Maskers vs. Non Maskers... time to go to WAAAARRRR!!!!

If you do not want to wear a mask and aren't required to, why care what others do? Yes, this can go the other way also.
Yeah we kinda are. I'm vaccinated but the businesses I go into require masks. The mask cult is very powerful

They require shoes for the most part also. Shop elsewhere.

I still see the signs on the doors but I would say it's 50/50 those wearing and those not.
I know right?
Obama was obviously the very opposite of what he projected.
It is unfathomable to see liberals still believing this guy was a good President that represented their views.
I guess it shows you the power of the media and the extent bias plays.
Obama was a Marxist and these lefty liberals are all tools. We see what happens right here on the Forum.. Express an opposite opinion such has there is no scientific proof that masks help protect anyone from COVID and one gets attacked by the resident Forum Marxist harpies with threats of violence who claim THEY are the ones being attacked. Classic Saul Alinsky.
Obama was a corporatist. A global elitist.
What came out of his mouth was "I love the little guy"... what came out of his policies was "I love the fat cats".
If you were to honestly and accurately state what was the outcome of the Obama Presidency to the most extent - the answer is the rich got a helluva lot richer while everyone else suffered to make that happen.
And somehow, the left say he saved the economy.
Mind boggling ignorant.
They require shoes for the most part also. Shop elsewhere.

I still see the signs on the doors but I would say it's 50/50 those wearing and those not.
The 'shirt and shoes' requirement never had anything to do with enforcing health codes so, equating that with mask wearing is a non starter. It is true, however, that stores, restaurants, etc. have the right to refuse service to anyone. Unless, of course, that person is a gay, black woman. In that event, rights are thrown out the window.
What in the world does that have to do with Marxism?

I promote it if it's the local ordinance, or if someone just wants to.

Outside of that, I don't give a shit.
Then what are you doing here saying things like wearing a mask is 'playing is safe?' There is no scientific evidence to support that, only central government edict. Why are you here catagorizing folks with different opinions 'wormy?' Seems to me you are either a Marxist or a stupid Marxist tool.
Abundance of caution and other garbage phrases from The Hoax are euphemism for freedom robbing and very quaint virtue signaling
You dumb and incorrect libs must stop saying that private businesses can do whatever they want against whoever they want
They require shoes for the most part also. Shop elsewhere.

I still see the signs on the doors but I would say it's 50/50 those wearing and those not.
The 'shirt and shoes' requirement never had anything to do with enforcing health codes so, equating that with mask wearing is a non starter. It is true, however, that stores, restaurants, etc. have the right to refuse service to anyone. Unless, of course, that person is a gay, black woman. In that event, rights are thrown out the window.

Of course it was a health code issue.
I wear a mask were expected and required...Doesn't bother me a bit. Attack me for it and I'll pop you in the mouth

Expressing one's opinion is not 'ranting' you tool.
And yet you are calling people Marxists and're ranting. You have gone FAR beyond expressing your opinion
I see no one ATTACKING you here yet you threaten violence.
Read the first quote. If someone attacks me for wearing a mask there is a high likelihood that they will get popped in the mouth. That's not "threatening violence" that's defending oneself.

And that makes me a Marxist?

Your "opinions" are clearly fucked
Obama was a corporatist. A global elitist.
What came out of his mouth was "I love the little guy"... what came out of his policies was "I love the fat cats".
If you were to honestly and accurately state what was the outcome of the Obama Presidency to the most extent - the answer is the rich got a helluva lot richer while everyone else suffered to make that happen.
And somehow, the left say he saved the economy.
Mind boggling ignorant.
Obama was a corporatist as long as the corporation had leftist-Marxist ideals. Corporatism is actually collectivist which is a tenet of Marxism. Obama studied Alinsky concepts and methods and, by all accounts, was a good student. Like most Marxists he turned tyrannical when given power.

Study Saul Alinsky to Understand Barack Obama - Competitive Enterprise Institute
I wear a mask were expected and required...Doesn't bother me a bit. Attack me for it and I'll pop you in the mouth

Expressing one's opinion is not 'ranting' you tool.
And yet you are calling people Marxists and're ranting. You have gone FAR beyond expressing your opinion
I see no one ATTACKING you here yet you threaten violence.
Read the first quote. If someone attacks me for wearing a mask there is a high likelihood that they will get popped in the mouth. That's not "threatening violence" that's defending oneself.

And that makes me a Marxist?

Your "opinions" are clearly fucked
No one here was attacking you yet you saw fit to say you would pop them in the mouth. Hysterical much?
That is different than your constantly stated private businesses can do what they want. They can’t
Correct, as we have seen, private businesses can be attacked for not serving the Democrat entitled class.
This may be difficult for someone like you to understand, but not everyone shares your definition of "playing it safe". I'm not going to attack someone simply because they're choosing to be careful based on their priorities and perspectives.

Maybe someone wearing a mask has a pre-existing lung condition. Or maybe they lost a loved one to COVID. Or maybe they'd just rather wear a mask for now.

You're so desperate to feel superior to others that you're attacking out of pure ignorance. Maybe live and let live, for a change.
No, you're the one that seems to think wearing a mask is "playing it safe.'' Those are your words and, no one here has suggested stopping anyone from wearing a mask so you are being deceitful there. I'm the one who believes in live and let live, you, on the other hand, think everyone should 'play is safe' and wear a mask. Also, your depiction of those with whom you disagreee as 'worms' tells volumes about your lack of regard for others' opinions. Other than that, your arrogance seems to know no bounds.
I didn't say that you "suggested stopping anyone from wearing a mask."

So, now I know you're a liar. Dismissed.
If they can refuse service for religious purposes then perhaps masks are a religious reason. You can't have it both ways.

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