Martial Law...Would you support Trump taking such measure?

Good, wonder all you want, I told you a 100 times over. I can go to a restaurant that doesn’t require me showing a anything or I can choose one that requires me to carry a card. I choose the one I don’t need a card to enter, that is as simple as I can make it for you, not sure what the hell it matters.

Your turn to say it doesn’t matter and you wonder what leads me to my position. Then I tell you I’d rather go to places that don’t require showing a vaccine cards, you call my opinion silly and we go around again.

I’ve told you why and you don’t want to accept my answer, unless you have something new to add into this discussion, I see no need to continue, do you?
I’m just wondering how many rotations we can make. Why dont you just snap a photo of your card on your phone so you can easily flash it and go wherever you want should they ask for it?
You obviously have zero clue what California is like. There is much more to Cali than SF and LA but I guess I wouldn’t expect you to understand that
I'm not talking about martial law in all of California, but I wouldn't expect you to use common sense.
We didn't have these race relation problems in the fifties.
:oops: :oops: :oops:



Seriously?! You need me to explain the difference between voting and a pandemic?! Wow, this one isn’t too sharp. Well one involves voting and the other involves a virus. Do you need more?

I don’t think it’s a big deal I think you deciding not to go somewhere because they want you to flash a piece of paper or photo of it on your phone is just plain silly. It shows that you are making a big deal out it and letting it influence your decisions. I’m just curious about why and what your thought process is
Hahahaha…you need to read through the thread again…you’re lost.
You support “show me your papers” to manage a pandemic.
I support ”show me your papers” to identify, arrest and deport wetbacks.
Get it now? “Show me your papers” is pretty awesome….right?
I’m just wondering how many rotations we can make. Why dont you just snap a photo of your card on your phone so you can easily flash it and go wherever you want should they ask for it?
And here you go again. Why should I? I don’t go anywhere where it is required. I‘m not seeing your point, I don’t need to go to these places and have no desire and I really doubt they care if I dine there. No harm, no foul. If I’m right, you can end your silliness of asking the same question over and over because you don’t like my answer.
I don’t think it’s a big deal I think you deciding not to go somewhere because they want you to flash a piece of paper or photo of it on your phone is just plain silly. It shows that you are making a big deal out it and letting it influence your decisions. I’m just curious about why and what your thought process is
You don't want to know our thought processes: you want to argue us out of these thoughts.

Why not let people be who they are?
Hahahaha…you need to read through the thread again…you’re lost.
You support “show me your papers” to manage a pandemic.
I support ”show me your papers” to identify, arrest and deport wetbacks.
Get it now? “Show me your papers” is pretty awesome….right?
Right, two completely different things. Like I support throwing people in jail who commit murder I don’t support throwing people in jail for farting…. See the difference
And here you go again. Why should I? I don’t go anywhere where it is required. I‘m not seeing your point, I don’t need to go to these places and have no desire and I really doubt they care if I dine there. No harm, no foul. If I’m right, you can end your silliness of asking the same question over and over because you don’t like my answer.
I’m not saying you should go there. I’m asking why you care so much to avoid them when the ask so so minor. It’s obviously not a minor ask to you because you think it somehow violates your privacy. But that doesn’t make much sense as you openly talk about your vax status
I’m just wondering how many rotations we can make. Why dont you just snap a photo of your card on your phone so you can easily flash it and go wherever you want should they ask for it?

Once reduced to an image, authenticity becomes much harder to determine, and there also can not be any prosecution for a fake image.

But since those vaxed can just as easily get or spread covid, I do not see any point?
Right, two completely different things. Like I support throwing people in jail who commit murder I don’t support throwing people in jail for farting…. See the difference
there haven been some killer farts

now what?
You don't want to know our thought processes: you want to argue us out of these thoughts.

Why not let people be who they are?
I like challenging people’s thoughts and getting explanation. Nothing wrong with that. People can be whoever they want to be. I’ve never said otherwise. Just having a discussion here
I’m not saying you should go there. I’m asking why you care so much to avoid them when the ask so so minor. It’s obviously not a minor ask to you because you think it somehow violates your privacy. But that doesn’t make much sense as you openly talk about your vax status
where he chooses to.

he doesn't choose to do this everywhere.

you seem to have a problem when people make choices you don't approve of.

and many other times but that's another thread.
Once reduced to an image, authenticity becomes much harder to determine, and there also can not be any prosecution for a fake image.

But since those vaxed can just as easily get or spread covid, I do not see any point?
You don’t see the point to getting vaxxed?

it reduces chances of infection and severity of infection. That’s why
I’m not saying you should go there. I’m asking why you care so much to avoid them when the ask so so minor. It’s obviously not a minor ask to you because you think it somehow violates your privacy. But that doesn’t make much sense as you openly talk about your vax status

That is obvious.
Since the vaccinated can as easily get infected or spread covid, the vax status is not really relevant except to illegal favor or abuse those who have different political ideologies.
And discriminating based on political ideology is totally reprehensible and illegal.
You don’t see the point to getting vaxxed?

it reduces chances of infection and severity of infection. That’s why

You are just totally misinformed.
All the mRNA injections do that is good, is temporarily stimulate antibody production.
That lasts less than 6 months, so it can't end an epidemic like real immunity does.
In fact that prevents real immunity, so makes an epidemic last much longer.
Since the mRNA injections only cause your own cells to start producing spike proteins, there is nothing for the immune system to store in long term T-cell memory.
It can't store anything about spike proteins, because your own exosomes have to use those same spike proteins.
The way covid gets into cells is by mimicking our own exosomes, and they use the same spike proteins in order to unlock the ACE2 receptors to let them in.
If any covid variant were to modify its spike proteins, then they would no longer be recognized by our ACE2 receptors, and the virus would no longer be able to access any cells any more.
That is also why the mRNA vaccines can not change for the many variants, because the mRNA vaccine only contains instructions for making spike proteins, nothing about the actual virus or any variant strain related information.
That is obvious.
Since the vaccinated can as easily get infected or spread covid, the vax status is not really relevant except to illegal favor or abuse those who have different political ideologies.
And discriminating based on political ideology is totally reprehensible and illegal.
That’s absurd. The entire world is instituting the same policies and recommendations. This isn’t an anti trump thing like you’re trying to paint it
You are just totally misinformed.
All the mRNA injections do that is good, is temporarily stimulate antibody production.
That lasts less than 6 months, so it can't end an epidemic like real immunity does.
In fact that prevents real immunity, so makes an epidemic last much longer.
Since the mRNA injections only cause your own cells to start producing spike proteins, there is nothing for the immune system to store in long term T-cell memory.
It can't store anything about spike proteins, because your own exosomes have to use those same spike proteins.
The way covid gets into cells is by mimicking our own exosomes, and they use the same spike proteins in order to unlock the ACE2 receptors to let them in.
If any covid variant were to modify its spike proteins, then they would no longer be recognized by our ACE2 receptors, and the virus would no longer be able to access any cells any more.
That is also why the mRNA vaccines can not change for the many variants, because the mRNA vaccine only contains instructions for making spike proteins, nothing about the actual virus or any variant strain related information.
So in other words, it's not needed, and if you rely on it, you will need a booster shot every 6 months for the rest of your life.

Better off to let your body fight it off, and attack the virus on all fronts. Once you establish natural immunity, your body will recognize like viruses, make appropriate adjustments and knock the virus out. You don't need boosters and you don't need gene therapy any more than someone who has caught a cold (Coronavirus) needs it.
You are just totally misinformed.
All the mRNA injections do that is good, is temporarily stimulate antibody production.
That lasts less than 6 months, so it can't end an epidemic like real immunity does.
In fact that prevents real immunity, so makes an epidemic last much longer.
Since the mRNA injections only cause your own cells to start producing spike proteins, there is nothing for the immune system to store in long term T-cell memory.
It can't store anything about spike proteins, because your own exosomes have to use those same spike proteins.
The way covid gets into cells is by mimicking our own exosomes, and they use the same spike proteins in order to unlock the ACE2 receptors to let them in.
If any covid variant were to modify its spike proteins, then they would no longer be recognized by our ACE2 receptors, and the virus would no longer be able to access any cells any more.
That is also why the mRNA vaccines can not change for the many variants, because the mRNA vaccine only contains instructions for making spike proteins, nothing about the actual virus or any variant strain related information.
I never said it would end. You’re lying and putting words in my mouth. I said it reduces transmission and severity. It build antibodies. That equals protection.

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