Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

....must not..OP is a faggot..this ..thread..:uhoh3:

OP smacked down the pussified “I love my guns and wetbacks” old timers in this thread...didn’t he?


I think the old piece of shit rednecks gave this nation to wetbacks

Are you freaking serious or is this another stealth post by a left wing dirty trickster? It's not worth a reply.

I've often thought BL was a plant - a stooge to make Trumpsters look like idiots. But who knows. He could be for real.

Nope...I’m that guy who prides himself on scaring the fuck out of the pieces of shits on both sides...I’m that guy you should always distance yourself from.
Look, I’ve said it many times before....I hate piece of shit Lefties like Hitler hated Jews but I might hate the old piece of shit GOP’ers even more. The nutless old pussies have handed this nation to wetbacks and the Left. They praised Reagans filthy ass....The little bitches couldn’t keep God cool in a country founded on God. That’s all you need to know.
What "damage" have "The Hispanics" done?

They've taken away all those great jobs: lettuce pickers, hotel room cleaners, bus boys, landscapers, that Real Americans would be lining up to do if only the Mexicans didn't get to them first.

Real Americans would do them - if POS progressives hadn't made it more attractive to sit on their fat asses and get wealth transfers
The problem is too many people who are not working aren't missing any meals.

Prove it. There are thousands of Americans who can do these jobs.They are not lining up.Maybe you should interview some folks in West Virginia. More importantly, do you want human beings to live like this?

I offer gigs all the time that pay from $20 an hour upward to $40 an hour. The only "Americans" who come to me wanting work is Bubba and his 6 mph gas hog wanting to charge a surgeon's wages for a skill set taught to an uneducated Mexican in under 6 months.

When people tell me to prove it (that Americans don't want to work) I tell them come on down. Work with me for a week. I will show you the sorriest, laziest, worthless, dumbest mother fuckers on the face of this earth and all of them born in the USA.

I know guys in their 50 s who have never held a job for six continuous months... and they are no anomaly. I'd bet that over half the guys on the Net bitching about the situation are here rather than looking for a job.

Do you have an opinion as to how bubba affords
Gas for his 6 mph (sp) gas hog without a job?

Their job is to run around town giving estimates - and getting total morons to pay their prices.Latest outrage: $245 estimate to replace an overflow valve on a water heater with me supplying the part plus their $40 service charge. Called on one of my Hispanic guys that came over and did the job in under 15 minutes for $35.

People expect $285 for a fifteen minute job???? That works out to $1140 per hour. Give me a break.
....must not..OP is a faggot..this ..thread..:uhoh3:

OP smacked down the pussified “I love my guns and wetbacks” old timers in this thread...didn’t he?


I think the old piece of shit rednecks gave this nation to wetbacks

Are you freaking serious or is this another stealth post by a left wing dirty trickster? It's not worth a reply.

I've often thought BL was a plant - a stooge to make Trumpsters look like idiots. But who knows. He could be for real.

Nope...I’m that guy who prides himself on scaring the fuck out of the pieces of shits on both sides...I’m that guy you should always distance yourself from.

LOL. Doood.... the last thing you are is "scary". Pathetic, ridiculous, deluded, insane? Maybe. But that's about it.
....must not..OP is a faggot..this ..thread..:uhoh3:

OP smacked down the pussified “I love my guns and wetbacks” old timers in this thread...didn’t he?


I think the old piece of shit rednecks gave this nation to wetbacks

Are you freaking serious or is this another stealth post by a left wing dirty trickster? It's not worth a reply.

I've often thought BL was a plant - a stooge to make Trumpsters look like idiots. But who knows. He could be for real.

Nope...I’m that guy who prides himself on scaring the fuck out of the pieces of shits on both sides...I’m that guy you should always distance yourself from.

LOL. Doood.... the last thing you are is "scary". Pathetic, ridiculous, deluded, insane? Maybe. But that's about it.

My language, my candid nature, my extreme position on matters doesn’t make you piss your little pink panties like it does most of the other nutless wonders here?
OP smacked down the pussified “I love my guns and wetbacks” old timers in this thread...didn’t he?


I think the old piece of shit rednecks gave this nation to wetbacks

Are you freaking serious or is this another stealth post by a left wing dirty trickster? It's not worth a reply.

I've often thought BL was a plant - a stooge to make Trumpsters look like idiots. But who knows. He could be for real.

Nope...I’m that guy who prides himself on scaring the fuck out of the pieces of shits on both sides...I’m that guy you should always distance yourself from.

LOL. Doood.... the last thing you are is "scary". Pathetic, ridiculous, deluded, insane? Maybe. But that's about it.

My language, my candid nature, my extreme position on matters doesn’t make you piss your little pink panties like it does most of the other nutless wonders here?


I think the old piece of shit rednecks gave this nation to wetbacks

Are you freaking serious or is this another stealth post by a left wing dirty trickster? It's not worth a reply.

I've often thought BL was a plant - a stooge to make Trumpsters look like idiots. But who knows. He could be for real.

Nope...I’m that guy who prides himself on scaring the fuck out of the pieces of shits on both sides...I’m that guy you should always distance yourself from.

LOL. Doood.... the last thing you are is "scary". Pathetic, ridiculous, deluded, insane? Maybe. But that's about it.

My language, my candid nature, my extreme position on matters doesn’t make you piss your little pink panties like it does most of the other nutless wonders here?

View attachment 270902

Haha..that’s so teenagers rebut using memes...Apparently old ass degenerate hicks do to?
I think the old piece of shit rednecks gave this nation to wetbacks

I've often thought BL was a plant - a stooge to make Trumpsters look like idiots. But who knows. He could be for real.

Nope...I’m that guy who prides himself on scaring the fuck out of the pieces of shits on both sides...I’m that guy you should always distance yourself from.

LOL. Doood.... the last thing you are is "scary". Pathetic, ridiculous, deluded, insane? Maybe. But that's about it.

My language, my candid nature, my extreme position on matters doesn’t make you piss your little pink panties like it does most of the other nutless wonders here?

View attachment 270902

Haha..that’s so teenagers rebut using memes...Apparently old ass degenerate hicks do to?

You are an incredibly stupid tard.
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Nope...I’m that guy who prides himself on scaring the fuck out of the pieces of shits on both sides...I’m that guy you should always distance yourself from.

LOL. Doood.... the last thing you are is "scary". Pathetic, ridiculous, deluded, insane? Maybe. But that's about it.

My language, my candid nature, my extreme position on matters doesn’t make you piss your little pink panties like it does most of the other nutless wonders here?

View attachment 270902

Haha..that’s so teenagers rebut using memes...Apparently old ass degenerate hicks do to?

You are an incredibly stupid tard. I could hunt you easier than deer, bitch.

I'm not physically inferm and quite capable, probably moreso than you have ever been. Also I have been shooting since I was 8.
Do you really want to pursue that issue?

Yeah, yeah, yeah..,you wrinkled up gun loving fucks are all total badasses...just ask you.
Meanwhile the Left turns you cucked pussies into their bitch more and more each day.
LOL. Doood.... the last thing you are is "scary". Pathetic, ridiculous, deluded, insane? Maybe. But that's about it.

My language, my candid nature, my extreme position on matters doesn’t make you piss your little pink panties like it does most of the other nutless wonders here?

View attachment 270902

Haha..that’s so teenagers rebut using memes...Apparently old ass degenerate hicks do to?

You are an incredibly stupid tard. I could hunt you easier than deer, bitch.

I'm not physically inferm and quite capable, probably moreso than you have ever been. Also I have been shooting since I was 8.
Do you really want to pursue that issue?

Yeah, yeah, yeah..,you wrinkled up gun loving fucks are all total badasses...just ask you.
Meanwhile the Left turns you cucked pussies into their bitch more and more each day.

What are you gonna do about it, you pussy motherfucker?
Me and "DACH" fought the whole neighborhood, wtf are you gonna do?

Nothing, you don't know the meaning of fight.
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So odd that many of you can’t wait to use our mighty military to restore law and order in other countries yet you can’t fathom using it here to restore our own. Meanwhile we’re being shredded from the inside out by Mexico....That's plain fucking weird.
So fucking weird how quickly Trump has turned Republicans into fascists willing to follow a dictator.
Not so much.

Americans are addicted too reality TEE VEE. They all think their politics is real.

The left would have been just as easily willing to follow Obama into the same abyss.

Everyone believes this game the oligarchy is playing is the real thing.
My language, my candid nature, my extreme position on matters doesn’t make you piss your little pink panties like it does most of the other nutless wonders here?

View attachment 270902

Haha..that’s so teenagers rebut using memes...Apparently old ass degenerate hicks do to?

You are an incredibly stupid tard. I could hunt you easier than deer, bitch.

I'm not physically inferm and quite capable, probably moreso than you have ever been. Also I have been shooting since I was 8.
Do you really want to pursue that issue?

Yeah, yeah, yeah..,you wrinkled up gun loving fucks are all total badasses...just ask you.
Meanwhile the Left turns you cucked pussies into their bitch more and more each day.

What are you gonna do about it, you pussy motherfucker?
Me and "DACH" fought the whole neighborhood, wtf are you gonna do?

Nothing, you don't know the meaning of fight.

Probably nothing...I’ll just continue to point and laugh at you loud mouth, do nothing, self proclaimed badasses.
For now, let’s go with one so you can stay focused.
My right to sovereignty.....Your turn

I said be specific. How has your right to sovereignty been taken away? Specifically.

"Sovereign citizen ideology" is still considered violent right-wing extremist by the Feds. And you know who they are. FBI, DHS, NSA, Border Patrol, and so on and so forth.

To think those very officers hired to defend the Constitution could fight so viciously against it to deprive us of life, liberty, and property, and in the end betray us to our enemies without mercy.

Yes, the LEO and military WILL fight against their American brethren with no thought of the Constitution - not that the left or right have a handle on the document at the moment.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
After the mueller disaster the chance for martial law has increased

This will result in stopping the unwise from voting

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