Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Dummy we are discussing mask use.

Your nutbag conspiracy theories about Faucci are entirely irrelavant to the FACT of the deadly pandemic and a need to mitigate it.

If you had even half a brain you wouldn't need me to explain that to you.
Wear your seven masks and hide under your bed, fag.
Leave everyone else ALONE!!!!!!
Looking at the stats, I notice the Tremendous Nation of Uganda has a much lower rate than America. I wonder if the fact that Uganda doesn't glorify sodomy has anything to do with it?
Stupid posts like this are why the USA has the highest rate of disease, death, and economic displacement from covid in the world.

Still incapable of doing your own research FuckBoi? What a lazy little shit you are.
you still don't understand how this works in the board huh? make a claim, you back it up, isn't our responsibility to prove you right, that burden falls on you and your peers. It's apparent it doesn't exist, otherwise there'd be data for you to post up here and yell, nanny nanny boo boo!!!! fk off canadian.
Right. That’s why drs and nurses wear them during surgeries.

Because they’re so ineffective.
hahhaahahahahahahahahahahaha dude, they wear them for Bacteria infections, fk you all still don't understand anything about anything. You should really avoid the media, they educate into stupid and then you step up and declare your stupid loudly. hahaahahahahaahahahahaha, it's called fking BACTERIA!!!!!!
Not there to prevent viruses, Moron.

This has already been covered in this thread.
Don't you fking just crack up with the amount of stupid the demofks throw around in here daily. That douche doesn't know the difference between bacteria and virus. hahahahaahhahahahahahahaha, can't make it up. They obviously don't mind being foolish frequently.
Yea? Whats this nutbag?




look at you stepping out displaying all your stupid. Do you know why dr.s and nurses wear masks and gloves during surgery? I knew you didn't.
Ohhh, you mean masks actually work to limit infection?

But then why can't you put two and two togather and understand that this is the reason they were recomended?

Are you stupid of something?
of bacteria for sure, science proves it, because, the particles are large enough for the fibers in the masks to stop. But not something small like a virus. You should go to school and learn how to investigate.
Sorry MAGAT.
I use reason, logic, and a wealth of knowledge and experience.
I DON'T do what Trump says and unlike so many of your fellow MAGATS, I'M ALIVE.

naw!!!!!!!!! never, media tells you to behave and you do.
They also wear them around patients in the hospital.
for bacteria infections, not viruses. still broadcasting all your stupid huh? They're called open wounds and open wounds carry........................................BACTERIA!!!!!!!
When you're talking to shitheads it's important to get their attention by calling your names.
because sure as shit you don't have any material of any value to share in here. name calling is all you got, we know. Tell us something new............................DOH!!!
Don't need more.
You opened the dick door.
The dick is on you.
And your screen saver
Your phone

You guys aren't real good at that "secret identity" thing are you?
so it was. gotcha. Thanks for validating my post.

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