as I suspected.

A definition for you and Eots.

imminent definition |

It means ABOUT to happen. But hey I will give you the WHOLE Year. Of course all that means is in 2010 you make the same ignorant claim.

How can I be so sure? Because if it actually happens I won't be alive anymore to care, you see I have several rifles and will arm myself and resist.

But you delusional people need help.

I suspect Obama will do his best to restrict out freedoms even more with the excuse he is just looking out for us. But this is JUST like the claim Bush was gonna declare Martial law in 2008 and that he would become Dictator for life. Of course all the turds that made the Bush claim have since claimed no one ever said that and especially not them.
Another day and still no martial law, dammit. i am anxiously awaiting martial law. Those uTube videos are such conclusive proof I can't believe it isn't happening yet.
Now, imagine for one minute what martial law in the USA would look like. I live in the country, in the part of the country where Geronimo outfoxed the US army for years until they took his family hostage and lied him into surrendering. That land has not changed, we might become a little fiefdom of our own.
It would be bad in the cities though, city folks are natural victims when times are good.
I do think there should be laws in place to curb idiots that make statements to inflame the public, like yelling fire in an unburning theatre. With all the problems we actually have, anyone trying to create more by spreading rumors only to inflame the public should be subject to long jail terms, deportation or even the death penalty. These kind of unsubstantiated statements are indeed a treasonist act, and should certainly be treated as such. One could even make a strong argument that these are crimes against humanity.
It also is part of the historical record of this board, and I suspect others, that these conspiracy nut-jobs will not tolerate honest discussion. They resort to personal attacks on any that disagree with them, and in the process, diminish their credibility to the point where they are not a threat, but an amusement.
EOTS- I do love your posts, keep it up I love the entertainment.

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