Mask up and diaper your cows, Farmer Brown.

Man this report must really fry your bacon. It’s been reported elsewhere too, and I bet you already know that.

Can you tell us what state in the US has forced ranchers to put mask or diapers on their cattle?
What, maybe fake like the "enquire" magazine up at the front counter, otherwise the headlines are outrages in order for patron's to be curious enough to look beyond those headlines in order to read the content, so when they get inside they find some serious good stuff in the article as is written.

Tucker keeps it together enough to entertain us, and to make us say hmmmmmmm. Go Tucker Go, yeah you go get'em Tucker yeah that's right.
Stay stupid my friend.


Heck of a think, ain't it?

These people are nuts....
/——/ And you need a better argument than telling anyone who dares disagree with you they can’t think for themselves.

You are the one that listens to a talking head to tell you what to think.

If you think that is not good, then do not do it.
Thread summary:

Conservatives will fall for _anything_, because their sad lives consist entirely of looking for really stupid excuses to be outraged.
/——/ We didn’t fall for your global warming scam, more than two genders insanity, Obamacare ripoff, and the rest of your idiotic agenda.
So, some French Company wants....

And this is fox opinion fuckup news?

They have a Dominion lawsuit to worry about not cow stories to fan your phax outrage cracker.

What state in America is forcing ranchers to put mask or diapers on their cows?

Agreed y'all. This is a whole bunch of screaming about basically nothing. A FRENCH dairy company is CONSIDERING something, but they haven't decided yet as the still need more information.

From the OP's link.......................

A Tennessee farmer condemned the idea of forcing cows to wear masks and diapers to contain their methane emissions, saying the people who came up with the idea have "gone to loony town."

French dairy giant Danone announced in mid-January it is considering putting masks on cows to trap their burps in an effort to reduce methane emissions by 30% come 2030. In the future, cows could also be forced to wear diapers to trap their flatulence.

Stephanie Nash called the whole thing udder madness Wednesday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

Basically, you have an American rancher bitching about something that is being considered in France, and says that she won't do it. That's a bunch of "stirring the pot" if I ever heard it.

I'm pretty sure that there is someone considering doing something that they thinks will help somewhere in the world that I would never think was right. Does that mean I have to go on television and tell everyone in America that our rights are being infringed on? No. Because that's not happening.
Man this report must really fry your bacon. It’s been reported elsewhere too, and I bet you already know that.

Your first link "Diapers for cows" is some rancher in the Alps who dressed his cows up in protest to something that may never materialize.

Your second link is basically just a reprint of the article that appeared on FOX.

Your third link is an opinion piece about the article reported on FOX.

It's amazing how some of you on the right can get spooled up about nothing.
Could you imagine the work it would take to actually do this & how much a real burger would cost if these idiots had their way?
You'd need a 2nd mortgage to take your family to McDonalds.

Are you kidding? That's the primary reason they want to do this kind of insane stuff. They want us to all go vegan (and die early as vegans do)
What's that picture supposed to prove? It's a rancher in the ALPS (nowhere near America), who diapered his cows and took a picture in protest of a perceived threat to his ranching.

You guys will swallow anything, won't you?
If you'd have read under the picture, he supports the ridiculous diapers
Are you kidding? That's the primary reason they want to do this kind of insane stuff. They want us to all go vegan (and die early as vegans do)
Yeah but their lefty minions don't realize that.
The sheeple think they are doing everything to "save the planet" or for "equity" or whatever other BS terms they can sell these unthinking progbots
The question isn't how many cows there are. It's are there any more ruminants now than 200 years ago? Upwards of 60 million bison were estimated to have roamed the plains then, now there are 1000 in Yellowstone? Their farts and burps are no less methane filled than a cow's. 10 million Elk, last I read I think there are less than 100k now. Im sure the total deer population has shrunk, though they have made a huge come back of late. Same with every other wild ruminant their digestive process is the same as the domesticated ruminants we grow for food.

Im not sure there is a significant increase in the total ruminant population in the US now vs then.

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