Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.
You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.

I don't know where you get that from out of my posts. I acknowledge that people, probably most (if not all) at least experiment with something in their earlier years. Know this: All humans are liars. You are; I am; all those on this board and everybody we know lie, embellish, and stretch the truth.

In the lives of many people, one day they mature and figure out about really important things... things besides carnal pleasures or worldly possessions.

When one gets married, they generally take a sacred vow. In Christianity, you are only supposed to get married once, but with this caveat:

"12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace..."

So, I was married more than once, but I did not leave my spouses. They left without just cause. THEY are living sinful lives for their actions. But, I was not and am not in that kind of relationship. My first wife said it was nothing against me personally, she just wanted things to be the way they were when we were in college. The next time, my ex ran off with her first husband after I was injured in a car wreck. The doctors had low expectations for me and I had just gone back to the hospital and had two more surgeries when she ran off with her first ex and later remarried him. Can't say where that stacks up on moral grounds.

In retrospect, I think all couples should go through two sessions of premarital counseling and be faced with really difficult questions. For example, explore both sides views on abortion, who pays the bills, who is in control if the husband ends up with a lower paying job, child rearing expectations, whether or not they will have a joint checking account, household duties, etc. Hard questions and a few weeks to ponder that may very well overcome raging hormones, testosterone, and libido. But, I digress. Back to the topic at hand.

If we, as a nation, were living our lives in accordance with the biblical principles that this country was built on, would we even be talking about the prospect of Martial Law?

I was speaking about our president.

"A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people." (an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence)

I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about those you perceive to be on his side of the political spectrum. He may hold the office, but he is not fit to be in the position. It's a shame and an embarrassment that the Republicans are going to allow that reprobate to represent them as the nominee in the next election.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

I agree with you that family is good. However, I think the term "traditional family" is a code for patriarchy (rule by a person based on the fact that he has a penis). Family is fine. This disgusting practice is not..

Your version of the Christian faith is your own.Not all Christians practice it. Not all people follow the Christian faith. Many people practice other faiths. Some practice no faith at all. Jesus has nothing to do with sexual issues, anyway.
The citizen's should declare martial law and arrest Trump. Let's face it, he's got to have done something illegal. It's impossible for him not to have.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.

I don't know where you get that from out of my posts. I acknowledge that people, probably most (if not all) at least experiment with something in their earlier years. Know this: All humans are liars. You are; I am; all those on this board and everybody we know lie, embellish, and stretch the truth.

In the lives of many people, one day they mature and figure out about really important things... things besides carnal pleasures or worldly possessions.

When one gets married, they generally take a sacred vow. In Christianity, you are only supposed to get married once, but with this caveat:

"12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace..."

So, I was married more than once, but I did not leave my spouses. They left without just cause. THEY are living sinful lives for their actions. But, I was not and am not in that kind of relationship. My first wife said it was nothing against me personally, she just wanted things to be the way they were when we were in college. The next time, my ex ran off with her first husband after I was injured in a car wreck. The doctors had low expectations for me and I had just gone back to the hospital and had two more surgeries when she ran off with her first ex and later remarried him. Can't say where that stacks up on moral grounds.

In retrospect, I think all couples should go through two sessions of premarital counseling and be faced with really difficult questions. For example, explore both sides views on abortion, who pays the bills, who is in control if the husband ends up with a lower paying job, child rearing expectations, whether or not they will have a joint checking account, household duties, etc. Hard questions and a few weeks to ponder that may very well overcome raging hormones, testosterone, and libido. But, I digress. Back to the topic at hand.

If we, as a nation, were living our lives in accordance with the biblical principles that this country was built on, would we even be talking about the prospect of Martial Law?

I was speaking about our president.

"A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people." (an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence)

I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about those you perceive to be on his side of the political spectrum. He may hold the office, but he is not fit to be in the position. It's a shame and an embarrassment that the Republicans are going to allow that reprobate to represent them as the nominee in the next election.

Maybe Dennis Hastert instead?

Anyway, glad to see you be principled here.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.

I don't know where you get that from out of my posts. I acknowledge that people, probably most (if not all) at least experiment with something in their earlier years. Know this: All humans are liars. You are; I am; all those on this board and everybody we know lie, embellish, and stretch the truth.

In the lives of many people, one day they mature and figure out about really important things... things besides carnal pleasures or worldly possessions.

When one gets married, they generally take a sacred vow. In Christianity, you are only supposed to get married once, but with this caveat:

"12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace..."

So, I was married more than once, but I did not leave my spouses. They left without just cause. THEY are living sinful lives for their actions. But, I was not and am not in that kind of relationship. My first wife said it was nothing against me personally, she just wanted things to be the way they were when we were in college. The next time, my ex ran off with her first husband after I was injured in a car wreck. The doctors had low expectations for me and I had just gone back to the hospital and had two more surgeries when she ran off with her first ex and later remarried him. Can't say where that stacks up on moral grounds.

In retrospect, I think all couples should go through two sessions of premarital counseling and be faced with really difficult questions. For example, explore both sides views on abortion, who pays the bills, who is in control if the husband ends up with a lower paying job, child rearing expectations, whether or not they will have a joint checking account, household duties, etc. Hard questions and a few weeks to ponder that may very well overcome raging hormones, testosterone, and libido. But, I digress. Back to the topic at hand.

If we, as a nation, were living our lives in accordance with the biblical principles that this country was built on, would we even be talking about the prospect of Martial Law?

I was speaking about our president.

"A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people." (an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence)

I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about those you perceive to be on his side of the political spectrum. He may hold the office, but he is not fit to be in the position. It's a shame and an embarrassment that the Republicans are going to allow that reprobate to represent them as the nominee in the next election.

Interesting. Who would you like to see in the WH?

C'mon, make us laugh more.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

I agree with you that family is good. However, I think the term "traditional family" is a code for patriarchy (rule by a person based on the fact that he has a penis). Family is fine. This disgusting practice is not..

Your version of the Christian faith is your own.Not all Christians practice it. Not all people follow the Christian faith. Many people practice other faiths. Some practice no faith at all. Jesus has nothing to do with sexual issues, anyway.

The overwhelming majority of Christian denominations would disagree with you. It's interesting that you find that a male being the head of the house disgusting.
A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.
A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.

I don't know where you get that from out of my posts. I acknowledge that people, probably most (if not all) at least experiment with something in their earlier years. Know this: All humans are liars. You are; I am; all those on this board and everybody we know lie, embellish, and stretch the truth.

In the lives of many people, one day they mature and figure out about really important things... things besides carnal pleasures or worldly possessions.

When one gets married, they generally take a sacred vow. In Christianity, you are only supposed to get married once, but with this caveat:

"12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace..."

So, I was married more than once, but I did not leave my spouses. They left without just cause. THEY are living sinful lives for their actions. But, I was not and am not in that kind of relationship. My first wife said it was nothing against me personally, she just wanted things to be the way they were when we were in college. The next time, my ex ran off with her first husband after I was injured in a car wreck. The doctors had low expectations for me and I had just gone back to the hospital and had two more surgeries when she ran off with her first ex and later remarried him. Can't say where that stacks up on moral grounds.

In retrospect, I think all couples should go through two sessions of premarital counseling and be faced with really difficult questions. For example, explore both sides views on abortion, who pays the bills, who is in control if the husband ends up with a lower paying job, child rearing expectations, whether or not they will have a joint checking account, household duties, etc. Hard questions and a few weeks to ponder that may very well overcome raging hormones, testosterone, and libido. But, I digress. Back to the topic at hand.

If we, as a nation, were living our lives in accordance with the biblical principles that this country was built on, would we even be talking about the prospect of Martial Law?

I was speaking about our president.

"A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people." (an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence)

I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about those you perceive to be on his side of the political spectrum. He may hold the office, but he is not fit to be in the position. It's a shame and an embarrassment that the Republicans are going to allow that reprobate to represent them as the nominee in the next election.

Interesting. Who would you like to see in the WH?

C'mon, make us laugh more.

In one of the early Tea Party meetings many years ago, a group in my area allowed a local newsman to come in. He listened to everyone vent and then he looked around the room and asked who they thought was the best candidate to address their concerns. It was deathly silent.

It's many years later; you're posing that question to me and I simply cannot think of a good name to throw out there. Even setting the bar very low, I'd hate to admit I voted for anyone that is running.
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

I agree with you that family is good. However, I think the term "traditional family" is a code for patriarchy (rule by a person based on the fact that he has a penis). Family is fine. This disgusting practice is not..

Your version of the Christian faith is your own.Not all Christians practice it. Not all people follow the Christian faith. Many people practice other faiths. Some practice no faith at all. Jesus has nothing to do with sexual issues, anyway.

The overwhelming majority of Christian denominations would disagree with you. It's interesting that you find that a male being the head of the house disgusting.
There is next to nothing that Christian denominations agree on.
Adults do not settle their differences with their genitals. There is no such thing as a head of a household.The people who set up a household run it as partners. Worshiping genitals is ridiculous.
You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

I agree with you that family is good. However, I think the term "traditional family" is a code for patriarchy (rule by a person based on the fact that he has a penis). Family is fine. This disgusting practice is not..

Your version of the Christian faith is your own.Not all Christians practice it. Not all people follow the Christian faith. Many people practice other faiths. Some practice no faith at all. Jesus has nothing to do with sexual issues, anyway.

The overwhelming majority of Christian denominations would disagree with you. It's interesting that you find that a male being the head of the house disgusting.
There is next to nothing that Christian denominations agree on.
Adults do not settle their differences with their genitals. There is no such thing as a head of a household.The people who set up a household run it as partners. Worshiping genitals is ridiculous.

You funny or stupid.
Most cities, towns, and counties do not obstruct ICE and do not shield illegal aliens. A fairly solid majority of Americans still believe in the rule of law.
Most cities, towns, and counties do not obstruct ICE and do not shield illegal aliens. A fairly solid majority of Americans still believe in the rule of law.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Rule of Law is that the laws jerking the foreigners around in not constitutional. It's more of a rule of tyranny against free enterprise.
So, you think the judiciary is a subservient branch to the executive department?
No, it's quite the opposite when some libtard judge in California can stop an executive order. That's not coequal - that's judicial tyranny.

Not hardly. They are supposedly co-equal branches of government, but the United States Supreme Court unilaterally set itself up as the final arbiter of what the law is. Yeah, we have judicial tyranny and executive tyranny because both are operating outside of the spheres of constitutional authority and Congress is too lazy to do their freaking job.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..
So, you think the judiciary is a subservient branch to the executive department?
No, it's quite the opposite when some libtard judge in California can stop an executive order. That's not coequal - that's judicial tyranny.

Just because something is an executive order, that doesn't mean it's lawful.

It is the Judicial branch that determines that.
So, you think the judiciary is a subservient branch to the executive department?
No, it's quite the opposite when some libtard judge in California can stop an executive order. That's not coequal - that's judicial tyranny.

Not hardly. They are supposedly co-equal branches of government, but the United States Supreme Court unilaterally set itself up as the final arbiter of what the law is. we have judicial tyranny and executive tyranny because both are operating outside of the spheres of constitutional authority and Congress is too lazy to do their freaking job.

That's right....and?
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

To be effective we would need martial law imposed in big cities...I’m convinced that Los Angeles alone is home to several million...I dream of the day where troops walk the streets of LA asking every brown person for papers.
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.

That’s complete bullshit...hit the books bud
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

He would never do it until after the election, BUT, then he could do it by declaring martial law on the Border. (Not the entire country)
But by doing it on the border, it could serve as a wake-up call, to what martial law is all about.

He would have to establish a zone for the martial law. (The area where the Military is in complete control.) I would venture to guess the zone
would encompass the border up to 25 miles inside the country. In that zone the military is the law. They operate under their own set
of standards to return the border to normality. They just grab the illegals, probably finger-print and get a dna sample along with a name
from any illegal caught, along with a photo, and toss them back across the river.

Cities like San Diego, Yuma, El Paso, Brownsville, Maclellan, etc, would be governed by the Military. There would be no civilian
leadership and basically no civil rights. You do what you are told to do.

Congress is refusing to act and Law Enforcement is overwhelmed. He would be in his constitutional authority to place the
Border under Martial Law. Not only would the border be policed properly, but Congress would be forced to act. In addition, the
rest of the Country would get a chance to see what authority the President has and how it is enforced. i.e...Everybody would get
a wake-up call..

It is not within the jurisdiction of the military to enforce domestic laws. Neither does the federal government have ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to dictate to the states who they may allow in as guests.

That’s complete bullshit...hit the books bud

Its half right.

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