Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.
James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.

^All bullshit.

The "Patriot Act" was a done deal by October 24, 2001, dumbass.

On October 23, 2001, Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 3162 incorporating provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill and a Senate bill also introduced earlier in the month.[3] The next day, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66

Yeah, I don't like it, and what's your leftist faggot-ass point? No TEA party was involved with The Patriot Act, dumbass.

I don't like it because it craps all over the 4th amendment. What is your position? The TEA party was no less than 7 years later. Derp!
Unlike those who think Donald Trump is God or that we need a socialist government, I do not take medications. I do not rely on them. So, what do you do drugs??? Do you have a factual reason to question the truth?

You don't want to research something, so you accuse me of being a drug addict??? WTH? Do you have a mental problem or maybe an emotional issue? Do you have a personal problem with me and need to discuss it in PM? Do you have any way of factually refuting any point I've made?

Only "points" you've made is inferring "Orange Man Bad". This is nothing new and I assume you are a garden variety leftist POS troll. Prove me wrong!

I've rarely invoked the name of the man you have elevated to the status of God. If posters will go back a couple of pages, you've already been proven wrong. I accepted your concession of defeat. Your cowardice was duly noted. You made one challenge today; it was accepted and you ran from it. The mods have stepped in for you because you were getting your ass kicked, so this is where I remind you of the past.

Donald Trump is doing the job he set out to do. When he's done, you will still have foreigners here (with or without the wall) and you might even have the POLICE STATE you yearn for. But, when Trump's reign is over, the same unconstitutional laws being used against foreigners will be the SAME laws being used against those who are implementing them. Then all the smart asses that wanted to have a flame fest on boards like this will become enemy combatants / domestic terrorists / racists and the left will pursue them with the same vigor the right is chasing the foreigners with.

Delusional leftist faggot can fuck off with the nonsense.


You're projecting.
No, you better not ever,ever fuck with me or you will rue the day you were
born, true story.

I ain't the one to mess with. If you think I'm wrong, trying me is not in your best interest. I will fuck you up, you cannot fathom the way I roll.

You've made the challenge; I reported it as a threat, but it withstood their scrutiny. So, until I see a PM in my box with you telling me to name a time and a place, you will remain a mad, little, egotistical, uneducated, redneck that stomps his feet, making idle threats because he is nothing more than a chickenshit Internet Keyboard Commando that pisses in his pants at the very thought of having to face a real man and making such threats face to face.

That is my final word to you on the subject unless / until the matter is resolved in PM. You started this shit, but you will play games hoping the mods ban me because behind your idle threats is a wimpy, crying, candy ass, liberal that cannot come to grips with what he really is.
James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.

^All bullshit.

The "Patriot Act" was a done deal by October 24, 2001, dumbass.

On October 23, 2001, Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 3162 incorporating provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill and a Senate bill also introduced earlier in the month.[3] The next day, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66

Yeah, I don't like it, and what's your leftist faggot-ass point? No TEA party was involved with The Patriot Act, dumbass.

I don't like it because it craps all over the 4th amendment. What is your position? The TEA party was no less than 7 years later. Derp!

Are you that dense? A lot of white supremacist groups popped up AFTER Trump was elected. Most of the membership voted for Trump. Does it really matter which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

It's still the same old familiar faces.
James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.

^All bullshit.

The "Patriot Act" was a done deal by October 24, 2001, dumbass.

On October 23, 2001, Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 3162 incorporating provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill and a Senate bill also introduced earlier in the month.[3] The next day, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66

Yeah, I don't like it, and what's your leftist faggot-ass point? No TEA party was involved with The Patriot Act, dumbass.

I don't like it because it craps all over the 4th amendment. What is your position? The TEA party was no less than 7 years later. Derp!

Are you that dense? A lot of white supremacist groups popped up AFTER Trump was elected. Most of the membership voted for Trump. Does it really matter which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

It's still the same old familiar faces.

You're the same old leftist shill familiar dunce, so there's that.

It was a long ways from The Patriot Act to Trump, you fucking dipshit! :mad:
James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.

^All bullshit.

The "Patriot Act" was a done deal by October 24, 2001, dumbass.

On October 23, 2001, Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 3162 incorporating provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill and a Senate bill also introduced earlier in the month.[3] The next day, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66

Yeah, I don't like it, and what's your leftist faggot-ass point? No TEA party was involved with The Patriot Act, dumbass.

I don't like it because it craps all over the 4th amendment. What is your position? The TEA party was no less than 7 years later. Derp!

Are you that dense? A lot of white supremacist groups popped up AFTER Trump was elected. Most of the membership voted for Trump. Does it really matter which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

It's still the same old familiar faces.

You're the same old leftist shill familiar dunce, so there's that.

It was a long ways from The Patriot Act to Trump, you fucking dipshit! :mad:

"I like taking guns away early," Trump said. "Take the guns first, go through due process second."

Trump says take guns first and worry about 'due process second' in White House gun meeting

There is an end game. But, really dude, that was exhausting... NOT
James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.

^All bullshit.

The "Patriot Act" was a done deal by October 24, 2001, dumbass.

On October 23, 2001, Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 3162 incorporating provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill and a Senate bill also introduced earlier in the month.[3] The next day, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66

Yeah, I don't like it, and what's your leftist faggot-ass point? No TEA party was involved with The Patriot Act, dumbass.

I don't like it because it craps all over the 4th amendment. What is your position? The TEA party was no less than 7 years later. Derp!

Are you that dense? A lot of white supremacist groups popped up AFTER Trump was elected. Most of the membership voted for Trump. Does it really matter which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

It's still the same old familiar faces.

You're the same old leftist shill familiar dunce, so there's that.

It was a long ways from The Patriot Act to Trump, you fucking dipshit! :mad:

"I like taking guns away early," Trump said. "Take the guns first, go through due process second."

Trump says take guns first and worry about 'due process second' in White House gun meeting

There is an end game. But, really dude, that was exhausting... NOT

Yeah, that end game will not come to fruition. :)
I wouldnt support Martial Law. We would lose all our freedoms. With that power the government could overturn state laws, ignore elections and votes and impose weird things like gay marriage and abortion, tell people where they could live and who they could hire, take our money and use it to pay the riff raff to support them, ignore democratically passed measures like immigration laws...just no end to the possible evils of martial law.
“We aren’t losing shit”?
Really...Mollie Tibbetts lost her life...and Mexicrats have demanded that you lose your right to sovereignty.
People lose their lives every day for a variety of reasons. We don’t shut down entire industries and institute martial law. To suggest so is idiotic

LefTard Logic:
“People die in a variety of ways, fuck it, why not let wetbacks kill our people as well.”
We aren’t letting anybody kill our people, but it happens. Not sure if you knew but murder is still against the law, people get punished we pay cops with taxpayer funds to prevent crime and enforce our laws.
People get punished for breaking the law, unless they are here illegally and able to inhabit a sanctuary venue. Then they skate and the victims can just suck it up. Amirite?
Not necessarily. The system is overwhelmed so priority for deportation and enforcement is focused on violent criminals. Where it should be
Unfortunately, sanctuary cities and states are obstructing the fed's efforts to apprehend and deport those violent criminals.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

It's OK if you like that butt stuff. It's not for me, though. :puke3:
People lose their lives every day for a variety of reasons. We don’t shut down entire industries and institute martial law. To suggest so is idiotic

LefTard Logic:
“People die in a variety of ways, fuck it, why not let wetbacks kill our people as well.”
We aren’t letting anybody kill our people, but it happens. Not sure if you knew but murder is still against the law, people get punished we pay cops with taxpayer funds to prevent crime and enforce our laws.
People get punished for breaking the law, unless they are here illegally and able to inhabit a sanctuary venue. Then they skate and the victims can just suck it up. Amirite?
Not necessarily. The system is overwhelmed so priority for deportation and enforcement is focused on violent criminals. Where it should be
Unfortunately, sanctuary cities and states are obstructing the fed's efforts to apprehend and deport those violent criminals.

Yes, we should all round up all those violent criminals. Yes, but the majority of the violent criminal are all natural born US Citizens. But I agree, we should round them up and convict them to the fullest extent of the law.
James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT?
Only "points" you've made is inferring "Orange Man Bad". This is nothing new and I assume you are a garden variety leftist POS troll. Prove me wrong!

I've rarely invoked the name of the man you have elevated to the status of God. If posters will go back a couple of pages, you've already been proven wrong. I accepted your concession of defeat. Your cowardice was duly noted. You made one challenge today; it was accepted and you ran from it. The mods have stepped in for you because you were getting your ass kicked, so this is where I remind you of the past.

Donald Trump is doing the job he set out to do. When he's done, you will still have foreigners here (with or without the wall) and you might even have the POLICE STATE you yearn for. But, when Trump's reign is over, the same unconstitutional laws being used against foreigners will be the SAME laws being used against those who are implementing them. Then all the smart asses that wanted to have a flame fest on boards like this will become enemy combatants / domestic terrorists / racists and the left will pursue them with the same vigor the right is chasing the foreigners with.

Delusional leftist faggot can fuck off with the nonsense.


You're projecting.
No, you better not ever,ever fuck with me or you will rue the day you were
born, true story.

I ain't the one to mess with. If you think I'm wrong, trying me is not in your best interest. I will fuck you up, you cannot fathom the way I roll.

You've made the challenge; I reported it as a threat, but it withstood their scrutiny. So, until I see a PM in my box with you telling me to name a time and a place, you will remain a mad, little, egotistical, uneducated, redneck that stomps his feet, making idle threats because he is nothing more than a chickenshit Internet Keyboard Commando that pisses in his pants at the very thought of having to face a real man and making such threats face to face.

That is my final word to you on the subject unless / until the matter is resolved in PM. You started this shit, but you will play games hoping the mods ban me because behind your idle threats is a wimpy, crying, candy ass, liberal that cannot come to grips with what he really is.

Oh shit! You're caddo kid, I get it now, derp!

Y U always wanna be on my Johnson and whatnot? :wtf:You gotta go, bro. Stop stalking me, k? I reported something or another. I has a fan! :abgg2q.jpg:

Get off my balls, bitch.
Last edited:
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.
Are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT?

If someone drew you a map from your house to your mailbox, you'd be lost. The only point is that there is an end game.

It comes at an expense of the posterity of the founders / framers.
James Sensebrenner authored the so - called "Patriot Act"

Patriot Act extension runs into conservative opposition


James Sensenbrenner introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act

Real ID Act - Wikipedia


James Sensenbrenner introduces "Build the Wall Act"

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act


If you look at the co-sponsors of Sensenbrenner's bill, you start seeing Tea Party members as co - signers: Roberth Aderholt, Doug LaMalfa, and Steve Scalise are but a few of the co-sponsor's of Sensenbrenner's bill.

Cosponsors - H.R.7059 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Build the Wall, Enforce the Law Act of 2018

The bottom line is, the Tea Party got duped by James Sensenbrenner and they are still birds of a feather that flock together. And Sensenbrenner cannot say he did not know. The man is an attorney!

The so - called "Patriot Act" had provisions requiring the library to record what books you read. Then he mandates the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" as your National ID number. That, in itself, was a stupid move as the Fair Tax was being debated publicly and it would have repealed the income tax, making the SSN obsolete. So, on that account alone, Sensenbrenner and the Tea Party saved a plank out of the Communist Manifesto through globalism on Sensenbrenner's part and stupidity on the part of Tea Party supporters.

At the end of the day, there is an end game - one Trump supporters are all too willing to fall for. And if Martial Law comes along, they will be the victims... just like with the so - called "Patriot Act" and the the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify.

^All bullshit.

The "Patriot Act" was a done deal by October 24, 2001, dumbass.

On October 23, 2001, Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner introduced H.R. 3162 incorporating provisions from a previously-sponsored House bill and a Senate bill also introduced earlier in the month.[3] The next day, the Act passed the House by a vote of 357–66

Yeah, I don't like it, and what's your leftist faggot-ass point? No TEA party was involved with The Patriot Act, dumbass.

I don't like it because it craps all over the 4th amendment. What is your position? The TEA party was no less than 7 years later. Derp!

Are you that dense? A lot of white supremacist groups popped up AFTER Trump was elected. Most of the membership voted for Trump. Does it really matter which comes first, the chicken or the egg?

It's still the same old familiar faces.

Yeah, because the 1870s and KKK were after Trump was elected. :rolleyes: Trump made the KKK what it was in the 1870s. :cuckoo:

Or you're a dumbass with extreme TDS. :iyfyus.jpg:
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

It's OK if you like that butt stuff. It's not for me, though. :puke3:

No matter what I am, you are a gutless, spineless coward that has to accuse everyone he disagrees with of being a faggot. Most of us here realize you fantasize about sucking dicks and the man who turns you on the most is Donald Trump.

I'm not sure if that has any bearing on Martial Law, but if it does, I'm sure you will make that point.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Not_-only_-No.gif now the right time to make the declaration...mitigate and manage the virus and ask for papers at the same time?
Under the declaration couldn’t Trump stuff the cockroaches on a bus headed to Mexico with no ‘due process’ granted?

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