Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

...It isn't his fault you are too stupid to understand his intelligent and cogent response.
Oh, I can be dumb as a box-o-rox at times, but today is not that day, and you are an inadequate foil for his/her purposes... :21:
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...The nation is ruled by white folks, but it was founded and built on the backs of blacks, whites, hispanics and Asians - the Chinese "guest workers" of the 1800's. All races worked to build the country, even though it was ruled by white men for nearly 150 years, before women fought for and won the right to vote.
Oh, rubbish...

This country was largely conquered, settled and built by White Euro-Christian Folk...

Blacks and Natives and Asians did their own smaller parts, and have a modest claim on this country as well, but not the majority share...

Much of what the Black slave populations of the South built has long-since gone to ground and crumbled to dust 150 years after the Civil War..

They were share-cropping for decades before the so-called Great Migration while White Folk built most of our modern cities & infrastructure...

And, frankly, their biggest contribution to Northern Cities since the Great Migration has been White Flight and Conversion to $hit-Hole status.

Black Folk are largely good and honorable people and solid Americans and deserve a share of the American Dream just like everyone else.

Black Folk... and other minorities... have also stepped-up to the plate and fought for the Republic, repeatedly, in dangerous times.

But let's keep it real and not get carried away to Fantasy Land where we believe the Republic was "built on the backs of Blacks".

I call bull$hit... :bsflag:

Wigger-Folk fantasies notwithstanding...


BTW... if that's what you're sellin' in 2020, yer gonna get yer a$$e$ kicked so hard that 2016 will look like a Win to you by comparison. :21: Who built it depends on what what part of the country you are referring to.
...The nation is ruled by white folks, but it was founded and built on the backs of blacks, whites, hispanics and Asians - the Chinese "guest workers" of the 1800's. All races worked to build the country, even though it was ruled by white men for nearly 150 years, before women fought for and won the right to vote.
Oh, rubbish...

This country was largely conquered, settled and built by White Euro-Christian Folk...

Blacks and Natives and Asians did their own smaller parts, and have a modest claim on this country as well, but not the majority share...

Much of what the Black slave populations of the South built has long-since gone to ground and crumbled to dust 150 years after the Civil War..

They were share-cropping for decades before the so-called Great Migration while White Folk built most of our modern cities & infrastructure...

And, frankly, their biggest contribution to Northern Cities since the Great Migration has been White Flight and Conversion to $hit-Hole status.

Black Folk are largely good and honorable people and solid Americans and deserve a share of the American Dream just like everyone else.

Black Folk... and other minorities... have also stepped-up to the plate and fought for the Republic, repeatedly, in dangerous times.

But let's keep it real and not get carried away to Fantasy Land where we believe the Republic was "built on the backs of Blacks".

I call bull$hit... :bsflag:

Wigger-Folk fantasies notwithstanding...


BTW... if that's what you're sellin' in 2020, yer gonna get yer a$$e$ kicked so hard that 2016 will look like a Win to you by comparison. :21: Who built it depends on what what part of the country you are referring to.
Actually, yes.

Unless you care to provide substantive evidence that Blacks built a majority of our modern cities and infrastructure.

The claim from our colleague is that the nation was built upon the backs of minorities...

Not a part of the country... but the country-at-large...

So, you go right on ahead and convince us that he-or-she is right...
...The nation is ruled by white folks, but it was founded and built on the backs of blacks, whites, hispanics and Asians - the Chinese "guest workers" of the 1800's. All races worked to build the country, even though it was ruled by white men for nearly 150 years, before women fought for and won the right to vote.
Oh, rubbish...

This country was largely conquered, settled and built by White Euro-Christian Folk...

Blacks and Natives and Asians did their own smaller parts, and have a modest claim on this country as well, but not the majority share...

Much of what the Black slave populations of the South built has long-since gone to ground and crumbled to dust 150 years after the Civil War..

They were share-cropping for decades before the so-called Great Migration while White Folk built most of our modern cities & infrastructure...

And, frankly, their biggest contribution to Northern Cities since the Great Migration has been White Flight and Conversion to $hit-Hole status.

Black Folk are largely good and honorable people and solid Americans and deserve a share of the American Dream just like everyone else.

Black Folk... and other minorities... have also stepped-up to the plate and fought for the Republic, repeatedly, in dangerous times.

But let's keep it real and not get carried away to Fantasy Land where we believe the Republic was "built on the backs of Blacks".

I call bull$hit... :bsflag:

Wigger-Folk fantasies notwithstanding...


BTW... if that's what you're sellin' in 2020, yer gonna get yer a$$e$ kicked so hard that 2016 will look like a Win to you by comparison. :21: Who built it depends on what what part of the country you are referring to.
Actually, yes.

Unless you care to provide substantive evidence that Blacks built a majority of our modern cities and infrastructure.

The claim from our colleague is that the nation was built upon the backs of minorities...

Not a part of the country... but the country-at-large...

So, you go right on ahead and convince us that he-or-she is right...

Much of the south west for example was developed by the Spanish which led to a Hispanic culture and that preceded the first white Europeans. The Deep South was settled by Barbados slave traders, an elitist entitled group of self designated aristocrats who could not have achieved anything without slaves. The slave population greatly outnumbered them.

Give credit where credit is due.
Martial law? At this time, no.

There are circumstances wherein I would support it. Widespread Democrat riots over another electoral loss, for example.
Wow. The very fact you would consider it for partisan political purposes is disturbing.

Quelling riots is hardly partisan. this case yes, I think it is.
Martial law? At this time, no.

There are circumstances wherein I would support it. Widespread Democrat riots over another electoral loss, for example.
Wow. The very fact you would consider it for partisan political purposes is disturbing.

Quelling riots is hardly partisan. this case yes, I think it is.

What case?
...Much of the south west for example was developed by the Spanish which led to a Hispanic culture and that preceded the first white Europeans...
And how much of that survived into the modern American era? Not negligible, but damned little. Mostly name-places and local stories.

...The Deep South was settled by Barbados slave traders, an elitist entitled group of self designated aristocrats who could not have achieved anything without slaves. The slave population greatly outnumbered them...
No. Most of the Deep South was settled by English and Scottish and Irish and German and Dutch and French farmers.

And virtually everything built by slaves has long-since crumbled back into the dust.

...Give credit where credit is due.
...The nation is ruled by white folks, but it was founded and built on the backs of blacks, whites, hispanics and Asians - the Chinese "guest workers" of the 1800's. All races worked to build the country, even though it was ruled by white men for nearly 150 years, before women fought for and won the right to vote.
Oh, rubbish...

This country was largely conquered, settled and built by White Euro-Christian Folk...

Blacks and Natives and Asians did their own smaller parts, and have a modest claim on this country as well, but not the majority share...

Much of what the Black slave populations of the South built has long-since gone to ground and crumbled to dust 150 years after the Civil War..

They were share-cropping for decades before the so-called Great Migration while White Folk built most of our modern cities & infrastructure...

And, frankly, their biggest contribution to Northern Cities since the Great Migration has been White Flight and Conversion to $hit-Hole status.

Black Folk are largely good and honorable people and solid Americans and deserve a share of the American Dream just like everyone else.

Black Folk... and other minorities... have also stepped-up to the plate and fought for the Republic, repeatedly, in dangerous times.

But let's keep it real and not get carried away to Fantasy Land where we believe the Republic was "built on the backs of Blacks".

I call bull$hit... :bsflag:

Wigger-Folk fantasies notwithstanding...


BTW... if that's what you're sellin' in 2020, yer gonna get yer a$$e$ kicked so hard that 2016 will look like a Win to you by comparison. :21: Who built it depends on what what part of the country you are referring to.

Lefties tend to believe that it wasn’t Bill Gates who built was those who pushed brooms and cleaned the shitters that did...Your thoughts?
....must not..OP is a faggot..this ..thread..:uhoh3:

OP smacked down the pussified “I love my guns and wetbacks” old timers in this thread...didn’t he?

Are you freaking serious or is this another stealth post by a left wing dirty trickster? It's not worth a reply.

Regard everything except 12-3 o'clock, k, faggot?

Want some? You should see the latest.. muhuhahhaha!

I don't miss.
Are you freaking serious or is this another stealth post by a left wing dirty trickster? It's not worth a reply.

I've often thought BL was a plant - a stooge to make Trumpsters look like idiots. But who knows. He could be for real.
Time will come and people will have to face reality and do the universal law to stop the nation from falling by the unwise

Very True. the criticism of the apartheid system in South Africa was misplaced. For the survival of America we might have to do something similar here.

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