Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure? now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?
Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?
Jesus man... NO now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?
Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?
Jesus man... NO

"Never let a crises go to waste". It's funny how quick people will flip on what is acceptable and what isn't. now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?
Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?
Jesus man... NO

"Never let a crises go to waste". It's funny how quick people will flip on what is acceptable and what isn't.

Few good, real Americans would oppose the imposition of martial law if it were used to manage the spread of a virus and to send home 40 million illegal aliens.
On what basis could they oppose?
What do you think the purpose of the executives right to declare martial law is? If not now...WHEN would it ever make sense? now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?
Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?
Jesus man... NO

"Never let a crises go to waste". It's funny how quick people will flip on what is acceptable and what isn't.

Few good, real Americans would oppose the imposition of martial law if it were used to manage the spread of a virus and to send home 40 million illegal aliens.
On what basis could they oppose?
What do you think the purpose of the executives right to declare martial law is? If not now...WHEN would it ever make sense?

I said what I said. You didn't address what I said. now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?
Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?
Jesus man... NO

"Never let a crises go to waste". It's funny how quick people will flip on what is acceptable and what isn't.

Few good, real Americans would oppose the imposition of martial law if it were used to manage the spread of a virus and to send home 40 million illegal aliens.
On what basis could they oppose?
What do you think the purpose of the executives right to declare martial law is? If not now...WHEN would it ever make sense?
Dude seriously. WTF are you thinking? now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?
Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?
Jesus man... NO

"Never let a crises go to waste". It's funny how quick people will flip on what is acceptable and what isn't.

Few good, real Americans would oppose the imposition of martial law if it were used to manage the spread of a virus and to send home 40 million illegal aliens.
On what basis could they oppose?
What do you think the purpose of the executives right to declare martial law is? If not now...WHEN would it ever make sense?
Dude seriously. WTF are you thinking?

I walk a straight line with nothing to hide...what are you scared of?
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

Marshall is the appointed position of a law enforcement official. Like in a cowboy Western.
Martial law is what you are grasping for.
If you are playing the semantics game you have already lost
border.coicicxixiex now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?
Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?
Mexico closed the border. now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?

Coronavirus® is a hoax, a cover-up for the Democratic Party's heroin addiction, which the RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) are only too eager to feed.

I am sick and tired of the birthers, the bathroom-sexers, and the marriage-amenders being pushed over and over again on municipal ballots by RINOs.

They already took out guns away, and now they are making more and more aggressive demands for our papers, valuables, and personal information and effects of all kinds, without even the pretense of a warrant.

Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?

We haven't had any "due process" since Roe v. Wade, Title IX, and the Gun Control Act of 1968.

Ladies got the doors held open, the chairs pulled out politely, the gentlemen's hats removed, etc., etc., but those gentlemen maintain certain "expectations" of other "services" on a more or less "personal" basis, which they refuse to do without while their wives smirk and look the other way, just as glad to be relieved of wifely duties while the men are at play.

Too much vice for the paperwork. We'll have to go for our guns to protect our virginity...
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

Marshall is the appointed position of a law enforcement official. Like in a cowboy Western.
Martial law is what you are grasping for.

Grasping...haha...damn you’re right...some of us on the move have money to earn and wetback babies to pay for...we’re driving using speak to text...Thank God that some sit behind their keyboard all day spending my money.
Fuck you. I make my own and I always have. But if you really are using speak to text, you've got a hell of a lot better program than the one I tried ten years ago.
Only people who hate America, hate the Constitution and hate all this country stands for would ever support anyone declaring martial law. It does not surprise me in the least that the usual suspects are the ones who would support a martial law declaration. You’d have to be a broke loser to support martial law.
No there should't be any declaration of martial law in my opinion. We are already seeing a great percentage of this country coming together to help mitigate the spread of the virus despite the impacts happening already to most Americans and doing something like martial law will turn goodwill and unification to meet a shared goal into fear. Except for a small percentage of people that are taking advantage of others and being irresponsible most Americans are doing what's necessary in their lives for this to slow and come to an eventual end. We will come out of this with a better understanding of what's important in our lives and what we value in our lives, and it will be done without an authoritarian method of martial law in my opinion.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

Marshall is the appointed position of a law enforcement official. Like in a cowboy Western.
Martial law is what you are grasping for.
If you are playing the semantics game you have already lost
Just helping out.
I had a professor once in the 70s who said that Latin America would not become like the US but that the US would become more like Latin America.
This thread is Exhibit A that he was right.
Who would have thought that there would be posters arguing for martial law and the undoing of the American constitution.
BLoser would have us follow the Brazilian/Peruvian/Paraguayan model of governance rather than the anglo-saxon model.
BLoser is the new Latin American style citizen that we have in this Country.
Let us maintain our institutions and not be swayed, as BLoser is , that martial law and Latin American style caudillos is preferable to our Constitution.
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I had a professor once in the 70s who said that Latin America would not become like the US but that the US would become more like Latin America.
This thread is Exhibit A that he was right.
Who would have thought that there would be posters arguing for martial law and the undoing of the American constitution.
BLoser would have us follow the Brazilian/Peruvian/Paraguayan model of governance rather than the anglo-saxon model.
BLoser is the new Latin American style citizen that we have in this Country.
Let us maintain our institutions and not be swayed, as BLoser is , that martial law and Latin American style caudillos is preferable to our Constitution. must have failed third see, Martial Law is fully fact, its function is to restore constitutional law and order.
Your professor was a fucking idiot and probably a half breed see, our framers knew that it was critically paramount that our nation to stay WHITE as clearly illustrated in the Naturalization Act Of 1790.
Our robust welfare system and elements of socialism has lured in dirty desperate was/is the job of our crooked politicians to enforce immigration law and keep the human cockroaches from robbing good Americans....The filthy fucks chose GDP and population over your quality of life...they planted millions of criminal minded, welfare dependent baby making subhumans all around you..It’s fucking bizarre that you aren’t livid over them fucking you and your countrymen over.
What part of Mexico are you from?
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