Mask up and diaper your cows, Farmer Brown.

Are you drunk this morning?

Have you never been to a friends/family members house who had something on the TV you did not really care to watch?

Or do you just have no friends in real life and your only friends are on here?
No you need to stop going into your friends homes with your arrogance, and next telling them that what they watch is very disturbing to you, because when you do, then next thing that happens to your dismay, is that you get them scratching their heads as to wondering who you really are ?? It's just like what you've done here.. ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
No you need to stop going into your friends homes with your arrogance, and next telling them that what they watch is very disturbing to you, because when you do, then next thing that happens to your dismay, is that you get them scratching their heads as to wondering who you really are ?? It's just like what you've done here.. ROTFLMBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

So, you have no friends. Thanks for clarifying that.

My friends and I give each other shit about all sorts of things from music to TV to politics to well you name it. What is the point of friends or family if you cannot bust on each other?

I still vividly remember a small group I was a part of at a church in Yuma and one day when we were all together someone had the bright idea for each of us to name our number on pet peeve. it was great because then we all knew just what button to push on each other.
So, you have no friends. Thanks for clarifying that.

My friends and I give each other shit about all sorts of things from music to TV to politics to well you name it. What is the point of friends or family if you cannot bust on each other?

I still vividly remember a small group I was a part of at a church in Yuma and one day when we were all together someone had the bright idea for each of us to name our number on pet peeve. it was great because then we all knew just what button to push on each other.

In the Navy, we didn't have to list our number one pet peeve, people who you worked with would listen to what you said and generally figure it out in a fairly short time. Busting on one another was pretty much a tradition, as well as a fun way to pass the time.
/——/ Everyone except their dear leaders who will still dine on Kobe beef.
It just amazes me how the left claim they are against income inequality and are for the poor. Meanwhile, their policies are causing the poor in third world countries to starve and even the poor in our own country are so hard hit by inflation that food charities are being hit hard.
It just amazes me how the left claim they are against income inequality and are for the poor. Meanwhile, their policies are causing the poor in third world countries to starve and even the poor in our own country are so hard hit by inflation that food charities are being hit hard.

You're right, when times get tough, charities are generally the first things to take a hit, as people won't give money to them if they need it for themselves, which is one reason that government programs like SNAP are good ideas. A lot of conservatives think that charities will be okay because people are so good hearted, they will keep them afloat. Hint: People are basically selfish.
You're right, when times get tough, charities are generally the first things to take a hit, as people won't give money to them if they need it for themselves, which is one reason that government programs like SNAP are good ideas. A lot of conservatives think that charities will be okay because people are so good hearted, they will keep them afloat. Hint: People are basically selfish.
/----/ Using voting and IRS data for the residents of 3,000 counties across the nation, the four-professor research team found, according to the New York Times, that counties which are “overwhelmingly Republican” report higher charitable contributions than Democratic-dominated counties
/----/ Using voting and IRS data for the residents of 3,000 counties across the nation, the four-professor research team found, according to the New York Times, that counties which are “overwhelmingly Republican” report higher charitable contributions than Democratic-dominated counties

Your New York Times link was behind a paywall, so I did some checking myself and went to another site (Giving Compass, which is fairly accurate about charity donations), which used the same study from the NYT, and found this................

Republicans do give more, but where that money ends up is not yet clear. One of the study’s authors, Rebecca Nesbit, associate professor of public administration and policy at the University of Georgia, told the New York Times that Republicans prefer to “provide for the collective good through private institutions. But we don’t know what type of institutions they’re giving to.” It also wasn’t obvious “whether donors were being purely generous or whether they would also benefit from their donation. This relationship is called consumption philanthropy, in which people give to a religious organization or a school from which they will derive a benefit in the form of, say, a better religious education program or a new gymnasium.” Giving to a food bank or a homeless shelter has a very different outcome than does giving to a private school.

So................the question is, are they giving to charities to help those who really need it, or are they giving to their own favorite charities or private institutions that help THEM (the people making the donations) out? If they are giving to charities that enrich their own lives, then there is a selfish motive involved. Not everything is a "one size fits all", especially when it comes to charities.
Your New York Times link was behind a paywall, so I did some checking myself and went to another site (Giving Compass, which is fairly accurate about charity donations), which used the same study from the NYT, and found this................

Republicans do give more, but where that money ends up is not yet clear. One of the study’s authors, Rebecca Nesbit, associate professor of public administration and policy at the University of Georgia, told the New York Times that Republicans prefer to “provide for the collective good through private institutions. But we don’t know what type of institutions they’re giving to.” It also wasn’t obvious “whether donors were being purely generous or whether they would also benefit from their donation. This relationship is called consumption philanthropy, in which people give to a religious organization or a school from which they will derive a benefit in the form of, say, a better religious education program or a new gymnasium.” Giving to a food bank or a homeless shelter has a very different outcome than does giving to a private school.

So................the question is, are they giving to charities to help those who really need it, or are they giving to their own favorite charities or private institutions that help THEM (the people making the donations) out? If they are giving to charities that enrich their own lives, then there is a selfish motive involved. Not everything is a "one size fits all", especially when it comes to charities.
/---/ No report shows that democRATs give more to charity.
/---/ No report shows that democRATs give more to charity.

No report shows what charities Republicans give to either, apparently.

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