Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Don’t be fucking silly.

Well tell us...How do you see getting rid of the tens of millions of wetbacks that are taking your nation from you? GO.

Enforce hiring laws with company-destroying fines and mandatory jail time, for starters.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Depends on the issue-you would need it to remove 20 million illegals.
He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.

That’s complete bullshit...hit the books bud

Its half right.

Insurrection Act - Wikipedia

You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

To be effective we would need martial law imposed in big cities...I’m convinced that Los Angeles alone is home to several million...I dream of the day where troops walk the streets of LA asking every brown person for papers.

And the day will come when they ask for yours. By then you might be considered a domestic terrorist / enemy combatant / Enemy of the State

Cool,I have nothing be afraid of...I’m willing to take my chances to eradicate tens of millions of wetbacks..Scary shit huh?

The fact that you would put your nation and you Liberties in jeopardy only tells me that only the most ignorant would listen to or follow people like you.

You've never witnessed Martial Law. You don't have a clue. Adding insult to injury, the government cannot make you safe from your own actions without making you a slave or a prisoner.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.

That’s complete bullshit...hit the books bud

You hit the books dumb fuck. I worked in immigration law for six years so that I could help the right. And now idiots like you are in charge of the talking points, destroying this Republic. You're worse than any left wing Marxist - communist advocate because you're little more than a useful idiot.

Sure you did pussy...Look, we need your type as well...You pussified bitches will play a role...I promise.
“Destroying the Republic” specific?

You talk a good game on the Internet cherry. But, if you want to call me a liar, there is always PM for personal stuff. If everyone here wants to know who the pussy is, just watch you stumble and fumble for the ultimate insult while I say to you, PM is the best way to go if you want to call someone out. Flame away cherry.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.

Article 1, § 9, Cl 2

“The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it”.

What absolute idiocy! That applies to a Rebellion or Invasion. You are defending people who made this a LEGAL issue. Nobody is invading the damn country; Americans, including YOU, are willingly participating in it. It's free enterprise and it's constitutional.
It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.

That’s complete bullshit...hit the books bud

Its half right.

Insurrection Act - Wikipedia

You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

That is a governor's call, not yours and damn sure not Trump's.

Your bullshit logic wouldn't fool a fifth grader much less an intelligent audience.

The facts are, the build the wall guys don't know shit about history.

There is an advantage to understanding national politics when you've actually lived them. I'd like to show you something and then you tell me when you think things changed:

Now, let's get back to reality here. The sheeple - that is the Ds and the Rs are manipulated by party politics. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can (or should IMO) be able to figure this out. In order to figure out if there is a crisis at the border, we need to look at this over a long term period.

Back in 1953 Congress was having this same debate and they came up with "Operation Wetback." By 1954 the LEO community was sending all the Hispanics they could find back across the border. A funny thing happened: In less than five years, the unemployment rate in the United States went up by nearly 50 percent!

In my lifetime, I experienced quite a few changes and can show you some facts that are indisputable.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea. So, under Reagan the unemployment went from 10.8 percent down to 5.4 percent. Imagine that! Today, America is at a record low for unemployment - it's statistical zero unemployment since most of those on the dole are in transition (laid off but looking - no matter how good things are, that number is not very flexible) and the bigger group are those whose lives revolve around milking the system.

Compare Today's Unemployment with the Past

The REAL problems you have with your statistics are threefold:

1) You always talk about how much you think foreigners COST. You have yet to show the correlative side of the accounting ledger. How much do these undocumented foreigners CONTRIBUTE? You have to factor in the state and local taxes they pay; the federal taxes via things like gasoline, booze, cigarettes, lottery money, etc.; there is the increased productivity over their American counterparts; there is the fact that their young are working jobs and contributing to the economy. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply (not counting other drugs.) They are no match for their foreign counterparts... and American males live in mommy's basement, not in a house, paying property taxes and things that generate more income for the country

2) The right fails to acknowledge the Liberties lost in their quest to rid America of foreigners. The assaults on the Fourth Amendment; the so - called "Patriot Act," The National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, the end of the presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty, the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the Constitution Free Zone, warrant less searches, armed drones in our skies (and bear in mind on this one, you've framed your arguments as if it is about law enforcement - wait til that drone is looking for your domestic terrorist ass) - that's just for starters

3) The fact that Trump is not conducting an investigation into Rep. Omar's immigration status is all the proof that I need to believe that the whole "border crisis" is contrived. Why not take out the most outspoken critics of your agenda if you want to win? How come this surge didn't happen under Obama - who most think was pro-immigration? Why would rational people not attempt to come here under a president that had the Welcome mat out then risk their lives and the threat of being separated from their family and their children treated worse than federal prisoners under the Trumpster?

I hate to say this, but the right is dumber than a box of freaking rocks. At the end of the day, most of Trump's policies are going to be over-ruled in the United States Supreme Court and what you will be left with are things like what is mentioned above in # 2.
Last edited:

You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

That is a governor's call, not yours and damn sure not Trump's.

Your bullshit logic wouldn't fool a fifth grader much less an intelligent audience.

The facts are, the build the wall guys don't know shit about history.

There is an advantage to understanding national politics when you've actually lived them. I'd like to show you something and then you tell me when you think things changed:

Now, let's get back to reality here. The sheeple - that is the Ds and the Rs are manipulated by party politics. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can (or should IMO) be able to figure this out. In order to figure out if there is a crisis at the border, we need to look at this over a long term period.

Back in 1953 Congress was having this same debate and they came up with "Operation Wetback." By 1954 the LEO community was sending all the Hispanics they could find back across the border. A funny thing happened: In less than five years, the unemployment rate in the United States went up by nearly 50 percent!

In my lifetime, I experienced quite a few changes and can show you some facts that are indisputable.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea. So, under Reagan the unemployment went from 10.8 percent down to 5.4 percent. Imagine that! Today, America is at a record low for unemployment - it's statistical zero unemployment since most of those on the dole are in transition (laid off but looking - no matter how good things are, that number is not very flexible) and the bigger group are those whose lives revolve around milking the system.

The REAL problems you have with your statistics are threefold:

1) You always talk about how much you think foreigners COST. You have yet to show the correlative side of the accounting ledger. How much do these undocumented foreigners CONTRIBUTE? You have to factor in the state and local taxes they pay; the federal taxes via things like gasoline, booze, cigarettes, lottery money, etc.; there is the increased productivity over their American counterparts; there is the fact that their young are working jobs and contributing to the economy. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply (not counting other drugs.) They are no match for their foreign counterparts... and American males live in mommy's basement, not in a house, paying property taxes and things that generate more income for the country

2) The right fails to acknowledge the Liberties lost in their quest to rid America of foreigners. The assaults on the Fourth Amendment; the so - called "Patriot Act," The National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, the end of the presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty, the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the Constitution Free Zone, warrant less searches, armed drones in our skies (and bear in mind on this one, you've framed your arguments as if it is about law enforcement - wait til that drone is looking for your domestic terrorist ass) - that's just for starters

3) The fact that Trump is not conducting an investigation into Rep. Omar's immigration status is all the proof that I need to believe that the whole "border crisis" is contrived. Why not take out the most outspoken critics of your agenda if you want to win? How come this surge didn't happen under Obama - who most think was pro-immigration? Why would rational people not attempt to come here under a president that had the Welcome mat out then risk their lives and the threat of being separated from their family and their children treated worse than federal prisoners under the Trumpster?

I hate to say this, but the right is dumber than a box of freaking rocks. At the end of the day, most of Trump's policies are going to be over-ruled in the United States Supreme Court and what you will be left with are things like what is mentioned above in # 2.

That’s a shit-ton of mumbo-jumbo with no links and or statistics to back it up....It’s all because you say so...right?
Hey bud, you’re an ignorant, uninformed fool making a complete ass of yourself in public....BUT that’s okay because a take great pleasure in enlightening ignorant fools...
1.) The Insurrection Act, once declared, shits all over your Governors.
2.) Nobody with their head pulled from their ass will believe your bullshit with regard to wetbacks yielding a positive return for this country...NOBODY!
Stop embarrassing yourself bud...What else can I teach you?

You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

That is a governor's call, not yours and damn sure not Trump's.

Your bullshit logic wouldn't fool a fifth grader much less an intelligent audience.

The facts are, the build the wall guys don't know shit about history.

There is an advantage to understanding national politics when you've actually lived them. I'd like to show you something and then you tell me when you think things changed:

Now, let's get back to reality here. The sheeple - that is the Ds and the Rs are manipulated by party politics. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can (or should IMO) be able to figure this out. In order to figure out if there is a crisis at the border, we need to look at this over a long term period.

Back in 1953 Congress was having this same debate and they came up with "Operation Wetback." By 1954 the LEO community was sending all the Hispanics they could find back across the border. A funny thing happened: In less than five years, the unemployment rate in the United States went up by nearly 50 percent!

In my lifetime, I experienced quite a few changes and can show you some facts that are indisputable.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea. So, under Reagan the unemployment went from 10.8 percent down to 5.4 percent. Imagine that! Today, America is at a record low for unemployment - it's statistical zero unemployment since most of those on the dole are in transition (laid off but looking - no matter how good things are, that number is not very flexible) and the bigger group are those whose lives revolve around milking the system.

The REAL problems you have with your statistics are threefold:

1) You always talk about how much you think foreigners COST. You have yet to show the correlative side of the accounting ledger. How much do these undocumented foreigners CONTRIBUTE? You have to factor in the state and local taxes they pay; the federal taxes via things like gasoline, booze, cigarettes, lottery money, etc.; there is the increased productivity over their American counterparts; there is the fact that their young are working jobs and contributing to the economy. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply (not counting other drugs.) They are no match for their foreign counterparts... and American males live in mommy's basement, not in a house, paying property taxes and things that generate more income for the country

2) The right fails to acknowledge the Liberties lost in their quest to rid America of foreigners. The assaults on the Fourth Amendment; the so - called "Patriot Act," The National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, the end of the presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty, the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the Constitution Free Zone, warrant less searches, armed drones in our skies (and bear in mind on this one, you've framed your arguments as if it is about law enforcement - wait til that drone is looking for your domestic terrorist ass) - that's just for starters

3) The fact that Trump is not conducting an investigation into Rep. Omar's immigration status is all the proof that I need to believe that the whole "border crisis" is contrived. Why not take out the most outspoken critics of your agenda if you want to win? How come this surge didn't happen under Obama - who most think was pro-immigration? Why would rational people not attempt to come here under a president that had the Welcome mat out then risk their lives and the threat of being separated from their family and their children treated worse than federal prisoners under the Trumpster?

I hate to say this, but the right is dumber than a box of freaking rocks. At the end of the day, most of Trump's policies are going to be over-ruled in the United States Supreme Court and what you will be left with are things like what is mentioned above in # 2.

That’s a shit-ton of mumbo-jumbo with no links and or statistics to back it up....It’s all because you say so...right?
Hey bud, you’re an ignorant, uninformed fool making a complete ass of yourself in public....BUT that’s okay because a take great pleasure in enlightening ignorant fools...
1.) The Insurrection Act, once declared, shits all over your Governors.
2.) Nobody with their head pulled from their ass will believe your bullshit with regard to wetbacks yielding a positive return for this country...NOBODY!
Stop embarrassing yourself bud...What else can I teach you?

You're so arrogant that if your mother let your weed smoking ass out of the basement, you'd be lost before you got to the mailbox. You can't teach me anything because you are not qualified.

You're the only one getting embarrassed because the facts keep piling up and you don't know what to do. You seem to be an illiterate Luddite to boot. Better read that post again. A blind ass Stevie Wonder could see those links.
He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.

That’s complete bullshit...hit the books bud

You hit the books dumb fuck. I worked in immigration law for six years so that I could help the right. And now idiots like you are in charge of the talking points, destroying this Republic. You're worse than any left wing Marxist - communist advocate because you're little more than a useful idiot.

Sure you did pussy...Look, we need your type as well...You pussified bitches will play a role...I promise.
“Destroying the Republic” specific?

You talk a good game on the Internet cherry. But, if you want to call me a liar, there is always PM for personal stuff. If everyone here wants to know who the pussy is, just watch you stumble and fumble for the ultimate insult while I say to you, PM is the best way to go if you want to call someone out. Flame away cherry.
Who you callin' cherry... cherry?
It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.

That’s complete bullshit...hit the books bud

You hit the books dumb fuck. I worked in immigration law for six years so that I could help the right. And now idiots like you are in charge of the talking points, destroying this Republic. You're worse than any left wing Marxist - communist advocate because you're little more than a useful idiot.

Sure you did pussy...Look, we need your type as well...You pussified bitches will play a role...I promise.
“Destroying the Republic” specific?

You talk a good game on the Internet cherry. But, if you want to call me a liar, there is always PM for personal stuff. If everyone here wants to know who the pussy is, just watch you stumble and fumble for the ultimate insult while I say to you, PM is the best way to go if you want to call someone out. Flame away cherry.
Who you callin' cherry... cherry?

You wish. Do you know any of these smart asses pushing for Martial Law that ever manned the border? Witnessed Martial Law? Been the target of actions where Due Process was denied? I damn well have and would not wish it upon even my enemies.

You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

That is a governor's call, not yours and damn sure not Trump's.

Your bullshit logic wouldn't fool a fifth grader much less an intelligent audience.

The facts are, the build the wall guys don't know shit about history.

There is an advantage to understanding national politics when you've actually lived them. I'd like to show you something and then you tell me when you think things changed:

Now, let's get back to reality here. The sheeple - that is the Ds and the Rs are manipulated by party politics. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can (or should IMO) be able to figure this out. In order to figure out if there is a crisis at the border, we need to look at this over a long term period.

Back in 1953 Congress was having this same debate and they came up with "Operation Wetback." By 1954 the LEO community was sending all the Hispanics they could find back across the border. A funny thing happened: In less than five years, the unemployment rate in the United States went up by nearly 50 percent!

In my lifetime, I experienced quite a few changes and can show you some facts that are indisputable.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea. So, under Reagan the unemployment went from 10.8 percent down to 5.4 percent. Imagine that! Today, America is at a record low for unemployment - it's statistical zero unemployment since most of those on the dole are in transition (laid off but looking - no matter how good things are, that number is not very flexible) and the bigger group are those whose lives revolve around milking the system.

The REAL problems you have with your statistics are threefold:

1) You always talk about how much you think foreigners COST. You have yet to show the correlative side of the accounting ledger. How much do these undocumented foreigners CONTRIBUTE? You have to factor in the state and local taxes they pay; the federal taxes via things like gasoline, booze, cigarettes, lottery money, etc.; there is the increased productivity over their American counterparts; there is the fact that their young are working jobs and contributing to the economy. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply (not counting other drugs.) They are no match for their foreign counterparts... and American males live in mommy's basement, not in a house, paying property taxes and things that generate more income for the country

2) The right fails to acknowledge the Liberties lost in their quest to rid America of foreigners. The assaults on the Fourth Amendment; the so - called "Patriot Act," The National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, the end of the presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty, the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the Constitution Free Zone, warrant less searches, armed drones in our skies (and bear in mind on this one, you've framed your arguments as if it is about law enforcement - wait til that drone is looking for your domestic terrorist ass) - that's just for starters

3) The fact that Trump is not conducting an investigation into Rep. Omar's immigration status is all the proof that I need to believe that the whole "border crisis" is contrived. Why not take out the most outspoken critics of your agenda if you want to win? How come this surge didn't happen under Obama - who most think was pro-immigration? Why would rational people not attempt to come here under a president that had the Welcome mat out then risk their lives and the threat of being separated from their family and their children treated worse than federal prisoners under the Trumpster?

I hate to say this, but the right is dumber than a box of freaking rocks. At the end of the day, most of Trump's policies are going to be over-ruled in the United States Supreme Court and what you will be left with are things like what is mentioned above in # 2.

That’s a shit-ton of mumbo-jumbo with no links and or statistics to back it up....It’s all because you say so...right?
Hey bud, you’re an ignorant, uninformed fool making a complete ass of yourself in public....BUT that’s okay because a take great pleasure in enlightening ignorant fools...
1.) The Insurrection Act, once declared, shits all over your Governors.
2.) Nobody with their head pulled from their ass will believe your bullshit with regard to wetbacks yielding a positive return for this country...NOBODY!
Stop embarrassing yourself bud...What else can I teach you?

You're so arrogant that if your mother let your weed smoking ass out of the basement, you'd be lost before you got to the mailbox. You can't teach me anything because you are not qualified.

You're the only one getting embarrassed because the facts keep piling up and you don't know what to do. You seem to be an illiterate Luddite to boot. Better read that post again. A blind ass Stevie Wonder could see those links.

Haha.,,You can’t get shit right can you?
I live on the sand, my backyard is the Pacific Ocean....I haven’t smoked weed since grad school...I leave that shit to you degenerates.
You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

That is a governor's call, not yours and damn sure not Trump's.

Your bullshit logic wouldn't fool a fifth grader much less an intelligent audience.

The facts are, the build the wall guys don't know shit about history.

There is an advantage to understanding national politics when you've actually lived them. I'd like to show you something and then you tell me when you think things changed:

Now, let's get back to reality here. The sheeple - that is the Ds and the Rs are manipulated by party politics. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can (or should IMO) be able to figure this out. In order to figure out if there is a crisis at the border, we need to look at this over a long term period.

Back in 1953 Congress was having this same debate and they came up with "Operation Wetback." By 1954 the LEO community was sending all the Hispanics they could find back across the border. A funny thing happened: In less than five years, the unemployment rate in the United States went up by nearly 50 percent!

In my lifetime, I experienced quite a few changes and can show you some facts that are indisputable.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea. So, under Reagan the unemployment went from 10.8 percent down to 5.4 percent. Imagine that! Today, America is at a record low for unemployment - it's statistical zero unemployment since most of those on the dole are in transition (laid off but looking - no matter how good things are, that number is not very flexible) and the bigger group are those whose lives revolve around milking the system.

The REAL problems you have with your statistics are threefold:

1) You always talk about how much you think foreigners COST. You have yet to show the correlative side of the accounting ledger. How much do these undocumented foreigners CONTRIBUTE? You have to factor in the state and local taxes they pay; the federal taxes via things like gasoline, booze, cigarettes, lottery money, etc.; there is the increased productivity over their American counterparts; there is the fact that their young are working jobs and contributing to the economy. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply (not counting other drugs.) They are no match for their foreign counterparts... and American males live in mommy's basement, not in a house, paying property taxes and things that generate more income for the country

2) The right fails to acknowledge the Liberties lost in their quest to rid America of foreigners. The assaults on the Fourth Amendment; the so - called "Patriot Act," The National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify, the end of the presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty, the creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN) Security, the Constitution Free Zone, warrant less searches, armed drones in our skies (and bear in mind on this one, you've framed your arguments as if it is about law enforcement - wait til that drone is looking for your domestic terrorist ass) - that's just for starters

3) The fact that Trump is not conducting an investigation into Rep. Omar's immigration status is all the proof that I need to believe that the whole "border crisis" is contrived. Why not take out the most outspoken critics of your agenda if you want to win? How come this surge didn't happen under Obama - who most think was pro-immigration? Why would rational people not attempt to come here under a president that had the Welcome mat out then risk their lives and the threat of being separated from their family and their children treated worse than federal prisoners under the Trumpster?

I hate to say this, but the right is dumber than a box of freaking rocks. At the end of the day, most of Trump's policies are going to be over-ruled in the United States Supreme Court and what you will be left with are things like what is mentioned above in # 2.

That’s a shit-ton of mumbo-jumbo with no links and or statistics to back it up....It’s all because you say so...right?
Hey bud, you’re an ignorant, uninformed fool making a complete ass of yourself in public....BUT that’s okay because a take great pleasure in enlightening ignorant fools...
1.) The Insurrection Act, once declared, shits all over your Governors.
2.) Nobody with their head pulled from their ass will believe your bullshit with regard to wetbacks yielding a positive return for this country...NOBODY!
Stop embarrassing yourself bud...What else can I teach you?

You're so arrogant that if your mother let your weed smoking ass out of the basement, you'd be lost before you got to the mailbox. You can't teach me anything because you are not qualified.

You're the only one getting embarrassed because the facts keep piling up and you don't know what to do. You seem to be an illiterate Luddite to boot. Better read that post again. A blind ass Stevie Wonder could see those links.

Haha.,,You can’t get shit right can you?
I live on the sand, my backyard is the Pacific Ocean....I haven’t smoked weed since grad school...I leave that shit to you degenerates.

Well, I guess you still didn't get it pothead. The mailbox is usually in the FRONT yard. You talk a lot of trash, but one thing is missing - you should take the personal stuff to PM. Otherwise, all you have is a lot of false bravado.

Let me see now - you go to the back yard toward the ocean to get your mail; you couldn't see three different links in one post; and fourth grade is not the same as grad school. People with anything higher than a tenth grade education know that this is a discussion board, NOT a place for you to start a pissing contest just because you came up short on facts.
That’s complete bullshit...hit the books bud

You hit the books dumb fuck. I worked in immigration law for six years so that I could help the right. And now idiots like you are in charge of the talking points, destroying this Republic. You're worse than any left wing Marxist - communist advocate because you're little more than a useful idiot.

Sure you did pussy...Look, we need your type as well...You pussified bitches will play a role...I promise.
“Destroying the Republic” specific?

You talk a good game on the Internet cherry. But, if you want to call me a liar, there is always PM for personal stuff. If everyone here wants to know who the pussy is, just watch you stumble and fumble for the ultimate insult while I say to you, PM is the best way to go if you want to call someone out. Flame away cherry.
Who you callin' cherry... cherry?

You wish. Do you know any of these smart asses pushing for Martial Law that ever manned the border? Witnessed Martial Law? Been the target of actions where Due Process was denied? I damn well have and would not wish it upon even my enemies.
That isn't what I asked... I asked you who you were calling cherry, since you haven't been long here yourself.
No we aren't.

Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?
By the way, what part of Mexico are you from?

I enjoy discussing events but only with those who wish to in an adult manner. If you want to try again, great, if not, that's OK also.

I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody’s feelings...let me try again.
Another nation is taking over entire cities and states..Mexico is deciding our elections...1/3 of our total population is comprised of those illegal and or with illegal roots. At what point would you consider this an insurrection?

First I have no idea what you mean by "deciding our elections" so I can't comment on that.

As far as people coming here, people will come when invited. As long as continue to allow businesses to invite them, they are going to come.

I complete support hammering the businesses doing that but it doesn't take the military to do that, just an administration willing to and we do not have one that is..

I think you’re wanting to pretend the magnitude of the issue isn’t what it is...An administration, under our current laws and procedures can’t do shit about the 29 million illegals here...Most work off the books, under alias identities with fraudulent paperwork....Come on bud, you know this.

No, I do not. This is an excuse to excuse the businesses that hire illegals. Nothing more. You can not work for years with fraudulent paperwork without it becoming obvious. You can't work a year that way even.

People come up with all sorts of excuses to let the real reason people come here because they know that we are never going to address that.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

You were born about 100 years to late and in the wrong country.

Trust me, I know there is no way in hell you ‘Don’t Tread On Me Tough Guys’ could or would ever get behind such an extreme measure.
I’m fully aware that you’ll ride the sinking ship to the bottom standing firm on your ‘principles’.
If you will not stand behind your principles, you have no principles.
Do you not understand what Martial Law is, dumbass? Have you ever experienced Martial Law?

Break it down for us badass

It's where the military rules the streets, kids can't play outside, there's a curfew at dark, only necessary travel is permitted.

AKA: Loss of freedom.

Haha...You’ve watched a few too many movies bud.

Motherfucker I've lived through it, you little POS troll.

And for that you are a fucking badass.
While you, child, are a DUMBASS.

You cannot frame your issue as a legal problem one minute and demand a military action the next. What is happening between foreigners and citizens of the United States is mutual. It's called free enterprise.

Once law enforcement is overwhelmed, you most certainly can.

Ronald Reagan was against the nutty wall idea.

You're fulla shit. Reagan signed for the amnesty in exchange for Democrats promising to secure the border in 1986.

Don't tell me, motherfucker, I was there. :1peleas:

How good good are Democrat promises? This is 2019 and that border still is not secure. Their promises are lies. The only Democrat who tried to make good on the promise was Bill Clinton. Bush, Bush, and Obama did less than Clinton to secure the border.

“Hey @POTUS in 1986 my father made a deal with the Democrats Amnesty for Border Security my father is still waiting,” Reagan tweeted Thursday. “U have no choice its now or never..#BuildTheWallNow.”

'It's Now or NEVER!' - Ronald Reagan's Son Has MAJOR Warning for Trump On Border Security Deal
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Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
Lol you are such a dumbass.
You hit the books dumb fuck. I worked in immigration law for six years so that I could help the right. And now idiots like you are in charge of the talking points, destroying this Republic. You're worse than any left wing Marxist - communist advocate because you're little more than a useful idiot.

Sure you did pussy...Look, we need your type as well...You pussified bitches will play a role...I promise.
“Destroying the Republic” specific?

You talk a good game on the Internet cherry. But, if you want to call me a liar, there is always PM for personal stuff. If everyone here wants to know who the pussy is, just watch you stumble and fumble for the ultimate insult while I say to you, PM is the best way to go if you want to call someone out. Flame away cherry.
Who you callin' cherry... cherry?

You wish. Do you know any of these smart asses pushing for Martial Law that ever manned the border? Witnessed Martial Law? Been the target of actions where Due Process was denied? I damn well have and would not wish it upon even my enemies.
That isn't what I asked... I asked you who you were calling cherry, since you haven't been long here yourself.

And I'm telling the cherry he isn't qualified to teach me anything. Maybe his life has been spent on these boards. Mine hasn't.

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