Maryland teacher calls for actual violent revolution against capitalism on her now-deleted TikTok

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
You know what we like to say around here: Marxist gonna Marx.

And this teacher outside of Washington DC just goes to show you that no matter how many times they try and fail, Marxists are always going to come back and try their "real" version of Marxism again.

This time though, they're targeting our youngest kids to be the young revolutionaries.

From Fox:

A Maryland teacher, who described herself as "proud as f--- to be liberal" and bragged about "indoctrinating" her students, called for an urgent fight against capitalism while adding, "Revolutions involve violence."

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Her terms are acceptable

You know what we like to say around here: Marxist gonna Marx.

And this teacher outside of Washington DC just goes to show you that no matter how many times they try and fail, Marxists are always going to come back and try their "real" version of Marxism again.

This time though, they're targeting our youngest kids to be the young revolutionaries.

From Fox:

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Her terms are acceptable

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I wonder how she would feel if all those tax paying capitalists suddenly stopped working , thus paying taxes?
here's you another "Marxist" Marxing.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. ~Thomas Jefferson
I understand the intellectual argument for socialism. Indeed, most halfway intelligent teens quickly come to the conclusion that if only rich people could give up some of their wealth then there needn't be any poor people.

Hopefully, then, at some point, real life intervenes and one realizes that that is not how the world works.

But seriously, if someone has grown arguably to adulthood with this sophomoric faith in Socialism, how is it that one can NEVER point out any socialist regime that has not turned to shit? Can they ALWAYS say that, "Well, they didn't do it right"?

Soviet Union,
East Germany,
North Korea,

The list goes on and on. And specifically East vs West Germany: Same population, and one of them turns into a shit-hole while the other prospers. North and South Korea, same thing.

How can any literate adult continue to support socialism. I seriously don't get it. WHERE HAS IT SUCCEEDED?
I understand the intellectual argument for socialism. Indeed, most halfway intelligent teens quickly come to the conclusion that if only rich people could give up some of their wealth then there needn't be any poor people.

Who created the money that allows one to become a billionaire? Who worked hard to create that money?

Hopefully, then, at some point, real life intervenes and one realizes that that is not how the world works.

But seriously, if someone has grown arguably to adulthood with this sophomoric faith in Socialism, how is it that one can NEVER point out any socialist regime that has not turned to shit? Can they ALWAYS say that, "Well, they didn't do it right"?

Soviet Union,
East Germany,
North Korea,

The list goes on and on. And specifically East vs West Germany: Same population, and one of them turns into a shit-hole while the other prospers. North and South Korea, same thing.

How can any literate adult continue to support socialism. I seriously don't get it. WHERE HAS IT SUCCEEDED?

Trump Tries to Win Over Midwest Farmers with Socialist Promises
You had to go to GQ to find something you could paste on President Trump? Man o man, how low the IQ of the left has gone.

Are you saying it never happened? Trump didn't give the farmers millions and millions of other people's money?

(I don't expect you to actually respond)
I understand the intellectual argument for socialism. Indeed, most halfway intelligent teens quickly come to the conclusion that if only rich people could give up some of their wealth then there needn't be any poor people.

Hopefully, then, at some point, real life intervenes and one realizes that that is not how the world works.

But seriously, if someone has grown arguably to adulthood with this sophomoric faith in Socialism, how is it that one can NEVER point out any socialist regime that has not turned to shit? Can they ALWAYS say that, "Well, they didn't do it right"?

Soviet Union,
East Germany,
North Korea,

The list goes on and on. And specifically East vs West Germany: Same population, and one of them turns into a shit-hole while the other prospers. North and South Korea, same thing.

How can any literate adult continue to support socialism. I seriously don't get it. WHERE HAS IT SUCCEEDED?

You're absolutely right.

This is like belief in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

Most of us outgrew it by puberty.

Thanks for that perspective.


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