Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

I say this as a non American who has watch the Republican Party lie to the American people, divide and mislead them in regards to race relations, the economy, taxes, wealth and income.
Liberal Democrats are the reason we have problems with race relations. We didn't have these race relation problems in the fifties. Ever since the civil rights crap passed in the sixties, we've gone down hill.
The ONLY way I would want Trump to declare martial law is IF he was elected in 2024 AND our military finally cracks and splits as a result of political divide.
Which may well just happen after a 2024 election or in ensuing months thereafter.
Liberal Democrats are the reason we have problems with race relations. We didn't have these race relation problems in the fifties. Ever since the civil rights crap passed in the sixties, we've gone down hill.
Wut?? We didn't have race issues when laws mandated blacks couldn't even drink out of the same water fountains? I imagine that worked out real well for conservative racists.
It's no big deal for me, I just don't go, easy enough for me. If I am not there then they will feel safe as well, to me it is no harm no foul on either side. I don't mind not going somewhere, my decision doesn't effect their health either way does it? There is an app called NFHS which has set up cameras in high school gyms, football fields and baseball fields that broadcast games all over the country. I use that to watch my granddaughter, who lives out of state, $10.99 a month and no one needs to know my vaccination status. I also eat at home more so that helps local grocery stores make money instead of restuarants.

Fine if you want to. Like I said I am not a bar person. If I drink anything, it's at home, it is safer. If you look at me, you will know my eye color, weight, age and height anyway. You haven't given me any reason to give out my health status to a restaurant when I can go to any other restaurant and not have to give my health status.
The only reason is that the owners of those establishments and or the cities where they do business require it as they feel it makes the environment safer as they try and fight a pandemic.

I get that it’s not hard for you not to go out to these places but for it to be big enough a deal to make you decide not to go thats significant. For you not to see your granddaughter play a game in person, that’s a significant thing. It takes nothing to flash a card like you do at an airport or to get into a bar. You are acting like this is some kind of sensitive personal health information which it just isn’t.
I'm not ostracizing myself, I can go to any restaurant I want, why do I need to go to a place that requires me to show a card? I am perfectly happy to eat at other restaurants in my city. It is just a choice.
Haha, for the eleventh time, I understand it is a choice that’s not in dispute. I’m asking why you are making that choice. Why do you care so much about not showing a vax card?! That’s so silly
Did you really think you were making a good argument with that comparison or did you just really want to post that meme?
You have my permission to explain how the comparison isn’t accurate.
Because that is what I want to do. No other reason, no deep seated anything. My life is my life, I don't see a need for anyone butting in over whether I am vaccinated or not. I see no need to show proof of vaccination. No one has given me any good reason for me to show my card.

Society functions because we, collectively, have chosen how a good citizen lives their life.
Pure BS, I have shown you article after article after article showing that the economy crash in 2000, 2008 were many factors not just Republicans fault. So, you continue to lie, I tire of your BS, it is obvious anything I link you fail to read, continue to stay a stupid person. You come from a racist nation that fails to see their racism and your dear leader is a racist, sexist and misogynist. . If you were a non-partisan your words would carry weight, you aren't so they don't.

No you haven't. You've show me articles which:

(a) Present a false narrative on where the policies and legislation originated from, in order to shift the blame for the economic collapse, from Republican laws which loosened Wall Street regulations meant to prevent a repeat of the 1929, onto Democratic laws to boost mortgage lending to minorities;

(b) Blame Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae for the Housing Bubble, which is another fallacy. The Housing Bubble happened because W reduced the mortgage rates to basically zero, for the first two years, in order to fight a declining home ownership trend in the USA. Instead of looking at the actual reasons for this decline - stagnant wages for most working Americans in the midst of ever rising prices, and other basic living costs, W just made it cheaper to borrow money.

Republican economic policies have been an abject failure. They've turned you into a second tier nation, just like they did for South America.
Great, so you support Biden declaring martial law, huh?
Apparently, implementing “show me your papers” doesn’t require a declaration of martial law….ask the almost dead dude.
The ONLY way I would want Trump to declare martial law is IF he was elected in 2024 AND our military finally cracks and splits as a result of political divide.
Which may well just happen after a 2024 election or in ensuing months thereafter.
Martial law with a split/divided military? Doesn't sound plausible to me.

Martial law with rioting in the cities, yes, YES, YES.
The only reason is that the owners of those establishments and or the cities where they do business require it as they feel it makes the environment safer as they try and fight a pandemic.

I get that it’s not hard for you not to go out to these places but for it to be big enough a deal to make you decide not to go thats significant. For you not to see your granddaughter play a game in person, that’s a significant thing. It takes nothing to flash a card like you do at an airport or to get into a bar. You are acting like this is some kind of sensitive personal health information which it just isn’t.
Of course it is. I don't allow anyone to require me to answer that kind of thing!!
Apparently, implementing “show me your papers” doesn’t require a declaration of martial law….ask the almost dead dude.
Be sure to let Biden know you’re all in if he wants to declare martial law.
The only reason is that the owners of those establishments and or the cities where they do business require it as they feel it makes the environment safer as they try and fight a pandemic.

I get that it’s not hard for you not to go out to these places but for it to be big enough a deal to make you decide not to go thats significant. For you not to see your granddaughter play a game in person, that’s a significant thing. It takes nothing to flash a card like you do at an airport or to get into a bar. You are acting like this is some kind of sensitive personal health information which it just isn’t.
My granddaughter is 8 hours away, I’d go watch her but instead of going to other live games I like to stay home and watch her as it is more entertaining. Someday if the weather is good I’ll drive to see her in person. My comment about her is I have better things to do than go to a restaurant or other games.

Again, why should I go to a restaurant that requires me to take a vaccine card with me? I do not understand why you think it’s a great big deal. I don’t shop online, is that okay with you?
You have my permission to explain how the comparison isn’t accurate.
Seriously?! You need me to explain the difference between voting and a pandemic?! Wow, this one isn’t too sharp. Well one involves voting and the other involves a virus. Do you need more?
My granddaughter is 8 hours away, I’d go watch her but instead of going to other live games I like to stay home and watch her as it is more entertaining. Someday if the weather is good I’ll drive to see her in person. My comment about her is I have better things to do than go to a restaurant or other games.

Again, why should I go to a restaurant that requires me to take a vaccine card with me? I do not understand why you think it’s a great big deal. I don’t shop online, is that okay with you?
I don’t think it’s a big deal I think you deciding not to go somewhere because they want you to flash a piece of paper or photo of it on your phone is just plain silly. It shows that you are making a big deal out it and letting it influence your decisions. I’m just curious about why and what your thought process is
Martial Law?

In Democrat/Liberal-run crime-ridden shitholes like Chicago and California, yeah, I would support martial law, which I think is what is needed until law and order is restored.
Liberal Democrats are the reason we have problems with race relations. We didn't have these race relation problems in the fifties. Ever since the civil rights crap passed in the sixties, we've gone down hill.
Thank you for the Klan's perspective of history.
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Society functions because we, collectively, have chosen how a good citizen lives their life.

No you haven't. You've show me articles which:

(a) Present a false narrative on where the policies and legislation originated from, in order to shift the blame for the economic collapse, from Republican laws which loosened Wall Street regulations meant to prevent a repeat of the 1929, onto Democratic laws to boost mortgage lending to minorities;

(b) Blame Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae for the Housing Bubble, which is another fallacy. The Housing Bubble happened because W reduced the mortgage rates to basically zero, for the first two years, in order to fight a declining home ownership trend in the USA. Instead of looking at the actual reasons for this decline - stagnant wages for most working Americans in the midst of ever rising prices, and other basic living costs, W just made it cheaper to borrow money.

Republican economic policies have been an abject failure. They've turned you into a second tier nation, just like they did for South America.
Time magazine and the Guardian are so right wing aren’t they? :rolleyes:

You don’t read the articles I post and after I post them you runaway, your are a dishonest coward. I tire of your BS. Read all the articles I posted from left leaning sources and then we can talk, until then you are an enemy of this country.
Martial Law?

In Democrat/Liberal-run crime-ridden shitholes like Chicago and California, yeah, I would support martial law, which I think is what is needed until law and order is restored.
You obviously have zero clue what California is like. There is much more to Cali than SF and LA but I guess I wouldn’t expect you to understand that
I don’t think it’s a big deal I think you deciding not to go somewhere because they want you to flash a piece of paper or photo of it on your phone is just plain silly. It shows that you are making a big deal out it and letting it influence your decisions. I’m just curious about why and what your thought process is
Good, wonder all you want, I told you a 100 times over. I can go to a restaurant that doesn’t require me showing a anything or I can choose one that requires me to carry a card. I choose the one I don’t need a card to enter, that is as simple as I can make it for you, not sure what the hell it matters.

Your turn to say it doesn’t matter and you wonder what leads me to my position. Then I tell you I’d rather go to places that don’t require showing a vaccine cards, you call my opinion silly and we go around again.

I’ve told you why and you don’t want to accept my answer, unless you have something new to add into this discussion, I see no need to continue, do you?
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