Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

After the mueller disaster the chance for martial law has increased

This will result in stopping the unwise from voting

Wow, another feeble attempt at preventing the "Unwanted" from voting. Of course, it's who makes the determination in who is wanted or unwanted that is the question, isn't it. Newflash: If a person is a US Citizen, they have a legal right to vote. No Background checks, no mental health tests, nothing. it's their right. Yes, that does mean that if everyone votes you are going to be hammered down to a nub. Works for me.
Success comes from the wise making the decisions

History proves this over and over

The democrat crooked leaders comes from the unwise voting
The wise founders were right. Who said there never was a democracy that didn't commit suicide

Democracy leads to liberalism which then leads to destruction
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.

It's funny how a couple of freshmen congresswoman have got your panties in an uproar!

Wow, I guess all those white male Republican congressmen and Senators are totally impotent against the power of the evil 'squad', huh?

You're ready to end all civil liberties and declare martial law! What a laugh!

Get a life loser!
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.
Success comes from the wise making the decisions

History proves this over and over

The democrat crooked leaders comes from the unwise voting

The Criminals revolt and it's good, right? You will be treated exactly like that, criminal. Your intent is to quickly destroy America and the Constitution of the United States. We have ways of dealing with that.
Success comes from the wise making the decisions

History proves this over and over

The democrat crooked leaders comes from the unwise voting

The Criminals revolt and it's good, right? You will be treated exactly like that, criminal. Your intent is to quickly destroy America and the Constitution of the United States. We have ways of dealing with that.


Success comes from the wise making the decisions

History proves this over and over

The democrat crooked leaders comes from the unwise voting

The Criminals revolt and it's good, right? You will be treated exactly like that, criminal. Your intent is to quickly destroy America and the Constitution of the United States. We have ways of dealing with that.


View attachment 271082

What's the matter, you little cupcake finally got called out by reality and you come rushing in to his rescue? Hey, works for me.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.
Success comes from the wise making the decisions

History proves this over and over

The democrat crooked leaders comes from the unwise voting

The Criminals revolt and it's good, right? You will be treated exactly like that, criminal. Your intent is to quickly destroy America and the Constitution of the United States. We have ways of dealing with that.

are you blind?? who are on each ones side??

whose side are the men ON??

whose side are the white males on?

what does history say about them winning or losing ??

really really foolish losers who try to hide history facts....
Last edited:
Do I think President Trump needs to declare martial law on the border? No.

Do I think President Trump should ignore the ridiculous decision of some Obama appointed judge in California?
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are white, heterosexual males in right-wing "christian" cults going to stop playing identity politics?

When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.
Success comes from the wise making the decisions

History proves this over and over

The democrat crooked leaders comes from the unwise voting

The Criminals revolt and it's good, right? You will be treated exactly like that, criminal. Your intent is to quickly destroy America and the Constitution of the United States. We have ways of dealing with that.

are you blind?? who are on each ones side??

whose side are the men ON??

whose side are the white males on?

what does history say about them winning or losing ??

really really foolish losers who try to hide history facts....

The James Gang were good guys but it depends on to whom you asked. Quantrill's raiders were good guys depending to whom you ask.

The Civilian Militia (used loosely) bunch that left Georgia and relocated to a more liberal state (N.M.) because Georgia wouldn't tolerate their radicalism were good guys if you asked them. But if you asked the State of N.M. and the Feds who busted the lot of them on criminal conspiracy for actively training to attack military bases and police stations (they never did any actual attacks) you would get an entirely different answer. You can still ask the "Militants". They are cooling their heals in various Prisons at State and Federal Level.

You think your "Revolution" would be easy? There is a lot of planning and training along with logistics that goes along with it. And, like the Georgia transplants, at any point, you can be intercepted. Without the preparations, you are still a bunch of overgrown boy scouts running around the woods in green pickle suits. With the training, planning and logistics, you are felons and most probable inmates.

Now, if you really want to impress me, get your own party started. But, then again, even the White Power Party may find you a bit radical.
Success comes from the wise making the decisions

History proves this over and over

The democrat crooked leaders comes from the unwise voting

The Criminals revolt and it's good, right? You will be treated exactly like that, criminal. Your intent is to quickly destroy America and the Constitution of the United States. We have ways of dealing with that.

are you blind?? who are on each ones side??

whose side are the men ON??

whose side are the white males on?

what does history say about them winning or losing ??

really really foolish losers who try to hide history facts....

The James Gang were good guys but it depends on to whom you asked. Quantrill's raiders were good guys depending to whom you ask.

The Civilian Militia (used loosely) bunch that left Georgia and relocated to a more liberal state (N.M.) because Georgia wouldn't tolerate their radicalism were good guys if you asked them. But if you asked the State of N.M. and the Feds who busted the lot of them on criminal conspiracy for actively training to attack military bases and police stations (they never did any actual attacks) you would get an entirely different answer. You can still ask the "Militants". They are cooling their heals in various Prisons at State and Federal Level.

You think your "Revolution" would be easy? There is a lot of planning and training along with logistics that goes along with it. And, like the Georgia transplants, at any point, you can be intercepted. Without the preparations, you are still a bunch of overgrown boy scouts running around the woods in green pickle suits. With the training, planning and logistics, you are felons and most probable inmates.

Now, if you really want to impress me, get your own party started. But, then again, even the White Power Party may find you a bit radical.

wake UP and learn who is on whose side.....dont be scared go check and dont lie..

then check history... then you will know the winners and losers....

you as a white male and former military i assume is very odd to be a liberal

wake up to who wins and loses and the losers are foolish people who goes against universal laws
Do I think President Trump needs to declare martial law on the border? No.

Do I think President Trump should ignore the ridiculous decision of some Obama appointed judge in California?

martial law must come in order to set up logic tests for voting in order to stop the destruction of america because of the unwise electing crooks...
Do I think President Trump needs to declare martial law on the border? No.

Do I think President Trump should ignore the ridiculous decision of some Obama appointed judge in California?

So, you think the judiciary is a subservient branch to the executive department?
Is there really any other way to regain control of federal law and restore order?
Do you really see Americans taking their country back by way of standard operating procedures through the bureaucracy?

I know the notion of such aggressive action scares the piss out of you “give me liberty or give me death” types...but stop and think for a are losing you liberties to the AOC’s and the commie-lites one day at a time anyhoo.

P.S.- Don’t let this thread scare the piss out of you...there is no topic on this board that is more POLITICAL than this.
He should just do it. Purge all the libstains in DC and get a subpoena and round all the 'stains here up and ship them off! No trial no nothing.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
When are YOU going to quit playing "identity politics?"
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.

I don't know where you get that from out of my posts. I acknowledge that people, probably most (if not all) at least experiment with something in their earlier years. Know this: All humans are liars. You are; I am; all those on this board and everybody we know lie, embellish, and stretch the truth.

In the lives of many people, one day they mature and figure out about really important things... things besides carnal pleasures or worldly possessions.

When one gets married, they generally take a sacred vow. In Christianity, you are only supposed to get married once, but with this caveat:

"12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace..."

So, I was married more than once, but I did not leave my spouses. They left without just cause. THEY are living sinful lives for their actions. But, I was not and am not in that kind of relationship. My first wife said it was nothing against me personally, she just wanted things to be the way they were when we were in college. The next time, my ex ran off with her first husband after I was injured in a car wreck. The doctors had low expectations for me and I had just gone back to the hospital and had two more surgeries when she ran off with her first ex and later remarried him. Can't say where that stacks up on moral grounds.

In retrospect, I think all couples should go through two sessions of premarital counseling and be faced with really difficult questions. For example, explore both sides views on abortion, who pays the bills, who is in control if the husband ends up with a lower paying job, child rearing expectations, whether or not they will have a joint checking account, household duties, etc. Hard questions and a few weeks to ponder that may very well overcome raging hormones, testosterone, and libido. But, I digress. Back to the topic at hand.

If we, as a nation, were living our lives in accordance with the biblical principles that this country was built on, would we even be talking about the prospect of Martial Law?
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
I'm playing "identity politics"? How so?
When are YOU and the sluts running the republican party? They are "men," they are "heterosexual," they are "christian" (cult christian), they are "American", i.e. "white," blah, blah, blah. Please account for tramp, pigpence, mitch-bitch, frankie graham, etc. They are all shit playing identity politics.When they attack another group, whatever group, I believe in fighting back even if I am not a member of that group. Look at the crap that these morons are trying to do to LGBTs, for example. LGBTs did nothing to them. I'm not LGBT, but this conduct toward them is out-and-out shameful.

You sound like a knob polisher. The LGBTQ community are sodomites. They are offensive to Christians. The political propaganda prostitutes like Trump, Pence, Graham, etc. make their living off of the ignorance of the masses.

The Republicans don't have any room to talk about the LGBTQ community. You don't elect whoremongers and liars to represent you IF you're a Christian. The fact that those wannabe dictators are able to pose as Christians says a lot about their moral compass.

The LGBTQ community wants to force themselves onto what is left of traditional Americans. So, of course they are going to fight back. Sodomites are antithetical to the culture that founded this country. Unfortunately, it's mostly uneducated people that have some kind of beef with the LGBTQ community. They know that sodomy is wrong, but at the same time they can't see the forest for the trees.

Clowns like Trump are a representative example of what the right has to choose from. So, if someone decent did throw their hat into the ring, the right would (in all likelihood) reject them.
What is a "knob polisher"? What is "Christian"? A belief in Jesus has nothing to do with sexual orientation. "Sodomites"? "Traditional Americans"? I do have a sense of humor, but it only goes so far.

BTW: "sodomy" ain't so bad. Ever hear of a "BJ"? A sixty-nine? But what are you doing in another American's bedroom? Keep it to yourself what you do.

A knob polisher is the guy who likes to slobber on a meat stick

A Christian is someone who not only believes in Christ, but walks the walk and they do not engage in activities like homosexuality as it is a sin

I've heard of 69 - even 68 (you go down on me and I'll owe you one.) Yeah and I know the jokes as well: Pussy is good, hand ain't bad, but if you ain't been blowed, you ain't been had. I've heard of Greek, water sports, daisy chains, rodeo style, and things that you've probably never heard of.

I don't appeal to people's sense of humor as a general rule. But, we should really respect the traditional family. The most important role model for any child is the same sex parent and it takes both parents to raise a child (one of the same sex and one of the opposite.) So, some day when the sex gets old and you wonder what is really fulfilling, you might want to think about becoming part of the traditional family. You will still remember the good old days. And, at the same time, you will appreciate the feeling of fulfillment of being part of a family.

And the more wives over your lifetime the better? Don't even bother with getting rid of the last before hitting up the next? Then a little on the side is fine also I suppose.

I don't know where you get that from out of my posts. I acknowledge that people, probably most (if not all) at least experiment with something in their earlier years. Know this: All humans are liars. You are; I am; all those on this board and everybody we know lie, embellish, and stretch the truth.

In the lives of many people, one day they mature and figure out about really important things... things besides carnal pleasures or worldly possessions.

When one gets married, they generally take a sacred vow. In Christianity, you are only supposed to get married once, but with this caveat:

"12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. 13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace..."

So, I was married more than once, but I did not leave my spouses. They left without just cause. THEY are living sinful lives for their actions. But, I was not and am not in that kind of relationship. My first wife said it was nothing against me personally, she just wanted things to be the way they were when we were in college. The next time, my ex ran off with her first husband after I was injured in a car wreck. The doctors had low expectations for me and I had just gone back to the hospital and had two more surgeries when she ran off with her first ex and later remarried him. Can't say where that stacks up on moral grounds.

In retrospect, I think all couples should go through two sessions of premarital counseling and be faced with really difficult questions. For example, explore both sides views on abortion, who pays the bills, who is in control if the husband ends up with a lower paying job, child rearing expectations, whether or not they will have a joint checking account, household duties, etc. Hard questions and a few weeks to ponder that may very well overcome raging hormones, testosterone, and libido. But, I digress. Back to the topic at hand.

If we, as a nation, were living our lives in accordance with the biblical principles that this country was built on, would we even be talking about the prospect of Martial Law?

I was speaking about our president.

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