Mask Wearers

Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

I wear a mask when going into stores, and when at work when not sitting at my desk.

I do not wear it if I am going to be around family members for more than an hour, because at that point the effectiveness is pretty much shot. Therefore I only go around family if I am high temp negative, and have not been around anyone positive tested within a week.

I've been tested twice in 3 months due to possible work exposures, both times negative.
One must wonder how you would know if you had been around a positive'r when their identities are a closed guarded national secret?

On our worksites they report a positive test among the crew without going into the exact person. We then shut down the work site until everyone comes back negative with at least a rapid test. for those in direct exposure it's two rapid test negatives, or a rapid and a PCR. for those only on the worksite but no proximity it's a rapid test negative.

I get the PCR as well, more for clearing me to hang with my 101 year old grandfather.
Insanity for sure. They got no business shutting down. Pure insanity and incomprehensible how so many willing people follow blindly along with it. It's the only benefit I have of being real old not to have to be exposed to this level of commie-ism.

We've been shutdown twice, average shutdown duration is 5 work days. Our client is a municipality, so the rules are tighter on their sites than they would be on a private site.

So far we have only had one example of onsite spread, one guy who had it infected the guy who went into the tank with him to do the actual cleaning, but both were mild cases.

Hispanic guys, 30-50, good health.
As has been said already, I wear a mask because I like to eat. I don't know about most people, but I try to get in and out of stores as quick as possible regardless of whether or not I have to wear a mask. If I have to wear a mask for ten minutes so that I can buy food I will.

Likewise, I wear a mask at work because it's required, and they pay me so that I can eat.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
Sorry to disappoint you but EVERY store I have been in I have not once been told to put a mask on. The store employees and management simply leave me alone. I was approached once by a manager and when I told him "I don't wear a mask" and then said if you want I'll leave my items here in the cart and leave your store, he said "no, you can finish."
As has been said already, I wear a mask because I like to eat. I don't know about most people, but I try to get in and out of stores as quick as possible regardless of whether or not I have to wear a mask. If I have to wear a mask for ten minutes so that I can buy food I will.

Likewise, I wear a mask at work because it's required, and they pay me so that I can eat.
How do you eat with a mask on?
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
Furthermore, read about masks...they DO NOT prevent a virus. It's even on some of the mask boxes. It's a slave/control tool no doubt about it.
People bitch about closing businesses but I figure if wearing a mask allows for the reason they can stay open its a little inconvenience for small business owners.
You commie filth got NO legal reason to shut down business.

I shut nothing down. Don't let that stop you or stop you from addressing the point.

You are shutting things down.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
Furthermore, read about masks...they DO NOT prevent a virus. It's even on some of the mask boxes. It's a slave/control tool no doubt about it.

In certain situations it does slow down the velocity of aerosols, and as such reduces their spread. but it's risk reduction, not risk mitigation.

For that you would need NBC gear at a MOPP level.
As has been said already, I wear a mask because I like to eat. I don't know about most people, but I try to get in and out of stores as quick as possible regardless of whether or not I have to wear a mask. If I have to wear a mask for ten minutes so that I can buy food I will.

Likewise, I wear a mask at work because it's required, and they pay me so that I can eat.
How do you eat with a mask on?

Easy. I unzip it.

Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
Sorry to disappoint you but EVERY store I have been in I have not once been told to put a mask on. The store employees and management simply leave me alone. I was approached once by a manager and when I told him "I don't wear a mask" and then said if you want I'll leave my items here in the cart and leave your store, he said "no, you can finish."
Same here. Plus, I have been in two different hospitals at least 8 or ten times since July because I broke my leg and my wife had major surgery and had complications from the surgery, plus four times to the local emergency room. She was forced to take the "covid test" maybe 5 times. I was with her each time, one time over night and walked all over the hospital. They said I could stay in her room over night and I walked to the cafeteria, and out to the car to get my bag. This was a huge hospital. I did it on crutches so I had to stop and rest in various places, and the nurse in my wifes room told me I didn't have to wear a mask. I did have to wear one while she was in surgery and I waited on her. Point being, I NEVER had a covid test and went every where she went except the surgery room and they made her take the tests! Why not me? Probably just so they could fleece her insurance! Of course I didn't want it. I was right there in the same places! This is one reason I call all this reaction total bullshit. It's a scam and the hysterical lemmings swallow it all! Neither one of us has gotten sick.
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Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
Furthermore, read about masks...they DO NOT prevent a virus. It's even on some of the mask boxes. It's a slave/control tool no doubt about it.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
Sorry to disappoint you but EVERY store I have been in I have not once been told to put a mask on. The store employees and management simply leave me alone. I was approached once by a manager and when I told him "I don't wear a mask" and then said if you want I'll leave my items here in the cart and leave your store, he said "no, you can finish."
Same here. Plus, I have been in two different hospitals at least 8 or ten times since July because I broke my leg and my had major surgery and had complications from the surgery, plus four times to the local emergency room. She was forced to take the "covid test" maybe 5 times. I was with her each time, one time over night and walked all over the hospital. They said I could stay in her room over night and I walked to the cafeteria, and out to the car to get my bag. This was a huge hospital. I did it on crutches so I had to stop and rest in various places, and the nurse in my wifes room told me I didn't have to wear a mask. I did have to wear one while she was in surgery and I waited on her. Point being, I NEVER had a covid test and went every where she went except the surgery room and they made her take the tests! Why not me? Probably just so they could fleece her insurance! Of course I didn't want it. I was right there in the same places! This is one reason I call all this reaction total bullshit. It's a scam and the hysterical lemmings swallow it all! Neither one of us has gotten sick.
Sounds like you are one of the few "awake" people! :yes_text12:
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
Sorry to disappoint you but EVERY store I have been in I have not once been told to put a mask on. The store employees and management simply leave me alone. I was approached once by a manager and when I told him "I don't wear a mask" and then said if you want I'll leave my items here in the cart and leave your store, he said "no, you can finish."
Same here. Plus, I have been in two different hospitals at least 8 or ten times since July because I broke my leg and my had major surgery and had complications from the surgery, plus four times to the local emergency room. She was forced to take the "covid test" maybe 5 times. I was with her each time, one time over night and walked all over the hospital. They said I could stay in her room over night and I walked to the cafeteria, and out to the car to get my bag. This was a huge hospital. I did it on crutches so I had to stop and rest in various places, and the nurse in my wifes room told me I didn't have to wear a mask. I did have to wear one while she was in surgery and I waited on her. Point being, I NEVER had a covid test and went every where she went except the surgery room and they made her take the tests! Why not me? Probably just so they could fleece her insurance! Of course I didn't want it. I was right there in the same places! This is one reason I call all this reaction total bullshit. It's a scam and the hysterical lemmings swallow it all! Neither one of us has gotten sick.
Sounds like you are one of the few "awake" people! :yes_text12:
Yeah I am, thanks, but some people locally look at me like:



One time back when all this bs started I was in walmart and damn near everyone had a mask on. People were giving me the evil eye because I wasn't. I made sure my fly was zipped at first! In one aisle I saw another shopper, a woman, maskless as well. I spoke to her and asked her if people were looking at her like she had a third eye because she didn't have a mask on, like they were me. She laughed and said yeah, they were. She then stated what the tyrant Texas governors decree said that you had to wear a mask IF you could not "social distance". lol.
Masks, which at one time, were seen as an imminent/immediate criminal face used as a recognition shield, by, of all things, criminals, present a "legal" opportunity for criminals to be seen as non-threatening in any environment- well, I say legal with a ton of sarcasm since I've yet to see how that's been interpreted by elected control freaks-

If the mandate enFORCERS refuse to enFORCE the mandate, then what? What if they choose to enFORCE it? Are they going to lock up everyone who doesn't?

We can't say they're useless- some criminals use them in their vocation to disguise themself.
On a bright side for non-criminals who know the over reaching by elected idiots who used your tax dollars to but face recognition equipt., now have yet another boon doggle to their credit- ain't life grand?
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

Not wearing a "slave mask", whatever that is. But I am keeping the people around me protected, thanks.
And they're doing the same for me.

People helping people. How disgusting is that.

Sociopathy is one brain disease I'll never grok.
protected from what? COVID is a's been proven for those who are awake
There is no need for a mask...plain and simple. ANYWHERE
Are you a epidemiologist? Where did you earn your degree? Dr. Fauci finished first in his medical school class at Cornell. What do you have other than a wish to kill off a couple more hundreds of thousands of citizens? You can`t possibly be that evil so I`ll write it off as just being stupid.
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

Not wearing a "slave mask", whatever that is. But I am keeping the people around me protected, thanks.
And they're doing the same for me.

People helping people. How disgusting is that.

Sociopathy is one brain disease I'll never grok.
protected from what? COVID is a's been proven for those who are awake

I see. So the 318,217 victims who have died from it* are only "sleeping" huh.
*US only

That will come as bigly comfort to their families.

Is this a satire thread or what?
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Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

Not wearing a "slave mask", whatever that is. But I am keeping the people around me protected, thanks.
And they're doing the same for me.

People helping people. How disgusting is that.

Sociopathy is one brain disease I'll never grok.
protected from what? COVID is a's been proven for those who are awake

I see. So the 318,217 victims who have died from it are only "sleeping" huh.

That will come as bigly comfort to their families.

Is this a satire thread or what?
Oh shut up with your media fed crap!
Are you wearing the slave mask?

Take off the mask!

While I agree with your sentiment, your post is nothing but big talk. We recently relocated to the far frozen north from the Baltimore area. Even way up here, out in the middle of bloody nowhere, even Ma and Pa establishments force us to wear masks while pumping gas or they're right on the line to the cops. Unless you're living in the middle of the Antarctic or the Sahara, you wear a mask to buy food.
Furthermore, read about masks...they DO NOT prevent a virus. It's even on some of the mask boxes. It's a slave/control tool no doubt about it.
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