Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea.

You're fulla shit. Reagan signed for the amnesty in exchange for Democrats promising to secure the border in 1986.

Don't tell me, motherfucker, I was there. :1peleas:

How good good are Democrat promises? This is 2019 and that border still is not secure. Their promises are lies. The only Democrat who tried to make good on the promise was Bill Clinton. Bush, Bush, and Obama did less than Clinton to secure the border.

“Hey @POTUS in 1986 my father made a deal with the Democrats Amnesty for Border Security my father is still waiting,” Reagan tweeted Thursday. “U have no choice its now or never..#BuildTheWallNow.”

'It's Now or NEVER!' - Ronald Reagan's Son Has MAJOR Warning for Trump On Border Security Deal

I wouldn't have fucked your mother had you kept the bitch off the streets.

Be that as it may, I'm no defender of Ronald Reagan. This topic is not about Reagan. It's about the fact that you don't need a wall and it has no correlation to the economics of this country. My argument is about the fact that is sheer idiocy to institute Martial Law in order to enforce blatantly unconstitutional laws and destroy our Liberties.

We do need a wall, and fuck you, you retarded commie! :fu:

We don't need Martial law to get rid of commie fucks like you, the citizenry can take care of that handily.

You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea.

You're fulla shit. Reagan signed for the amnesty in exchange for Democrats promising to secure the border in 1986.

Don't tell me, motherfucker, I was there. :1peleas:

How good good are Democrat promises? This is 2019 and that border still is not secure. Their promises are lies. The only Democrat who tried to make good on the promise was Bill Clinton. Bush, Bush, and Obama did less than Clinton to secure the border.

“Hey @POTUS in 1986 my father made a deal with the Democrats Amnesty for Border Security my father is still waiting,” Reagan tweeted Thursday. “U have no choice its now or never..#BuildTheWallNow.”

'It's Now or NEVER!' - Ronald Reagan's Son Has MAJOR Warning for Trump On Border Security Deal

I wouldn't have fucked your mother had you kept the bitch off the streets.

Be that as it may, I'm no defender of Ronald Reagan. This topic is not about Reagan. It's about the fact that you don't need a wall and it has no correlation to the economics of this country. My argument is about the fact that is sheer idiocy to institute Martial Law in order to enforce blatantly unconstitutional laws and destroy our Liberties.

Almost reported for family rule. You brought Reagan up, and I set the record straight. Too bad, so sad.
Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?
By the way, what part of Mexico are you from?

I enjoy discussing events but only with those who wish to in an adult manner. If you want to try again, great, if not, that's OK also.

I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody’s feelings...let me try again.
Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?

First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.
I enjoy discussing events but only with those who wish to in an adult manner. If you want to try again, great, if not, that's OK also.

I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody’s feelings...let me try again.
Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?

First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.
I enjoy discussing events but only with those who wish to in an adult manner. If you want to try again, great, if not, that's OK also.

I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody’s feelings...let me try again.
Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?

First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

The Constitution does give the Executive branch the ability to decide how immigration is enforced.

If you want to argue that a business has every right to hire anyone they want, fine, argue that but we can't then argue its wrong for people to come and accept those offers.
I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody’s feelings...let me try again.
Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?

First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

One does need to make a distinction between the actual Tea Party of Ron Paul's type and those who tried to hijack the party like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin.
You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea.

You're fulla shit. Reagan signed for the amnesty in exchange for Democrats promising to secure the border in 1986.

Don't tell me, motherfucker, I was there. :1peleas:

How good good are Democrat promises? This is 2019 and that border still is not secure. Their promises are lies. The only Democrat who tried to make good on the promise was Bill Clinton. Bush, Bush, and Obama did less than Clinton to secure the border.

“Hey @POTUS in 1986 my father made a deal with the Democrats Amnesty for Border Security my father is still waiting,” Reagan tweeted Thursday. “U have no choice its now or never..#BuildTheWallNow.”

'It's Now or NEVER!' - Ronald Reagan's Son Has MAJOR Warning for Trump On Border Security Deal

I wouldn't have fucked your mother had you kept the bitch off the streets.

Be that as it may, I'm no defender of Ronald Reagan. This topic is not about Reagan. It's about the fact that you don't need a wall and it has no correlation to the economics of this country. My argument is about the fact that is sheer idiocy to institute Martial Law in order to enforce blatantly unconstitutional laws and destroy our Liberties.

We do need a wall, and fuck you, you retarded commie! :fu:

We don't need Martial law to get rid of commie fucks like you, the citizenry can take care of that handily.

You are a blathering idiot and a coward that belts out his uneducated hatred to the tune of nearly 48,000 posts. With all your name calling and use of emojis, you have become somewhat of an Internet Keyboard Commando. As a rational and intelligent poster, you've only proven that you have no case. You're basically a social - Democrat pandering to the masses who don't have a clue.

You would never walk out into public and call people commie fucks because you and I know, one day you'd end up facing someone who was not only anti-communist (as I am), but well equipped to deal with you on a personal level.

Because of people like you, America gives citizenship papers to around a million people per year. Then, when this over-kill vetting process fails, you end up with fruit cakes like Rep. Ilhan Omar, who was able to defeat the system and become a United States citizen through fraud. And you worship at the feet of the one man who has the authority to act on the worst example of what he claims to be against, but sits on his fat ass and does nothing.
You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea.

You're fulla shit. Reagan signed for the amnesty in exchange for Democrats promising to secure the border in 1986.

Don't tell me, motherfucker, I was there. :1peleas:

How good good are Democrat promises? This is 2019 and that border still is not secure. Their promises are lies. The only Democrat who tried to make good on the promise was Bill Clinton. Bush, Bush, and Obama did less than Clinton to secure the border.

“Hey @POTUS in 1986 my father made a deal with the Democrats Amnesty for Border Security my father is still waiting,” Reagan tweeted Thursday. “U have no choice its now or never..#BuildTheWallNow.”

'It's Now or NEVER!' - Ronald Reagan's Son Has MAJOR Warning for Trump On Border Security Deal

I wouldn't have fucked your mother had you kept the bitch off the streets.

Be that as it may, I'm no defender of Ronald Reagan. This topic is not about Reagan. It's about the fact that you don't need a wall and it has no correlation to the economics of this country. My argument is about the fact that is sheer idiocy to institute Martial Law in order to enforce blatantly unconstitutional laws and destroy our Liberties.

Almost reported for family rule. You brought Reagan up, and I set the record straight. Too bad, so sad.

I support neither side. You accomplished nothing. I proved there is no correlation between foreigners working here and unemployment.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Republicans would reject such a hypothetical scenario, but if Trump actually did declare martial law, the knee jerk reaction from his dumbass base would be “well it was a tough decision. He did what he had to do.”
Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea.

You're fulla shit. Reagan signed for the amnesty in exchange for Democrats promising to secure the border in 1986.

Don't tell me, motherfucker, I was there. :1peleas:

How good good are Democrat promises? This is 2019 and that border still is not secure. Their promises are lies. The only Democrat who tried to make good on the promise was Bill Clinton. Bush, Bush, and Obama did less than Clinton to secure the border.

“Hey @POTUS in 1986 my father made a deal with the Democrats Amnesty for Border Security my father is still waiting,” Reagan tweeted Thursday. “U have no choice its now or never..#BuildTheWallNow.”

'It's Now or NEVER!' - Ronald Reagan's Son Has MAJOR Warning for Trump On Border Security Deal

I wouldn't have fucked your mother had you kept the bitch off the streets.

Be that as it may, I'm no defender of Ronald Reagan. This topic is not about Reagan. It's about the fact that you don't need a wall and it has no correlation to the economics of this country. My argument is about the fact that is sheer idiocy to institute Martial Law in order to enforce blatantly unconstitutional laws and destroy our Liberties.

We do need a wall, and fuck you, you retarded commie! :fu:

We don't need Martial law to get rid of commie fucks like you, the citizenry can take care of that handily.

You are a blathering idiot and a coward that belts out his uneducated hatred to the tune of nearly 48,000 posts. With all your name calling and use of emojis, you have become somewhat of an Internet Keyboard Commando. As a rational and intelligent poster, you've only proven that you have no case. You're basically a social - Democrat pandering to the masses who don't have a clue.

You would never walk out into public and call people commie fucks because you and I know, one day you'd end up facing someone who was not only anti-communist (as I am), but well equipped to deal with you on a personal level.

Because of people like you, America gives citizenship papers to around a million people per year. Then, when this over-kill vetting process fails, you end up with fruit cakes like Rep. Ilhan Omar, who was able to defeat the system and become a United States citizen through fraud. And you worship at the feet of the one man who has the authority to act on the worst example of what he claims to be against, but sits on his fat ass and does nothing.

I wouldn't do it because I don't wanna catch a murder charge, bitch. Where the fuck do you get off saying we don't need a wall. I'm no timid motherfucker and I do not intimidate, boy. Oh! So wtf are you? Some Neocon Republican or something?

Trump's the best president in 60 years, you commie hack. My 86-year old uncle says so, too, bitch!
And his older sisters did too, before they died. I guarantee you have never seen what they have or did. You'd fold like the cheap, sorry POS you are.
I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody’s feelings...let me try again.
Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?

First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

Damn you ARE two french fries short of a Happy Meal!!! The very same Tea Party Republican that introduced the so - called "Patriot Act," is the VERY SAME U.S. Representative that, as a Tea Party Republican, introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. AND on the same pretext.

BOTH bills have victimized honest and law abiding AMERICAN citizens more times than they've been used against foreigners. What your smart ass fails to understand is that until you've been in court over this stuff, you don't have a clue as to what in the Hell you're talking about.
First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

Damn you ARE two french fries short of a Happy Meal!!! The very same Tea Party Republican that introduced the so - called "Patriot Act," is the VERY SAME U.S. Representative that, as a Tea Party Republican, introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. AND on the same pretext.

BOTH bills have victimized honest and law abiding AMERICAN citizens more times than they've been used against foreigners. What your smart ass fails to understand is that until you've been in court over this stuff, you don't have a clue as to what in the Hell you're talking about.

Hahh!HAHH!!! Stupid fucking leftist shill outed now! There was no TEA party when The Patriot Act was passed you stupid fuck! Leftist shill outed now! Go to hell, you dishonest hack! Patriot Act=+- 2002, TEA party=2008+, bitch!

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody’s feelings...let me try again.
Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?

First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

The Constitution does give the Executive branch the ability to decide how immigration is enforced.

If you want to argue that a business has every right to hire anyone they want, fine, argue that but we can't then argue its wrong for people to come and accept those offers.

Immigration is defined in Blacks Law Dictionary as:

"The coming Into a country of foreigners for purposes of permanent residence."

This does not apply to guest workers, temporary workers, or anyone who is not seeking to live here permanently and / or seek citizenship. That is unquestionably a states Rights issue.
First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

One does need to make a distinction between the actual Tea Party of Ron Paul's type and those who tried to hijack the party like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin.

The same people who supported the so - called "Patriot Act," the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify are the same ones who are pro - wall.

The SAME AUTHOR of the so - called "Patriot Act," and the National ID / REAL ID Act - E-Verify is the SAME Congressman to introduce the Build Up Illegal Line Defenses With Assets Lawfully Lifted (BUILD WALL) Act.

Sensenbrenner Introduces the BUILD WALL Act
I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

Damn you ARE two french fries short of a Happy Meal!!! The very same Tea Party Republican that introduced the so - called "Patriot Act," is the VERY SAME U.S. Representative that, as a Tea Party Republican, introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. AND on the same pretext.

BOTH bills have victimized honest and law abiding AMERICAN citizens more times than they've been used against foreigners. What your smart ass fails to understand is that until you've been in court over this stuff, you don't have a clue as to what in the Hell you're talking about.

Hahh!HAHH!!! Stupid fucking leftist shill outed now! There was no TEA party when The Patriot Act was passed you stupid fuck! Leftist shill outed now! Go to hell, you dishonest hack! Patriot Act=+- 2002, TEA party=2008+, bitch!

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

You are a coward and it does not matter when the TEA Party started. James Sensenbrenner (TEA Party since its inception) introduced the bills and you're the only lefty who has been outed here today. You have your head stuck so far up Trump's ass, he has to fart for you to get a breath of fresh air.
I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

One does need to make a distinction between the actual Tea Party of Ron Paul's type and those who tried to hijack the party like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin.

The same people who supported the so - called "Patriot Act," the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify are the same ones who are pro - wall.

I would say that is mostly true. There may be an exception.

I support neither.
Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea.

You're fulla shit. Reagan signed for the amnesty in exchange for Democrats promising to secure the border in 1986.

Don't tell me, motherfucker, I was there. :1peleas:

How good good are Democrat promises? This is 2019 and that border still is not secure. Their promises are lies. The only Democrat who tried to make good on the promise was Bill Clinton. Bush, Bush, and Obama did less than Clinton to secure the border.

“Hey @POTUS in 1986 my father made a deal with the Democrats Amnesty for Border Security my father is still waiting,” Reagan tweeted Thursday. “U have no choice its now or never..#BuildTheWallNow.”

'It's Now or NEVER!' - Ronald Reagan's Son Has MAJOR Warning for Trump On Border Security Deal

I wouldn't have fucked your mother had you kept the bitch off the streets.

Be that as it may, I'm no defender of Ronald Reagan. This topic is not about Reagan. It's about the fact that you don't need a wall and it has no correlation to the economics of this country. My argument is about the fact that is sheer idiocy to institute Martial Law in order to enforce blatantly unconstitutional laws and destroy our Liberties.

We do need a wall, and fuck you, you retarded commie! :fu:

We don't need Martial law to get rid of commie fucks like you, the citizenry can take care of that handily.

You are a blathering idiot and a coward that belts out his uneducated hatred to the tune of nearly 48,000 posts. With all your name calling and use of emojis, you have become somewhat of an Internet Keyboard Commando. As a rational and intelligent poster, you've only proven that you have no case. You're basically a social - Democrat pandering to the masses who don't have a clue.

You would never walk out into public and call people commie fucks because you and I know, one day you'd end up facing someone who was not only anti-communist (as I am), but well equipped to deal with you on a personal level.

Because of people like you, America gives citizenship papers to around a million people per year. Then, when this over-kill vetting process fails, you end up with fruit cakes like Rep. Ilhan Omar, who was able to defeat the system and become a United States citizen through fraud. And you worship at the feet of the one man who has the authority to act on the worst example of what he claims to be against, but sits on his fat ass and does nothing.

I wouldn't do it because I don't wanna catch a murder charge, bitch. Where the fuck do you get off saying we don't need a wall. I'm no timid motherfucker and I do not intimidate, boy. Oh! So wtf are you? Some Neocon Republican or something?

Trump's the best president in 60 years, you commie hack. My 86-year old uncle says so, too, bitch!
And his older sisters did too, before they died. I guarantee you have never seen what they have or did. You'd fold like the cheap, sorry POS you are.

You're the one sitting on your ass, pretending to be calling me out. Yet where is the PM wherein you tell me to name the time and the place?

There hasn't been one. And let's tell everybody how you'd play the game. You'd want me to travel 2000 miles to some place you wouldn't be. So, you would never tell someone to name the time and place, then show up. You can keep banging your keyboard about what a badass you are, but you're a small, insecure, mad, little man filled with rage, hate, and insecurities that are apparent in all your posts.
You're fulla shit. Reagan signed for the amnesty in exchange for Democrats promising to secure the border in 1986.

Don't tell me, motherfucker, I was there. :1peleas:

How good good are Democrat promises? This is 2019 and that border still is not secure. Their promises are lies. The only Democrat who tried to make good on the promise was Bill Clinton. Bush, Bush, and Obama did less than Clinton to secure the border.

“Hey @POTUS in 1986 my father made a deal with the Democrats Amnesty for Border Security my father is still waiting,” Reagan tweeted Thursday. “U have no choice its now or never..#BuildTheWallNow.”

'It's Now or NEVER!' - Ronald Reagan's Son Has MAJOR Warning for Trump On Border Security Deal

I wouldn't have fucked your mother had you kept the bitch off the streets.

Be that as it may, I'm no defender of Ronald Reagan. This topic is not about Reagan. It's about the fact that you don't need a wall and it has no correlation to the economics of this country. My argument is about the fact that is sheer idiocy to institute Martial Law in order to enforce blatantly unconstitutional laws and destroy our Liberties.

We do need a wall, and fuck you, you retarded commie! :fu:

We don't need Martial law to get rid of commie fucks like you, the citizenry can take care of that handily.

You are a blathering idiot and a coward that belts out his uneducated hatred to the tune of nearly 48,000 posts. With all your name calling and use of emojis, you have become somewhat of an Internet Keyboard Commando. As a rational and intelligent poster, you've only proven that you have no case. You're basically a social - Democrat pandering to the masses who don't have a clue.

You would never walk out into public and call people commie fucks because you and I know, one day you'd end up facing someone who was not only anti-communist (as I am), but well equipped to deal with you on a personal level.

Because of people like you, America gives citizenship papers to around a million people per year. Then, when this over-kill vetting process fails, you end up with fruit cakes like Rep. Ilhan Omar, who was able to defeat the system and become a United States citizen through fraud. And you worship at the feet of the one man who has the authority to act on the worst example of what he claims to be against, but sits on his fat ass and does nothing.

I wouldn't do it because I don't wanna catch a murder charge, bitch. Where the fuck do you get off saying we don't need a wall. I'm no timid motherfucker and I do not intimidate, boy. Oh! So wtf are you? Some Neocon Republican or something?

Trump's the best president in 60 years, you commie hack. My 86-year old uncle says so, too, bitch!
And his older sisters did too, before they died. I guarantee you have never seen what they have or did. You'd fold like the cheap, sorry POS you are.

You're the one sitting on your ass, pretending to be calling me out. Yet where is the PM wherein you tell me to name the time and the place?

There hasn't been one. And let's tell everybody how you'd play the game. You'd want me to travel 2000 miles to some place you wouldn't be. So, you would never tell someone to name the time and place, then show up. You can keep banging your keyboard about what a badass you are, but you're a small, insecure, mad, little man filled with rage, hate, and insecurities that are apparent in all your posts.


You're a fucking hoot, dude. STFU before I E-bitchsmack your retarded ass. :slap: Don't make me E-cut ya. :auiqs.jpg:

In real life, you'd be better off not ever fucking with me. I ain't the one.
No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

One does need to make a distinction between the actual Tea Party of Ron Paul's type and those who tried to hijack the party like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin.

The same people who supported the so - called "Patriot Act," the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify are the same ones who are pro - wall.

I would say that is mostly true. There may be an exception.

I support neither.
No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

One does need to make a distinction between the actual Tea Party of Ron Paul's type and those who tried to hijack the party like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin.

The same people who supported the so - called "Patriot Act," the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify are the same ones who are pro - wall.

I would say that is mostly true. There may be an exception.

I support neither.

I don't support them either. We do have a problem. We have a problem with foreigners. But, it is neither a legal nor a military problem.

We have a problem thinking we can build a government that is big enough to save us from ourselves. The socialist thinking you see on this thread is NO SOLUTION.

As Americans we could boycott those we disagree with; associate with those of like mind; support efforts to get our own countrymen back on their feet - OFF the drugs, OUT of mommy's basement and INTO the workforce. We would abandon this nonsensical idea that we can have a million new people becoming citizens each year and think they will uphold and honor our values and culture (what little is left of it) - I'm still thinking Rep. Omar as the prime example.

Just because I'm not a knob polisher for Donald Trump does not mean that I don't see the subtle attacks on the posterity of the founders / framers of our Republic. I'm just not willing to surrender my Liberties over an issue the rank and file American can handle better without government assistance.
No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.

Everybody has their standard. Here is mine:

One of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the unalienable Right to own property. A homeowner should own their home once the mortgage is satisfied; the songwriter has the Rights to his / her songs. An employer owns the job he / she creates.

For ANYONE out there to suggest that an employer who hires a foreigner is breaking some kind of law is out of their damn mind. The Constitution is the "Supreme Law of the Land" in the United States. When statutes conflict with the Constitution, the citizen can - and should disregard unconstitutional laws.

PRIOR to 9 / 11 and the Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution, employers used to be told that they had to fill out "I -9" paperwork before hiring an employee. Preamble Citizens scoffed at this farce. On the I - 9 form there was a number from the OMB (Office of Management and Budget.) That number would identify the agency requesting such information. Well, the I - 9 was issued by the old Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS.)

The reality was, the INS (now BICE / ICE) had ZERO authority in Social Security matters. I may still have a personal letter that was sent to me back in the day wherein the head of the Socialist Security Administration told me it was a private matter between the employer and employee if the employee ever divulged their SSN to the employer. Private employers are not agents of the federal government. Neither can the federal government force any private business to hire only Americans - constitutionally speaking.

The reality is, the Constitution does not give the federal government any authority over foreigners except in one area:

"Congress shall have the power... To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..." (Article I Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

Despite the right's dishonest and socialist characterizations, the people coming here are not invaders. Whether we like it or not; accept it or not, the majority of Americans willingly do business with the foreigners. Here is how Black's Law Dictionary defines an invasion:

"An encroachment upon the rights of another; the incursion of an army for conquest or plunder." Webster. See ^Etna Ins. Co. v. Boon, 95 U. S. 129, 24 L. Ed. 395.

What is INVASION? definition of INVASION (Black's Law Dictionary)

The word Army in Blacks Law Dictionary is defined as:

"The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land."

What is ARMY? definition of ARMY (Black's Law Dictionary)

There is no army, no invasion and no constitutional pretext for Trump's actions including those that would lead us to Martial Law. The problem you have with redefining words and terms against people you don't like, it can then be done to YOU. All I can tell you from personal experience: When you become the target and the left calls you domestic terrorists / enemy combatants / racists, then it becomes YOUR ass in those holding cells - and Uncle Scam can even hold you incommunicado, beat you, torture you, even kill you with NO Due Process due to anti-immigrant extremists and the stupid precedents that bear the signature of the right. Forewarned is forearmed.

Tell me more about this "Tea Party's assaults on the Constitution,", dud.

If anyone assaulted the Constitution, it was W. Bush with the Patriot act and Obama with EOs. The TEA party? Notsomuch.

Damn you ARE two french fries short of a Happy Meal!!! The very same Tea Party Republican that introduced the so - called "Patriot Act," is the VERY SAME U.S. Representative that, as a Tea Party Republican, introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify B.S. AND on the same pretext.

BOTH bills have victimized honest and law abiding AMERICAN citizens more times than they've been used against foreigners. What your smart ass fails to understand is that until you've been in court over this stuff, you don't have a clue as to what in the Hell you're talking about.

Hahh!HAHH!!! Stupid fucking leftist shill outed now! There was no TEA party when The Patriot Act was passed you stupid fuck! Leftist shill outed now! Go to hell, you dishonest hack! Patriot Act=+- 2002, TEA party=2008+, bitch!

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

You are a coward and it does not matter when the TEA Party started. James Sensenbrenner (TEA Party since its inception) introduced the bills and you're the only lefty who has been outed here today. You have your head stuck so far up Trump's ass, he has to fart for you to get a breath of fresh air.

You ignorant leftist shill! Pwahahhahaha!


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