Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

I know this is an old thread but if Trump wins again in would support a 6 months martial law status and during that time rounding up all the illegals Biden let in and get them out, as well as rooting out BLM and antifa domestic terrorists.
Sounds like that would go super smoothly. Good thinking!!!!!
Oh please, are you snowflakes still trying to compare yourselves to Holocaust victims?
I think it is more like we are becoming a third world country. I never thought we would ever have to show papers to go places. I already cancelled my season tickets with the local hockey team because I will not show my vaccine papers to anyone, my health and my choice to vaccinate is no one's business but mine. It's based on principles and a right to privacy. Back during AIDS there was a huge deal about keeping a patient's records private and the left was all for it, as was I, but now the looney left decided to not question authority and bend over and comply.
I think it is more like we are becoming a third world country. I never thought we would ever have to show papers to go places. I already cancelled my season tickets with the local hockey team because I will not show my vaccine papers to anyone, my health and my choice to vaccinate is no one's business but mine. It's based on principles and a right to privacy. Back during AIDS there was a huge deal about keeping a patient's records private and the left was all for it, as was I, but now the looney left decided to not question authority and bend over and comply.
Haha, I’m curious. How do you feel about voter ID proposals. You for or against?
Haha, I’m curious. How do you feel about voter ID proposals. You for or against?

My opinions have morphed over the last few years. I have changed stances on many political issues. I don't believe voter fraud on either side of the political aisle is an issue. The left's Russia BS, the right's fraud counts BS are all nonsense and political posturing to divide the country. Democrat and Republican leadership are despicable and I don't trust either party. The election fraud occurs on both sides but it is hardly enough to throw an election, so mail in votes are fine by me. Going to a hockey game isn't a right so they don't need to see squat and I am not that interested in giving up my privacy for a game or eat at a restaurant. You can laugh all you want, I don't give a shit that you give up your privacy, I think that is stupid.
I know this is an old thread but if Trump wins again in would support a 6 months martial law status and during that time rounding up all the illegals Biden let in and get them out, as well as rooting out BLM and antifa domestic terrorists.

Reasonable, for sure.
I think it is more like we are becoming a third world country. I never thought we would ever have to show papers to go places. I already cancelled my season tickets with the local hockey team because I will not show my vaccine papers to anyone, my health and my choice to vaccinate is no one's business but mine. It's based on principles and a right to privacy. Back during AIDS there was a huge deal about keeping a patient's records private and the left was all for it, as was I, but now the looney left decided to not question authority and bend over and comply.
A third world country? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Do you see how it’s hard to take you people seriously when you say such emotional bullshit not based on actual facts?
My opinions have morphed over the last few years. I have changed stances on many political issues. I don't believe voter fraud on either side of the political aisle is an issue. The left's Russia BS, the right's fraud counts BS are all nonsense and political posturing to divide the country. Democrat and Republican leadership are despicable and I don't trust either party. The election fraud occurs on both sides but it is hardly enough to throw an election, so mail in votes are fine by me. Going to a hockey game isn't a right so they don't need to see squat and I am not that interested in giving up my privacy for a game or eat at a restaurant. You can laugh all you want, I don't give a shit that you give up your privacy, I think that is stupid.
How about checking ID to enter a bar? How do you feel about that?
My opinions have morphed over the last few years. I have changed stances on many political issues. I don't believe voter fraud on either side of the political aisle is an issue. The left's Russia BS, the right's fraud counts BS are all nonsense and political posturing to divide the country. Democrat and Republican leadership are despicable and I don't trust either party. The election fraud occurs on both sides but it is hardly enough to throw an election, so mail in votes are fine by me. Going to a hockey game isn't a right so they don't need to see squat and I am not that interested in giving up my privacy for a game or eat at a restaurant. You can laugh all you want, I don't give a shit that you give up your privacy, I think that is stupid.
Everybody gives up their privacy every time they enter the public square and engage with others. That’s just how the world works. I don’t support mask or vax mandates or showing vax cards. I think they are not productive but I also have no problem doing them if that’s what a business asks for. Not a big deal
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.


This is WHY you shoot someone when they attempt a coup.
A third world country? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Do you see how it’s hard to take you people seriously when you say such emotional bullshit not based on actual facts?
You don't mind showing papers, good for you. I do mind since when is my health anyone else's business but my own? I am vaccinated, I do not need to prove it to anyone. Do you you believe Border Patrol has a right to board trains and buses and ask people for their papers? Do you believe that AID's patients should disclose their illness or should they be protected by privacy laws?
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Technically if your right to privacy is being violated, your employer can mandate that you provide your medical records and can mandate that you undergo medical procedures, and you also have no right to free speech and are being placed under legal requirements with punitive actions if you do not comply, and The Legislative Branch did not create this legal requirement through the legislative process, you not only have taxation without representation, but you ARE UNDER MARTIAL LAW.

Every liberal in here is for MARTIAL LAW and agrees with EmperorShitzHizPantz' Fascist Mandate.
Everybody gives up their privacy every time they enter the public square and engage with others. That’s just how the world works. I don’t support mask or vax mandates or showing vax cards. I think they are not productive but I also have no problem doing them if that’s what a business asks for. Not a big deal
I have no issue either, I have a right not to do business with those establishments that ask for proof of vaccination. It is as you say, "how the world works."
I have no issue either, I have a right not to do business with those establishments that ask for proof of vaccination. It is as you say, "how the world works."
Agreed, I have no issue with you not doing business with those places, that's your choice. I am curious about your mentality as to why you are making that choice. It seems rather immature IMO. Not as bad as those who defy the rules and walk around in places unmasked that as for masks to be worn, thats just straight up douchbaggery. But why do you care so much about flashing a vax card?
Entering a bar is a personal choice, not a right, also, states govern the age of a person entering into a bar.
Correct, entering a bar is a personal choice just like entering a place that asks to see a vax card. Why do you take issue with one and not the other?
You don't mind showing papers, good for you. I do mind since when is my health anyone else's business but my own? I am vaccinated, I do not need to prove it to anyone. Do you you believe Border Patrol has a right to board trains and buses and ask people for their papers? Do you believe that AID's patients should disclose their illness or should they be protected by privacy laws?
What specifically are you referring to when you say the government is requiring you to show your vaccination card?
You don't mind showing papers, good for you. I do mind since when is my health anyone else's business but my own? I am vaccinated, I do not need to prove it to anyone. Do you you believe Border Patrol has a right to board trains and buses and ask people for their papers? Do you believe that AID's patients should disclose their illness or should they be protected by privacy laws?
Asking people for their papers to deport them is very very different than asking people to show they took measures to protect themselves and others during a pandemic before entering a business or crowded area. Most people want to do what's good for their community but there is a this wave of idiots that seem to think they are fighting the good fight for liberty by spreading lies and pushing back against everything others are trying to do to keep others safe. All that does is fuel the other side to get even more stupid with the regulations.
Agreed, I have no issue with you not doing business with those places, that's your choice. I am curious about your mentality as to why you are making that choice. It seems rather immature IMO. Not as bad as those who defy the rules and walk around in places unmasked that as for masks to be worn, thats just straight up douchbaggery. But why do you care so much about flashing a vax card?
Why is my health anyone's business? Why should I need to carry my vaccine card around with me all the time? Why you want me to show a card? Your concern about my life seems immature. Showing my vaccine card to eat at an establishment seems immature and uninformed. Vaccinated or not you can spread the virus. Vaccinated or not you can get the virus. The big difference is the severity.

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