Martial Law In Canada

Today my friend and I went into the city for a day of retail therapy. For me, it's a chance to get to my fabric supplier to pick new fabrics for the new lines I'm working on.

First I indulged in some half priced expensive chocolates - post Valentine's Day Specials. And Walmart was gifting everyone who came through the door with 5 rapid tests. After dazzling my friend with my fabric supplier's three massive floors of sparkly stuff, we went to Montana's for lunch.

This is our first "Road Trip" since lockdowns ended, and it's good to get out. The local restaurants have been getting a fair bit of business from us, because we're sick of our own cooking.

But the people in Toronto, who have been in lockdown since before Christmas, and 90% of whom are vaxxed were being told to stay home last weekend because of these damn protests. We can go to hockey games, Raptors games, theatres, and concerts. Except all of that is happening downtown, where these jerks are occupying the streets, hassling people wearing masks, and generally being jerks.

None of the locals in any of these cities have a good word to say about these interlopers.
Trudeau is the jerk. He could have ended this protest with negotiation. The real question is: Why not just lift the mandates?
The NDP has already agreed to support the Bill. There will be no motion of non-support.

There is no opposition to what he did, except from Conservative Premiers, and the Doug Ford, Conservative Premier of Ontario, is cheering the move. The Canadian people don't support the convoy.
According to one poll 46% of Canadians support the truckers.
In fact Justin has handled it remarkably well and he has the support of nearly all Canadians for not having to call in the military or take other drastic measures. Even conservatives are in agreement with his methods!

And so the truckers are backing off with egg on their faces as they are claiming that their peaceful demonstrations were hijacked by bad guys with bad agendas. We should be good with that explanation and let them believe whatever makes them feel good!

And now the charges and slapdowns on terrorism and sedition charges! This won't be a pretty whitewash like Jan. 6th. has become!
The lesson is never question or challenge the Canadian government. Pretend you have freedom and praise the elites and they will tell you how to think and be happy.
According to one poll 46% of Canadians support the truckers.
Yes because most Canadians are conservative and they got saddled with a lefty who leads a minority party. Canada is a commonwealth realm in the British empire with Elizabeth II as its monarch and actual head of State. Canada is not a true Republic so, things like minority parties being 'elected' as the ruling party can happen. No way does Trudeau actually represent the majority of Canadians, no, he represents the left-minority of which one or two posters here probably belong.
We just lost 200,000 jobs last month alone and Canada is celebrating low wage Amazon warehouses in Toronto while Texas has TWO $100B+ chip factories invested by Japanese companies. THAT is innovation, ambitious and achievement, NOT more growth of unsustainable government jobs, contract work, part-time temp. work at minimum wage.

I am willing to bet, that you are a career government employee. Am I right?

And you would lose another bet. I never worked for the government in my entire life. And if you'd read my posts, you'd know that.

We were in lockdown until the end of last month you stupid dork. You do know that Amazon pays over $50,000 per year in Toronto, don't you?

Are you really a Canadian. Do you even live in Canada. Your posts read like someone told you about life in Canada, because nothing you post is in any way reflective of life up here.

These are the top start ups in Toronto:

Yes because most Canadians are conservative and they got saddled with a lefty who leads a minority party. Canada is a commonwealth realm in the British empire with Elizabeth II as its monarch and actual head of State. Canada is not a true Republic so, things like minority parties being 'elected' as the ruling party can happen. No way does Trudeau actually represent the majority of Canadians, no, he represents the left-minority of which one or two posters here probably belong.

Most Canadians are NOT conservative. Even our Conservative Party is more liberal than the Democratic Party in the USA.

We didn't get "saddled with a lefty", we elected him in a landslide. Liberal parties in Canada received 57% of the popular vote, and it was only that high because people are "disappointed" with Trudeau's ethics problems - to put it as kindly as possible.

New Democratic Party (extreme left wing)
Partie Quebecois (French liberals)
Green Party (very Liberal)

It is extremely difficult for the Conservatives to win elections in Canada since the Party has no real presence in Quebec. Only Alberta is reliably Conservative.
According to one poll 46% of Canadians support the truckers.

No they did not. You need to read the articles. 46% sympathized with the truckers, but disagreed with their tactics. It looks like the poll was taken to show support for truckers, since the poll asked if you sympathized with the truckers, not whether you agreed with them.

On the other hand, 54 per cent of Canadians who participated in this poll believe that people taking part in the protests do not “deserve any of our sympathy” and that what they “have said and done is wrong.”
Most Canadians are NOT conservative. Even our Conservative Party is more liberal than the Democratic Party in the USA.

We didn't get "saddled with a lefty", we elected him in a landslide. Liberal parties in Canada received 57% of the popular vote, and it was only that high because people are "disappointed" with Trudeau's ethics problems - to put it as kindly as possible.

New Democratic Party (extreme left wing)
Partie Quebecois (French liberals)
Green Party (very Liberal)

It is extremely difficult for the Conservatives to win elections in Canada since the Party has no real presence in Quebec. Only Alberta is reliably Conservative.
Ha Ha! Now you redefine conservative.......You are so predictable. You are a Marxist. No one wants these tyrannical edicts from Trudeau. He's acting like a spoiled 'royal' brat. Elizabeth II should step in and educate the idiot.
Canada is governed by a cuck
There is a rumor Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s son. Perhaps he is trying to be a dictator like his dad.

There is a rumor Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s son. Perhaps he is trying to be a dictator like his dad.

Yeah, his mom hung out with Castro and marveled at his virility.

"All have been on display in the Trudeau family’s ongoing infatuation with tyrannies and autocracies. in the comments from Alexandre, Margaret and Justin Trudeau. We see evidence of the Trudeau family’s long love affair with the world’s autocrats and tyrants. But the problem started with Pierre."
Wanna bet Trudeau was Castro's son?
Castreau!!! Ha Ha....His mother probably f'ked Castro!!!!
Justin and Fidel. Son and father. Justin's mom was a slut.

Yeah, his mom hung out with Castro and marveled at his virility.

"All have been on display in the Trudeau family’s ongoing infatuation with tyrannies and autocracies. in the comments from Alexandre, Margaret and Justin Trudeau. We see evidence of the Trudeau family’s long love affair with the world’s autocrats and tyrants. But the problem started with Pierre."
Wanna bet Trudeau was Castro's son?

His mom sure love Commie dictators.
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Justin totally NOT meeting his dad. The MSM assures us this is the case, just like how vaccines are “safe and effective”.


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